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Marrying Chrom to Sully is the worst possible thing you can do in the game and it will put you behind other players.

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IT WAS YOU... jk

For this one, I am actually hugely responsible for it

Virion being terrible is day 1 stuff, but Lon'Qu being terrible fad did not actually start before I posted my Gen 1 Father Tier List threads(which I jumped the shark on and is not that accurate anyway).

So, yeah sue me. With Galeforce

Uh...so....I don't mean to start any flame here, just some noob who got the game a couple weeks ago....how is Chrom x Sumia sub-optimal? I don't see any issues... or disadvantages....idk?

None really

Yes im trying to start a flame wars

Olivia only real advantage is Vantage. Screw anyone who think otherwise Sumia comes with absurd versatility, and Cynthia is effectively unscrewable thanks to Sumia's absurdly good class sets and stats mods(arguably the best bar Panne) with Chrom giving the amazing class named Palladin for her to play with

Because I have a horsie boner

And yes, i actually made an essay that detailed Sumia's advantages, before Vantage come into play

Edited by JSND
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Thing is, that's not even true. Galeforce isn't necessary at all even to beat a totally blinged out Streetpass team; they are always at a raw statistical disadvantage, because they don't have Pair Up, supports, or any kind of AI.If you have any skill at all, you'll just buy a bunch of logbook units and 1-turn every chapter in the game. That is, without doubt, the most efficient way to beat the game. It is totally within the ability of every player to have any number of Galeforce units they desire, without having to pursue any particular pairing.

You don't need to play by those rules; though even if you do that, Galeforce reigns supreme.

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I honestly couldn't care less about what GameFAQs thinks. I think a lot more of people on SF, and the discussions here.

While Sully may not pass Galeforce, she won't gimp Lucina's stats to the same extent as Maribelle. Also, Kjelle benefits from Chrom as a father way more than Brady does.

But it doesn't matter, because you can play however you want, and Lucina should still be amazing.

Well, that's kind of a given, since Kjelle gets the better skill of Aether and Rightful King. (Not to mention that Brady's only proc. skill for him to use with Rightful King is Luna.)

You don't need to play by those rules; though even if you do that, Galeforce reigns supreme.

I find that if you're battling units with stats equal to or exceeding yours, you want skills that give you advantages when battling, not advantages outside it.

Edited by Folt
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Actually Chrom!Brady is easilly the better of the two if you are min maxing

If you are playing no grind/efficiency/whatever, Sully + Chrom is better

Also RFK is better than Aether unless you Aether stack

Aether activates frequently enough for me to consider it better than RFK.

Also, I forgot that Brady also gets Aegis. Sue me.

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I always thought Sumia was the best of Chrom's options (barring avatar of course) because they give both kids things that'll be useful in any situation; galeforce didn't really cross my mind as one of those skills. Aegis/Pavise/Aether/rightful king(for lucina)/bow breaker (for cynthia)/renewal

So OP. xP

However, in a regular no grind pt no one's gonna have the time to get all of those second tier skills, but it's a pretty nice set to take on the DLC with after the end of the game. I can easily see Sully being one of the better moms during the game though, she passes down decent enough avoid stacking skills and good stats because she's definitely gonna be seeing a lot of combat if she's used.

What's min maxing?

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I always thought Sumia was the best of Chrom's options (barring avatar of course) because they give both kids things that'll be useful in any situation; galeforce didn't really cross my mind as one of those skills. Aegis/Pavise/Aether/rightful king(for lucina)/bow breaker (for cynthia)/renewal

So OP. xP

Ditto. And likewise, I always thought Chrom was Sumia's best option (again, barring avatar).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I find that if you're battling units with stats equal to or exceeding yours, you want skills that give you advantages when battling, not advantages outside it.

Galeforce is useful in a Streetpass context as well. Kill something and run away. You just have to have half a brain to use it right.

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I mean, it's useful and all, but I'm not going to craft an entire team out of it. Especially not for Streetpass, I'd rather be a bit more fair than that.

The only part of that article that I actually listened to was having two Galeforce units to take up to three turns. Since my Morgan has Galeforce, I could use that strategy. 'Course, everything else in that guide made me giggle. Silly GameFAQs, why so serious about Galeforce?

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I guess Galeforce is overpowered and overrated, same like Sorcs.

Except I won't say Galeforce is overpowered(it's great and a bit overrated but not really OP IMO) and almost everyone in GameFAQs worship Sorcs and their unholy OP tomes

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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I still believe they are for some reasons(and I blame OP tomes).

If not, why almost everyone in GameFAQs fawn over them?

Sorcerers are a bit OP, but consider this: yes, they have better defense than most mages, but their biggest flaw? Speed. Sorcerers are not the fastest members of the bunch, and when it comes to doubling their enemies they have a serious risk of falling behind. On my recent playthrough, I haven't used Tharja, but Henry was on my main team... then chapter 23 about gave me a heart-attack because all of a sudden enemies started to double on him.

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The fact that people think Chrom X Cord is good is a solid proof that Sorcs are overatted

... I don't think that's a gameplay thing talking and more of a storyline opinion. Cordelia's not the only woman to be able to reclass to a Dark Mage.

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Sorcerers are a bit OP, but consider this: yes, they have better defense than most mages, but their biggest flaw? Speed. Sorcerers are not the fastest members of the bunch, and when it comes to doubling their enemies they have a serious risk of falling behind. On my recent playthrough, I haven't used Tharja, but Henry was on my main team... then chapter 23 about gave me a heart-attack because all of a sudden enemies started to double on him.

Low Skill too.

what were IS thinking when they strip Light Magic and decided to power up Dark Magic?

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I still believe they are for some reasons(and I blame OP tomes).

If not, why almost everyone in GameFAQs fawn over them?

I agree Sorcerers are overhyped too - besides Mire, what other notable dark tomes are there? Ruin? Give me a forged Katarina's Bolt any day of the week. Nosferatu? Crashes and burns against high Resistance enemies. Aversa's Night? Rare as hell.

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