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Do you tend to use Rally options?


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I tend not to, just because... well honestly I kinda forget they're there, so I don't bother keeping them when there are other things to put in those slots, which makes me forget more... I've used Rally Spectrum a few times, and Rally Movement a little bit. Am I alone in this, or do other people do that too?

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I kinda forget too, unless I'm grinding one/two units in EXPonential Growth and feel that unit being grinded needs the boosts. Otherwise, I don't...really use it... also unless I feel I have a turn to waste on using it. Maybe 'waste' is the wrong word, but, meh. I kind of ended up grinding / training units to the point that it breaks the game anyway, so it's not like the Rallies were all that important to me.

It might change if I were playing on like, Lunatic mode or something higher.

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I almost never use rallies. Exceptions are the two you mentioned, and I use them before I have skills to swap out, if the unit that has them has nothing better to do.

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Similarly, I've only used them on Fliers/Brides/Basilio because they were there, and were replaced when I got something decent to replace them.

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I tend to always use two Avatars of opposite genders summoned from the logbook that have all of the Rally skills.

The incredible stat boost is difficult and foolish to ignore.

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I don't really Rally anything. It's kinda boring, and those slots are better suited for something else. 8U I do have an Avatar hired from StreetPass who appears to be a RallyBot, they have Spectrum, Luck, Strength, Skill, and Defense. Not sure if that's a good RallyBot, but he's there if I ever feel like trying it out.

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Generally postgame only because the characters I tend to use dont' really have rally options (I like the draco branch a lot) or is MU and is too busy reclassing to Hero for Sol and axes to complement her massive strength than to serve as a rallybot

But I do have 3 full rallybots in my logbook

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They're definitely worth it if you don't already have a big stat lead. Haven't tried them mid-campaign yet though. Will have to investigate.

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I spam the shit out of whatever Rallies I have whenever possible. And I'm surprised so many people are saying they never use Rallies. There must not be many people playing Lunatic.

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really, I haven't used Rallies too much-- now that I realized you can stack rally effects in a single go I might use it a little more often--, but they aren't really make or break unless you're training up weak units... I probably wouldn't use rallies in streetpass or DLC tbh.

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Rallybots are great. A free +4 in every stat is amazing, especially since they stack.

Rally Strength is probably the only good thing about Basilio.

I feel it is a must to rally for lunatic. Rouge & Redeemer 3 especially. Rally Def/Rally Heart/Rally Spectrum/Rally (strength or magic).

In rescue mission map, then Rally Heart/Rally Movement for the bigger reach.

Rally speed is also important to make your characters double attack.

Luck not as much since after you have limit breaker, you don't need them for armsthrift.

Strange, Rally Res is not more important than Rally Def, since when those magic hits, my character will be fatally wounded to the point you can activate vantage. So dodge is more important for magic.

Don't need rally if grinding.

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Nobody really uses Rally skills in the main game because there are so many more effective and faster ways to dominate the game even on Lunatic+. You don't NEED to rally in the main game at all, but the option is there.

For TSON on the other hand, you absolutely have to rally spam if you want to survive or possibly win. So rallies are more vital in that situation.

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Nobody really uses Rally skills in the main game because there are so many more effective and faster ways to dominate the game even on Lunatic+.

How is this remotely true on difficulties above Normal? The only skills potentially better than Rally Spectrum are Sol (if on Lunatic/Lunatic+), Veteran, and Galeforce. Individual Rally skills are obviously less effective, but Rally Spd/Str/Def can still be extremely useful, especially when stacked with Spectrum. The only methods potentially better for clearing the game are Galeforce spam, which has basically already been mentioned, and Nosferatu tanking.

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Exactly, there are more efficient methods of clearing the game like Nosferatu tanking or abusing Galeforce. You don't need a rallybot to use either method.

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Not much at all. ...at least in Hard.

In Lunatic, I've been using them considerably more, but still not a lot (in story missions); if I'm gonna be Rallying, I'm gonna go all the way with a unit from the Logbook (generally Katarina, Saias, or Soren) who can stack shit-tons of Rallies, but can't support.

If I'm playing R&R3 on Lunatic without a Limit Broken team, then hell yes.

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