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Marrying Chrom to Sully is the worst possible thing you can do in the game and it will put you behind other players.

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Well, I don't think there's any "moe" point in Miriel, so..

Modest girl are the best with Japan I guess, a Yamato Nadeshiko.

Well, game is supposed to give people fun.

But the female sorceress outfit is so damn stylish and sexy.

This time I mean it.

Dark Mage's tough, it to heavy on the top I guess, with bikini + cape.

The 3D model just look.. unbalanced?

I know! I really like it.

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Call me prude, I guess, but that kind of outfit isn't my thing. 8D;

I'm not going to, I don't care for it either. This is going to put a bit of a wrench in my cosplay plans.

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Exactly. Also, look what the cat dragged in:


I think I'm gonna have nightmares.

I'm totally skipping the whole Sorcs argument.

Edited by Shirley
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My biggest qualm with Sorc is I have no idea how those halfstockings thing even stay on.

I don't like outfits that I can't figure out how they stay on.

... Holy fuck, this outfit is complex. I didn't notice those. I may have to reconsider cosplaying as Tharja, huh?

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I think I'm gonna have nightmares.

I'm totally skipping the whole Sorcs argument.

I couldn't imagine Berserker!Laurent without knowing whether I should laugh or worry about having nightmares.

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I prefer the Sorcerer one, if only because I'm highly tempted to cosplay Tharja and I am not wearing the other one. Screw the non-generic cape. No. I have a better chance at getting it past my father this way. Who am I kidding? Said chance is really fucking slim.

Ricken's not a bad father, no. But, um, define "bizarro" and "non-bizarro" class sets for me, please?

Complimentary vs. seemingly contradictory, basically. Ricken starts as a Mage yet has two physical class sets, one of them Archer and the other Cavalier. These are great sets to pass down to a magical child who doesn't automatically get Mage/Priest for Sage (such as Noire or Severa), but it's odd to see at first glance. Similarly, Tharja having Knight/Archer. Knight and Cavalier are actually highly desirable trees, you just don't expect to see them there.

Other oddities would be Kellam having Priest (even though this is actually a big selling point for him), Cordelia having Dark Mage, Vaike's generally redundant class set morphing into something incredible on daughters, and the aforementioned Sniper Chrom, which is the only class he has where he can't even equip the Falchion. They're not without their purposes - Chrom's Archer is actually pretty nice on Cynthia, Severa can be built for melee or magic and use Armsthrift and Galeforce regardless, and Kellam can give bulk and the great skills in the Priest tree at the same time - but sometimes the logic behind the parent class choices only truly makes sense when you see something like Ricken!Owain and go "Oh wow, getting Cavalier without sacrificing MAG is a perfect fit for him!" or earnestly examine skill trees and say "Ohhhhh, Sumia/Tharja's Knight class tree isn't useless after all, thanks to Pavise/DG+ and Luna!"

Edited by Renall
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Complimentary vs. seemingly contradictory, basically. Ricken starts as a Mage yet has two physical class sets, one of them Archer and the other Cavalier. These are great sets to pass down to a magical child who doesn't automatically get Mage/Priest for Sage (such as Noire or Severa), but it's odd to see at first glance. Similarly, Tharja having Knight/Archer. Knight and Cavalier are actually highly desirable trees, you just don't expect to see them there.

Other oddities would be Kellam having Priest (even though this is actually a big selling point for him), Cordelia having Dark Mage, Vaike's generally redundant class set morphing into something incredible on daughters, and the aforementioned Sniper Chrom, which is the only class he has where he can't even equip the Falchion. They're not without their purposes - Chrom's Archer is actually pretty nice on Cynthia, Severa can be built for melee or magic and use Armsthrift and Galeforce regardless, and Kellam can give bulk and the great skills in the Priest tree at the same time - but sometimes the logic behind the parent class choices only truly makes sense when you see something like Ricken!Owain and go "Oh wow, getting Cavalier without sacrificing MAG is a perfect fit for him!" or earnestly examine skill trees and say "Ohhhhh, Sumia/Tharja's Knight class tree isn't useless after all, thanks to Pavise/DG+ and Luna!"

Wow, okay. Some of them do have very, very random reclass options. Thank you for the explanation! :)

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Galeforce as a skill, is the rare element of Fire Emblem that brings together both casuals and LTC'ers, in an hype marriage of convenience.

The dinner parties are awkward.

Where's the "like" button.

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It's a single player game. WHO CARES IF YOU'RE NOT AS EFFICIENT.

I use Olivia as a combat unit, and I don't give a damn.

^This. Who cares if you don't have galeforce, who are you 'competing' and who posed the 'time limit' for you to play FEA?

Vantage better that Galeforce imo.

I use Olivia for combat too, with LETHALITY. 3 dmg most of the time with sudden death on some while 'guarded/avoid' most of the time.

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Wait, how is there nine pages of conversation on a topic that could be solved with 'do whatever the hell you want with your game'? Sully is hardly the worst thing one could do to Chrom and, if we're being honest, Galeforce is one of the most overrated skills in the game. It's useless in streetpass (contrary to what the article says, as soon as a character dies they're gone for good-- why put a skill in that activates only during a circumstance a player would restart his game for? *facepalm*) and hardly worth the effort of ensuring EVERY child has. besides, we all KNOW that chom's true waifu is a female avatar or olivia which allows them to pass down galeforce to their children anyway.

Edited by Raine
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Except Sully is the only one of Chrom's pairings besides MU that can actually get off the ground without massive abuse on Lunatic thanks to the best availability and Discipline. If you are doing MU/Donnel, MU/Nowi, etc. then Sully is the only option that has a realistic chance of producing a decent Lucina. Galeforce means nothing if Lucina is struggling worse than Donnel does at jointime.

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It's generally "no duh" that Chrom x Sully is the best pairing for non-grinding.

Chrom x Sumia/Olivia is considered the best for optimization, although not many really care much about this since anything works.

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Where's the "like" button.

We should have one. i know this forum software has a plug in for that...

It's generally "no duh" that Chrom x Sully is the best pairing for non-grinding.

Chrom x Sumia/Olivia is considered the best for optimization, although not many really care much about this since anything works.

Chrom/Olivia is actually probably the best for minmaxing your Lucina(s). At least from my experience.

Marrying Chrom and Sully is pretty suboptimal no matter what way you look at it.

Ehh im not so sure. Its not the BEST pairing, but Sully gives great defense options and like that dude said above, Sully/Chrom is best for non-grinders. Tanky Lucinas can ensue.

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You're like my contrary in sense of pairings and fashion. XD

@Vashiane: GameFAQs sure have some hidden gems, sometimes.

Like Gheb? Or did you mean Goat Demon Lyn?

I'm not going to, I don't care for it either. This is going to put a bit of a wrench in my cosplay plans.

You could always cosplay as a re-classed Tharja. :P:

It wouldn't really fit her character, though.

Wait, how is there nine pages of conversation on a topic that could be solved with 'do whatever the hell you want with your game'? Sully is hardly the worst thing one could do to Chrom and, if we're being honest, Galeforce is one of the most overrated skills in the game. It's useless in streetpass (contrary to what the article says, as soon as a character dies they're gone for good-- why put a skill in that activates only during a circumstance a player would restart his game for? *facepalm*) and hardly worth the effort of ensuring EVERY child has. besides, we all KNOW that chom's true waifu is a female avatar or olivia which allows them to pass down galeforce to their children anyway.

Galeforce is good for fighting Streetpass, because it means you can kill a unit and Galeforce the hell away before that unit's friends jump in and murder your unit.

And Galeforce is good for sending out just for the slight possibility that a) you fight some Casual player who won't reset immediately, and b) your units procede to kill his/her entire team in a single turn.

And while Galeforce is overrated to at least some extent, I would say it is easily the best female-exclusive skill to pass down.

We should have one. i know this forum software has a plug in for that...

Chrom/Olivia is actually probably the best for minmaxing your Lucina(s). At least from my experience.

Ehh im not so sure. Its not the BEST pairing, but Sully gives great defense options and like that dude said above, Sully/Chrom is best for non-grinders. Tanky Lucinas can ensue.

By great defense options, do you mean Wyvern Lord? Or paladin (which Lucina already gets)? Or the Knight class tree (which Sully only passes to Kjelle and not Lucina, IIRC, and if the main site is to be believed)? Or do you mean the -1 Def modifier, which Olivia ties and Village Girl beats?

For a tanky Lucina, you want either Avatar (for obvious reasons) or Sumia, who – despite giving a -2 Def mod – gives the Knight tree (and thus Pavise).

I would say that Olivia|Lucina and Sumia|Lucina are about tied, but they are simply very different units (offensive skills vs. defensive skills). And Sumia/Chrom is plenty easy to pull off for non-grinders.

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It's generally "no duh" that Chrom x Sully is the best pairing for non-grinding.

Then what is the point of this topic? Anyone with access to this site can check the pairings and inheritance tab and see exactly what Sully gives Lucina, and it is pretty much assumed that anyone who bothers to go through the long and arduous process of grinding out a team is going to at least check what the children get before making their parings. Obviously she doesn't get Galeforce, but it isn't like Sully gives Lucina a hidden unremovable all stats -10 skill or anything.

Also, the title mentions that it is the "worst possible thing you can do in the game" which is just utter BS. Even if we are talking about grinding out the children there are far worse pairings you can make.

Edited by IsAnthraxBayad
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Worst Avatar pairing in the game: +LCK/-SPD Avatar-F marrying Kellam, maybe? He'd still have decent DEF and STR though.

Worst regular pairing... Frederick x Sully, maybe? Kjelle gets absolutely no classes out of it... but she does still have okay modifiers. Not great, but positive everywhere but MAG (who cares) and she gets Fred's mighty +SKL manseed.

...Oh man I just realized a +SKL/-LCK Assassin Frederick!Morgan-M has 44 STR and 55 SKL as an assassin, with exactly 45 SPD... just enough. You're probably better off with Yen'fay though.

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Worst Avatar pairing in the game: +LCK/-SPD Avatar-F marrying Kellam, maybe? He'd still have decent DEF and STR though.

Worst regular pairing... Frederick x Sully, maybe? Kjelle gets absolutely no classes out of it... but she does still have okay modifiers. Not great, but positive everywhere but MAG (who cares) and she gets Fred's mighty +SKL manseed.

...Oh man I just realized a +SKL/-LCK Assassin Frederick!Morgan-M has 44 STR and 55 SKL as an assassin, with exactly 45 SPD... just enough. You're probably better off with Yen'fay though.

55 skill. Wow.

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