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Tharja is really bad due to child abuse and it's implied she rapes Robin in their A support.

...I'm sorry?

I don't remember any implications like this in either the Japanese or English version.

And you damn well know Japanese is all about implications.

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At first, I hated Vaida, and I still don't like Rifis/Lifis, but my most hated character is Kent.

Kent is the biggest hypocrite of every FE (at least amongst the playable character).

He's a manipulative jerk with a holier-than-thou attitude. He will use all the lowest actions, and,use his "great principles" to get what he wants,

Kent X Lyn is basically him playing loyalty to get Lyn's Heart. Kent X Fiora is one of the worst support content wise.

He starts boring and unlikable, but if you think a little about him, you see how truly bad he is. (And if you like Sain, you obligatory have to like Kent. Kent uses Sain as a mean to makes himself looks better

The villain characters generally gets what they deserves.

Even Tharja is somewhat addressed, and her support with Nowi made me like her a little more.

Severa have more or less a female Kent as a mother(Though Fiora would be a better comparison, and a Female Kent would have eliminated Sumia, and wouldn't have hesitated one second to get Chrom...). You can understand why she grew up like that.

Kent never gets punished or addressed. That's the worst for me.

He is like every corrupt ploitician or executive.

To resume, for those of you who played Ace Attorney :

Kent is Matt Engarde


..Dude, Kent may be fairly cliche, but I'm having a hard time understanding what it is you're seeing that has you calling him the equivalent of

a man who pissed off a rival for the hell of it when he knew the consequences could be said rival breaking an engagement with said man's ex, thought nothing of said ex committing suicide afterwards, later had said rival killed to protect his reputation, and then had a lawyer's best friend kidnapped and threatened to kill them just to force said lawyer to defend him for nothing.

Examining the circumstances of the supports, it may be that Kent was being emotionally manipulative to both Lyn and Fiora in their supports, but it's also more than possible that he's just playing the old role of the stiff, romance-challenged professional. I think like two people would have to die, and at least three additional people would have to endure extreme emotional duress at Kent's hands, before he could lay claim to Engarde's level of ruthless, sadistic sociopathy.

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For Playable characters? Tharja. Go die please. Oh wait, can't condemn Noire because of you're an awful person. I guess you get to live.

For NPCs/Enemies? Eldigan. What. An. Idiot.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Est for just running away from her problems, and doesn't have the maturity to break it off cleanly with Abel, her committed husband. Now if Abel was abusive I can understand, but there's zero evidence of that and all the evidence to the contrary, where he sacrifices a lot for her sake.They had vows and promises to each other and if she doesn't want to be with him anymore, the least she could've done is tell him they're over. She entered this marriage on her own will (again, no evidence to contrary), and she should act responsibly when she wants out.

Then there's the fact that she keeps on getting herself into trouble and making her sisters worried.

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Rolfie - I wish he would shoot his eye out.

DorcASS - Ugly mother fucker.

FE:A's Avatar - Wierd, I know. Just kinda bugs me from a story-wise perspective.

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... Honestly? This is sorta off topic, but I think it's pretty disgusting to judge a female character solely based on whether they would be a good wife or not. Like... women are people, too, not just wives/mothers. But whatever... I guess that's understandable, since Awakening is pretty fanservicey and emphasizes the whole matchmaking aspect, but still...

Anyway, Tharja is pretty bad, yes. Not even getting into how awful a mother she is, she's blatant pandering to a specific kind of fan, and that's... not good. I mean, I know that you could make that case for every other character in the game; heck, the game encourages you to marry them! But most of them aren't *just* fanservice and there's more to them, while Tharja is entirely a fanservice character made to pander to a specific demographic, and there's really nothing more to her. A female character whose main trait is that she has "the nicest body in the army", who is obsessed with the self-insert character to the point where she's a complete yandere? Yeah, totally pandering to a certain portion of the male fanbase right there. Which is... really not a good way to write a female character, or a character of any gender at all.

(In a completely unrelated note, I don't like how Awakening made some female characters way more fanservicey/sexualized than other games in the series... like how female riders don't wear any pants and all that. I miss Senri Kita's great female character designs...)

Other than that, hmm... I don't like Ninian. I agree that her "sacrifice" felt really cheap... And I think Ike is overrated. If Micaiah is a Mary Sue, then what does that make Ike? I don't *hate* him, but I don't like how a large part of the fanbase idolizes him...

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Catria. Ever since I played Shadow Dragon, I hated her looks, I hated her as a unit and I still hate her a loooot. Well, not hate, but just, extreme dislike.

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What is everyone's opinion about Niime since she isn't taking the grandmother of the year award either, considering how she did't even bother to heal Hugh when he was injured.

Also was Est' reason for leaving Abel explained in fe12 since they do have base conversations together if I recall it correctly.

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Looks wise, Lowen and Makalov's hairdo (and Kyle to a lesser degree) is just too weird for me to use them.

Personality-wise, a lot of characters are bland or have barely any back story (especially FE1-2-3) but that doesn't really count.

I'd say most hated is Excellus, extremely unpleasant to look at and horrible personality, a boring villain.

Edited by Nostalgia
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Well, Tharja because... well, I don't even know where to start.

For one thing, she is an absolutely awful character.
She is a stalker and a chaotic force of evil. And that's it. Besides trying to get into MU's pants, she has no drive whatsoever. No dreams or ambitions, whatever. If she wasn't busy being an evil stalker, she wouldn't have anything to do.,

She is as shallow as it gets: A character who has no live besides serving as a Yandere fetish for the player avatar.

And as a bonus, she wears the most awful outfit one can imagine. An all see through with heavy metal rings on the most inconvenient places and the most insane high heels I have ever seen.
Seeing how she is a coward who tries to keep her head out of danger, such an practical and comfortable outfit definitely suits her...

Besides, few things grind my gears more then villains who don't get their just desert. Especially if you have some fluffy phantasy world that make the Silver Age come across as an Era of serious story telling by comparison.

It's like having the Joker from the Christopher Nolan movies on a rampage in Ponyville.

But this evil person is tolerated by the army, not by tricking the leader like Lifis or because she can be controlled like Jaffar or even Oliver...
No, but by attacking people at random and raping the most trusted adjutant of the group leader. And generally being pretty open about the fact that she is Awakening's equivalent of Valter...

Except of course I don't remember Valter ever being alone with an unconscious Eirika while giggling to himself before the end of the scene.

And I don't think he got to freaking marry her for that!

So on top of being an awful character herself, she makes anyone else in the party look insanely incompetent by simply existing.

And besides, if supposed "Heroes" are unwilling to protect even their supposed closets friends from a monster like that, then they deserves to get their future eaten by a giant dragon!

Edited by BrightBow
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Severa is the perfect allegory for Awakening's subpar cast (compared to the series' best, at least).

She is a terrible, terrible character.

Even though I do kind of like Severa's design I can't deny that she's basically ripped straight from an anime trope.

She's just the Tsundere to Tharja's Yandere.

As much as I like cute anime girls It does kind of bother me that I'm using those phrases to discribe Fire Emblem characters.

I must admit that now the initial 'it's perfect' glow has faded and I can see the cast with more context I'm beginning to appreciate the valid criticms of Awakening.

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I think that might be going a little too far. I'm no fan of Tharja when the avater or Noire are involved, but she certainly isn't a bloodthirsty psycho like Valter was. Besides I highly doubt she actually raped him when he was out cold.

Like I said she is really distastefull when she talks with MU or Noire, but she's not that terrible when she interacts with other characters. She frequently uses her spells to help other characters like Gregor and Libra and I believe Virion (could be someone else though) figures out most of the things she makes him do with her curses benefit the other people in the army.

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Though I don't like her as a mother, judging solely her actions in the present, I think Tharja's relationship with the Avatar is funny. But then again, I also don't see where anyone is deriving rape aside from "it sounds like something she'd do", so whatever. Sexual harassment, maybe, but I don't think it'd be full-on rape. Hell, when I read it the first time, I just pictured her, like, standing around her and being all up in her personal space focusing on her fine details, maybe animating her body as though she were dark helmet playing with his dolls. :L

I don't care much for her costume, I suppose, but I don't think she's that bad. If there's someone from Awakening that I can't stand, it's Cordelia. Actually, Cordelia and Sumia. They're both too obsessed with Chrom for their own good, and one's basically a flat-out Mary Sue* everyone overlooks because she's hot while the other tries too hard to be the canon interest while either being incredibly flat or incredibly malicious in the process, depending on whether Miriel was seeing things - although I don't like her design either.

My least favorite character in all the games I've played, though? Definitely Serra.

*this term is through around a lot, but severa is literally the only character i don't see constantly praising her and calling her a genius, beautiful, perfect, and what have you; the only 'flaws' she's ever called out for in the game are not being confident in all of her abilities that are better than the other characters, and having small breasts. Neither of these things are actual flaws. She even gets bonus points for having likely the best class selection in the first generation, solid modifiers, effortless recruitment, and absolutely pulling a last-of-her-kind even harder than Panne does.

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Validar for being a totally uninspired, bland, laughable, unecessary antagonist. He hijacks Awakening's plot not once, but TWICE, from much better villains (Gangrel, then Walhart--and I hate Walhart so you can see how I feel about Validar by comparison). He has zero personality and zero motivation. His ultimate role in the story could have been filled by Aversa or even by keeping Gangrel around longer. He literally contributes nothing to the plot save a tiny bit of character development for Aversa in her backstory that, again, could easily have been achieved without him. He actually damages the plot and pretty much everything I disliked about Awakening can be traced directly to him.

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Let the husbando and waifu wars begin for insulting their honor.


Horrible mother. Unforgivable sin for me.

I was going to say Est because she's a useless unit and stole Abel from my precious Palla, but this. Child abuse is never okay. She's literally the only character I've considered killing just because.

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