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If you could read minds what would you do with this ability?

What would you use it for?  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. With great power comes great choices.

    • Use it to solve crime and become the ultimate detective or lawyer.
    • To be noisy and read people's personal business.
    • To see what's on your spouse's mind.
    • Become the best poker player ever.
    • Nothing at all.
    • Other.

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fuck i don't want that kind of ability.

my head is full of enough thoughts, i don't need to read OTHER people's too. so i'm gonna go with other in the poll.

Edited by Shirley
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But who says you can't use it when you want to?

Well.... if THAT'S the case, then....

v I use your response.

I would use it to see what people think of me and act accordingly.

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What if I could read minds, you say?

Well shoot, I'll be using this talent to make all the money I'd ever need

it'd make getting a girl at any given time no problem

I'd lead the most wonderful life of leisure the modern world has ever seen

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I'd use that ability to screw over as many crooked politicians as I could so they'd all be replaced with people who actually have moral fiber. Even if the power would have negatives I would take it, provided it wasn't anything that'd hurt the people I care about. The world needs to be a better place and mind reading sure could help with that goal (in the hands of the right people). Of course I'd need to plan a contingency for if I somehow became corrupt. hmmm....

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All of the options (except for the nothing option), and more, as long as it isn't always on and I get to choose who's mind I read.

Edited by Konnor97
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I would use it to try and aid people who are lonely or need someone to talk to them but are too shy to admit it so that they don't turn out as awful as myself. Given the ability, I should logically know what they want to hear from someone else, too, so that's helpful.

Selfishly, I would also use it to determine what guys may potentially be into me, but, you know, all's fair in love and such (since, I mean, I'm only making amends for my present disadvantage!)

Edited by Iridium
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I'd probably only use it on people I really like... and face horrible disappointment.

Then you turn to the dark side and use them for evil.

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