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My mother thinks I'm a cold person

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Yes it was during August when I went there. Storms erry day. That wall of humid scorching air is something I'll not forget that moment I stepped out of the airport.

Do you mean Illinois? Yeah, we get lots of storms... and "hot" weather here comes with massive humidity 90% of the time. I mean I've lived through weeks where you walk out into 90 degree (fairenheit, if that's how its spelled) weather and it feels like you walked into a shower... then a few weeks later it's like 30 degrees and rainy...

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Grew up on the surface of Mars in West Texas. The sun is wonderful until you realize it's 112 degrees F outside with a 50 mph wind blowing 90 degree air. Some days, it was like standing in front of a giant hair dryer.

Then there were days in the Winter when the sun would be out and it would look warm outside; but when you leave the house, you find out it's actually 18 degrees. I consider our beloved Sun to be the greatest troll of all because of this, sun burns, and computer/phone screen glare.

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Grew up on the surface of Mars in West Texas. The sun is wonderful until you realize it's 112 degrees F outside with a 50 mph wind blowing 90 degree air. Some days, it was like standing in front of a giant hair dryer.

Then there were days in the Winter when the sun would be out and it would look warm outside; but when you leave the house, you find out it's actually 18 degrees. I consider our beloved Sun to be the greatest troll of all because of this, sun burns, and computer/phone screen glare.


Yeah the sun can be mean.

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Barring the hot wind, I live under similar conditions. Over here isn't nicknamed "The City who captured the Sun" for nothing after all...

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Do you mean Illinois? Yeah, we get lots of storms... and "hot" weather here comes with massive humidity 90% of the time. I mean I've lived through weeks where you walk out into 90 degree (fairenheit, if that's how its spelled) weather and it feels like you walked into a shower... then a few weeks later it's like 30 degrees and rainy...

He was actually talking about Florida.

And of course, because winter was being a complete troll this year these last couple of months have been WEIRD.

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