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Your Headcanon Pairings?

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Gerome x Inigo

Chrom x Frederick

Kjelle x Severa

because Harvest Scramble is a thing

I also ship Lucina x Gerome tho so I guess it's a OT3 ' 3'


Gaius x Maribelle

Most others I have multiple ships I like about equally or near equally for me to form real headcanons

Even with Gaius, he has Panne as close second it's just Gaiusbelle has that backstory bit

I guess I have an armada?

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Honestly, I find pairings like FrederickxLissa or Maribelle and GregorxNowi to be more gross than OwainxLucina. Lissa and Maribelle have to be teenagers and like ten years younger than Frederick. And Nowi and Gregor look even creepier together.

Hah, for my eugenics programs, I've done both Lissa x Gregor and Nowi x Gregor.

/goes off to marry Lissa to Frederick

And, I think that culturally, the taboo against cousins marrying is significantly stronger than against May-December romances.

Although, for Nowi, it's really a "Mayfly-December" romance.

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Honestly, I find pairings like FrederickxLissa or Maribelle and GregorxNowi to be more gross than OwainxLucina. Lissa and Maribelle have to be teenagers and like ten years younger than Frederick. And Nowi and Gregor look even creepier together.

I agree. I mean, Nowi is a little over 1000 years old, right? She's way too old for the entire cast. Cradle robbing dragons.

ChromxSumia - I was lazy, and I thought the supports were kind of cute.

FredrickxLissa - What can I say? I'm a sucker for the 'loyal knight and princess' romance. "Owain, stop being a clown and get serious! What would Lord Chrom say if you were in the army?!"

Avatar named after mexMiriel - I listed it just because

Lon'quxNowi - Iunno why, but this pairing just seems so right to me.

KellamxCherche - D'aww.

StahlxOlivia - Writing notes beause the other is too shy to speak in person? Too cute.

AnnaxMoney - otp

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Honestly, I find pairings like FrederickxLissa or Maribelle and GregorxNowi to be more gross than OwainxLucina. Lissa and Maribelle have to be teenagers and like ten years younger than Frederick. And Nowi and Gregor look even creepier together.

Throwing in my two cents: quite a few of my aunts and uncles have a 10+ year age gap between them. In parts of Asia, it's far worse to marry someone six years your junior or senior because then it's opposing zodiac. Also, the build 2 female Avatar looks younger than Lissa or Maribelle, who are build 1.

I use the build 2 primarily, and married male characters who are build 3 like Lon'qu or Stahl. Frederick is build 3 also, so would hitching him off with my MU be gross?

Edited by Perlia
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Also, the build 2 female Avatar looks younger than Lissa or Maribelle, who are build 1.


Y'all are just jealous loli Atashi 2 MU can get Frede-niku's Silver Lance faster than all of you.

And for those who are not weeb enough to get the lewd joke:

"Frede-niku", a pun on his katakana "Furede-RIKU". With "Niku" meaning "meat".

I went there.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Throwing in my two cents: quite a few of my aunts and uncles have a 10+ year age gap between them. In parts of Asia, it's far worse to marry someone six years your junior or senior because then it's opposing zodiac. Also, the build 2 female Avatar looks younger than Lissa or Maribelle, who are build 1.

I use the build 2 primarily, and married male characters who are build 3 like Lon'qu or Stahl. Frederick is build 3 also, so would hitching him off with my MU be gross?

Firstly, I don't use the kid Avatar look. Second, I think that the medium build Avatar looks at most 20 years old, so I find this fine.

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Firstly, I don't use the kid Avatar look. Second, I think that the medium build Avatar looks at most 20 years old, so I find this fine.

But medium build Avatar look like she's in the same age with most lords in FE, who are usually in their teens.

My guess her age is 17 - 20.

While the large build one is more like 20 - 25.

And for my headcanon..

It's quite hard for the 1st Gen actually, there's so many choices.. D:

1st Gen

Chrom x Olivia - for Prince!Inigo

(I do love Chrom x Sumia as well, but having a Prince!Inigo is just... )

..and.. and.. Lon'qu x Olivia bossship fanart that Rey mention is just screams OTP...

Frederick x Cherche - I do love the idea of Gerome being a Ylissean knight. and Lucina's knight.

With this it'll make a lot of sense for having Gerome and Lucina as childhood friend.

But Lon'qu x Cherche is so nice as well D: One can imagine whom Gerome's personality is from.

Donnel x Lissa - The idea of bringing a princess back to farm is so cute. I wonder what his mom will say XD

Kellam x Sully - Protecting each other and Kjelle's touching parent-child conversation in Future Past bought me.


Virion x Maribelle - HOW I FORGOT ABOUT THIS PAIRING IS BEYOND ME. They're well matched in my game.

Considering the timeline as well, noble x noble DOES make a lot of sense.

I love their ending as well.

Basilio x Flavia - I don't care they don't have S Support. I still ship them.

2nd Gen


I do love to think that Frederick!Gerome is Lucina's knight. Just like Chrom and Fred are.

Inigo x Severa

Owain x Cynthia - Go! Delusional journey!

Edited by Fairlee
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..and.. and.. Lon'qu x Olivia bossship fanart that Rey mention is just screams OTP...

The fact that she helped with his sword training helps... IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

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Y'all are just jealous loli Atashi 2 MU can get Frede-niku's Silver Lance faster than all of you.

And for those who are not weeb enough to get the lewd joke:

"Frede-niku", a pun on his katakana "Furede-RIKU". With "Niku" meaning "meat".

I went there.

... Did you just make this screenshot? Also, your puns make me smile, so I guess I do have enough weeb in me. Enough for pixiv, at least.

JSND go away

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... Did you just make this screenshot?

It takes me about 20 seconds to take a screenshot and upload it to photobucket.

And since creating a new character and saving on the Casual Mode saves overwrites the corresponding Male MU/Female MU slot in the support library... you could say...

*puts on sunglasses*


It was easy as pie to take those screenshots.

I'm pretty sure you guys are... LUCINA bunch of brain cells from my bad and obscure puns.

How many of you WOOD (Owain) like me to stop?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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It takes me about 20 seconds to take a screenshot and upload it to photobucket.

And since creating a new character and saving on the Casual Mode saves overwrites the corresponding Male MU/Female MU slot in the support library... you could say...

*puts on sunglasses*


It was easy as pie to take those screenshots.

I'm pretty sure you guys are... Lucina bunch of brain cells from my bad and obscure puns.

How many of you WOOD (Owain) like me to stop?

計画通り huh...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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It takes me about 20 seconds to take a screenshot and upload it to photobucket.

And since creating a new character and saving on the Casual Mode saves overwrites the corresponding Male MU/Female MU slot in the support library... you could say...

*puts on sunglasses*


It was easy as pie to take those screenshots.

I'm pretty sure you guys are... LUCINA bunch of brain cells from my bad and obscure puns.

How many of you WOOD (Owain) like me to stop?

Don't stop. ObliteREYte this silly thread with dumb puns.

Edited by Perlia
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I Ricken that's enough of the Pannes for Nowi.

(I reckon that's enough of the puns for now.)

Edited by Faye
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T-This thread...!

It's a pretty funny feeling when you don't know if you want to laugh or cry... or do both at the same time...

To answer OP though, here are some of my pairing choices (It's not that I consider any of them canon or anything, but I liked their supports the most)

Chrom x Olivia

To be fair though, I kind of felt like my hand was "forced" with this pairing haha. I wasn't too fond of any of his supports (And I really wanted to like his supports with Sumia too, given how the game pairs them together. B-But really, all it revolved around was stuffing Chrom with food. I just wish they had a more in-depth support!)

On the flipside though, it's not like his Olivia "support" was amazing either...

But I think the thing that really solidified this pairing for me were the interactions between Inigo - Chrom, and Inigo - Lucina. They fit so well if Chrom's their father!

Sumia x Frederick

For my reasons behind ChromxOlivia and FrederickxSumia, I share the exact same sentiments with Faye xD

Their support was really nice. And man, the way Frederick treats Sumia... I don't know! I think their personalities just complement each other really well.

Lissa x Donnel

It was the S support that really got me with this one. The way Lissa acts in their S was surprisingly very mature compared to how she is usually. It was refreshing to see her talk about willingly giving up her status because she loved Donnel.

Mirabelle x Ricken

That S confession...! It was really really sweet.

Sully x Libra

Their beginning supports were pretty awkward, and that continued on to A. But the way S ties it together was really cute (My heart kind of dropped when Libra was asking Sully to forget he ever mentioned anything. It's just a really cute and really sweet S support xD)

Cordelia x Gregor

In a lot of Gregor's supports, he comes off kind of... creepy. And it was sort of the same in Cordelia's to be honest haha. That S support was quite nice though.

For one, Cordelia was the one who actively sought out Gregor's feelings (Instead of the usual of having the guy confess to her, mentioning "Cordelia, I know I'm not Chrom but..." < I really feel bad for the guys when they say this ;; )

Miriel x Gaius

This support was really amusing! It was just loads of fun to read. Miriel's pretty clueless in a lot of the S supports though, it's quite endearing xD

Cherche x Stahl

Another support that I really like. It was cute that they wanted to know about each other's cultures, and that handkerchief mishap was pretty funny too. I liked the S, but felt that Cherche's closing line kind of ruined the mood haha.

Panne x Virion

It was refreshing to see an unusually serious Virion (I really like the supports where you get a glimpse of his personality behind that philandering facade, very much like his supports with MU). I found the build-up to be more likable than the confession itself, but it was a good support in general. I'm honestly not sure what to do with the Yarne this generate though ;;

Nowi x Vaike

Supports where Vaike doesn't come off as shallow and concieted are always nice! I found it really cute when Nowi said she wanted to help Vaike fulfill his dream though, and that she'd continue it if he couldn't anymore ; u ;

I did like Nowi's support with Lon'qu though! It was reallyyy funny xD

Tharja x Henry

I didn't have that many Tharja supports that I liked. In fact, I think her Virion one's the only one I really like, but I couldn't leave Tharja unmarried ;;

That S support though. Henry has the proposal skills of a fly orz

Part of me sort of wishes that Say'ri and Lon'qu could support. I feel bad that my Lon'qu was unmarried at the end (The same with Kellam but uhm... He's Kellam. I think his single epilogue's more forgiving actually orz)

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And for those who are not weeb enough to get the lewd joke:

"Frede-niku", a pun on his katakana "Furede-RIKU". With "Niku" meaning "meat".

I went there.

I was like...am I confusing this Kanji...and then what follows on the next line XD

Out of context innuendo ftw

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The fact that she helped with his sword training helps... IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

And your member title is "The most vanilla"

Back to topic tough,

Lon'qu's Inigo vs. Lucina for Feroxi Champion will be cool.

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Let's see...

Maribelle x Gregor

Because it's the only explanation for Brady's face.

Lissa x Ricken

It totally reminds me of Mist x Rolf

Olivia x Virion

Olivia tells Inigo to talk to women, Virion teaches him how

Anna x Money

No comment.

Cynthia x Owain

The most delusional pair ever.

Gerome x Inigo

Man-handling indeed.

Severa x Kjelle

Dat Harvest conversation

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I don't care what they say; Libra/Tharja is an anti-canon pairing for me and always will. :P














Can't think of 2nd gen, the possibilities are too much. But the most obvious one is Cynthia/Owain.

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My head cannon, well...














-1-sided Kjelle/Severa (Laurent doesn't mind at all. Kjelle's sexuality is stimulating mentally and physically)





Edited by MajorMajora
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Obvious 1998_z is obvious

Anyway I must admit I don't like Fred X Lissa despite the whole Princess X Knight thing that I actually liked. A lot..

They just.... did not work as well as I like it to be. For concrete examples, I liked it when Dean and Finn does it. I did not like it when Freddy and Lissa do it, mostly because the supports are pretty weird in general

Henry X Maribelle - Henry is a psychologist. I knew it

Cherche X Virion or Frederick - The former is a combination of childhood and master - servant relationship which is one of the best in the game. The later is a mature knight pairing, which is amazing

Sully x Stahl - Unique ending and I like their working partner relationship.

Tharja x no one - Just die already

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Obvious 1998_z is obvious

Anyway I must admit I don't like Fred X Lissa despite the whole Princess X Knight thing that I actually liked. A lot..

They just.... did not work as well as I like it to be. For concrete examples, I liked it when Dean and Finn does it. I did not like it when Freddy and Lissa do it, mostly because the supports are pretty weird in general

Henry X Maribelle - Henry is a psychologist. I knew it

Cherche X Virion or Frederick - The former is a combination of childhood and master - servant relationship which is one of the best in the game. The later is a mature knight pairing, which is amazing

Sully x Stahl - Unique ending and I like their working partner relationship.

Tharja x no one - Just die already

oh u DemiseEnd

How could I forget Cherche/Virion?

But nope, if I change it the confusion will went further. Anyways, she and Gregor also seems pretty good.

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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Gerome x Inigo

let's be friends

I like ChromxFeMU for plot reasons, but I really liked Chrom and Sully's support together. I liked their take on the whole childhood friends thing.

SumiaxHenry is cool because I like Galeforce and Lifetaker on Cynthia.

GregorxCordelia was adorable and one of the few Cordelia pairings where I don't feel bad about her husband. And I like Gregor's hair color on Severa.

I like most Frederick pairings for some reason. Well, except for NowixFrederick...

LissaxVaike or Henry or Libra because Owain needs to have blond hair. Always.

Everyone else I don't really care about, I just try to do different pairings each time to get different support conversations gotta catch 'em all

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I kinda, really, really hate the term "Headcanon", because it's... not a thing, but...





Male MU/Lucina



And everything else falls in somewhere.

Oh, Endgame(GameFAQS)/Lissa (J/k)

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