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man i couldn't figure out how to 5 turn that map for the life of me

now i know that it was because none of arkis, narron, or raffin could double those mounted bandits, not because i was doing it wrong

Edited by dondon151
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man i couldn't figure out how to 5 turn that map for the life of me

now i know that it was because none of arkis, narron, or raffin could double those mounted bandits, not because i was doing it wrong

With better luck with the remains of the main army (like having them get ORKO'd on EP by attacking Julia or smth), you can have an extra turn attacking the thieves. That's how the rest of my attempts went - but this one was the only one without the downright disgusting level-ups. I've even been able to 5-turn the map with them running away.

It seems, enemies have fixed stats in storyline maps in this game, so it's a good idea to calculate how much AS you need to double specific thieves because it should work every time once figured out. So that's another solution.

Generally, failing to double just means you equip a lighter weapon (probably not something horrid like Slim Sword but whatever the weaker weapon may be in any case).

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Have you considered giving Raffin Julia's Killing Edge? At base, he has 15 atk, 4 AS, 114 hit, which should be enough to double and 2HKO any given Thief Rider (even the Leather Shield one) with 100% reliability.

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well, darn, i think he could have been useful

i ended up 12-turning it but i think i could have gotten 11 turns if i didn't make a mistake at the end. i was going to use katri's breath (L) to do a number on the boss but he was just out of range. a well trained barts would be a great asset in this map if he can double and ORKO the bandits.

the reinforcements aren't random. they probably look random because you may have blocked some of them by accident.

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They are random. If you keep reloading the game you will eventually avoid them entirely.

If somebody in the party has really high avo / >30 HP, you can put them in a position where you can target your own dude with the breath and hurt an enemy you can't otherwise reach.

I decided to skip map 11. Not only do I hate that map with a passion, but I want to see with how much skipping I can get away with (losing out on Alicia and Samson and their equips, a Silver Sword which would actually give the Myrms ORKO potential for once and a Hero Proof that Vega isn't too far from using, not to mention all the exp).

My Lionel is pretty mediocre - still lv. 7 before The Hero Holmes. I hope I can get him promoted before map 16 though, along with Vega.

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They are random. If you keep reloading the game you will eventually avoid them entirely.

WoD lists 4 spawn points for the reinforcements, and i had all 4 spawn from turns 4-6 unless one of my units was blocking a spawn point. in my sample size of 2 tries of the map, they were not random at all...

i also don't recall being able to target an ally with the breath (L). i'm pretty sure i tried targeting shigen @ dullahan and it didn't work.

anyway i managed to 2-turn chapter 13 with a bit of arrow dodging. the RNG abuse isn't needed if narron is on holmes's team since he can reach maerhen with a pilum on turn 2 and probably ORKO despite the iron shield.

Edited by dondon151
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Oh wait, I thought you meant reinforcements on the map. Yeah, the in-chapter ones should be about the same every time (sometimes things change when you restart though, like Bandits and Archers changing positions in chapter 12).

I just checked and you're right about that, nvm. You CAN kill your own dude while targeting the enemy though, which was what I was thinking of.

Chapter 13 can be 2-turned with a unit with 6 move (so I suppose something like Sea Fighter!Lee would work just as well) and enough atk to ORKO Maerhen.

I just had Zeek 2HKO Maerhen on my run. Narron levels up like crazy on Runan's path while Zeek can do tasks others fail to carry out without minimum investment (none besides mandatory actually).

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well, darn, i think he could have been useful

i ended up 12-turning it but i think i could have gotten 11 turns if i didn't make a mistake at the end. i was going to use katri's breath (L) to do a number on the boss but he was just out of range. a well trained barts would be a great asset in this map if he can double and ORKO the bandits.

Anything that can chuck Pila is generally pretty good.

He did save my ass in that draft run I did, though I don't think most people would put much focus on him. Plus, you'll probably want his Wlv high enough to use Garo's Hatchet since his accuracy isn't too good with the Hand Axe. He should still be ok at 1 range.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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did i just type a blank post or something ._.

anyway how do you 2-turn chapter 13 with a 6 move unit? do you suicide krisheenu on turn 1?


Place a 6+ move unit with good 1-2 range (just Narron/Zeek/SF! Lee I guess, maybe somebody with the Thunder Sword, Peg Mahter being the best choice, or Barst with Sea Fighter and a Hatchet could also work). Use their full move to get on the bridge. Have Krisheenu hide in the corner. Make sure the right side of the ship isn't clogged with units, because if it is Maerhen will pussy out and move towards Krisheenu instead.

Maerhen should take the space below the Dark Bishop. Move your 6+ move two squares left of him and attack at 1~2 range to end the map (he won't counter on EP).

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Done with chapter 14, in the process of which Lionel gained a move level-up. Several other things went wrong on that attempt but I'm keeping it because of that very unlikely proc.

I gotta say though, Lionel knows how to scare me with his 3 base luck getting him into all sorts of trouble. Good thing Luck is his highest growth (though I'd rather it were strength or speed or something).

Currently at chapter 15, deciding what Fighter terrain skills I want to teach. Frontier for Holmes is an obvious one, but I'm thinking either Maerhen or Yuni could use another one as well (for chapter 13). It's 7K for the potential of shaving off a turn or two, but think of it this way - the Dragon Flute costs 10K and whether Mahter/Sasha is shaving off anything with the Draco promotion (that doesn't even grant a movement bonus and actually cuts speed and magic, latter drastically) is even more dubious, and yet I always buy it on every playthrough, including this one.

So it's something to consider. Holmes is definitely getting Frontier Fighter though. Besides map 16, there's also maps 20 and 21.

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So I have reached the infamous sperm monster map... Wish me luck guys.

I've been following this because I havent played TRS yet and was curious. Looks good. Is Narron the best TRS unit?

I would say so, yes. At least in outdoor chapters. Average Cav before promotion, Seth afterwards. 8 move dude in a game where most mounted units have 7 move, with accelerated growth rate and crazy promotion bonuses.

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yeah i've never played this game before and i shat my pants when i saw his promo bonuses

his combat prowess, in tandem with elite and 8 mounted movement, means that he gains levels more than twice as quickly than your average unit

Edited by dondon151
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Haha, I see. Didnt see his promo bonuses. I just judged from what Ive seen in the vids. His exp gain reminded me of Astrid except he looks like Franz so I figured he was good :P

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He's lucky to be the only playable Gold Knight, a class with very high base stats. There's also a GK boss whom you fight at the end of the game, who has lots of stats capped, a crapload of shields to reduce damage inflicted, defensive and some offensive skills and a 30% avoid bonus on his throne. Really looking forward to that one lol. Good thing you only have to beat him once.

There are also GKs randomly hanging around in the arena. In fact, the arena is worth trying in this game just for the hell of it because it's so different. Also fun if you want to see all the classes. It sometimes feels that tried really hard to introduce as many classes as possible without really making an effort to make them distinct and available to every player. Or maybe it's just the translation - why is Sasha's fighter a "Kings knight" when he is the King?

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yeah i've for sure seen mage knights as enemies and in the arena, and i'm sad that there are no playable mage knights... i think.

anyway how does plum's dance skill work? the site implies that it doesn't always refresh the unit?

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It always refreshes, but the more you use it, the more likely Plum is to give a stat boost (equal to that granted by Strength/Magic/Defence staves). You need to dance 151 times to have any effect though the formulae in AquiIae's GameFAQs guide look fishy... 1000% chance at 250 dances? Something wrong there.

There'll also be a singer later on in the game, whose Sing healing is crap (she gets the Power staff though but not enough WLv to use a Physic staff before 1 proc + 1 WLv Plus investment) but the more you sing, the more you're likely to refresh one of the targets. You sing all the adjacent units too, with an initial refresh rate of 10%, and it increases the more you sing and also if you have a support (works for Attrom, a Merc who's pretty much Xeno's clone). The radius also increases so it's worth considering.

Though efficiently playing, you're unlikely to really build up their dance/song levels.

I think Mel could've promoted to some sort of Mage Knight... Though I think they expected the player to use her as a Thunder Sword girl or something. Still, I mourn the loss of the only mounted healer on this run.

Edited by Espinosa
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5-turned chapter 14 as expected

what did you pick from the man's house with the treasure chests? i'm thinking MAG plus, POW plus, and AGI plus are must haves. maybe a WLV plus for maerhen. i don't think i really need any of the promo items unless i want lionel to promote during chapter 16 instead of after, but i'm not sure if he will even get to L10.

in chapter 16, are you just supposed to like... walk to the chests with yuni, holmes, and maerhen? sounds like a pain in the butt.

Edited by dondon151
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