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Let's do some Part 4!

4-P: 2/141

Calill gets Resolve!Provoke and Marcia gets Adept!Vantage; Miccy has Resolve. Miccy goes east with Sothe's shove. Marcia grabs Calill, gets vigored and drops her on the magical thicket where everything happens. Calill caps lck. Marcia flies and Adept/Stuns Yuma, then she kills at ep2 the bishop and gens guarding the sword boss. Marcia is so underlevelled, she's like lv. 9 while Calill is at lv 12.

4-1: 4/145

Promoted Mist and gave her Adept for ltc's sake. Pass!Boobs!Torch!Ike goes down then east! Tits goes east then down to kill silly bishops. Mist adepts the sandbag and rushes to kill the bishop, then retreats to protect Rafiel and Adept/crt/Sol enemies with Florete.

4-2: 6/151

F*** yeah! This is what I call efficiency by picking multipurpose units. Who needs Lincy or cavs, we have a rolling blue tank! None other than Celerity Gatrie! He rushes to Valtome with transformed Reyson and owns everything with forged hand axes and javs. He caps str, skl, sp and def, zomg! Meanwhile Paragon Lucia rushes down with three storm swords and a tempest blade. She pwns things with crts and astra or orkos things with dat mt. She gets up to lv 12 and caps skl, sp and res, and hp! On pp6 the azure TB kills the bishop on the middle of the map, gets vigored and tempest kills both stationary gens. On the other hand, Leo did nothing other than killing gens, scrubs and reinforcements from afar. He's at lv. 7, meh.

4-3: 5/156

Wee! Pretty much automatic. Calill goes to numida, marcia destroys things on the west, then south, then team up with calill, then help sothe with halbs and sniper group. Miccy rushes and enters resolve pwnage modo with Valaura! The best magic tone evar that shaves all the turns. She gets stefan and he kills two warriors. Sothe got baselard. Calill caps mag and skl, Marcia caps hp, sp.

4-4: 7/163

Pkl screwed me here. Muarim gets bexp'd and caps str and sp. He got a speedwing. Muarim rushed west and orko'd everything there including the room. Mist and Tits get vigored and speed up! Mist shaved a turn by rescuing Tits only three tiles, because I was getting an eight turn, but fortunately Rafiel vigored Muarim and Tits, he went west, she rushed to the rooms. Ike passes on and owns oliver's room, then Muarim arrives and kills a gen and a couple of bishops. Mist kills reinforcements with Adept/Sol, she caps str and lck.

4-5: 2/165

Again, fliers aren't needed. Smite Lucia pushes Celerity Pass Leo and brave kills Izuka.

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Let's add this to DTE, at last.

Endgame - Rebirth

Disciples of Chaos:


















4-E-1: 2/167

Ok, let's divide this map into smaller parts.

First: Ike, Marcia and Tits kill three swd gens and get vigored by Rafiel; Ike passes on and kills Hetzel, Tits passes on and kills the last sleep bishop and Marcia kills the bolting thunder sage, and cantos to the silver bow sniper (to adept ko in ep).

Second: Stefan deals with the western group of gens, and Muarim uses the Laguz Gem and waits to destroy the eastern armors.

Third: Leo deadeyes the double bow sniper and sends bbow to convoy in order to equip dbow. Gatrie orkos the gen in front of Leo. Sothe shoves Leo so he can kill the western sages. Calill meteor kos the blizzard sage, Mist trades her meteor for bolganone. Miccy orkos the axe gen in the middle, Lucia places herself in front of Rafiel to make a protective wall and defend the fragile heron.

On ep, things die/get hurt by units.

Then, Ike passes on and parity kills lekain. Tits passes on and hammers the western gen in front of ike. Calill meteors the brave axe gen on the west, so Stefan full moves and tempest kills the western physic bishop. Muarim kills the brave swd eastern gen. Miccy, Mist and Marcia team up and move and get vigored. Lucia full moves and kos the gen guarding the gens guarding hetzel's corpse. Miccy full moves and owns the gens that guarded hetzel. Leo moves and kills another gen and stays in range of other two gens up north. Marcia kills a scrub, and after the vigor, she rushes east and grtlances the physic bishop and cantos in front of the stationary lance gen. Gatrie, Sothe and the rest units that weren't mentioned, killed some sages, gens and the northern shine bishop. At ep2 every enemy unit dies to hammer!Tits, Thani!Miccy, Adept!Stun!Marcia, Paragon!Provoke!Double Bow!Leo, Adept!Stefan.

4-E-2: 1/168

Hammer gogogo!


Ike - Ragnell

Miccy - Rexaura

Sothe - Baselard

Sanaki - Purge

Sigrun - Wyrmslayer

Marcia - Brave Lance

Calill - Rexflame

Stefan - Vague Katti

Muarim - Fang

Mist - Alondite

Titania - Brave Axe

Lucia - Brave Sword

Leonardo - Double Bow

Gatrie - Wishblade

4-E-3: 1/169

Uh oh...Marcia can't use wyrmslayer, shiiiiiit. Had to send stefan via rescue (muarim shoved full move north mist). Celerity Marcia (ferrying Lucia), Tits, Ike and Leo get vigored. Tits deals 17 dmg, cantos a tile west, Ike deals 44dmg (+2 A Mist support), Leo deals 24dmg (+1 B Lucia support), Marcia trades the wyrmslayer and cantos a tile east, Stefan deals 30dmg, and gets the Dhegkill.

4-E-4: 1/170

Leo, Calill, Marcia and Micaiah are vigor targets. Mist rescues stefan. Stefan, Marcia, Leo and Calill deal with the fire spirits adjacent to Sephiran. Miccy purges Seph (5dmg), Muarim shoves Parity Pass Boots Ike, he full moves and deals 40dmg via Parity. Miccy gets the purgekill.

4-E-5: 3/173

Brave Hero Stefan couldn't resist Ashera's Judgement. x_x


Unit Records:

Marcia - 100w

Sothe - 106w

Micaiah - 127w

Ike - 149w

Titania - 171w


Ike: he who deals the final blow. Once he gets Ragnell, he's unstoppable. The best boots user I've known.

Micaiah: Resolvebot/10, her endgame is far better than what people think. She's a unit with gr8 potential, and people usually underrate her, and leave her as a staffbot.

Sothe: he shaves all the turns on P1, then he gets outclassed by other dbs.

Geoffrey: freebot/10

Leo: he makes a gr8 team with muarim, specially because of 1-8. He shaved a couple of turns in p1 and p3. Also, he's the best at sniping Izuka. And the ability to have two 15 capacity skills is awesome as well.

Muarim: goddamnit this tigar is the best. Him rushing from one place to another in 4-4 was excellent. He's also gr9 at routing enemies.

Marcia: imo, she makes a good team with Calill, dat +3 mt is really needed. She's really durable and loves to dodge things, her only issue is probably str, but that is fixable with bexp'd caps and a couple of good lv ups.

Lucia: not vital, but really useful at 2-2 and p4. Had to give her paragon to make her somewhat decent.

Calill: wow, her performance is awesome. First, owning 2-e enemies with dem stats, then pwning enemies in 3-9 and 3-E, then being almost unbeatable at P4. *bows*

Mist: squishy at the beginning but she demonstrates being a nice unit in the end. Useful is the word that fits her.

Titania: savesalldaturns/10

Gatrie: replacesanycavwithcelerity/10, except having canto.

Stefan: valiantdhegslayerthatdiedon4-e-5/10

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Part 1

Prologue – 6/6

Edward and Micaiah solo.

Chapter 1 – 5/11

Another Edward and Micaiah solo.

Chapter 2 – 6/17

Used Nolan again and he and Sothe clear a path for Laura

Chapter 3 – 9/26

That was tough because I have to make sure Sothe blocks the escape path so no enemies can block it.

Chapter 4 – 9/35

Sothe heads south then east and circle around the map while the other kill of the enemies at the center then go the the west.

Chapter 5 – 6/41

First we attack the enemies nearby before we advanced to the defend point. Sothe had the most kill when I moved him to the center and I used Volug to block the remaining enemies at the last turn.

Chapter 6-1 – 8/49

I have everyone stick together when the enemy reinforcements came.

Chapter 6-2 – 4/53

Aran and Tauroneo shoved Sothe so he can get close to the boss while the other stayed behind to get some experience. Luckily Sothe got a critical when he attacked the boss.

Chapter 7 – 9/62

I promoted Aran in this chapter and I use plenty of bonus experience for everyone. During the chapter all I did was move my units straight to the boss.

Chapter 8 - 12/74

It was heretic at the beginning and I have Sothe headed straight to the boss while Aran covers the rear when thing were settled.

Chapter 9 – 6/80

I have Micaiah fight at the west side of the map and the Black Knight stayed at the east.

Final – 10/90

I used the master seal to promote Laura. Most of the time I have the Black Knight cover the rear while everyone else headed straight forward. Then I have them regroup when we arrive at the gate where BK killed most of the enemies including Jarod.

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Part 2

Prologue – 8/98

Couldn’t defeat the boss in the end.

Chapter 1 – free 6

It was a surprise that Nephenee got a critical on the boss when he attacked her. And it was enough to lower his health so she and Brom can kill him.

Chapter 2 – 10/108

Mordecai and Brom solo.

Chapter 3 – 8/116

Geoffrey and Kieran solo.

Final – 2+4/122

Small time for Mordy to fight plus Leanne refreshes Elincia so she can get to Ludveck.

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1-6: 4+3/46

What I can give Jill like one level argh no BEXP dump for me I thought that was a thing I could do...

So Sothe did most of the work, Jill killed some pegasus knights I guess.

1-7: 5/51

Jill promotes at level 18 and does alright but not great at bullocking her way through. Sothe uses Fiona's Saviour to take Micaiah some of the way.

1-8: 8+4/63

Muarim penalty because bandits make a beeline for him fuck you forced deployment. I don't know how you're supposed to keep him out of combat. There are enemies everywhere, and Tormod has to cross the swamp because Sothe is needed to be everywhere else at once around the centre so he (Tormod) can't take the bandits.

1-9: 6/69

Resolve Micaiah with good biorhythm is pretty dodgtanky. BK stays around the starting position to kill Jarod when he shows up.

1-F: 7/76

The name of the game is getting BK up to Jarod. Jill is useful in making sure Rafiel keeps up. I manage to snag the Speedwings thanks to a last-ditch lunge by Jill. The other thief stood in front of Jarod on turn 7 and would've cost me if not for Rafiel's refreshing being so bro.


Name    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Micaiah 17.81 28 06 20 13 13 22 08 18
Sothe    7.42 36 21 05 25 23 21 16 12
Tormod   6.50 35 13 18 17 20 15 13 14
Jill  18/5.34 27 17 03 15 23 20 17 12

Micaiah met my expectations.

Sothe may be even more clutch than Marcus since Hector can hold his own, he's just a little slow.

Tormod was better than nothing.

Either I don't know how to use Jill properly or she's not first round material. She has troubling OHKO'ing unless she uses poleaxes that kill her accuracy. If it hadn't been for forges I would have probably ragequit.

At least Part 2 will be gentle at first.

Edited by Baldrick
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Part 3

Prologue – free

The chapter ended right on the mark.

Chapter 1 – 12/134

I used Boyd as a free unit and I have to guarantee not miss all of my attacks. It was luck for Oscar that he survived a fatal blow from the armor knight with a horseslayer.

Chapter 2 – 4/138

Good thing I brought over the brave sword so Ike can use it to kill the boss.

Chapter 3 – 15/153

Another chapter that I’ve finish right on the dot. Also Oscar promoted to silver knight.

Chapter 4 – 12/165

I have Mordecai use up the laguz stone in this chapter.

Chapter 5 – 2/167

Oscar rushed to the boss and kills him with a critical followed by Sol.

Chapter 6 – 10/177

I gave Aran the Beastfoe skill and bought a beast kill for Sothe in this chapter. I let Sothe and Micaiah fight at the north until the Black Knight comes. Then they join Aran and Laura at the east part of the map.

Chapter 7 – 12/189

Mostly I have Ike get most of the kills and I have my units fall back when dracoknights were drawing near us.

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Quick question, though I'm 90% sure the answer is no, and it probably wouldn't change my strategy even if it was yes, but can the DB use the leftover BEXP from part 2?

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Quick question, though I'm 90% sure the answer is no, and it probably wouldn't change my strategy even if it was yes, but can the DB use the leftover BEXP from part 2?

nope, not until part 4 when they all join up

(it sure would be nice if the dawn brigade could use the others' BEXP pools though)

Edited by shadykid
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2-P: 8/84


2-1: 10/84

Nephenee got 2 levels. Brom obtained the Ashera Icon, the Javelin and the Concoction (skipped the Steel Axe). Heather died

to Yeardley. Whoops.

2-2: 6/90

I’d forgotten I actually drafted Lethe. Team Lethenee acted as the point women, while Nealuchi , my freebie, soaked up the enemies coming from behind.

2-3: 5/95



What time is it?


Deathenee time

2-E: 7/102

Deathenee moved towards the door on turn 2 and cleaned up the first wave of armours with a Steel Greatlance. On turn 3 she used a Vulnerary and weakened the second wave, then equipped a Javelin and cleaned up them and the ranged attackers. Lethe was choking the point between the wall and the sandbag so Elincia could come in, restock Nephenee and grab the Energy Drop then Canto back behind the sandbag. Turn 5 EP Nephenee had to Wrath-kill enough of the General reinforcements that she wasn’t blocked, but not die in the process, which took a few tries to get right. Meanwhile, Lethe used the Energy Drop because why not. Turn 6 she moved within Ludveck’s range and used a Concoction. On the first try, she not only survived but Ludveck wasn’t blocked off so she could go for the kill with the Brave Lance, needing two Wrath-crits to finish him.

Death 16.84 41 24 09 26 27 20 19 18
Lethe 21.44 bases +2 str
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  • 3 weeks later...


3-P: 10/112


3-1: 12/124

Shinon free because I don’t know. Fog of war sucks.

3-2: 3/127

Celerity Nephenee rushes down to the boss

3-3: 11/138

Gafree near the start, Nephenee to the boss, Ike to the centre then NW

3-4: 7/145

Ugh., Ike and Nephenee went up the west side, clearing the enemies. The cats trailed behind, then Saviour Lethe carried Ranulf up the ledges. When it was practical, she dropped him so he could arrive.

3-5: 2/147

Nephenee killed a General, then Celerity Reyson danced her so she could reach the boss by turn 2.

3-6: 9/156

Fog of war still sucks, and I’m bad at guessing where enemies are. Jill was BEXP’d to level 13, and reached 19.80 thanks to Paragon.

3-7: 12/168

Untransformed Lethe contrived quite a few kills.

3-8: 8/176

Lethe down the eastern path, Neph and Ike down the centre. Then Lethe approached the boss room from the top while Neph and Ike came from the side.

3-9: 4/180

Killer Lance Joffrey

3-10: 6/186

The odd AI that triggers when almost all enemies are dead, that makes the dragonknights and the CRK turn pacifist and run away from combat, really pisses me off.

3-11: 5/191

I left Pass and the Brave Lance with Reyson, silly me (Reyson had the Brave Lance because he was roleplaying a Pegasus Knight). It didn’t end up hurting anything, since Tanith was hilariously unsuitable for attacking the boss anyway. That said, she did get the kill after Ike attacked him on turn 4 PP and EP.

3-12: 3/194

Haha it was worth drafting Jill for this.

3-13: 2/196

Thanks to pacifist laguz, I had to get the kill on Ike in EP. It took three tries to get a crit/stun proc with the Killer Lance.

3-E: 6/202

In the rematch, where I needed Ike to survive, it took four tries for Jill to not crit/stun. Luckily, after the end of the phase I had 76 on the counter so I didn’t need to go through it again.

Micci  4.22 32 10 23 16 15 24 12 22
Sothe 11.26 37 22 05 26 27 22 16 13
Jill   9.56 46 31 08 25 31 35 24 22
Ike   20.00 48 27 04 30 25 20 24 09
Neph   8.85 52 30 16 32 34 24 25 23
Lethe 36.23 65 18 07 16 20 27 19 15
Tanith 6.63 40 30 16 30 28 24 25 24
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Nolan, Elincia, Janaff, Heather, Shinon, Astrid, Kyza, Nasir, Ena

this team is eerily similar to my other one

ok so i have this all written down on my notebook but too lazy so you get turns

[spoiler=the atrocity that is my quicklogging]1-4 - 5/25 turns

1-5 - 6/31 tu4nw







brolan rescues rafe





lesbian otp duos this map






shinon + boyd












heahter is literlally my only decent 1-2 ranger



wow ok i actually pulled that off with my shti p3 ream







cahrge get rescue etc

Nolan, Elincia, Janaff, Heather, Shinon, Astrid, Kyza, Nasir, Ena


silver: miccy janaff kyza lea

greil: ike brolan heather raf

hawk: lincy ass shin rey

4-p 3/149

kyza is ass but then bexp happened




rescuelincy strikes again and rescues twice, then hammernes it and celerass goes down and shinon goes left


2 laguz and no mage or flier is ass


heather saves turne



4-e-1 2/174





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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of Part 4 (accidentally added in 3-P before which is why the TC goes down)

4-P 4/196

Naesala north, followed by Mic and Sothe. Tanith east.

4-1 5/201

Nephenee west then south, Lethe east then south, Ike south then east.

4-2 6/207

Tibarn was the top, Jill the bottom.

4-3 8/215

Mixed up nihil and nullify in my head :facepalm;

Naesala, Leanne and Micaiah went south, Tanith carried Sothe east and dropped him. Then she regrouped with the main group and they worked their way down. Sothe killed the snipers to the east and then got the Baselard. Micaiah is actually really good at fighting Crossbow Warriors.

4-4 9/224

Nephenee east then north, Lethe west then backtrack, Ike through the centre after Tormod wastes the Sleep staff.

Oliver coming to Rafiel saved me a turn.

4-5 1/225

Who needs to spam high-tier units like Leo and Lucia when you have Pass Jillllllllllllllllll

Stats going into the tower;


Ike     20.00 65 37 10 40 37 28 30 14  Nihil, C Rafiel
Micaiah  1.00 44 16 32 24 23 36 20 32  Resolve, Discipline,  A Sothe
Sothe    6.20 44 28 09 33 33 26 18 18  Adept, Corrosion,  A Micaiah
Naesala 31.00 61 20 08 22 22 22 13 17  Nihil,  C Tanith
Tanith  17.00 43 32 17 36 35 27 28 30  Imbue, Savior,  C Naesala
Tormod   9.00 46 24 30 27 32 19 25 26  Paragon, Shade
Neph    17.00 57 33 18 35 34 28 29 27  Adept, Provoke,  A Lethe
Lethe   36.51 65 18 07 16 20 27 13 10  Wrath, Resolve,  A Nephenee
Oliver   8.00 48 22 31 22 20 28 18 32  Smite, Shade
Tibarn  35.00 72 21 02 24 21 30 19 11  Adept,  C Jill
Jill    20.00 55 35 09 30 35 35 30 22  Celerity, Provoke,  C Tibarn
Joffrey  4.00 47 28 13 26 28 22 23 23  Paragon
Volke   13.77 52 30 05 36 35 19 26 22  Pass, Counter

4-F-1 3/228

Ike left, Jill right, the others through the centre.

4-F-2 1/229


4-F-3 1/230

Wyrmslayer/Great Beak

It was impossible to get Ike /Naesala/Tibarn/Tanith to all attack Deg, since I only had one blessed Wyrmslayer, and Ike/Tibarn/Tanith required Tanith to take a hit, which she couldn’t. If Rafiel hadn’t still had the Robe he starts with, I would have lost a turn.

4-F-4 1/231

It took Tanith/Tormod teamwork to tidy the trail to the terminally touched turncoat. Terrific tunes triggered Tibarn’s tearing tackles. The supplementary subjects of the song (the squawking spy, the simple citizen and the sturdy swordsman) separately subdued Sephiran’s sentinels. The Daein dragonknight decisively defeated the devotee.

Need a break before I challenge the last chapter.

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