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I don't like Heather because her sexual orientation is done pretty poorly IMO. "Oh I want to help you, you're a cute girl~" to Nephenee and Brom is supposedly a pervert for talking to her >_<

Isn't this pretty much the same as all the other "playboy" characters we get? Sain, Gatrie, Virion, etc

I despise them all, too.

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Sain and Gatrie at least (simply don't know whether Virion does, not saying he does or doesn't) don't have much in the way of "guys are gross" moments, and there are a lot of people of their sexual orientation in the series that haven't been portrayed that way. Heather's kind of all we've got of unambiguous fxf so far, arguably even the only unambiguously homosexual character, and they made that one character a caricature.

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Maribelle isn't bad at all. She's of the spoiled noble archetype, but she does a far greater job at being likeable then characters like Clarine or Serra.

But Serra is freaking hilarious.

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I don't mind people being smart but she completely ignores the perks of all social interaction in favor of some trivial science experiment in order to blindly gain more knowledge. Smart but not wise. Hearing her talk makes me cringe.

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Sain and Gatrie at least (simply don't know whether Virion does, not saying he does or doesn't) don't have much in the way of "guys are gross" moments, and there are a lot of people of their sexual orientation in the series that haven't been portrayed that way. Heather's kind of all we've got of unambiguous fxf so far, arguably even the only unambiguously homosexual character, and they made that one character a caricature.

Virion digs Libra. :P:

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Ike and Frederick

Ninian and Olivia

e: Virion for the poster above me :P:

.....what other sets of people's favorite characters are there (also Shin picked Horace, why didn't Horace pick Shin)

Edited by shadykid
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Ike and Frederick

Ninian and Olivia

e: Virion for the poster above me :P:

.....what other sets of people's favorite characters are there (also Shin picked Horace, why didn't Horace pick Shin)

Sir, you are the best member of this forum... for today.

I have not had a good laugh today. You just gave me it.

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Ike and Frederick

Ninian and Olivia

e: Virion for the poster above me :P:

.....what other sets of people's favorite characters are there (also Shin picked Horace, why didn't Horace pick Shin)


You earned it.

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I'm also not very fond of Heather. I don't like lesbian characters in anything.

Do... you have a reason, for this?

Neimi is the worst, because she's shit and a disgrace to her class and her personality is literally 'implodes into tears when anything bad happens'. Also she's the reason for FE9 Rolf, and FE9 Rolf at least had the decency to turn into FE10 Rolf who was a bit alright.

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Do... you have a reason, for this?

Of course I have a reason for this. I don't like gay pairings. Why? They make me feel uncomfortable and nauseated. I don't like to read or see that stuff in my entertainment, because it's not very "entertaining" for me.

And just to specify so people don't absurdly assume that I'm some hate nut that chases gay rights activists around with pitchforks (because in most cases people are so sensitive about my opinion that they make unfounded assumptions about it and somehow become offended by my personal preferences), I can care less if someone else likes gay pairings or is gay themselves. I don't "hate" gays, but I'm not going to pretend I have a preference for same sex on same sex relations. People have just as much right to be into it as I do to dislike having to see it in my entertainment.

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Of course I have a reason for this. I don't like gay pairings. Why? They make me feel uncomfortable and nauseated. I don't like to read or see that stuff in my entertainment, because it's not very "entertaining" for me.

And just to specify so people don't absurdly assume that I'm some hate nut that chases gay rights activists around with pitchforks (because in most cases people are so sensitive about my opinion that they make unfounded assumptions about it and somehow become offended by my personal preferences), I can care less if someone else likes gay pairings or is gay themselves. I don't "hate" gays, but I'm not going to pretend I have a preference for same sex on same sex relations. People have just as much right to be into it as I do to dislike having to see it in my entertainment.

So what is your opinion then on homosexual people who absolutely loathe how much heterosexual relationships are shoved in everybody's faces in the vast majority of all media everywhere since the beginning of time, and who have to deal with the portrayal of something they can't relate to that much more often?

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Of course I have a reason for this. I don't like gay pairings. Why? They make me feel uncomfortable and nauseated. I don't like to read or see that stuff in my entertainment, because it's not very "entertaining" for me.

Hey, watch what you say. Furetchen easily takes offense to comments like this and I won't watch someone insult one of my friends. I'm not a fan of yaoi or yuri either, but I don't go around saying it makes me want to puke or some shit.

Edited by Anacybele
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Of course I have a reason for this. I don't like gay pairings. Why? They make me feel uncomfortable and nauseated. I don't like to read or see that stuff in my entertainment, because it's not very "entertaining" for me.

And just to specify so people don't absurdly assume that I'm some hate nut that chases gay rights activists around with pitchforks (because in most cases people are so sensitive about my opinion that they make unfounded assumptions about it and somehow become offended by my personal preferences), I can care less if someone else likes gay pairings or is gay themselves. I don't "hate" gays, but I'm not going to pretend I have a preference for same sex on same sex relations. People have just as much right to be into it as I do to dislike having to see it in my entertainment.

You have a right to discriminate, but that doesn't mean other people won't see you as a bigot.

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So what is your opinion then on homosexual people who absolutely loathe how much heterosexual relationships are shoved in everybody's faces in the vast majority of all media everywhere since the beginning of time, and who have to deal with the portrayal of something they can't relate to that much more often?

It's perfectly fine with me if they don't like straight pairings.

Everyone has their own preferences.

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I hate Cordelia so much based entirely on her support with Fred and how she mentions Chrom all the time. All. The. Time. Even when Fred proposes she's like "I love Chrom but I suppose you're a good second place." I mean WTF is that? That is like the worst way of saying "yes" I have ever seen and I can't believe anyone, let alone Fred, would actually let that fly.

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Do... you have a reason, for this?

Neimi is the worst, because she's shit and a disgrace to her class and her personality is literally 'implodes into tears when anything bad happens'. Also she's the reason for FE9 Rolf, and FE9 Rolf at least had the decency to turn into FE10 Rolf who was a bit alright.

B-But... Neimi is... Neimi! :blink: How could you...

Nah I'm just kidding. Like who you like, don't like who you don't :P:

Of course I have a reason for this. I don't like gay pairings. Why? They make me feel uncomfortable and nauseated. I don't like to read or see that stuff in my entertainment, because it's not very "entertaining" for me.

And just to specify so people don't absurdly assume that I'm some hate nut that chases gay rights activists around with pitchforks (because in most cases people are so sensitive about my opinion that they make unfounded assumptions about it and somehow become offended by my personal preferences), I can care less if someone else likes gay pairings or is gay themselves. I don't "hate" gays, but I'm not going to pretend I have a preference for same sex on same sex relations. People have just as much right to be into it as I do to dislike having to see it in my entertainment.

Yay I'm not the only one :D:

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I hate Cordelia so much based entirely on her support with Fred and how she mentions Chrom all the time. All. The. Time. Even when Fred proposes she's like "I love Chrom but I suppose you're a good second place." I mean WTF is that? That is like the worst way of saying "yes" I have ever seen and I can't believe anyone, let alone Fred, would actually let that fly.

I read that S support the other day and nowhere did I see Cordelia make a comment like that. People are free to dislike whomever they want, but personally, I'm getting sick of Cordelia getting all this hate just because of her Chrom issue. Have you ever loved someone that never paid any attention to you? Do you know how it feels for someone you love to choose someone else instead? I'll tell you, it feels like a stab in the stomach. I should know, I've been down that route more than once.

And it isn't Cordelia's fault that IS decided to be lazy and not have some of her lines change after she gets married either.

EDIT: Oh, and not to mention that Cordelia's own childhood friend is able to take Chrom instead. I can't imagine how hard this must be for her. This is the reason Cordelia needs a dedicated, loyal man like Frederick or Stahl for a husband. I feel they'd be capable of helping her cope with such pain.

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I read that S support the other day and nowhere did I see Cordelia make a comment like that. People are free to dislike whomever they want, but personally, I'm getting sick of Cordelia getting all this hate just because of her Chrom issue. Have you ever loved someone that never payed any attention to you? Do you know how it feels for someone you love to choose someone else instead? I'll tell you, it feels like a stab in the stomach. I should know, I've been down that route more than once.

And it isn't Cordelia's fault that IS decided to be lazy and not have some of her lines change after she gets married either.

This is why I don't invest a lot of emotions into my crushes. I can have my fun and not get hurt later.

You know, that entire argument reminds me of someone I came across on Youtube, who insisted that Sumia was the biggest scumbag to walk the earth because she knew of her friend's crush on Chrom and went after him anyway.

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This is why I don't invest a lot of emotions into my crushes. I can have my fun and not get hurt later.

You know, that entire argument reminds me of someone I came across on Youtube, who insisted that Sumia was the biggest scumbag to walk the earth because she knew of her friend's crush on Chrom and went after him anyway.

Well, that's you. Some of us take love more seriously. As for Sumia, at first glance, that does look like an awful thing to do to your friend, to be honest. But if she didn't know before realizing her own feelings, then that's not her fault.

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I read that S support the other day and nowhere did I see Cordelia make a comment like that. People are free to dislike whomever they want, but personally, I'm getting sick of Cordelia getting all this hate just because of her Chrom issue. Have you ever loved someone that never paid any attention to you? Do you know how it feels for someone you love to choose someone else instead? I'll tell you, it feels like a stab in the stomach. I should know, I've been down that route more than once.

And it isn't Cordelia's fault that IS decided to be lazy and not have some of her lines change after she gets married either.

EDIT: Oh, and not to mention that Cordelia's own childhood friend is able to take Chrom instead. I can't imagine how hard this must be for her. This is the reason Cordelia needs a dedicated, loyal man like Frederick or Stahl for a husband. I feel they'd be capable of helping her cope with such pain.

Who cares if Chrom didn't pay attention to Cordelia? Who cares if it's hard for her? Does that make cheating okay? Cordelia still doesn't have the decency to just not talk to Chrom when she's married with children. Cordelia cheated on her husband emotionally by acting on her feelings for Chrom by talking to him.

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Who cares if Chrom didn't pay attention to Cordelia? Who cares if it's hard for her? Does that make cheating okay? Cordelia still doesn't have the decency to just not talk to Chrom when she's married with children. Cordelia cheated on her husband emotionally by acting on her feelings for Chrom by talking to him.

Who said? Where does this happen? If you're going by what Severa says, she's just full of crap because of the shit she had to deal with in her future. And also, that's the bad future's Cordelia anyway, not the present one. Our Cordelia could wind up differently for all we know.

Also, she has a right to still care about Chrom even if she's married to someone else.

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Who said? Where does this happen? If you're going by what Severa says, she's just full of crap because of the shit she had to deal with in her future. And also, that's the bad future's Cordelia anyway, not the present one. Our Cordelia could wind up differently for all we know.

Also, she has a right to still care about Chrom even if she's married to someone else.

Severa is just full of crap? Lol, why would she lie about why she hates her mother? Where's the motive? Stop making up crap.

And here's what Cordelia thinks when Chrom is married:


Golden sand... Swaying palms... Could anything be more romantic? If only we could be here alone, just the two of us... Oh, but listen to me. I promised myself I'd stop dreaming of him...

I...I AM feeling flushed and hot...but it's nothing to do with the weather... This...this heat is in my soul! I'm overcome with emotion and drowning in joy! To be blessed with a rare opportunity to speak with Chrom himself... Why, it's almost more excitement than my poor heart can stand!

Oh! Oh, no! No, that's not what I—I wasn't criticizing you! You're a WONDERFUL leader, and you ALWAYS take time to talk to your people! When I say "rare," what I mean is...I just wish we could speak more often, and then... Argh! I'm doing it again! Cordelia—these silly fantasies have got to stop!

Y-your ARM? You want me—Cordelia—to...to touch your ARM?! I...I can't take this anymore...I feel so...happy...I could die...

Ohh...I will, Chrom... I WILL... I wouldn't miss this moment for the world... Now, I'll just place my hands here...on your muscular forearm... ...... ......

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