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Lets Make a Class Tier List! (Spoilers in today's Poll!Apotheosis+Endgame)


When you hear these classes, what do you think?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Grandmaster

    • The best of the best!
    • the best of the pretty good classes!
    • Pretty good
    • i wouldnt count on it to get the job done...
    • Never to be used!
  2. 2. [SPOILER] Grima(Final Boss)

    • The best of the best! (And toughest of the tough...)
    • the best of the pretty good classes!
    • Pretty hard to beat
    • i wouldnt count on it to get the job done... (If I had it)
    • Never to be used! I mopped the floor with him, easy!
  3. 3. Soldier

    • The best of the best!
    • the best of the pretty good classes!
    • Pretty good
    • i wouldnt count on it to get the job done...
    • Never to be used!
  4. 4. [SPOILER]Merchant (Apotheosis)

    • The strongest one's name!
    • the best of the pretty good bosses!
    • Not too tough, not too weak...
    • Disappointing to fight!
    • So weak, she's not worth the fight!
  5. 5. Merchant (Not Apotheosis)

    • The best of the best!
    • the best of the pretty good classes!
    • Pretty good
    • i wouldnt count on it to get the job done...
    • Never to be used!

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Astra only uses 1 weapon use, unlike Path of Radiance. It can also critically hit with each strike, so it is somewhat disingenuous to call it weaker than a critical.

Really ? Good to know ! OK, Astra is pretty cool then.

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New tier polls are up!

The class sets of the nice mercenary and *gag* er, *gag*nice*gag* archer have been put up!

Personally I think the merc is pretty good, thanks to arms thrift, an essential and wonderful skill for your strongest or most levin-consuming class.

Archer... Not so much

Hero is very good

Bow knight is ok

Sniper.... Ehhhh

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Mercenery has one of the best skills in the game and another that is very decent in game. Top

Heroes get sol and good all around stats. High

Bow Knights have butt stats and lousy durability and the worst promoted skills. Bottom

Snipers are okay. Longbows are very useful and their adequate defenses discourage enemies from targeting them. Mid

Archers are bad but prescience is okay when reclassed. Bottom

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Limited internet so this will be short.

Mercenary and hero are awesome. Bow knights are okay. Snipers are also okay. Archers... Phooey. I do love Virion and longbows but their skill set seriously sucks for what they do.

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Merc and Hero's probably the best physical unmounted class

Armthrift and Sol are A+, Patience is alright for a T1 and a breaker skill doesn't hurt either. Good stats all around too and AXES~ Still, 6 move but you can keep Sol with you when you go to a class with more movement

Bow knight's alright, 8 move is good. Axes > Bows though unless we're talking L+. No reliable means of 1-2 range unless you actually have a mag stat. Gives p nice support bonuses though, Speed is good and move is good and skill doesn't hurt either since that improves activation skill rates

Archer pretty awful. Sniper is less awful but still not something I'd field. Bowlock kinda sucks. A lot.

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Archer are the only first class with bow access, and Presciensce has it's uses. They are a pain to train though... Not that bad, all things considered.

Sniper... In a way, they are far worse than Archer. Yes, they have access to Long Bows, but being Bow-Locked isn't really good (Assassins are better at the job, thanks to Pass...). The skills access. Hit + 20 helps Mire Spamming, but aren't really usefullfor them. Prescience is a better skill in general. Bowfaire isn't bad, but not the most exciting skill. Probably the worst 2nd Tier Class.

Bow Knight. Now, that's better ! Access to Sword, high movement. Its skills are pretty good too, if not exceptional. A Good Class.

Mercenary. Despite being Sword-Locked, one of the best 1st Tier Class. High and balanced physical stats, access to the awesome Armsthrift, and Patience is a decent skill as well.

Hero. A really good class. Sol is an awesome Skill, and Axe Breaker is pretty cool as well. You can't go wrong with this class.

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New tiers released, old ones recorded.

Happy voting! (Should Manakete and Taguel be recorded under level one or level two tier list???)

For me, all of these classes are mediocre.

Nothing particularly stands out except for Sage's tomefaire and Dark Knight's Lifetaker.

Edited by Saint
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Mage - Nothing spectacular. Meh skills. Tomes are good though. Mid

Sage - THE class for hyper offense (along with dark flier). Top

Dark Knight - A great all rounder class. High.

Manakete - Best tank in the game. No brave option sucks though. High

Taguel - Worst class in the game. No Range, No braves, no faires. Bottom

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Mage is good because they have access to magic, but otherwise they doesn't have anything special...

Sage is a great class, with good option. (And Tomefaire helps Staffs too...).

Dark Knight are pretty great, though they can in fact have less movement than mages insome situation. Life Taker is great, and they are pretty tanky too. Slow Burn sucks.

Manaketes are really great ! High offense and Defense,1-2 Range. Their speed aren't the best, and the skills are nothing to write about, but they are still a top tier class.

Taguel are pretty good. With Beastbane, they attack rapidly, and deals extra damage to half the promoted class. Their weapons are rare and cost much, and they don't have 2 range options, but that doesn't stop them to be a really powerfull class.

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Sorry it took so long, I've been zetta busy, but here's the newest set!

Happy voting!

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Just a note, Valkyrie has a slight mistake in that "Yuck!" is an option on the poll twice.

Edit: And the rest of my opinion in the meantime~

Troubadour: Slightly better than clerics according to the growth charts, but not great. Demoiselle is like a better Charm that only affects men, so you could do worse in the skills department, but generally this class isn't really worth reclassing into.

Valkyrie: Nothing outstanding skills-wise, but they're a little weaker, speedier and more resistant than sages and they have a horse. They're a pretty decent class to settle into, having the highest speed cap of all magic classes, though I still prefer sages to squeeze out those extra points of magic.

Pegasus Knight: Speed+2 is one of the better minor bonuses you can get and their speed base is pretty good for a 1st tier. Relief is extremely situational and worse than Renewal in every respect except timeframe of obtainment, but it helps occasionally. Also, they fly, and flying is good. Because of pair ups, their weaknesses end up feeling pretty trivial.

Falcoknight: Excellent staff support through their ability to fly over mountains. You can boost their rescue/ward/physic range with Lancefaire + Shocksticks, but they can also sport some decent combat. They might have the lowest maximum range for their staves, but they can travel over peaks, which sort of balances things out. Their biggest issue is that for support purposes, most falcoknights have poor combat, but a falcoknight with good combat is often sporting poor magic. From the 1st gen, Lissa probably strikes up the best balance if she reclassed out of cleric and spent time as a pegasus knight -> falcoknight.

Dark Flier: Well, we all know why people go for Dark Fliers initially, but it's really quite a good class in its own way. As the only flying magic user, Dark Fliers are quite effective at taking out enemy flying units, especially those pesky wyverns. For whatever reason, dark fliers have some surprisingly high bases, completely eclipsing some classes such as valkyrie, but their caps are more-or-less on par with fellow magic users.

Edited by Samias
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I missed Merc and Hero, the only classes I would give the highest rank. GDI.

Ahem. Anyways:

Troubadour: Eh. Not really like leveling healers but they at least have some moves.

Valkyrie: Nice, albeit a fragile speedster, they still make a pretty good Tome user.

Peg Knight: Nice.

Falcon Knight: Staves are redundant. Otherwise, nice. Like how Lancefaire could help them out.

Dark Flier: Nice, outside from Galeforce also have a decent stats.

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Dark Flier>Falcon Knight>=Valkyrie, Pegasus Knight>Troubadour

Dark Fliers are great both ingame (for those who can realistically get there) and postgame, hell yeah

Edited by shadykid
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Troubadour : Horse + Healing. Nothing really more. Nice,but not exceptionnal.

Valkyrie : Dual Support is awesome for Spotpass/DLC characters, otherwise, it's not that great. Having Magic and a horse isn't as great as in previous game, but it's still pretty cool.

Pegasus Knight : They fly, and their stas are pretty balanced. They are pretty frail though, which stops them to be perfect. A really Nice class.

Falcon Knight : Really food class. Trickster may beat them in the healing departement, but Fly + Heal is a great combination.

Dark Flier : They fly and they can use Magic. That alone is absolutely awesome. Galeforce is just a nice little bonus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everybody!

Sorry for taking so long (like 3 weeks) to update. Between several family troubles, I haven't gotten a chance to sit down recently. Times sure are hectic. But now I'm back :) the previous poll results were recorded, and the new one has been posted. [if anyone remembers this...] Happy voting!

Edited by Saint
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Fighter: Ehhh. At least they get HP +5, which is one of the VERY few useful male exclusive skills.

Berserker: Sadly, doesn't even have a skill I care about enough for me to NOT avoid it like the plague.

Warrior: See Berserker.

Villager: Those bases suck, and... I don't really have much else to say.

Dancer: Pretty solid. Giving a unit another turn's always welcome (even if a dancer's not as useful here as in, say, Tellius).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Welcome back! Family stuff is always stressful so glad to see you back.

Fighter - Somewhat middling. Decent pair-up bonuses but their skills lack oomph, with HP+5 being cancelled out by somewhat bad defense and Zeal being near-worthless. Axes are good through the mid and endgame, but early in the game when fighters are relevant, not so much.

Berserker - Axelocked and Wrath is pretty bad but Axefaire is actually kinda nice. Their focus on strength and speed means they hit like trucks. Unfortunately they don't have peak or waterwalking and huge natural crit bonuses anymore. Not bad but not amazing.

Warrior - Eeehhh skills except for building an annoying Streetpass team because of counter, but statistically not that shabby either because of their enormous strength cap.

Villager - Those bases.... yeah. Worst class in the game, even if Aptitude is a nice skill.

Dancer - Despite having self-defence in this game, the value of dancing is waaay lower in this game due to the large amount of open space on maps, Galeforce existing, and a lack of objectives other than rout and kill boss. Very underwhelming compared to previous installments, and the bases of your dancer being that of the people you started the game with doesn't help. Still solid because it's another action, but yeah, there is definitely a loss of value here compared to the Tellius games for example.

Edited by Samias
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The previous poll's results have been recorded, and the new one's up!

Next time, we get to the fun classes! Happy voting!

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Knight: Neutral. A slight defense boost is fine, and choking points is just my style.

General: See above, only unlike Great Knight, I actually have a reason to go to level 15 this time.

Wyv. Rider: Neutral. Strength +2 is nice. Tantivy... is "WTF were they thinking?!". levels of icky.

Wyv. Lord: Neutral. A breaker skill is a breaker skill. (Don't care for Quick Burn)

G. Rider: Sweet. A move boost while paired up is nice, even if I don't pair up all the time like others here.

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Knight: 4 move only useful for pairups

Generals: 5 move and probably won't exist on any of my runs before endgame because GK is the other option and is plain better

Wyvern Knight: flying tank/10 rexcaliburs are ewww but I love them anyway

Wyvern Lord: see above, also Tantivy-Quickburn has great synergy on sub-Lunatic modes, send Panne on Solo missions and don't care about things, not even Rexcalibur because you can actually dodge those fucks (also they don't do 70)

Griffon Rider: Less tanky than Wyvern Lord and lacks lances, but Deliverer is A+ and the class also gives movement as a back unit, and if your flying tank desperately need some extra speed you can always go Griffon instead

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Previous ones recorded, new ones released... For some of these, you'll need to rate them on how tough it was to fight them as a boss.

Happy Voting! I believe tomorrow's is the last set.

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