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Official SSB4 Newcomer Bets Thread


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Welcome to the Official SSB4 Newcomer Bet Thread!! In this thread we list characters that we think are likely to be in Super Smash Bros. 4, stick them on our betting lists, and see just how accurate our newcomer lists are and see who's the most accurate in the end!!

The official rules are as follows:

- we guess newcomers only and we don't guess character cuts

- Melee veterans that were cut from Brawl do not count as newcomers and will not be accounted for, except for Mewtwo's new form as either a standalone character or a Sheik/Zero Suit Samus type transformation

- Everyone starts at 100 Points

- A -5 Penalty for each new character revealed for late joiners of the game will be implemented

- The only placeholder guess that is allowed currently is a 6th Generation Pokemon, with other placeholder slots being allowed as more games from existing Smash Bros. series are announced/new series that are likely to have playable characters in Smash Bros are announced. Swapping/adding placeholder guesses that this rule applies to does not count towards the swapping/adding guess limit

- Every correctly guessed newcomer is +10 points.

- Every newcomer that is guessed but isn't in the final roster is -10 points

- Exceptions to the above 2 rules include:

-Third party characters, who are +20 if correctly guessed and -20 if incorrectly guessed

-Specific characters that were swapped from a placeholder guess (Eg: changing 6th Gen Pokemon slot to Mewtwo's new form) or characters with a very recent debut in a game (new characters from games that are announced from 2013 and onward), who are +20 if guessed correctly and -10 if incorrectly guessed

-placeholder guesses (Eg: 6th Gen Pokemon, new forms that debut in Gen 6 for existing Pokemon count), which are +2 if correctly guessed and -10 if incorrectly guessed

-Pokemon Trainer type newcomers (people that are able to swap between three Pokemon), who are +5 for the right elemental order (eg: correctly guessing fire as base form starter, grass as intermediate form starter, and water as final form starter), +10 for the right Pokemon Generation, and +2 for correctly guessing there's another Pokemon trainer newcomer and neither of the above two are right. -10 if there aren't any Pokemon Trainer type newcomers whatsoever.

- Every newcomer that does show up that you didn't guess is -5

- Swapping/adding/removing guesses is unlimited before the first SSB4 newcomer reveal (which is likely on June 11). After that, only two guess swaps/additions/removals (meaning you can only do those three things twice) are allowed, unless a new game from a Nintendo franchise gets announced (see rule 5), in that case you're allowed one free guess addition/swap for that game franchise

- Be sure to edit in any guess switches/additions/swaps into your original predictions list and make a new post saying what your changes are. If you only do the latter without the former, I'll simply just calculate the scores based on what's in your first posted list in the thread, without accounting for the changes.

- Guesses will be closed 1 month before SSB4 gets released in the country it first gets released in. However, if there are any leaks of a full roster after the demo stations are available and they start showing up on many prominent sites, bets will be closed then.

So the general idea for this betting game is to be as accurate as possible, since guessed newcomers that don't make it in as well as newcomers that make it in that you didn't guess will be counted against you. Remember, you're free to change your bets as much as you want before the first SSB4 newcomers are revealed.

Rules may be subject to change in the future, but we'll try to implement changes in a fair way so they won't put anyone at an unfair advantage/disadvantage.

Anyways my bets are as follows:

Takamaru Chorus Men
Shulk Pac Man Little Mac
(6th Gen Pokemon) Mii
Mega Man



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My bets are:





Animal Crossing Kids

Skyward Sword's Link & Zelda

Little Mac

Tetra/Toon Zelda

LTTP! Younger Link

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Are you guessing it'll be classic Gen 1 Mewtwo with its new Gen 6 forms not implemented in its moves whatsoever (having its new forms implemented in taunts only doesn't count) or are you guessing Mewtwo with its Gen 6 forms partially/fully implemented in its moveset? If it's the former, it doesn't count as a newcomer and you don't need to put it on your list (all Melee characters that were cut in Brawl aren't considered newcomers for this thread, unless they have new transformations implemented). If it's the latter, you should probably put "with Gen 6 Forms implemented" beside Mewtwo in parentheses or something.

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Are you guessing it'll be classic Gen 1 Mewtwo with its new Gen 6 forms not implemented in its moves whatsoever (having its new forms implemented in taunts only doesn't count) or are you guessing Mewtwo with its Gen 6 forms partially/fully implemented in its moveset? If it's the former, it doesn't count as a newcomer and you don't need to put it on your list (all Melee characters that were cut in Brawl aren't considered newcomers for this thread, unless they have new transformations implemented). If it's the latter, you should probably put "with Gen 6 Forms implemented" beside Mewtwo in parentheses or something.

Oh, I was thinking something closer to the first. Different sites have different criteria for newcomers I guess. So if it doesn't count, then I'll remove the bet(I'm still betting on him returning in some form though).

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Come to think of it, I think Mewtwo's new forms as a standalone character or a Sheik/ZSS transformation should be the only way we should count Mewtwo as a new character. I mean, by my former rules, Bowser would be a newcomer for having a Giga Bowser transformation for his final smash. I'll change the rules in the opening post.

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6th Gen Pokemon
Gen 3 Pokemon Trainer (Sceptile, Combusken, Mudkip)
Mega Man (I'm assuming that a guess for Mega Man counts no matter what version of him, right? Like between Classic and X?)
Shadow the Hedgehog Pac-Man

Palutena (completely forgot to add her back in April)

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Mega Man (I'm assuming that a guess for Mega Man counts no matter what version of him, right? Like between Classic and X?)

Yep, the form or incarnation doesn't count, as long as it's actually Mega Man and not Proto Man or Zero. Even if it's Bad Box Art Mega Man, it'll count.

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I'll say...

Chrom (de-confirmed)

Lyn (de-confirmed)

Pac-Man Shulk (both confirmed)

Takamaru (de-confirmed)

Palutena (confirmed)

Toon Zelda/Tetra Little Mac (confirmed)

King K. Rool

(6th Gen Pokemon) (confirmed)


EDIT: All I've done is add a "(confirmed)" or "(de-confirmed)" next to the corresponding character(s), no bet changes.

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(6th Gen Pokemon) 6th Gen trainer





Magnus Palutena


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Mega Man

A 5th gen Pokemon/trainer (Victini if I had to put a name to it)

A 6th gen Pokemon/trainer (likewise, the new Mewtwo form)


Toon Zelda/Tetra

Zael (protagonist of The Last Story, a recently ported JRPG)

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Okay lets see how bad my predictions become...



Little Mac





King K. Rool:

Pokemon trainer of Gen 2 or above:




Lloyd Irving

Black Shadow

6th Gen pokemon

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Black Shadow


Professor Layton and Luke


Leisure Suit Larry


Cranky Kong


Sure, why not!

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Lucina (is it possible to say her as DLC costume for marth but with her voice and all that?)

Characters only count as newcomers if they're stand alone characters or a Sheik/Zero Suit Samus type transformation. We aren't counting any kind of costumes as newcomers, so even if Lucina did make it in as a DLC costume with an altered voice, she still wouldn't count for this betting game's purposes, so you don't need to add her to your newcomer list.

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I'll make some bets

Little Mac


King K. Rool





Samurai Goroh


Mach Rider

Muddy Mole



Travis Touchdown

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My bets:

Choir Kids (Rhythm Heaven)

Little Mac


King K. Rool

Bowser Jr.




Mewtwo's new forme


Dixie Kong

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3DS E3 notification got me excited! Even though I don't have a Wii U and the Wii U version will be superior


K Rool







Pac Man

KK Slider Little Mac


Edit: Switched KK for Little Mac and added Lucina.

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