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Windows 8


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Well, as I look at my computer's cpu sitting on my desk missing half of it's pins, I miss my windows machine. It was 7, but I was considering putting together a Win Server 2012 machine, which is basically the same as Win8 if you know what to do in the settings.

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Nah, I've had this macintosh for... I dunno, several years.

I would really like a brand new computer (PREFERABLY NOT APPLE RELATED), but I'm content with this one.

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I miss Windows 7, if only because Aeria Ignite has freaking updated its software so it can be used on Windows 8. I want my damn Eden Eternal back. >_<

And Skype on Windows 8 is so confusing - other than that, I don't mind it that much.

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Nah, I've had this macintosh for... I dunno, several years.

I would really like a brand new computer (PREFERABLY NOT APPLE RELATED), but I'm content with this one.

Wasn't thrilled about the prospect of a Mac, tbh. Only bought one because I needed one to develop iOS apps, but in hindsight, it's not nearly as locked down as I thought it would be.

At the same time, it's still more locked down than it needs to be. It could be Linux and be done with it.

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Eight has a lot of complaints, yeah. I hate it surprisingly little as a power user, though. It's still more or less just as easy to find all the advanced settings for me, though I dislike that I usually have to use the start search. Still, I can move through win8 without a mouse just fine, which is good for a UI designed for touchscreens.

The update is OK, it's just not necessary for me. I wouldn't jump hoops to get 7 over 8, but I'd probably keep 7 in most cases if I could. The fact that microsoft is already pushing ahead to azure says a lot about how unsuccessful 8 has been.

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Thing is for me, I got tainted with my win8 experience; my first time using it was with one of the REALLY early dev builds, which was dreadful. Enough so that I just avoided it and kept to win 7. Only now am I starting to regain enough confidence to try it, and not even as a main OS, but as a server. (Just so you know, since server 2008, the ms server builds basically have all of the core functionality of their desktop equilivients, if you know what settings to enable.

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Heehee when I bought my new laptop I stuck to Win7 since it was what I was used to~ I had heard a lot of complaints about 8 as well though...

What are the main complaints of it?

Well, as I look at my computer's cpu sitting on my desk missing half of it's pins, I miss my windows machine. It was 7, but I was considering putting together a Win Server 2012 machine, which is basically the same as Win8 if you know what to do in the settings.

Good luck on fixing it!

About a month ago. Feels good man.

I'm glad at least some one else likes it lol

Eight has a lot of complaints, yeah. I hate it surprisingly little as a power user, though. It's still more or less just as easy to find all the advanced settings for me, though I dislike that I usually have to use the start search. Still, I can move through win8 without a mouse just fine, which is good for a UI designed for touchscreens.

The update is OK, it's just not necessary for me. I wouldn't jump hoops to get 7 over 8, but I'd probably keep 7 in most cases if I could. The fact that microsoft is already pushing ahead to azure says a lot about how unsuccessful 8 has been.

Wasn't azure supposed to come out a long time ago? I feel like I've heard about it too much for it being as far off as it probably is.

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What are the main complaints of it?

Heehee well it's been a while since I ever looked into it, so I mostly forget by now~

One thing I think I remember people saying is that they tried adding too many new features to it so that it just got weighed and slowed down by all the features they wanted to put into it.

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So much fucking bloatware on my W8 when I first had it. I deleted nearly everything I knew I wouldn't ever use and reinstalled the shit I do use (so far that's League of Legends and Paint.NET).

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