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I say this game beats out Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones.

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I like that it has the largest cast of the three, but uh… that's about it. I don't mind the lower growths but I don't think it's a particular point in the game's favor, either.

It feels the most like a chore to play of the three, for me.

Edited by Sublime Manic
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Fuck this game. Definitely the worst in the entire series imo

i love this game. definitely the best in the entire series imo

i don't really think there is anything particularly special about the growths in this game; i've never found them to be noticeably lower than those in other GBA games. there are a lot of useless characters, and some objective differentiation would have been nice, but seize objectives are generally the most strategically challenging, so i don't mind that at all. the only problem is the monotony.

Edited by dondon151
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24 "seize" mission objectives in a row (30 if you count the paralogues) can get rather tiring. I much prefer the variety of mission objectives found in FE7 and 8. (And 9 and 10, although that's probably beyond the scope of this forum.)

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I think rout maps can be tougher to complete adequately when the lord is competent (e.g. FE8). Having to carry crappy Roy and everybody besides like 3 characters ranging from mediocre to terrible really does make the seize objective the most challenging thing one could think of for this game, though.

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This game does have a decent level of difficulty going for it, unlike Sacred Stones and most of Blazing Sword.

I'll give it that much, but other than that, this game doesn't have much of anything going for it.

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-Large cast

-Big maps

Basically the only things the game has going for it, and the first two have their own problems; the difficulty mostly results in frustration rather than legitimate challenge and a lot of the cast is mediocre to bad.

Every map being seize sucks, Roy and his late promotion sucks, the support system sucks across all three games but is kind of the worst here (because of a lot of slow speeds and the per-chapter cap on support points), the ranking system is so lenient it doesn't even really need to exist, there are way too many chests to open/villages to visit (1) due to enemies not dropping items (2), there are too many maps with characters to protect/recruit, and the mechanics are just kind of unpolished in general.

There's nothing special about the growths, and I'd actually say that's a negative, too. It's just more fun when playing to have your units consistently growing stronger rather than gaining maybe 2-3 stat ups per level on average. It's only an aesthetic difference, but it has an effect.

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Fuck this game. Definitely the worst in the entire series imo

This, though this game still has an enjoyable HM. My Bow User run was actually quite fun, since I've never done FE6 HM before.

This game isn't the worse.

There is The Sacred Stones.

FE8 isn't bad in the slightest. Neither is this one, but I'd still consider it to be the worst in the series.

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But yeah, dat Ward. That run was probably only possible (read: Chapter 18 Sacae) because of my insanely-SPD blessed Ward. Sue was also majorly STR-blessed, and Wolt was actually competent.

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Part of the "difficulty" of FE6 compared to FE7 and 8 is that enemy reinforcements spawn at the beginning of the enemy phase rather than at the end.

Obviously enough people agreed that that was a bad thing that it was changed in future games.

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Part of the "difficulty" of FE6 compared to FE7 and 8 is that enemy reinforcements spawn at the beginning of the enemy phase rather than at the end.

Obviously enough people agreed that that was a bad thing that it was changed in future games.

FE11, 12 and 13 would like to have a word with you about it "changing"

and according to this thread [i hadn't played some of the games in awhile] http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37991&page=2 It's been in others, including 7

Edited by Jedi
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FE11, 12 and 13 would like to have a word with you about it "changing"

and according to this thread [i hadn't played some of the games in awhile] http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37991&page=2 It's been in others, including 7

There are insignificant ambush spawns in Lyn mode and the first few maps of Eliwood/Hector mode, but otherwise they are not actually in FE7. And they don't exist at all in 8, 9, or 10.

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There are insignificant ambush spawns in Lyn mode and the first few maps of Eliwood/Hector mode, but otherwise they are not actually in FE7. And they don't exist at all in 8, 9, or 10.

Actually, IIRC, the enemy reinforcements in chapter 12 in FE9 came before enemy phase.

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The story is poor (still not bad by any means), the characters are boring and the gameplay is inferior to the ones that came before and after. Not a horrible game but definitely not a good one.

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I actually like the story, but honnestly, it was retroactively made better by FE7, without FE7, Fe6's story isn't that special...
Seize is good, if you want to abuse your healers or dancers (that's how you waste turns efficiently, kids !), but otherwise not that great... and non-moving boss do that better anyway...

The gameplay may be the worst of the series though, because it's basically a barebone version of FE7...

They also decided to continue the trend of FE5, by having an extremely bad lord...

Not a bad game, but far from the best.

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