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How many Streetpass Avatars have you recruited

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Currently i only have one legitimate streetpass Dark knight avatar (who had all stats capped). I'm starting to think almost nobody in Australia plays this game

Just wondering how many avatars everyone has at the moment

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I have 3 (would have been 4 if I didn't purchase somebody's wares).

The best character I've seen was a Level 1 Grandmaster.

Hopefully things change tomorrow when I'm going to a local StreetPass meet ^^

Edited by VincentASM
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Same with the OP i'm living in Australia and streetpass hits are rare, so rare in fact that within the last few months i've only passed by one person that held a 3DS, so all i've ever gotten is a generic team, boring huh?

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I don't even know.. I pass by a lot, but I have quite a few in my Logbook from defeating some (never recruiting any, at least not anymore) and there are some left on my map that I never bothered to try fighting. I don't even know who they are, whether they're actual teams or randomly-generated teams. I'm guessing they are real teams since they have maxed stats? Either way, I never kept count because I don't....know anyone who plays FE! I just catch whatever I can when I'm taking the train.

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. I don't even know who they are, whether they're actual teams or randomly-generated teams.

You can tell if a team's randomly-generated if:

1. Their team name is "Outrealm Order" (but watch out because some people might use this name to fake a generic team).

2. They have children characters and when you view their card have no relationship data (I haven't actually checked this).

Eventually, you may get to the point where you'll see other patterns, like the Skills they've learned and the Avatar's name.

Edited by VincentASM
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I have 3 on my file, Lv 19 Wyvern Lord was the highest I think

There's actually a guy who came with limit broken stats that I've came across

And I'd have fought him except he sold stuff like statboosters and forged AvNs and fortifies

so I went shopping instead

Wait there's randomised teams? How does that work? Like, how do you get randomised team and not legit teams?

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I have...a lot. Taking my 3DS to an anime convention caused my map to be covered in StreetPass teams for hours. The only teams I had time to fight were capped ones with good skills and forges. For every team I dismissed because it was too weak or didn't have good items to buy, two more would take its place. I like to think of it as cutting off the heads of a hydra.

So, to better answer the question, my logbook overflowed and loads of avatars had to go.

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Wait there's randomised teams? How does that work? Like, how do you get randomised team and not legit teams?

I'm not actually 100% sure how you get them.

You definitely get them if somebody's StreetPass Team contains legacy characters (in the English versions).

I think you occasionally get them when you tag a 3DS that doesn't have FE13 StreetPass data setup and maybe if you received an identical copy of a team that's still active in your game.

Edited by VincentASM
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In Australia, I've recruited 6 so far. The rest I just kinda buy stuff off, like copies of rare weapons or stat boosts. Most of the time I got them early in the game where brave weapons were precious few so can't help but spend.

But yeah, players a few, After a month or so, I've only got around close to twenty hits.

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I've got 20 legit Avatars in my Logbook (excluding my own) and a bunch of scrub Avatars I've dropped, and plenty of random ones that I also drop.

The "best" Avatar I've found is a capped Limit Broken Sorcerer with Lethality, Ignis, Renewal, LB, and Counter.

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I have 3 on my file, Lv 19 Wyvern Lord was the highest I think

There's actually a guy who came with limit broken stats that I've came across

And I'd have fought him except he sold stuff like statboosters and forged AvNs and fortifies

so I went shopping instead

Wait there's randomised teams? How does that work? Like, how do you get randomised team and not legit teams?

If they have a 3DS but no Fire Emblem data, or if they have legacy characters in their team, you'll get a generated team.

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You can tell if a team's randomly-generated if:

1. Their team name is "Outrealm Order" (but watch out because some people might use this name to fake a generic team).

2. They have children characters and when you view their card have no relationship data (I haven't actually checked this).

Eventually, you may get to the point where you'll see other patterns, like the Skills they've learned and the Avatar's name.

That's the exact name?

Well, I knew about second one, but that requires beating the team to view their card, right? Cause I can't see the Avatar cards for those I actually recruited (whimsical moment).

But well, yeah, the most noticeable would be DLC skills... I do wonder, is seeing maxed stats (green) a reliable factor to see if it's randomly-generated or a real team?

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I have 3 randomers in my logbook. I'm not recruiting them because I prefer to know my characters. Recruiting some stranger who has no role in any Fire Emblem game means I don't care enough about them to stop them from dying, and isn't that the whole point of Fire Emblem? (On the other hand, if my best friend had the game, I'd recruit her Avatar because I know and care about her, and she'd murder me if I didn't recruit her or let her die.)

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What's with people saying they can't find any people with a 3DS in their contry. I live in Argentina. Fucking Argentina. If you can't find someone else that owns a 3DS in Australia or even freaking Europe of all places, maybe you're just looking in the wrong places.

I know quite a few people who own a 3DS (at the top of my head, 8-9).

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What's with people saying they can't find any people with a 3DS in their contry. I live in Argentina. Fucking Argentina. If you can't find someone else that owns a 3DS in Australia or even freaking Europe of all places, maybe you're just looking in the wrong places.

I know quite a few people who own a 3DS (at the top of my head, 8-9).

...Nice? I don't understand what you're saying here. Just because you lucked out on how many people are around you doesn't mean others did.

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One. Just one. And i found her when hanging out in Japantown in San Francisco with my 3DS in sleep mode. lol! She certainly wasnt a generic either. Level 20 Trickster with a lot of cray skills including Galeforce and Astra. I didnt bother fighting her, i had enough gold to hire her cuz lol! She would have taken out most of my team at that time.

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