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Marrying Chrom to Sully is the worst possible thing you can do in the game and it will put you behind other players.

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I prefer HP+5 too, since HP is the only stats Limit Breaker doesn't raise. 2.5 more damage, addition not multiplied, when using Vengeance, and more heals from Lifetaker/Renewal is good.

Bonds heal a flat 10 hp, so increasing the max hp doesn't have additional benefits.

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You know, when 5 Damage is already useless 80% of the time, I don't see how Vengeance te +2 damage can hope to be any different

Especially when you remember that you need to actually take 84 Damage before doing the extra damage from Vengeance effect

For that matter, HP+5 did not decrease your defense either >_>

Edited by JSND
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You know, when 5 Damage is already useless 80% of the time, I don't see how Vengeance te +2 damage can hope to be any different

Especially when you remember that you need to actually take 84 Damage before doing the extra damage from Vengeance effect

For that matter, HP+5 did not decrease your defense either >_>

I never said it decrease your defense, it just doesn't really synergize with bonds.

Adding to your max hp, means that (Half of HP)requirement is raised, and 2hp is make or break in allot of situation for vantage to trigger yet won't cause 'death' if fail to kill.

Anyway its male only skill, so getting it is better that NOT when you feel like using it. Vengeance can be gotten any time and is found on the legendary axe. Other proc ability can be gained with reclass, just a bit of hassle, which is much better than totally unable to get if you missed.

If you're a stats freak like me, you might want to see AS+2, LB, HP+5, Luck+4, Res+10 just to see the huge rating.

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Well in my case if I'm passing Axefaire to a daughter I'm meaning to put her in an axe class anyway (kinda annoyed at Hero being the fastest axe class a woman can get and it's not strong enough for my tastes 50+ str with no limit breaker or bust)

So for a stat freak it'd just mean the +5 in HP is transplanted to STR instead same difference really in terms of totals

Edited by Thor Odinson
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In a lot of cases, I think it's actually best to just pass down a promoted skill from the father, so the kid can get up to speed quicker, and snowball from there. e.g. Donnel passing Aptitude to Kjelle, or Henry passing Tomebreaker to Cynthia.

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Eh, IMO theres almost no reason not to pass Axefaire, mostly because its like.... the least useless of the lot


Except when the father has access to Fighter but not Merc, in which case you wanna pass Sol. This is for Gauis only, IIRC, because The Vaike's daughter will get Merc.

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Eh, IMO theres almost no reason not to pass Axefaire, mostly because its like.... the least useless of the lot


I always have this issue when passing to Noire.

"Usefulness"... or "WRATH OF BLOOD AND THUNDER!?" to fit her personality?

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I always have this issue when passing to Noire.

"Usefulness"... or "WRATH OF BLOOD AND THUNDER!?" to fit her personality?

I'm pretty sure that "WRATH OF" isn't in the localized version...

So no one else cares about Wrath on Noire

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Wrath is probably the best choice for Henry!Cynthia, if only because the only way she can leverage Axefaire is as a Battle Cleric or General and neither of those is using tomes, which is the whole point of Henry!Cynthia. At least Wrath could, in theory, be useful to her at some point or other along the line, like if you're making her a crit build partner for LQ!Laurent or his associated Morgan.

Of the Fighter-only skills Sol is the best (but only Gaius has to worry about actually passing it), and maybe Counter second (not that Rally Strength is bad, but don't make a kid a rallybot). For the Barbarian, it's probably Axefaire then Wrath. HP+5 and Gamble are intriguing first tier picks from either, but I don't think they're worth it. Although I suppose there's something to be said for a 90 HP General Vaike!Nah... but I'd rather have the +10 total STR from mods and Axefaire.

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Wrath is probably the best choice for Henry!Cynthia, if only because the only way she can leverage Axefaire is as a Battle Cleric or General and neither of those is using tomes, which is the whole point of Henry!Cynthia. At least Wrath could, in theory, be useful to her at some point or other along the line, like if you're making her a crit build partner for LQ!Laurent or his associated Morgan.

Of the Fighter-only skills Sol is the best (but only Gaius has to worry about actually passing it), and maybe Counter second (not that Rally Strength is bad, but don't make a kid a rallybot). For the Barbarian, it's probably Axefaire then Wrath. HP+5 and Gamble are intriguing first tier picks from either, but I don't think they're worth it. Although I suppose there's something to be said for a 90 HP General Vaike!Nah... but I'd rather have the +10 total STR from mods and Axefaire.

I dunno - I'd rather pass down something else, because I'm not fond of Wrath, and it isn't like I'm missing out on much if I don't pass it down.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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You may not have seen a good one then. That said, they're entirely too much work, and the only reason I'm doing one myself with Morgan/Cynthia is to one-shot the TSON boss. A good Brave+Dual Attack build is much easier to create and basically the same as or better than crit builds in 99% of situations.

They do not match the sheer joy of hitting for 300+ in one strike, however. And crit builds make Astra interesting rather than "meh just use Luna/Ignis" which is otherwise the correct answer. Granted, I've yet to actually have anything survive the first hit of one of Morgan's Astras, but there are theoretically enemies in the game who would live through 2-3 strikes!

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Wrath is probably the best choice for Henry!Cynthia, if only because the only way she can leverage Axefaire is as a Battle Cleric or General and neither of those is using tomes, which is the whole point of Henry!Cynthia. At least Wrath could, in theory, be useful to her at some point or other along the line, like if you're making her a crit build partner for LQ!Laurent or his associated Morgan.

Of the Fighter-only skills Sol is the best (but only Gaius has to worry about actually passing it), and maybe Counter second (not that Rally Strength is bad, but don't make a kid a rallybot). For the Barbarian, it's probably Axefaire then Wrath. HP+5 and Gamble are intriguing first tier picks from either, but I don't think they're worth it. Although I suppose there's something to be said for a 90 HP General Vaike!Nah... but I'd rather have the +10 total STR from mods and Axefaire.

It's not much worth to pick HP+5 or Gamble because the gains are seemingly marginal. But in case of Axefaire, it's totally useless if you're not using Axe at all.

Most of the end game class don't use or can't use Axe, and those that can, usually have Sword or Tome or even Lance.

War Cleric are used for healing or tanking, so Axefaire is pointless too. Correct me if Bolt Axe + Axefaire increase your healing powess.

I play focusing on support/dual attacks, so Gamble is very nice and it is rare too. Either you miss and avoid Counter, or you Crit and kill to avoid counter.

Forge Celica's gale to high crit, and enough mt to kill on crit, leveraging on dual attacks.

When you use axe to make use of the low hit, you won't want more STR to kill yourself on counter. Attack from support normally finish the job for you. Vantage is there when they did not die.

Anyway, I choose tome whenever I can, and especially pair up to fight against tomebreaker. So its usually strength based attack in one with the other using tome(lead for healing).

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Bolt Axe + Axefaire would increase your mag, yes.

Also keep in mind that Counter's only a real problem in L+ but in every other mode you should locate them first and deal with them at range, rendering them a nonissue. Not everyone wants to play L+. Also keep in mind that people have different playstyles. The majority of my team are axe users. Axefaire would be nice.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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It's not much worth to pick HP+5 or Gamble because the gains are seemingly marginal. But in case of Axefaire, it's totally useless if you're not using Axe at all.

Most of the end game class don't use or can't use Axe, and those that can, usually have Sword or Tome or even Lance.

War Cleric are used for healing or tanking, so Axefaire is pointless too. Correct me if Bolt Axe + Axefaire increase your healing powess.

I play focusing on support/dual attacks, so Gamble is very nice and it is rare too. Either you miss and avoid Counter, or you Crit and kill to avoid counter.

Forge Celica's gale to high crit, and enough mt to kill on crit, leveraging on dual attacks.

When you use axe to make use of the low hit, you won't want more STR to kill yourself on counter. Attack from support normally finish the job for you. Vantage is there when they did not die.

Anyway, I choose tome whenever I can, and especially pair up to fight against tomebreaker. So its usually strength based attack in one with the other using tome(lead for healing).

Bolt Axe + Axefaire does boost your healing (ditto for Swordfaire with Levin Sword and Shockstick with Lancefaire).

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Well yeah, Axefaire is useless if you're not going to use an axe. That's... fairly obvious, I think.

The point of passing Axefaire is that you do intend to have them use an axe. If you're talking Vaike!Kjelle or Vaike!Nah, that's an attractive option (they're both good Generals/Heroes with high STR). Neither of them really wants to go Tomes (not that Kjelle/Nah can't, but they need a slightly different father), and Lancefaire isn't an option because no Pegasus Knight tree... but axes do more damage anyway. Well, except Gradivus, but Gradivus is just not as good as Helswath overall thanks to that extra DEF.

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