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Official SSB4 Newcomer Bets Thread


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Not a bet, but...

I hope Ike returns, because he's one of my favorite fighters.

And maybe they can add some more Magic users. If I'm not wrong, Zelda was (probably) the only magic user in the game. (I haven't touch the game for years, so I can't remember well. :P )

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I think I got two so far. I'm not completely sure if that was Skyward Sword Link, but it looked like it. And I sort of got the Animal Crossing one right (Holy freaking heck, how did I guess that?) - I thought it would be both the girl and the boy, not just the boy.

But whoo!

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Well, it looks like Villager messed up practically everyone (not that I mind, it's nice to see Animal Crossing getting a playable character). Nice job on calling it Vashiane. I should mention that Skyward Sword Link and Zelda don't really count as newcomers, since they're just character redesigns that are still taking the Link and Zelda slots (unless you thought Link and Skyward Sword Link would take two different slots, but I don't think you meant that).

Also, to those who guessed Professor Layton, I should tell you that he's a third party character (despite having most of his games on Nintendo consoles, he did have some IOS games), so if you want to remove him from your list, you're free to do so (and it won't count for the 2 removal/switch/addition limit).

Mega Man, well, a lot of us saw him coming based off of Sakurai saying "a Capcom character isn't completely out of the realm" and all the fan demand back in the Brawl days. I'm suprised more people didn't bet on him. I was thinking 75%-90% of people participating would've bet on him.

Anyways, here's the standings.

Randoman: 115
Silver Pegasus: 90
Vashiane: 105
shinpichu: 90
Acacia Sgt: 90
Konnor97: 115
Fire Emblem Fan: 90
Knight: 115
Ruarik: 115
Green Poet: 115
Greatgramcracker: 90
ShinRPGamer: 90
Shin: 115
Nobody-Man: 90
Dinfinitysignfina: 90
Owain Dark: 115
Devilsbane: 90
Zeem: 115

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Doesn't look like Skyward Sword Link to me, he's more blond and has sharper eyes.

Wut, Nintendo's Facebook claims Wii fit trainer as new character? WTF!?

Edited by Knight
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Well, no one saw the Wii Fit Trainer coming. That's -5 for everyone. Why do I feel bad for penalizing everyone for a character no one would've ever predicted? Oh well, rules are rules.

Randoman: 110
Silver Pegasus: 85
Vashiane: 100
shinpichu: 85
Acacia Sgt: 85
Konnor97: 110
Fire Emblem Fan: 85
Knight: 110
Ruarik: 110
Green Poet: 110
Greatgramcracker: 85
ShinRPGamer: 85
Shin: 110
Nobody-Man: 85
Dinfinitysignfina: 85
Owain Dark: 110
Devilsbane: 85
Zeem: 110

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Well, no one saw the Wii Fit Trainer coming. That's -5 for everyone. Why do I feel bad for penalizing everyone for a character no one would've ever predicted? Oh well, rules are rules.

No hard feelings.

Actually, I think some thanks are in order for your being so methodical and timely about this.

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No hard feelings.

Actually, I think some thanks are in order for your being so methodical and timely about this.

Heh, your welcome.

I should probably warn you guys in advance about a two week trip I'll be going on in mid-August, and I'll need a someone to run this thread while I'm gone in case SSB4 newcomers get revealed while I'm on the trip.

@ Majestic Paladin, Kamina, and JasonMendez: I should inform you that you're starting at 85 points rather than 100, due to the -5 late penalty for each newcomer revealed.

Edited by Randoman
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Oh, crap, I wish I'd seen this thread before the reveal.

Well, never mind, then. Since I've already lost two of the characters I was most confident about, no real point in bothering.

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After seeing Villager and Wii Fit Trainer, I would like to change my guesses to:





Cranky Kong

Meg and Brom tag team

Why does Sakurai love to troll us

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...what to do about the supposed leak from a source that was right for three other fighters. I don't want to close bets this early, we're nowhere near the release date, and nobody's been wanting to change bets yet, so we'll let things be in the meantime.

I'd like to volunteer for running the thread during that time period. I have no plans to my current knowledge for the rest of the summer, so yeah.

Thanks. That's much appreciated. Also, seeing how you were heavily involved with the rule thread and had the same mindset as I did regarding the rules, you're probably the best choice to replace me for running the thread. You're free to change the rules if neccessary.

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...what to do about the supposed leak from a source that was right for three other fighters. I don't want to close bets this early, we're nowhere near the release date, and nobody's been wanting to change bets yet, so we'll let things be in the meantime.

Thanks. That's much appreciated. Also, seeing how you were heavily involved with the rule thread and had the same mindset as I did regarding the rules, you're probably the best choice to replace me for running the thread. You're free to change the rules if neccessary.

Wait, what supposed leak are you talking about? PM me.

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I think in my head that my guesses will might be in the new Smash Bros. sequel:

  • Pac-Man (since Namco is part of the development for this game)
  • Chrom (but not for replacing Roy and Ike)
  • Any Generation V or VI Pokemon (but not for replacing Lucario and Mewtwo)
  • New Playable Mario character and/or Dixie Kong
  • New Legend of Zelda character (but not for replacing Young Link, Toon Link, and the others)
EDIT: Requested any characters to be removed from Randoman

EDIT 2: Removed New Legend of Zelda character from the List.

Edited by King Marth 64
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Can't think of anyone else other than maybe a new F-Zero representative, but that's a dead series, Krystal because Star Fox and I'd like to see how she would play.

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Alright, seeing how the X reveal at E3 did not feature Shulk and was not Xenoblade related (to my knowledge, but I'm not very familiar with Xenoblade), we're allowing a free Shulk guess removal/switch for those who did guess Shulk.

I'm switching out my Shulk guess for Pac-Man.

I think in my head that my guesses will might be in the new Smash Bros. sequel:

  • Pac-Man (since Namco is part of the development for this game)
  • Chrom (but not for replacing Roy and Ike)
  • Any Generation V or VI Pokemon (but not for replacing Lucario and Mewtwo)
  • New Playable Mario character and/or Dixie Kong
  • New Legend of Zelda character (but not for replacing Young Link, Toon Link, and the others)

General and placeholder slots are only allowed for Pokemon Gen 6. For Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon Gen 5 (if you plan to stick with that and not Generation 6), you'll have to narrow it down to specific guesses, like Zoroark, Toad, and Ghirahim. For now, we're only allowing placeholder slots for Gen 6 because Pokemon is a major Nintendo series, it's likely to get some new characters, and we don't even know many of the Gen 6 Pokemon.






Can't think of anyone else other than maybe a new F-Zero representative, but that's a dead series, Krystal because Star Fox and I'd like to see how she would play.

You don't need to add anyone that's already been in any of the previous 3 Smash Bros. games, so putting Marth and Ike on the list isn't neccessary.





Dr. Kawashima


Paper Mario

Other M's Samus

Luigi w/ Poltergust


Generation VI pokémon

Luigi and Samus don't need to be on the list since they're veterans. Even with Luigi's Poltergust, he's still a veteran similarly to how Mario is still a veteran though he has FLUDD.

Edited by Randoman
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