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Your Headcanon Pairings?

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Maybe because Gregor's mercenary class will be wasted for Severa?

People do love their armsthrift.

And Brady/Noire, altough it's not really my fav, it's so cute XD

They seem to understand and support each other in the support. Cute!

It seems even from a pure support point of view, a lot of people still rank him below others like Stahl and Frederick though. Which is understandable haha. Everyone has a different criteria why they like Cordelia with the other guys. (And pshaw to Armsthrift! The only Armsthrift my characters need is love-- *tossed into a river*)

Noire's line of, "Uhm. What I was actually looking for was... you..." made me smile > u <

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It seems even from a pure support point of view, a lot of people still rank him below others like Stahl and Frederick though. Which is understandable haha. Everyone has a different criteria why they like Cordelia with the other guys. (And pshaw to Armsthrift! The only Armsthrift my characters need is love-- *tossed into a river*)

Noire's line of, "Uhm. What I was actually looking for was... you..." made me smile > u <

Maybe they don't really look good together?

I must admit that Cordelia and Stahl really look good together.

And who can resist black (or at least dark brown) hair for Severa!

Who needs Armsthrift when you got love anyway

Mine is when Noire said how brave and selfless Brady is.

Oh Brady :')

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Bullshit wall of text incoming

To be honest though, the reason why I liked Frederick x Cordelia/Frederick x Cherche so much is not they goes well together or they are cute together(although I argue they are pretty nice together, and Cherche x Fred is a straigtforward mutual relationship pairing, ALA Stahl x Sully where Cherche becomes the Stahl)

Its more because instead of going the silly route, it shows what kind of person Frederick is(or supposed to be, for some). Yes, I straight up admit I like them because Frederick is awesome in those supports.

On Cordelia's he shows that as Chrom's number #1 servant, Chrom will always be his number one, however he still promised to Cordelia that he will always love her. In this he shows that he can be both a man and a lover, which IMO is pretty amazing

And then Cordelia live an unhappy live because Frederick is a bastard jerk who did not know that Cordelia can't train a unit

On Cherche's its more Frederick having a relationship beetwen faithful retainer, something that I always liked. Also he recited Sheeda's speech which is amazing

The same can be said for Sully, yes Frederick as someone who is older than her, have a good mentor - disciple relationship. Thats the point of their relationship and I say their S support is well made, even excludin the awkward sunbeam and puppy comments

You know, Frederick suddenly messed up to protect Cherche, or Cordelia's sudden acceptance of Fred's proposal in fact ruined the entire point of their supports. although Cordelia's support are ruined even earlier.

Other than Sully and Frederick, Sully and Stahl is one of few supports that did not actually miss the point of their C-A supports. C-A supports is all about Sully and Stahl working their way up as a fellow soldiers, and it stayed that way up until the A supports. The S support is all about Stahl stating how he would like someone who can grow with him together to be with him, which is exactly what happened. This is how say.... Frederick and Sully's supports should have ended. Thats how you make a good relationship. And thats how you make a canon support. Seeing that its the only support with a unique ending, its canon. Deal with it, suckers

For example

And by for example, I mean from Frederick's supports

- Tharja x Frederick - Okay, Tharja supports sucked, but this one is more troublesome, more than "It sucks" outright. The C-A is Frederick trying to Train Tharja, more or less. Frederick then shows that not only he train her out of duty, he actually cared for her, hence why even when Tharja hexed Frederick(massive WTF) it doesn't work(dude, he has like.... 8 Res. Maybe Kellam used Dual Guard+ for Frederick?). And then the start up of S supports come, which, I supposed is actually good. Then, the confession come and it become stupid.

Not to mention it goes against the Future!Tharja version of the pairing, which is even more amusing

- Maribelle x Frederick - Frederick trained her(with two "UNACCEPTABLE!" remarks from Frederick). Then he succeed, since Maribelle actually gets the point. Again, a pretty nice support. And then the S support comes out of nowhere. A clip of Frederick serving Maribelle, instead of, you know the other way around. And then Maribelle asked Frederick to serve her. And Frederick was like, nope. Be my wife.

Like.... WTF. She learned how to serve others just to ask Frederick to serve her instead?

One of many supports that should not end in a marriage

Yeah theres.... some hole with my arguments. Bring it up if you want to, its pretty intresting

- Olivia x Frederick - I admit, this is one of my favorite pairing in the game, at least depending on how the off screen A supports advice from Fred actually is. The way I see it, Frederick actually think forward in this one. Yes, asking the whole shepperds and the villagers are overkill, but in the A support, Frederick told her what exactly is her appeal. After that, Fred purposefully draw himself back from her so that she can actually used something that Fred told her and use them.... proffesionally.

Definitely my OTP as far as S supports are concerned

- Cherche x Frederick - Two lines from the S supports that created a hole in this pairing:

"I-I was merely careless, my training must have been insfficient!"

"you are as important to me as any prince or lord"

Those two lines essentially make the C supports and A supports more or less an empty statement.

- Cordelia x Frederick - Cordelia's fault. Deal with it. Who the fuck cares if Cordelia live an unhappy life because of some misguided perception. C and B, Frederick treated her as an equal, as a companion of war and whatnot. He complimented Cordelia BECAUSE he liked that Cordelia is someone who treated her duty in a serious manner. She has skills, and he asked her if she is willing to share them with the others, basically like Sully x Frederick, if Cordelia is an expert instead of a student. Except Cordelia is wayyyyyyyyyy too obsessed with her "love talk" and the A and S supports took a nosedive. Frederick stayed awesome because he can put up with her.

And theres the ending of the C support, which is WTF at its best.

The sad thing, this is exactly the kind of father that Severa needs.

- Miriel x Frederick

Fun facts:

A support: I ken now how you performed that trick

Either its a mistyping, or a bizzaro nonsensical word. Or both.

I actually liked this supports. The sad thing is, Miriel's nonsensical way of speaking make it less enjoyable. Frederick playing the straight man and explaining the definition of friendship and love seems cliched and amusing at the same time

- Sumia x Frederick

C support is good, A support, and how it played out is pretty good. S support is pretty nice(and surprisingly has a near identical quote from Cordelia's support). The problem is, in fact Sumia's klutziness is such an annoying gimmick. B supports has basically no reason to exist, and the ending of A support more or less ruined the feel. S supports is all about Frederick seeing what exactly is good of Sumia, which.... does not make sense since all she does is mess up.

Not gonna bother with Nowi because I have tons of problem with it before even doing the rest. Basically, the supports are perfectly played as an Older Brother - Younger Sister relationship

Not gonna bother with Lissa as well, mostly because their supports are filled with being lazy, and A supports ending did not exactly show Frederick and Lissa having a lover relationship more than Father and Daughter relationship. Flame War plz

AKA the Frederick Essay because Frederick needs one

Frederick and Olivia is my headcanon, to be on topic

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My headcanon is (obviously) just the pairings that I ended up with in my main file. So far:

Tharja and me Robin

Lissa and Lon'qu

Sumia and Chrom

Maribelle and Gaius

Cordelia and Donny

Olivia and Henry

Sully and Virion

I think I'm also going to go for:

Panne and Kellam

Cherche and Stahl

Miriel and Vaike (incidentally the two characters who interest me the least)

Nowi and Bantu will maybe go with Ricken because he...seems like the least weird option.

I'd put Basilio and Flavia together if I could. Also, I'm shipping Anna and Tiki. kind of not really

Frederick will die alone and unloved, but appreciated for his weaponless defence/strength/movement supports in those first few chapters.

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Bullshit wall of text incoming

To be honest though, the reason why I liked Frederick x Cordelia/Frederick x Cherche so much is not they goes well together or they are cute together(although I argue they are pretty nice together, and Cherche x Fred is a straigtforward mutual relationship pairing, ALA Stahl x Sully where Cherche becomes the Stahl)

Its more because instead of going the silly route, it shows what kind of person Frederick is(or supposed to be, for some). Yes, I straight up admit I like them because Frederick is awesome in those supports.

On Cordelia's he shows that as Chrom's number #1 servant, Chrom will always be his number one, however he still promised to Cordelia that he will always love her. In this he shows that he can be both a man and a lover, which IMO is pretty amazing

And then Cordelia live an unhappy live because Frederick is a bastard jerk who did not know that Cordelia can't train a unit

On Cherche's its more Frederick having a relationship beetwen faithful retainer, something that I always liked. Also he recited Sheeda's speech which is amazing

The same can be said for Sully, yes Frederick as someone who is older than her, have a good mentor - disciple relationship. Thats the point of their relationship and I say their S support is well made, even excludin the awkward sunbeam and puppy comments

You know, Frederick suddenly messed up to protect Cherche, or Cordelia's sudden acceptance of Fred's proposal in fact ruined the entire point of their supports. although Cordelia's support are ruined even earlier.

Other than Sully and Frederick, Sully and Stahl is one of few supports that did not actually miss the point of their C-A supports. C-A supports is all about Sully and Stahl working their way up as a fellow soldiers, and it stayed that way up until the A supports. The S support is all about Stahl stating how he would like someone who can grow with him together to be with him, which is exactly what happened. This is how say.... Frederick and Sully's supports should have ended. Thats how you make a good relationship. And thats how you make a canon support. Seeing that its the only support with a unique ending, its canon. Deal with it, suckers

For example

And by for example, I mean from Frederick's supports

- Tharja x Frederick - Okay, Tharja supports sucked, but this one is more troublesome, more than "It sucks" outright. The C-A is Frederick trying to Train Tharja, more or less. Frederick then shows that not only he train her out of duty, he actually cared for her, hence why even when Tharja hexed Frederick(massive WTF) it doesn't work(dude, he has like.... 8 Res. Maybe Kellam used Dual Guard+ for Frederick?). And then the start up of S supports come, which, I supposed is actually good. Then, the confession come and it become stupid.

Not to mention it goes against the Future!Tharja version of the pairing, which is even more amusing

- Maribelle x Frederick - Frederick trained her(with two "UNACCEPTABLE!" remarks from Frederick). Then he succeed, since Maribelle actually gets the point. Again, a pretty nice support. And then the S support comes out of nowhere. A clip of Frederick serving Maribelle, instead of, you know the other way around. And then Maribelle asked Frederick to serve her. And Frederick was like, nope. Be my wife.

Like.... WTF. She learned how to serve others just to ask Frederick to serve her instead?

One of many supports that should not end in a marriage

Yeah theres.... some hole with my arguments. Bring it up if you want to, its pretty intresting

- Olivia x Frederick - I admit, this is one of my favorite pairing in the game, at least depending on how the off screen A supports advice from Fred actually is. The way I see it, Frederick actually think forward in this one. Yes, asking the whole shepperds and the villagers are overkill, but in the A support, Frederick told her what exactly is her appeal. After that, Fred purposefully draw himself back from her so that she can actually used something that Fred told her and use them.... proffesionally.

Definitely my OTP as far as S supports are concerned

- Cherche x Frederick - Two lines from the S supports that created a hole in this pairing:

"I-I was merely careless, my training must have been insfficient!"

"you are as important to me as any prince or lord"

Those two lines essentially make the C supports and A supports more or less an empty statement.

- Cordelia x Frederick - Cordelia's fault. Deal with it. Who the fuck cares if Cordelia live an unhappy life because of some misguided perception. C and B, Frederick treated her as an equal, as a companion of war and whatnot. He complimented Cordelia BECAUSE he liked that Cordelia is someone who treated her duty in a serious manner. She has skills, and he asked her if she is willing to share them with the others, basically like Sully x Frederick, if Cordelia is an expert instead of a student. Except Cordelia is wayyyyyyyyyy too obsessed with her "love talk" and the A and S supports took a nosedive. Frederick stayed awesome because he can put up with her.

And theres the ending of the C support, which is WTF at its best.

The sad thing, this is exactly the kind of father that Severa needs.

- Miriel x Frederick

Fun facts:

A support: I ken now how you performed that trick

Either its a mistyping, or a bizzaro nonsensical word. Or both.

I actually liked this supports. The sad thing is, Miriel's nonsensical way of speaking make it less enjoyable. Frederick playing the straight man and explaining the definition of friendship and love seems cliched and amusing at the same time

- Sumia x Frederick

C support is good, A support, and how it played out is pretty good. S support is pretty nice(and surprisingly has a near identical quote from Cordelia's support). The problem is, in fact Sumia's klutziness is such an annoying gimmick. B supports has basically no reason to exist, and the ending of A support more or less ruined the feel. S supports is all about Frederick seeing what exactly is good of Sumia, which.... does not make sense since all she does is mess up.

Not gonna bother with Nowi because I have tons of problem with it before even doing the rest. Basically, the supports are perfectly played as an Older Brother - Younger Sister relationship

Not gonna bother with Lissa as well, mostly because their supports are filled with being lazy, and A supports ending did not exactly show Frederick and Lissa having a lover relationship more than Father and Daughter relationship. Flame War plz

AKA the Frederick Essay because Frederick needs one

Frederick and Olivia is my headcanon, to be on topic

Haha, this was an interesting read for me (cause as people know by now, I adore Frederick!), don't worry. XD You forgot Female Avatar though lol. Or did you not see her support with Freddy? If not, I added it to the support thread, so you can view it there.

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Just wondering, how do you guys choose your headcanon pairings?

  • appearance-wise? they look good together than you paired them?
  • support conversation-wise? their support was so heartwarming?
  • children's stats/ hair color-wise? black-haired severa so irresistible?
  • ending epilogue-wise? their ending together was so perfect?
  • background storyline-wise? were they childhood friends or something?
  • or any other special reason? GeromexLucina for the mask?

For me, I usually determine by appearance first. then checkin their convos and ending. :P

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Support Convo and backstory, generally, could give less of a shit about appearances or skill optimisation since I either pair people /for love/ or I'm playing nogrind and basically grab whoever's convenient and stick them together

I'm a sucker for characterisation

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Just wondering, how do you guys choose your headcanon pairings?

  • appearance-wise? they look good together than you paired them?
  • support conversation-wise? their support was so heartwarming?
  • children's stats/ hair color-wise? black-haired severa so irresistible?
  • ending epilogue-wise? their ending together was so perfect?
  • background storyline-wise? were they childhood friends or something?
  • or any other special reason? GeromexLucina for the mask?

For me, I usually determine by appearance first. then checkin their convos and ending. :P

A little of all of those really. And I decide pretty much the same way you do, actually. Avatar is the exception though, because you can change his/her appearance. I can make Frederick and my Avatar look cute together for my tastes. lol So I skipped to conversations and storyline for that one.

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My headcanon is strongest with Vaike x Maribelle. Brady's speech, appearance, and complex over being physically frail have all lead me to believe that Vaike is the most likely to be the father of Brady. Vaike has an informal way of talking, a rough appearance, and a robust physique, which may have led Brady to think he was letting him down by not being stronger.

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Oh, by the way, even though I don't plan to play a male Avatar anytime soon, I do know who I would always pair one with. Bet no one can easily guess who though.

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Ooh, probably should have mentioned that I'm absolutely enamored with Owain and Cynthia. The funny thing is, I usually pair up Sumia and Chrom, so it would be forbidden love (by certain standards, at least). I still ship them, even under those conditions. Justice Cabal for the win.

Also, Sully and Stahl, in all of my games, have either leveled up to an A support or an S support. I guess that says a lot about how closely I associate the two.

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Oh, by the way, even though I don't plan to play a male Avatar anytime soon, I do know who I would always pair one with. Bet no one can easily guess who though.

Sumia :awesome:

I remember you mention Fred will be with Cordelia.

So not Cordelia.

... female Fred? Cherche does have the vibes.

They are very similar.

Ooh, probably should have mentioned that I'm absolutely enamored with Owain and Cynthia. The funny thing is, I usually pair up Sumia and Chrom, so it would be forbidden love (by certain standards, at least). I still ship them, even under those conditions. Justice Cabal for the win.

Owain and Cynthia is so cute.

I like them appearance-wise, support-wise, background story-wise... Perfect.

But I didn't pair them in my first play through, 'cause they're cousins.

That's why nowadays I make Inigo for Chrom 2nd child.

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Ooh, probably should have mentioned that I'm absolutely enamored with Owain and Cynthia. The funny thing is, I usually pair up Sumia and Chrom, so it would be forbidden love (by certain standards, at least). I still ship them, even under those conditions. Justice Cabal for the win.

Also, Sully and Stahl, in all of my games, have either leveled up to an A support or an S support. I guess that says a lot about how closely I associate the two.

Pffff, by forbidden love, you mean cousins love? That's like how I married Lucina and Owain... That's not really forbidden love as much as, say, you wanna pair, say.... Lucina and Brady but you married Chrom/Maribelle. FE13 corrupted me. but I'm kinda liking Owain/Cynthia's conversations too... not sure if I should really marry them or not though.

and I'm really having a hard time with a headcanon pairing for Chrom!Morgan. 8( Severa or Nah? I think I like Severa more but I dunno looool.

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Pffff, by forbidden love, you mean cousins love? That's like how I married Lucina and Owain... That's not really forbidden love as much as, say, you wanna pair, say.... Lucina and Brady but you married Chrom/Maribelle. FE13 corrupted me. but I'm kinda liking Owain/Cynthia's conversations too... not sure if I should really marry them or not though.

and I'm really having a hard time with a headcanon pairing for Chrom!Morgan. 8( Severa or Nah? I think I like Severa more but I dunno looool.

I'm a bit shocked, but I actually really like the Severa x Male!Morgan pairing. Their S support is too funny... 'Course, I may be a bit of a sadist, considering that I also have no problem with Female!Morgan and Yarne...

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I'm a bit shocked, but I actually really like the Severa x Male!Morgan pairing. Their S support is too funny... 'Course, I may be a bit of a sadist, considering that I also have no problem with Female!Morgan and Yarne...

Funny? Well, I suppose it IS funny too, but I found it cute... and inconclusive, but that's probably just me who still retains a part of my hopeless romantic side. XD; But why shocked? D: I think I like both male MorganxSevera and male MorganxNah.... but unfortunately we can't have a harem in here...... I guess they can always stay single.

see, I think that's why I can't have any real headcanon pairings. I'm conflicted on who really goes with who.

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I like pairing Lucina with male Robin's son, if one exists and is not Owain.

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Cherche and Cordelia is essnetially a female version of Fred

Except Cherche is more or less good to go, while Cordelia has the wtf in that C, A, and S supports

Sumia :awesome:

I remember you mention Fred will be with Cordelia.

So not Cordelia.

... female Fred? Cherche does have the vibes.

They are very similar.

Nope, not Cherche or Cordelia. Correct, I said I would be putting the latter with Freddy. And I like Cherche with Lon'qu too much to pair them with other people. Keep trying. ; ]

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Funny? Well, I suppose it IS funny too, but I found it cute... and inconclusive, but that's probably just me who still retains a part of my hopeless romantic side. XD; But why shocked? D: I think I like both male MorganxSevera and male MorganxNah.... but unfortunately we can't have a harem in here...... I guess they can always stay single.

see, I think that's why I can't have any real headcanon pairings. I'm conflicted on who really goes with who.

Too many good pairings.

No, the "shocked" part is that I went into it thinking, "Why am I doing this? Severa's just going to be a bitch to my son." But the support wasn't bad at all - in fact, like I mentioned, I really liked it. So shocked, but in a good way.

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Nope, not Cherche or Cordelia. Correct, I said I would be putting the latter with Freddy. And I like Cherche with Lon'qu too much to pair them with other people. Keep trying. ; ]


Or if you like Morgan with cute little bunny tail, then Panne.

You'll help Taguel breed more!

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