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Your Headcanon Pairings?

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Perlia, on 14 May 2013 - 7:21 PM, said:snapback.png

I love you, Rey.

S support unlocked?

oh my.

I like ChromxFeMU and FrederickxFeMU, and I think KellamxLissa is funny (even though he gets put through some difficulties with the pies, but...at least it turns out alright. I think).

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Yay pairings discussions

My only "headcanon" is Chrom/Sumia. Other than that I have a few preferred pairings but I wouldn't go so far as to call them headcanon.

Lon'qu/Olivia - Shy girl and shy guy? Love it. And they have a womanizing son who gets easily flustered? PERFECT.

Cherche/Henry - Great great great supports. Shows Henry is more than just a bloodthirsty psycho and that Cherche is a very caring individual.

Gaius/Panne - Lollipop tree.

Maribelle/Libra - Does wonders for Maribelle's character and makes Brady existing that much more hilarious.

Haven't found favourites for the other characters. Cordelia/Avatar maybe but I'm leaving it out because I might be biased since she was my first wife.

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Personal Headcanon Pairings:

Chrom/Female Avatar. Just makes a lot of sense storywise.

Virion/Cherche. Yeah makes a lot of sense.

Henry/Tharja. Needs no explanation.

Libra/Lissa. I dunno why. I love those two together.

Stahl/Sully. /shrug

Maribelle/Ricken. Rescue Romance!

Cordelia/Frederick. Both seem to pine for Chrom. Albeit in different ways....

Gregor/Panne. One of my favorites.

Donnel/Nowi. Those two are cute.

Lon'qu/Olivia. Makes Inigo seem more interesting for some reason.

If Sully gets with Kellam (which is one of my alternate headcanons). Stahl ends up with Miriel.

Gaius/Sumia. :):

I should do a run with these pairings. Vaike is forever alone. :P:

For the kids:

Owain/Cynthia (if they arent related.)

Laurent/Severa. He puts up with her in ways that takes the patience of a saint.

Yarne/Noire. Two cravens in love. One with a dark side...

Morgs/Lucina. If they arent related. If they are, Inigo/Lucina. (if Inigo and Lucina are siblings, its Gerome/Lucina)

FemaleMorgs/Gerome. :): I love their supports.

Edited by Florina Stark
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Sweet, I get to gush about my favorite pairings! :XD:

Ah, okay - here goes.

For the sake of matching up with the storyline and support conversations with their children:

  • Henry & Tharja & Noire.
  • Vaike & Maribelle & Brady
  • Gregor & Cordelia & Severa
  • Chrom & Olivia & Inigo & Lucina
  • Ricken & Miriel & Laurent

Those are out of the ones I've gotten so far, at least. They just... seem to fit the story best.

I'm actually still working on my headcanon pairings because I'm using them in a fanfiction I'm writing, but once I get those down, I will totally post them.

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Perli's jerk sense of humor x Rey's jerk wit = my one headcanon ship

Wat. TheEnd's shenanigans about me having a harem are bad enough.

Add you to the harem.

I'm actually still working on my headcanon pairings because I'm using them in a fanfiction I'm writing, but once I get those down, I will totally post them.

That reminds me, "my stupid self-insert fanfiction generated by my dreams" thread is still there.

Maybe I should finish writing down crap there over the summer.

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I like ChromxFeMU and FrederickxFeMU, and I think KellamxLissa is funny (even though he gets put through some difficulties with the pies, but...at least it turns out alright. I think).

Yay. :D I'm glad to find more fans! I found one on Deviantart too. ^^

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Mute MU x Emelina/Emmeryn

I want to make this my headcanon because I can't stand how sad Emmeryn's unpaired ending is even though in that case my headcanon is she gets most of her memories back and visits Ylisse all the time, but I just can't bring myself to not let a second kid attain Tactician reclassing superpowers...

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Owain x Lucina

The true companions turned lovers; Lucina understands all of his longwinded speeches and theatrics and he keeps her spirits up when they go off together and disappear to other lands or other times....

NOT THE INCEST. NOT THE INCEST! No more inbred royals. Please...

Anyways, the only pairing I can think of that really fits is Inigo and Severa, the philanderer and the tsundere.

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NOT THE INCEST. NOT THE INCEST! No more inbred royals. Please...

Again, censorship. Japan does not give a crap about "companion".


"Wife" and "Husband" respectively.

and then there's this:


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I would say the most cannon couples are:












Avatar has no cannon

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Again, censorship. Japan does not give a crap about "companion".


"Wife" and "Husband" respectively.

and then there's this:


I really should get to doing that ChromMU clone playthrough.

Edited by Perlia
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NOT THE INCEST. NOT THE INCEST! No more inbred royals. Please...

Anyways, the only pairing I can think of that really fits is Inigo and Severa, the philanderer and the tsundere.



If you want to be technical about it, its not incest, its cousincest; incest is between siblings or parent/child, which they are not. And any children they may hypothetically have will not have any more chance of defects than a normal pair; inbred defects only appear through generations of inbreeding. Its been scientifically proven.

And thats as far as I'm taking that point in this thread.

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Again, censorship. Japan does not give a crap about "companion".


"Wife" and "Husband" respectively.

and then there's this:


You're a sick man.

Yeah, Japan does have some pretty... loose... laws about incest marriages.

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My pairings are












Child pairings







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Ooh boy, another pairing thread. Here goes. I won't include My Unit pairings, like 99% of them are the same for guy and girl My Units anyway. D|

Chrom x random Maiden: I like all his potential wives with other men, so unless I make a mistake somewhere, this pairing is my OTP.

Chrom x Olivia: Despite what I said above, I really love this pairing. It's funny that he can fall in love with a woman he met two seconds ago. And Inigo's generic father support only makes sense with Chrom as the father if you ask me. There's no good reason for randomly comparing Inigo to Lucina otherwise.

Frederick x Sumia: Their supports are very cute and well done, and I love how Frederick is so patient and kind with helping Sumia improve. Plus the line in their S Support: "I actually felt pretty." "You were always beautiful to me, Sumia. In truth, I have eyes for no-one else." IIYAAHH nothing is more heart-warming than that, this pairing is too sweet. And brunette Cynthia is the prettiest.

Sully x Stahl: Pairable red/green cavalier knights, FUCK YEAH. I also love their supports, they really bring out the best in each other.

Virion x Cherche: They've been together since like forever, and I like how Cherche can see past Virion's philandering ways to the man on the inside. Plus when demasked, Virion!Gerome is a spitting image of his father. Just look at Gerome's eyes.

Vaike x Maribelle: When I see Brady, nobody but the Vaike could be his father. The son of a noble who speaks like a delinquent just has to have Vaike as a father. I also like their supports, they were funny and nice.

Lon'qu x Miriel: Their supports were just hilarious for me, so I always pair these two together.

Gaius x Nowi: Gaius's TERRIBLY BRIGHT orange hair only looks good on Nah if you ask me. Plus their supports are rather cute.

Gregor x Panne: This is the only Gregor pairing where there isn't a huge age gap (assuming Gregor is mid-30s) and Panne is presumably older than everyone else (though not to the extent of Nowi). Their supports are wonderful to read, and I like Gregor's method of releasing hate in her heart.

Donnel x Olivia: When not paired with Chrom, this is a pairing I adore a whole lot. I like how they bond over dancing and singing, and it's sweet how a lovely dancer can end up with the farm boy. Inigo is handsome with purple hair.

Kellam x Cordelia: This is one of, like, 2 pairings where an S-rank convo doesn't go "but don't you love Chrom, oh no I'm totally over him even though I'd do all this and more to be with him", which is a massive relief, I tell you. Plus the pairing produces a black-haired Severa, and she's beautiful with black hair.

Libra x Tharja: I liked their supports, Tharja becomes slightly bearable when she sees into Libra's heart, his dark past AND his love for her. This also makes a blonde-haired Noire, and I feel it's the only hair color that suits her.

For 2nd Gen...

Inigo x Cynthia: This pairing is so cute, and their supports are rather sweet.

Severa x Brady: Two grumpy cynics, nothing could possibly go together better!

Lucina x Morgan: It's just a cute simple pairing when Morgan isn't her sibling.

Lucina x Owain: Cousin-marriage taboo be damned, this pairing is very sweet and loving. I adore these two together.

Gerome x Kjelle: Normally these two really annoy me, but when they support together, I don't mind them so much.

Yarne x Nah: Imagine what their children will be like one day. Little killer dragon/rabbits. Plus their supports are sooo sweet, I like how Yarne protects Nah after he rescues her. Normally I despise cliche rescue romances, but this time I can make an exception.

Laurent x Noire: Laurent's masochism is both rather surprising, and funny. I think these two are cute together.

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Make a blue haired Male MU

Name him Chrom

S-Rank Lissa

Recruit Owain

Laugh Evilly.

Then make any sort of FeMU, and name her Lissa.

S-Rank Chrom.

Recruit Owain.

Marry Owain to Lucina in both files, and take one screenshot from each.

Laugh more Evilly™.

No hacking required, correct?

EDIT: Zerker reminds me that this is not a new idea, but I thought it best to have both in one place.

...for some value of "best."

Edited by Euklyd
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Then make any sort of FeMU, and name her Lissa.

S-Rank Chrom.

Recruit Owain.

Marry Owain to Lucina in both files, and take one screenshot from each.

Laugh more Evilly™.

No hacking required, correct?

But then Owain can't get blue hair.

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But then Owain can't get blue hair.

Two files. No need to tell anyone that the screenshots are from different files, though.

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Honestly, I find pairings like FrederickxLissa or Maribelle and GregorxNowi to be more gross than OwainxLucina. Lissa and Maribelle have to be teenagers and like ten years younger than Frederick. And Nowi and Gregor look even creepier together.

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