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Best/Worst in the Series Round 189

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Best is every single Lemming

Best: Shadow Dragon Sedgar. He's never let me down~!

HM: FE12 Sedgar, who trades his stats for a smile. Also, every DS Tomas, because I can. And the rest of the Lemmings ('cept Julian) get a shout-out. :P:

Worst: Ardan

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Best: Rolf (PoR)

Worst: Nowi

Well, I am a big fan of Rolf. I loved how PoR actually dealt with the issue of children on the battlefield for once. About what it means to take someone's life and what could push you that far.

I mean, the series had plenty of children on the battlefield but always completely ignored the implications of that. We got characters like Fa. She doesn't even know what death is and people are afraid to tell her.

He is like the only character who I can hear saying: "I am not a child" without being a massive pain because he understands the implications of having blood on his hands... and that it isn't something to be proud of.

Of course, the very same reasons I like him as a character, are the same reasons that I don't like the deploying him.

He might feel like he has no choice but to go out and kill people, but I do. And he is like the worst choice for a unit slot anyway. :D:

Nowi, well... Let's just say that I still can't believe that she wears the very same outfit as Strawberry from No More Heroes. She was a deliberate exaggeration in order to parody the otaku subculture.

Nowi is missing that context. The prepubescent looking character is the most objectified of the cast... without any hint of the self awareness of No More Heroes.

And this is from a franchise who was on of the few to use the same armor for male and females since... always. After all these years, It's just so... humiliating, that IS would assume that their fans would like this sort of thing.

Mind you, I do think that she is a good character in concept... when not done by people who think that "Likes sweets" makes a sufficient characterization.

Oh yeah, and how are you supposed to fix that 6 base speed with a mere 50% growth by chapter 8 without even having the option to promote?

Edited by BrightBow
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Oh yeah, and how are you supposed to fix that 6 base speed with a mere 50% growth by chapter 8 without even having the option to promote?

I'd say that isn't really so bad compared to Nino having her one real advantage over Pent or Erk all but nullified by her low Con and coming late and underleveled to boot (HHM makes it even worse for her since the new and improved Cog of Destiny is a magefest).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I'd say that isn't really so bad compared to Nino having her one real advantage over Pent or Erk all but nullified by her low Con and coming late and underleveled to boot (HHM makes it even worse for her since the new and improved Cog of Destiny is a magefest).

But enemies in FE7 aren't all that powerful. Even in HHM. Sure, she is dead weight anyway but she can damage enemies and can be kept rather safe at range.

I can't see Nowi catching up at all. Because the Def and Res inflation leaves little room for underleveled units to catch up.

Not to mention, that there is no weight penalty in Awakening. I can't really see her catching up to all these Heroes with forged silvers with agility in the mid twenties.

Though, admittedly I forgot that she can attack at range.

Edited by BrightBow
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But enemies in FE7 aren't all that powerful. Even in HHM. Sure, she is dead weight anyway but she can damage enemies and can be kept rather safe at range.

I can't see Nowi catching up at all. Because the Def and Res inflation leaves little room for underleveled units to catch up.

Not to mention, that there is no weight penalty in Awakening. I can't really see her catching up to all these Heroes with forged silvers with agility in the mid twenties.

Though, admittedly I forgot that she can attack at range.

Conceded on FE7 enemies not being that powerful, though I still consider training Nino to be arduous enough that the payoff is hardly worth the hassle (especially in HHM for the aforementioned reason about Cog of Destiny making her nearly unusable). And I assume you're talking about Lunatic mode in Awakening? Or...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Nowi is actually fairly easy to train. Pair Ups and tonics exist. Plus, she's a good candidate for the speedwings.

Lon'qu, Gregor, and some others give her pretty nice SPD to enable her to start doubling.

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Conceded on FE7 enemies not being that powerful, though I still consider training Nino to be arduous enough that the payoff is hardly worth the hassle (especially in HHM for the aforementioned reason about Cog of Destiny making her nearly unusable). And I assume you're talking about Lunatic mode in Awakening? Or...

i mean regular hard mode, actually. I was kinda surprised that Gangrel's 25 Spd became standard so quickly.

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i mean regular hard mode, actually. I was kinda surprised that Gangrel's 25 Spd became standard so quickly.

Um-kay. You didn't mention which difficulty, so I just guessed.

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