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Most hated character


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I forgot one.

Aversa. And I can legitimately say that I hate her.

:(: I like her. Shes damn hilarious to me for some reason. Plus she ended up amazeballs on my Avatar/Aversa run. I <3 Shadowgift.

Why is Sumia hated? She's cute and harmless.

I know. She seems like a nice girl. :(: I think people are a little too hard on poor Sumia.

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There are several characters that I strongly dislike, but I don't think I actually hate any of them.

Micaiah. Before I actually started playing RD, I thought I would like her. The "ohmaigawd the Priestess of Light saved us all ohmaigawd Silver-haired maiden" thing got pretty old though. Especially considering that her stats are abysmal when you first get her.

Eliwood. Gary stue. Enough said.

FE:A's Avatar. Probably my least favorite of the listed characters. In his/her supports with Henry and Walhart, he/she essentially just barfs rainbows and sunshine everywhere. It doesn't help that he/she's supposed to represent the player. I find myself silently screaming "this isn't me!" pretty often.

Sumia- sort of. I couldn't stand her at first, but I guess she's sort of growing on me. I don't like her overly "moe" personality that much though.

I hope nobody finds this offensive. e u e

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Sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like I hate someone for sexual preferences.

Except that you're posting Heather, in a thread titled "most hated character", and saying that one of your reasons for doing so is her sexual preference. So it certainly sounds like you hate her for her sexual preference.
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FE:A's Avatar. Probably my least favorite of the listed characters. In his/her supports with Henry and Walhart, he/she essentially just barfs rainbows and sunshine everywhere. It doesn't help that he/she's supposed to represent the player. I find myself silently screaming "this isn't me!" pretty often.

Id hope my shameless self-insert Mary Sue barfs rainbows. :P:

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Id hope my shameless self-insert Mary Sue barfs rainbows. :P:


^ Hahaha. XD

I'm not like that in real life either, but then again, I never exactly treated the Avatar as a self-insert. I made them their own individual character. Author in me won't stop. -_-

Oh, and it's alright Carys. :) This is a thread about people's opinions, and it's not offensive at all.

... Didn't someone respond to me - oh yeah. Florina! Virion, is that you? Name change?

See, I don't mind her backstory. It's pretty sad, and I do feel bad for her. But she's such a conniving, manipulative bitch that by the time I got a hold of her in her paralogue I was already sick of her. Not to mention that I'm playing my female Avatar at the moment, and she decides to run up and instigate the world's most pointless catfight. Hell no you are not taking Silvia's place as tactician, and hell no you're not stealing Olivia's husband.

Edited by Vashiane
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^ Hahaha. XD

I'm not like that in real life either, but then again, I never exactly treated the Avatar as a self-insert. I made them their own individual character. Author in me won't stop. -_-

I named my Avatar after myself. Ended up regretting it 'cuz it was pretty awkward watching "me" run around on a little screen. I was too lazy to restart though xD

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It seems like people dislike Sumia for similar reasons to why I dislike Haar.

Since these are VG characters who we view passively rather than people we interact with, being pleasant won't necessary make you likeable. And the inverse is true for the likes of Soren and Tharja.

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Except that you're posting Heather, in a thread titled "most hated character", and saying that one of your reasons for doing so is her sexual preference. So it certainly sounds like you hate her for her sexual preference.

That was just a side note. I really don't like Heather because of how useless she is. Now if they'd have made her a different class, then maybe she'd be more useful and I'd use her.

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There are plenty of reasons to dislike Heather as a character that don't involve hating somebody for their sexual orientation.

I don't like Heather because her sexual orientation is done pretty poorly IMO. "Oh I want to help you, you're a cute girl~" to Nephenee and Brom is supposedly a pervert for talking to her >_<

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I'm quite surprised that Awakening doesn't have a psycho lesbian type character. Seems anime enough for the game.

Inigo and Owain are probably my least favorite characters for being such massive tools. Owain especially irks me because I really hate it when characters exist just for fanservice or are "super random whacky" characters and Owain fits both of those tropes.

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I'm quite surprised that Awakening doesn't have a psycho lesbian type character. Seems anime enough for the game.

Tharja basically is with a female avatar.

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I don't like Heather because her sexual orientation is done pretty poorly IMO. "Oh I want to help you, you're a cute girl~" to Nephenee and Brom is supposedly a pervert for talking to her >_<

Exactly, her execution has a lot of stereotypes stuffed into it and she just comes off as unreasonably annoying, even for an unashamedly one-note character. She'd be grating no matter what sexuality, though her being a stereotypical representation of an underrepresented group might make her even worse than something like a het character refusing to interact with anybody they weren't chasing after.

Edited by Rehab
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That was just a side note. I really don't like Heather because of how useless she is. Now if they'd have made her a different class, then maybe she'd be more useful and I'd use her.

Yes because thief utility in a team where otherwise, there would be no thief utility, is totally useless. :rolleyes:

People dont use Heather for combat reasons unless they are dicking around their runs for the funzies.

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Yes because thief utility in a team where otherwise, there would be no thief utility, is totally useless. :rolleyes:

People dont use Heather for combat reasons unless they are dicking around their runs for the funzies.

Yep, exactly, it totally is! :D: Just bring over the Unlock Staff, since you have Sothe in the first part for pretty much all of it you won't ever need it, and there are no chests at all for the time you have Heather and only one item worth stealing which is in the Endgame of Part 2, then by the time you get her again you'll also be getting Illyana again whom you could use to carry over the Unlock Staff. Any use Heather potentially has is very limited.

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Exactly, her execution has a lot of stereotypes stuffed into it and she just comes off as unreasonably annoying, even for an unashamedly one-note character. She'd be grating no matter what sexuality, though her being a stereotypical representation of an underrepresented group might make her even worse than something like a het character refusing to interact with anybody they weren't chasing after.

Now that's a much better reasoning for disliking Heather than simply "not supporting" her sexual orientation (like what does that even mean)

Edited by Owain Dark
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Now that's a much better reasoning for disliking Heather than simply "not supporting" her sexual orientation (like what does that even mean)

Exactly what it says. I'm not going to go any deeper because I can already tell I'm getting a bad reputation for it. I have also already stated that I don't dislike or hate people based on their sexual preferences, if you read my other posts you'll see I've already said it was just a side note but not something I dislike or hate for. Stating my opinion in a way I was trying to be humorous about is one of my ways to settle into a new community. I'm sorry if it offends you and anyone else. Guess I'm Not aloud to believe something different than the majority of a community.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Maribelle. Annoying as hell Troubadour who practically lets herself get kidnapped in the very beginning of Awakening. Just...ugh. I only used her to marry Chrom, and then I permanently benched her. Girl be annoying as hell.

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Maribelle. Annoying as hell Troubadour who practically lets herself get kidnapped in the very beginning of Awakening. Just...ugh. I only used her to marry Chrom, and then I permanently benched her. Girl be annoying as hell.

Not the type to be patient with "spoiled brat ojousama" types, eh?

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Isn't that already Lissa's stick?

Lissa, surprisingly, has other issues. Maribelle's the pushier of the two, by far.

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Lissa, surprisingly, has other issues. Maribelle's the pushier of the two, by far.

...you should really see my face in the light of this revelation. ...Oh...My...God.


And to think that Lissa was the main reason that I decided after the demo that I am really not masochistic enough for Awakening.

Edited by BrightBow
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...you should really see my face in the light of this revelation. ...Oh...My...God.


And to think that Lissa was the main reason that I decided after the demo that I am really not masochistic enough for Awakening.

Of the two, Lissa's got better development, IMO. Maribelle's more prim and proper, while Lissa's a mix of naivety and tomboyishness.

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Maribelle isn't bad at all. She's of the spoiled noble archetype, but she does a far greater job at being likeable then characters like Clarine or Serra.

As for Lissa I don't really care for her. She's not a really offensive character in my eyes, but i'm not seeing a great character in her either.

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