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Awakening could have been the last Fire Emblem

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I recently got into the series with Awakening and I couldn't be happier. I'm planning on getting RD and I downloaded FE4.

Get FE9 first~

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I recently got into the series with Awakening and I couldn't be happier. I'm planning on getting RD and I downloaded FE4.

Yeah, I suggest FE9 before FE10, unless you've already played it. And I just downloaded FE4 a week ago; its great so far but very different from the other Fire Emblem games...

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Damn, the last Fire Emblem I played was Radiant Dawn and I only saw screenshots of the DS games.

So I was pretty surprised when I started Awakening. Using the 3-D models for the story scenes, the whole character class redesigns, a lot more voice acting for everyone and everything, and just everything seemed so much ... shinier? Flashier? Stylish? Seemed above the presentation standard I had for the series.

So this was why? Geez.

I mean, it's great that Fire Emblem is still alive. I thought the series was low key but not in danger of termination. What a precarious industry.

See, you can achieve anything when you're under pressure!

And this is why any project should be done as if it were your last.

I mean, I don't want them to constantly be in the danger zone. If you put everything into it like it was your last moment, you run out of things you can put into it without keeping the core the same. Going Super Sayian all the time eventually trivializes going Super Sayian. But since stability wasn't an option, it is what it is.

Edited by almostexactly
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A toast to the ever survival of one of Nintendo's more unique series. It simultaneously was a love letter to all the previous games fans and a gateway for the newcomers and the mixture worked.

To SMT x FE, FE14 and beyond!

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It was the FE who made me come back to FE (and this wonderfull communauty ! ), so I would have been really disappointed if it have ben the last...

Fine, I'll buy your goddamn DLC !

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Wow... That's really shocking news to me. I thought FE games did pretty well, normally. Scary to think Awakening could have been it.

Glad that it's not, though! I'm looking forward to upcoming titles and the SMT crossover. :D

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Didn't know this, but I had a feeling sales were poor ever since New Mystery was never localized, and Awakening felt like a love letter to it's fans.

I'm glad Awakening did well enough to pass. It's one of my favorite RPGs in general, and it would've been a heavy loss if it had to go.

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TBH, I was one of those that felt that FE was low-key, but never did I feel the series was in danger of termination (though maybe the fact that the previous FE game wasn't localized should've been a red flag on that front). Heck, if it weren't for this thread, I probably still wouldn't believe it.

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I remember when a lot of people on these forums were like "yeah, FE is dying" before Awakening really took off.

Yeah, I had that mindset. Even when it was announced, I figured the series was done worldwide and back to Japan-only, but here it is.
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If you put everything into it like it was your last moment, you run out of things you can put into it without keeping the core the same. Going Super Sayian all the time eventually trivializes going Super Sayian.

Then you need to ascend past a Super Saiyan!

Seriously though, on the other hand being complacent with whatever you're putting is what brings you to the danger zone in the first place.

Also look at Sakurai, who always develops his games with that mentality. Which Smash Bros. is best, Kid Icarus controls and other things aside, you can surely feel that he's putting in his best effort into every game.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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I remember when a lot of people on these forums were like "yeah, FE is dying" before Awakening really took off.

Awakening didn't really "take off" that hard. While on paper, it's the best selling Fire Emblem, it was outsold in japan by FE3, and possibly FE1 and FE4 too (I don't recall the stats exactly). The only reason it has the strongest sales is because it was released overseas as well as in Japan.

I'm not surprised that this game could have been the last Fire Emblem. Sales have been consistently weak since FE6, even in the face of population growth. Expanding sales to America and Europe propped up sales, but FE has not been a healthy, growing series for a long time. I remember hearing that this was basically the reason for Casual Mode. Nintendo basically told IS during the production of FE12 that they had to put in something to expand the audience, that stagnant or declining sales weren't good enough.

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Yeah, I had that mindset. Even when it was announced, I figured the series was done worldwide and back to Japan-only, but here it is.

That would have been so much worse than if the series had been flat out discontinued. I'm still sad we didn't get 12 localized...

I do wonder how well the new fans would adapt to more "classic" future installments, though. Sorry to be a downer :P

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I'm not surprised that this game could have been the last Fire Emblem. Sales have been consistently weak since FE6, even in the face of population growth. Expanding sales to America and Europe propped up sales, but FE has not been a healthy, growing series for a long time. I remember hearing that this was basically the reason for Casual Mode.

I remember hearing that. I may not use Casual mode myself, but since it makes it easier for new players to get in the series I think it should stay.

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In retrospect, this isn't actually too surprising. The exact thing basically happened to the Advance Wars series after the miserable sales of Famicom Wars DS in Japan. Since then, the US and Europe have only gotten one more Advance Wars game that didn't even see a Japanese release. This was around 5-6 years ago, so I'm pretty sure that's the end of it.

After the uninspiring (but still decent) Shadow Dragon and the lack of a worldwide release of FE12, it seemed like Fire Emblem could very well go down that same path. Fortunately, Awakening relieved all of those concerns!

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I actually had a feeling that that was the case. It's an unfortunate reality, but if they can't make money off of it (and can't afford to lose money on it), it'd make sense to cease development for a time.

At any rate, congratulations all of you who bought the game! You just saved a franchise.

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they cant end just yet they had good sell rate here and japan and if they make FE 14 they get the series fan the will buy it and countinue series.

in another way if this is last i would be surely depressing. but i have confident it will continue!

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they cant end just yet they had good sell rate here and japan and if they make FE 14 they get the series fan the will buy it and countinue series.

in another way if this is last i would be surely depressing. but i have confident it will continue!

Did you not read any of the posts?
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I actually got that impression myself due to all the references and shit packed into the game, basically they wanted a celebration of the series to be their swan song. In any case, thank christ the game sold so well, it'd have sucked for the series to end even if it did end on a high note.

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That would have been so much worse than if the series had been flat out discontinued. I'm still sad we didn't get 12 localized...

I do wonder how well the new fans would adapt to more "classic" future installments, though. Sorry to be a downer :P


Take a gander at this. It's just the translation patch, you'll have to find the rom/emulator on your own. But this is for the entire FE12 game. Enjoy :D

Either way that is a little scary. I wasn't aware to be honest...but this is good. Sales have already exceeded expectations. Now we have to hope they sell well in Europe. It could possibly be the first Fire Emblem title to reach 1 million world wide!

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