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It's hard to say when I felt happiest. I usually feel happy in retrospect, enjoying what's left of memories. I don't remember being ecstatic all the time during summer trips to relatives' with treks in the woods, pool days, trampolines, etc. but I remember them with much reminiscence. I absolutely hated my job as an overnight maintenance worker but I look back on it with some reverence now.

Many things that I remember and hold dear are plain insignificant. One of my fondest memories is returning from a trip to the beach on a hot summer day, still somewhat damp, and heading inside to my cousins' air-conditioned house to watch anime in a darkened, cool computer room. Not much different from an ordinary day, but I remember it very strongly, and well.

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few exact instances stand out in particular, though I've been particularly happy when feeling like I was getting good enough at something to put myself into it, and when I had a chance to do something for a friend that helped them out in some hopefully significant way

dealing with social anxiety disorder is next on the happy days wishlist, I think

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My recent birthday because I got a new piano.

aslkjabvalsdijv I love it goddamit

it is utterly precious

Edited by Esme
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I don't really have a specific moment. I guess if I had to give a broad statement it would be all the years I had with my grandparents. I was really close to them. Seems like every other day I was at their house. They practically raised me as much as my mom did. Grandpa kinda filled in as best he could for my dad cuz at the time he was far too immature to have kids (maybe that's part of the reason for my parents divorce). I remember going to the candy store with my grandpa, playing Mario with Grandma, sitting outside hammering nails into random pieces of wood pretending I was contributing to my grandpas many projects. I'll always remember when Grandpa "saved my life". We were working/playing near the chicken coop when a snake wrapped around his leg. I guess he didn't fancy Grandpa cuz he started to make a beeline for me. Grandpa, thinking fast, grabbed a slab of wood and chopped the snakes head off with it exactly the moment I noticed what was going on. Later he surprised my mom with a dead snake in front of her face as she opened the door.

Eventually Grandpa got Parkinson's disease and Grandma's disabilities made it so that we (my mom, sister, and me) moved in with them to take care of them. Grandpa went first and Grandma followed a few years after. Watching the people that you love the most die in front of you is something you never forget. I'm glad their suffering ended but damn if I don't wish I could just be with them sometimes.They always knew how to make the bad things in life seem not so bad. I know it's a bit cliched when I say this but I think a big part of me died with them. Ever since they died I just don't have the courage or determination I need. I'm too afraid to proceed with life.

Eh, sorry if I was a downer to anyone. Sometimes reminiscing about this good brings the pain back with it. But yeah, the times with my grandparents are the happiest times of my life.

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When I heard there would be a live-action LOTR movie. Or maybe watching ST:FC. Getting an Economizer in FF6 for the first time. I was giddy seeing all magic cost 1 MP.

I should really have happy moments that aren't related to Entertainment.

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In terms of gaming/entertainment, discovering how to pass the fucking barrel in Carnival Night Zone, Sonic 3 was something I had been stuck on for years.

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Hmm. I was sitting in a chair next to a woman I had a crush on for reasons I don't really understand, shortly after having a conversation about heaven and hell or something like that with another woman, and there were also some other people around me having conversations, and I was reading A Dance With Dragons and suddenly I think I stopped being able to pay attention to things because my mind was paying attention to too many things at once, and there was a burst of warmth in my chest. At the time I thought it was in my heart, but I actually believe it was in my lungs or something at this point because I've come to remember what a quickly beating heart is like.

I like to think I stopped feeling happy in part because I felt bad other people weren't feeling as happy as I was. Egotistical!

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Hmm. I was sitting in a chair next to a woman I had a crush on for reasons I don't really understand, shortly after having a conversation about heaven and hell or something like that with another woman, and there were also some other people around me having conversations, and I was reading A Dance With Dragons and suddenly I think I stopped being able to pay attention to things because my mind was paying attention to too many things at once, and there was a burst of warmth in my chest. At the time I thought it was in my heart, but I actually believe it was in my lungs or something at this point because I've come to remember what a quickly beating heart is like.

D'awwww this is 2cute4me

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