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Animal Crossing: Ruler of The World(Town)


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I'll take one of everything.

Oh, whoops, sorry I'm seeing this so late... D:

Let me know when you have time for your gates to be open and I'll come with ALL the Gyroids (well, as much as I can carry. Thank god for the magical station lockers!)

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Thanks for buying from Silva's Travelling Gyroid Shop! I hope you enjoy your purchase!

And can I say how much I love the Ballad of the Wind Fish as your town tune?

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Thanks for buying from Silva's Travelling Gyroid Shop! I hope you enjoy purchase!

And can I say how much I love the Ballad of the Wind Fish as your town tune?

No thank you. My collection of gyroids is now double what it was, and I can start having a decent selection for the museum.

All of my respect for recognizing it. <3

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I just found out today that Re-Tail changes its price later on in the evening...? My turnip prices went from 83 to 126 this day (I still don't like this selling price though ;; )
I kind of wish I knew that earlier so I could've check the past two days' prices.


o u o; Edited by pinkbubblegum
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I have like, a decreasing pattern. Unless it's secretly a big spike in disguise, but thus far, it's only gone down from 88 and now it's 70.


Edited by Dai
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Man, last night, I was just walking around my town last night, because I really had nothing to do(lies), and, when I walked by my house, THERE WAS A FLIPPIN' TARANTULA RIGHT THERE... AND I DIDN'T HAVE MY NET.

I rolled on the floor for hours contemplating my life after that.
And that's why I should carry all my tools at all times now.

As for turnip prices, like Dai's here(for some strange reason), they're 67. :T
Nothing interesting. Ever. Never.

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Man, last night, I was just walking around my town last night, because I really had nothing to do(lies), and, when I walked by my house, THERE WAS A FLIPPIN' TARANTULA RIGHT THERE... AND I DIDN'T HAVE MY NET.

I rolled on the floor for hours contemplating my life after that.

And that's why I should carry all my tools at all times now.

I know someone who isn't a boyscout.


(only a jest)

I got a silver watering can! Yaaaaaay! That's gonna make watering the TON of flowers I have much easier.

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I know someone who isn't a boyscout.


(only a jest)

I got a silver watering can! Yaaaaaay! That's gonna make watering the TON of flowers I have much easier.

Oh, gosh. This is great. XD

I'm definitely going to carry forget them all the time now.

And, sweet! :D (I never water mine because I'm lazy)

I'm working on getting the second floor of the museum right now. :T

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Re-Tail's buying turnips at 492 right now. Though it's 4:30 PM on my end right now, and it closes at 10 PM (Plus I'm not sure if it'll switch prices again later in the evening ;; )

Edit: The gate's open! Had to restart my router. I'll be leaving in a bit though, but I'll keep the gate open for whoever wants to sell.
Friend Code: 3754-6305-8078

Edited by pinkbubblegum
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Re-Tail's buying turnips at 492 right now. Though it's 4:30 PM on my end right now, and it closes at 10 PM (Plus I'm not sure if it'll switch prices again later in the evening ;; )

Edit: The gate's open! Had to restart my router. I'll be leaving in a bit though, but I'll keep the gate open for whoever wants to sell.

Friend Code: 3754-6305-8078

Oh, you lucky duck. My price is 34 right now. ._.

Fortunately, I don't buy that many turnips to begin with (if at all).

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So would the people of htis thread suggest New Leaf as a worthwhile title ot pick up for when I'm out and about, or only if I have a reasonable amount of time to dedicate to it?

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So would the people of htis thread suggest New Leaf as a worthwhile title ot pick up for when I'm out and about, or only if I have a reasonable amount of time to dedicate to it?

Definitely. It's a great game to play, even if you only have like an hour or two a day to devote to it, you can still get a LOT done in that short amount of time.

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Definitely. It's a great game to play, even if you only have like an hour or two a day to devote to it, you can still get a LOT done in that short amount of time.

Good to know. I haven't really played an Animal Crossing game since the GCN release. It'd be nice to get back into it, even it it only menas playing during my break at work.

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Definitely. It's a great game to play, even if you only have like an hour or two a day to devote to it, you can still get a LOT done in that short amount of time.

Oh gods. Don't give drunkRaivix advice. He'll actually buy it, lol.

Who am I kidding? It's a good game. Buy it.

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