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I still fail to see how confidence is supposed to work


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I'm personnally a firm believer in the virtue of doubt, but confidence is needed in small amount.

You have to have just enough confidence not to depends always on others. If you're always searching for others' aprobation, you won't go far.

In fact, It's more about knowing really where is our place, and what we're able to do.

Confidence is needed to be able to do the first(s) step(s).

Edited by TendaSlime
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I suppose its value is subjective. To a pragmatist such as yourself, confidence may be insubstantial, but to each their own.

Confidence is a powerful feeling. If you feel as if you can do it, anything is possible.

Take this statement, for example. It holds truth as well.

Edited by Green Poet
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The idea inherent in the message is that if you are confident in yourself and what you're doing, then you will stick with it and improve your chances of ultimately achieving whatever goal you have set for yourself by virtue of expecting to be able to succeed.

Let's say, in an impossible hypothetical scneario, that I don't know how to forge the most perfect tea, but I wish to become a grand tea master. If I am confident in my ability to master brewlore, even if that confidence is not wholly informed by quantifiable factors, then I am much more likely to dedicate myself to honing my teacraft for the many eons it will take to produce a grand elixir tea than one who believes they will never forge anything greater than an unappetizing sewage such as coffee. The latter person is apt to resign themself (I am confident that singular they's are universally understood and should be recognized by all English speakers as grammatically sound) to pursuing an ideal that is less difficult but infinitely less rewarding, perhaps street urination, because they lack the confidence to make their dreams a reality.

Confidence is not the same thing as arrogance or hubris, and I think it's very important to make the distinction because many people make fallacious arguments against confidence as a viable motivation on the basis that these are all equivalent concepts. Take Hikarusa, for example. He is incredibly arrogant. I find it remarkable that he yet lives, for such arrogance leads to rash behavior stemming from ridiculously uninformed decision making. Hikarusa's arrogance led him to believe he could get away with giving himself strange nicknames years ago that earned the ire of this websites administration and a permanent ban. If he had lived vicariously through the forum he probably would have died of heartbreak. Thankfully he is immune to such emotions. And luckily for him his permanent ban was impermanent. It is only because of these two reasons that he never descended down the dark and windy path of doom and gloom which would have led to him never attempting to achieve any aims or ideals worthy of admiration (like forging great teas). When true arrogance is smashed it is converted into the vilest of succubi: unconfidence.

Confidence is different. If someone fails to achieve something they are truly confident they can succeed at, they either have the fortitude to learn from the experience and use that knowledge to make future strides of progress (because they are confidence gives them reason to continue even when they fail), or they pursue another path better suited to their skills (because their confidence prevents them from giving up on everything when they realize their first choice of supreme dream goal was stupid or unachievable).

Look at how successfully Nightmare projects his confidence. Never does he comes across as arrogant or full of himself (unless your impressions of him are incorrect; if this is the case you'd be well advised to correct them). This confidence is borne of steely determination and a beautiful countenance. As a grand lord master dreadnought tea master, catechins are his body and theanine is his blood. But even he started from somewhere that was not complete holy godhead. Had he not the confidence to prepare over a thousand cups, the confidence to withstand the pain of forging many teas, he would never have mastered unlimited tea works and he would be but a hollow, empty shell of his current self, a vacant revenant confined by the chains of unconfidence.

If you set your mind on achieving something but you haven't any confidence in your ability to succeed, you are either lying to yourself or you are Hikarusa and your arrogance is infinite, and drives you recklessly forward at the cost of your sanity should you fail.

I am confident this post has righted your misguided delusion and no further discussion is warranted.

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The idea inherent in the message is that if you are confident in yourself and what you're doing, then you will stick with it and improve your chances of ultimately achieving whatever goal you have set for yourself by virtue of expecting to be able to succeed.

Let's say, in an impossible hypothetical scneario, that I don't know how to forge the most perfect tea, but I wish to become a grand tea master. If I am confident in my ability to master brewlore, even if that confidence is not wholly informed by quantifiable factors, then I am much more likely to dedicate myself to honing my teacraft for the many eons it will take to produce a grand elixir tea than one who believes they will never forge anything greater than an unappetizing sewage such as coffee. The latter person is apt to resign themself (I am confident that singular they's are universally understood and should be recognized by all English speakers as grammatically sound) to pursuing an ideal that is less difficult but infinitely less rewarding, perhaps street urination, because they lack the confidence to make their dreams a reality.

Confidence is not the same thing as arrogance or hubris, and I think it's very important to make the distinction because many people make fallacious arguments against confidence as a viable motivation on the basis that these are all equivalent concepts. Take Hikarusa, for example. He is incredibly arrogant. I find it remarkable that he yet lives, for such arrogance leads to rash behavior stemming from ridiculously uninformed decision making. Hikarusa's arrogance led him to believe he could get away with giving himself strange nicknames years ago that earned the ire of this websites administration and a permanent ban. If he had lived vicariously through the forum he probably would have died of heartbreak. Thankfully he is immune to such emotions. And luckily for him his permanent ban was impermanent. It is only because of these two reasons that he never descended down the dark and windy path of doom and gloom which would have led to him never attempting to achieve any aims or ideals worthy of admiration (like forging great teas). When true arrogance is smashed it is converted into the vilest of succubi: unconfidence.

Confidence is different. If someone fails to achieve something they are truly confident they can succeed at, they either have the fortitude to learn from the experience and use that knowledge to make future strides of progress (because they are confidence gives them reason to continue even when they fail), or they pursue another path better suited to their skills (because their confidence prevents them from giving up on everything when they realize their first choice of supreme dream goal was stupid or unachievable).

Look at how successfully Nightmare projects his confidence. Never does he comes across as arrogant or full of himself (unless your impressions of him are incorrect; if this is the case you'd be well advised to correct them). This confidence is borne of steely determination and a beautiful countenance. As a grand lord master dreadnought tea master, catechins are his body and theanine is his blood. But even he started from somewhere that was not complete holy godhead. Had he not the confidence to prepare over a thousand cups, the confidence to withstand the pain of forging many teas, he would never have mastered unlimited tea works and he

would be but a hollow, empty shell of his current self, a vacant revenant confined by the chains of unconfidence.

If you set your mind on achieving something but you haven't any confidence in your ability to succeed, you are either lying to yourself or you are Hikarusa and your arrogance is infinite, and drives you recklessly forward at the cost of your sanity should you fail.

I am confident this post has righted your misguided delusion and no further discussion is warranted.

Well spoken my good sir/madam.

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Seriously...how is thinking well about one's self going to help project it to the real world?

How won't it? Most activities you perform in a social arena are dependent upon how confident you are. I would go so far as to say if there is one quality you should have to succeed in life, it should be a healthy dose of confidence. With it you can push your abilities to their limits, and people will naturally gravitate towards you.

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llllllet me telll you a stoooory to chill the bones

'bout a thing that i saw

one night wondering in the everglades

i'd one drink, but no more

i was rambling, enjoying the bright moonlight

gazing up at the stars

not aware of a presence so near to me

watching my every move


Nightmarre, sneaky and mean
Spider inside my dreams
I think I love you

You make me wanna cry, you make me wanna die
I love you, I love you , I love you , I love you, I love you.


Every night you come into my room and pin me down with your strong arms
You pin me down down and I try to fight you
you come inside me and fill me up…

They took you Nightmarre
and you don’t belong to them
They left me in a world of darkness
without your sexy hands
and I miss you Nightmarre
so bad.

the legend of nightmarre


Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Yes, indeed.

One question though, who's this Nightmare? Is he another forumgoer?

A swell fella, to be sure. Generally liked by the community, and was an excellent mod for the entire time that he was one.

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Yes! Tap that.^

Nightmare is the reason I'm still here. He's the reason why all of us are still here.

B-but... I thought what we had was special ;n;

Wist explained beautifully~

Even I have low confidence, Soul, and I understand why confidence can be an important thing. I'd think people who have low confidence would just spend all their time thinking "I'm not even good enough to do this!" and maybe even complaining in their mind, putting themselves down, but people who are confident will believe they can do what they want or need and will try. If you have felt like you've been doing something badly or wrong and felt that it inspired to do something because you felt you could correct it, even if it'd take a while, then doesn't that mean you felt confident just then?

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Confidence is the right cure to the wrong mindset, so telling someone to be confident is the right thing to do /some/ of the time. When we're held back by the *fear* of failure, and that hesitation can drastically improve the likelihood that you'll either: 1) be shaken and not perform at your best, or 2) subconsciously put things aside and let yourself fail, because failure when you've tried your hardest is definitely the worst.

Personal experience here. Though I'm equally *too* confident sometimes, which is a different problem.

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B-but... I thought what we had was special ;n;

Wist explained beautifully~

Even I have low confidence, Soul, and I understand why confidence can be an important thing. I'd think people who have low confidence would just spend all their time thinking "I'm not even good enough to do this!" and maybe even complaining in their mind, putting themselves down, but people who are confident will believe they can do what they want or need and will try. If you have felt like you've been doing something badly or wrong and felt that it inspired to do something because you felt you could correct it, even if it'd take a while, then doesn't that mean you felt confident just then?

There's no reason to not be confident in who you are.

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B-but... I thought what we had was special ;n;

Wist explained beautifully~

Even I have low confidence, Soul, and I understand why confidence can be an important thing. I'd think people who have low confidence would just spend all their time thinking "I'm not even good enough to do this!" and maybe even complaining in their mind, putting themselves down, but people who are confident will believe they can do what they want or need and will try. If you have felt like you've been doing something badly or wrong and felt that it inspired to do something because you felt you could correct it, even if it'd take a while, then doesn't that mean you felt confident just then?

It's okay princess, you have a lot more balls than you used to.

Figuratively I mean.

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Seriously...how is thinking well about one's self going to help project it to the real world?

Try viewing it from the flipside. How productive do you think a person would be if they constantly doubted themselves?

If someone artistically inclined thought, 'Should I draw/paint/write something today? Hmm. Maybe not. No one will like it anyway...' they'd never get anything made. Being confident in yourself, and believing you can do something actually makes you do that thing. And if some people don't like it, you end up pushing yourself to reach your potential, because you believe that you can achieve more than that.

I think self-confidence is pretty important c:

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Try viewing it from the flipside. How productive do you think a person would be if they constantly doubted themselves?

If someone artistically inclined thought, 'Should I draw/paint/write something today? Hmm. Maybe not. No one will like it anyway...' they'd never get anything made. Being confident in yourself, and believing you can do something actually makes you do that thing. And if some people don't like it, you end up pushing yourself to reach your potential, because you believe that you can achieve more than that.

I think self-confidence is pretty important c:


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My response to the OP is "don't knock it till you've tried it." Confidence really does make a whole ton of difference.

Someone said that lack of confident makes you strive to become better. No, lack of arrogance does that. Lack of confidence makes you feel hopeless about doing better the next time.

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