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Top 5 Gamecube Games

Ema Skye

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You know what to do.

1. Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door

2. Pokemon XD

3. Zelda: Wind Waker

4. Super Mario Sunshine

5. Mario Kart Double Dash

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Best system.

1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

2. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

3. Luigi's Mansion

4. Super Smash Bros. Melee

5. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

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1. Fire Emblem Path of Radiance

2. Tales of Symphonia

3. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

4. Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door

5. Gauntlet Dark Legacy

Honorable mentions to Star Fox Assault, Mario Sunshine, Pokemon,colosseum, XD and quite a few others

Edited by Jedi
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1. Pokemon XD

2. Pokemon Coloseum

3. Mario Superstar Baseball shut up ziem

4. Pokemon XD

5. Pokemon XD

Honorable mention to Pokemon XD and Pokemon Channel

Edited by Doctor Who
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1: Super Smash Bros. Melee

2: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

3: Luigi's Mansion

4: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

5: Super Mario Sunshine

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, and many other games I also enjoy.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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1. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (yeah, it's a remake, I don't care)

2. Fire Emblem Path of Radiance

3. Metroid Prime

4. Zelda: Collectors Edition

5. Smash Bros. Melee

There's a whole bunch more games I'd like to mention, Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, Custom Robo, Chibi Robo, Pikmin 2, Pokemon Coliseum, Four Swords Adventures, Resident Evil 4, and a bunch of others.

I'm not counting games that were released before or at the same time on the Wii. ex. Twilight Princess

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Another easy list for me. :)

1. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (though I prefer the Wii version)

3. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures

4. Luigi's Mansion

5. Soul Calibur II

I'm really surprised nobody else has listed SCII! That game was so awesome, and not just cause Link is in the GC version either. And as always, the popularity of Zelda: The Wind Waker really shocks me. I always thought this game was trash and I still do.

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1. Fire Emblem Path of Radiance

2. Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door

3. Luigi's Mansion

4. Super Smash Bros Melee

5. Super Mario Sunshine

HM to Mario Kart Double Dash

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1. Metroid Prime

2. Skies of Arcadia Legends

3. Sonic Adventure 2

4. Need for Speed Underground 2

5. Sonic Riders

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Anyone who doesn't place Metroid Prime on their list should be forced into manual labour and electrocuted by the wave beam.

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1. F-Zero GX

2. Starfox Assault

3. Battalion Wars

4. Sonic Riders

5. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

6. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

7. Mario Kart Double Dash!!

8. Starfox Adventures

9. Super Smash Bros. Melee

10. Sonic Mega Collection

I can't wait for kinky sexitime with Samus and her Wave Beam

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why are there so many top 5 lists lol. im digging this

1. Resident Evil 4

2. Zelda Twilight Princess

3. Super Smash Bros Melee

4. Fire Emblem Path of Radiance

5. Mario Kart Double Dash

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Here is my list. It is the bestest and most accurate, no questions asked. ;):

1. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

In addition to beautiful graphics and music that pushed the GC to the limit, the amount of classic Zelda gameplay (and variety thereof) is phenomenal.

2. Super Mario Sunshine

Delfino Island is one of my favorite videogame locations, and FLUDD adds a plethora of new moves to scale the island like a boss. Why can't Isle Delfino be real?

3. Pikmin 2

The perfect sequel. It improves opon the original in every conceivable way, and then some, and even throws in a challenge mode and multiplayer on top.

4. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

I'm pretty sure this is the best RPG I've played...like, ever.

5. Metroid Prime 1/2

I never played the GC originals, but they are fantastic in Metroid Prime Trilogy.

Honorable Mentions (Not really in order)

The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker

The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition

Includes Zeldas 1/2/OoT/MM

Kirby Air Ride

Sonic Adventure 1/2

Luigi's Mansion

Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc

Possibly the best 3D platformer not made by Nintendo.

Super Smash Bros Melee

I don't own it, but I know how good it is.


Very unique adventure game.

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1.Pokemon XD (It sticks to me forever)

2.Paper Mario The Thousand year Door (I had fun with this game if only i can find the disk in my room somewhere)

3.Super Smash bros Melee (this I lost and just recently bought a copy and picked right back up everything unlocked I nearlly cried getting this game back and playing it)

4.FE9 (Right after I got my first FE game RD i walked into game stop saw PoR and bought it. I still enjoy it today (BTW I got RD like 2008 so I started playing 5 years ago))

5.Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Probally My favorite Sonic game of all time I just love the story and how it intersects at many points, I felt GAME OF THE YEAR 2002 would be this game.)

6.Mystic Heros (a nonnoticed game that was a GREAT game for Gamecube guess it fell short..., My bros Bought it and played it eventually I played it and fell in love with it, but one day it was gone I believe one of them took it or misplaced it so now im looking for this game EVERY WHERE at Used games stores, Look it up on Youtube)

7.Sonic Riders (got this about a weekish after it came out and it is GREAT)

8.Super mario Sunshine (a fav by mostly everyone I wish for a remake like for Sonic adventure battle two)

9.Sonic Heros (I got this its pretty unique and I mostly beat all teams and it brings up the most interesting question is the Shadow in Rougues Team a Clone or is he the Real shadow? they still never answer this)

10.Pokemon Coluseum (enought said)

Honorable mentions Metroid Prime and Skies of Arcardia Legends and MArio kart double dash!

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