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Nowi is probably the best first generation character for a non-grinding lunatic run besides the Avatar

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- Defensive growths that beat everyone besides Tiki, who joins at the end of the game vastly underpowered

- Strength growth beats most of the cast.

- Speed growth is "only" 50% so it can be fixed with the standard Pair Up + Tonic

- Best EXP progression of anyone without Veteran. On reclass she gains 29 levels at the cost of only 15 internal levels, which beats the pants off of promoted units. Also she counts as unpromoted forever (Insert a standard Nowi joke here)
- Fewer Second Seals needed

- 1~2 range all the time
- Less obnoxious to train than pretty much any other weak physical unit (pretty much all of them) due to full power 2-range attacks

- Massive boost from Dragonstones
- Wyrmslayers are extremely rare
- Easily one-rounds pesky late-game Wyvern Lords, for whatever that's worth

So, to summarize Nowi's main weakness of requiring training is mitigated by the fact that her regular attack can be launched from 2 range and her defenses will quickly be high enough to take hits due to her growths and the stone. She avoids the EXP drop off other first generation characters hit when they reach 20/20/1 by avoiding promotion altogether, allowing her to gain far more levels than other characters. To anyone looking to try a runthough of Lunatic I urge you to try her out.

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I know. Why did you feel it necessary to bring this up in over-hyping fliers land Serenes Forest?

Chances are people already know this or don't want to bother training growth units.

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The Idomitable Killer Individual is better

Tiki's whole thing is not needing hardly any training. Her availability is what makes her worse than Nowi, although she's still pretty awesome.

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-Tiki, who joins at the end of the game vastly underpowered

Uh, yeah, my logged no-grind Lunatic run pretty much disproves this completely.

Nowi is pretty great, though.

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Uh, yeah, my logged no-grind Lunatic run pretty much disproves this completely.

Nowi is pretty great, though.

I was wondering about that... Tiki is amazing no matter what.

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Yes, but at an easier part of the game. There are a lot of chapters after Tiki joins where reinforcements make it very difficult to bring any units that can't take ~4-8 attacks on the EP and she needs to be leveling up in these chapters so she can't be a Pair-up unit. I suppose she might benefit from some child Paralouges, I only did Morgan's and Kjelle's so she didn't have a chance to level up.

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Wait, people ignore Nowi? Da hell? Shes awesome! In fact, shes gonna be my male Avatar's next waifu.

Shes a defense partner right?

*runs and hides*

Tiki's outfit is superior, ergo Tiki>Nowi #flawlesslogic

Edited by shadykid
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Nowi > Nah > Tiki because availability is everything. #Morflawlesslogic

In theory Nah has more availability than Tiki, but Tiki's Paralogue is a lot easier unless you're Mire sniping. And in Lunatic, availability isn't actually everything.

(Yes, I know the post wasn't entirely serious, but I felt like addressing it anyway. I'm a killer of fun)

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In theory Nah has more availability than Tiki, but Tiki's Paralogue is a lot easier unless you're Mire sniping. And in Lunatic, availability isn't actually everything.

(Yes, I know the post wasn't entirely serious, but I felt like addressing it anyway. I'm a killer of fun)

I've always been able to finish Nah's paralogue around Chapter 16 simply because my Nowi is nearly capped out at point... (Not that I play favorites or anything...) but yeah Tiki's paralogue is always extremely easy for me because of how many nostanks great units you can have at that point.

(Fun killer!)

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Stop being the Fun Police, Fox! :P:

I usually wait a bit to do Nah's Paralogue (which is a real pain in the fanny) anyway. Tiki is pretty fantastic, that goes without saying. I call her Tanki for a reason. But Nowi is so charming...

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