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Happiest moment? Any number of things involving my family or friends could be in there from all the amazing things they have done for me when I feel I don't deserve it. I am truly blessed to know the people I do.

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That's a tough question to answer. One of the happiest moments of my life was when I started horseback riding lessons when I was 12. I love horses!

Horseback riding is so fun! Although I started quite a bit later then 12 haha.

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My whole university experience, does that count? Because despite all the work and stuff, university was the best time I've had in my entire life.

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Hmmm... me and Integ never had a confession moment~ So I don't really have that moment to say that it was the happiest moment I've had. But plenty of times just talking to him and bonding always sends my heart fluttering~ So I'd have to say a lot of those moments have been my happiest moments I've had ^~^

Another moment that could qualify was when I went to the Warped Tour and saw my favourite band and the two people who used to be my most favourite people in existence~ I thought that they must not have been real!! Because things usually never worked in my favour that much, back then at least~

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There was a girl I used to really like, but she only liked me as friend (I'm sure a lot of people know how this goes), but we were really good friends, I was happy every time I just got to talk to her, and even when I confessed to her, she didn't alienate me afterwords, we continued being friends. But we were on a branching path, she kept getting into more an more trouble, and I did my best to stay responsible. Eventually she felt more of a liability than a friend, I was never going to progress with her, and her trouble was just going to hold me back. Those days spent with her, some were happy, some were depressing, eventually I just cut it off. It's very hard for me to determine whether these were the best times, or the worst.

Other than that, there was the day I, my brother, and my friends decided that the "Lego game", our own story, RPG, adventure war sort of thing that we played with Lego minifigs and models, was going to be a novel series called Red Warrior. Over the years I had lost and gained many friends, the canon had made many adjustments, and now the project is my own, with some creative advice from my brother and peers. This idea had become a major part of daily life, as I spend hours a day thinking of how it can be improved, and it has opened me up to several other ideas, all sorts of stories and themes. Now that a lot of my friends have gone on their own, this is probably the only thing I have to throw me back to the old times.

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I don't have one. as depressing as that may sound, I just don't.

I have happy moments, sure, and some more depressing moments... just no single one to mention. because when I thought that moment was the happiest, I ended up regretting it over time. (because guys will not count unless i have some certainty they are the one.)

oh, but I guess JYJ's tour in NYC in 2010 could be counted as one~ sorta.

Edited by Cordelia
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Idk what part about "happiest moment in your life" people are not understanding....

well, then this thread might be dead? because it seems most people don't have one... :V

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