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Characters You Don't Want Anywhere Near Smash Bros.


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Yeah, just like the title says. Whether it's your personal preference or strong beliefs that a character shouldn't be in as playable, feel free to post who you don't want in Smash Bros.

I would want to simplify things and say "all 3rd parties," but there's some like Mega Man, Bomberman, and Pac-Man (a bit of a stretch, but if Namco Bandai has to have a character in, he'd be the most fitting choice and I don't want Lloyd or any Tales characters in, except maybe Cless) that have had strong ties with Nintendo and have given support to Nintendo that has spanned decades, so I guess 3rd party characters like that would be okay. I guess Simon Belmont would also be okay, but knowing Kojima, he's not going to let him in over Snake, and I doubt they'll let any third party company get two reps (and I don't blame them, that'd be insanely greedy).

No characters that originated from anime. There's plenty of anime fighters out there already and I'd rather not see the request floods after seeing them bring one anime character in.

As for Nintendo characters I don't want, Bowser Jr. is definitely one for me. I really hate him, his character design, and especially the voice. There's no reason he should be in over Toad, especially when Toad has seniority and much more prevalence in the entire span of the Mario series.

Alternate versions of characters or evil clones that can easily be costumes, like Dark Pit, Dark Samus, and any secondary version of Link, I don't want in as separate characters.

Any more 1st Generation Pokemon. Just, stop already. 4 out of 6 (or 6 out of 8) is way too much already, and Pokemon is probably the most poorly represented Nintendo series, thanks to the 1st Gen biasedness. I get that you can't really get rid of the existing 1st Gen playables, just don't introduce any more.

Palutena also comes to mind, but I don't dislike her being in as much as all the other characters I listed. I just think it's ridiculous that a retro series should get two characters (I still consider KI retro since it's not like it'll be revived to the same degree as Metroid back when it was on hiatus after Super Metroid).

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I don't really want Lucina to be playable. Mainly because I think Chrom should be instead and if they were both added, they'd be way too similar to one another. Lucina's design is also based on Marth and Marth is surely sticking around. She'd be better off as a costume for Marth and/or an assist trophy, imo.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd rather have Meowth than Jigglypuff myself, but I think the latter was voted the second most popular Pokemon after Pikachu or something. Plus, Jigglypuff has been around since the first game.

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I thought Kojima oversaw Metal Gear, Z.O.E., and Policenauts, but not Castlevania. Remember, IGA is the guy who controls Castlevania right now. Anyway, I don't think any more clones should be in the next SSB. Oh, and Lucina shouldn't fully replace Marth.

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I personally think we have enough pokemon in as is. Any more would just show Sakurai's Pokemon fanboyism unless they take trainer out and put mewtwo back in.

Edited by Jedi
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I'm going to have to agree with ZM here, no Sonic characters should be allowed in the next Smash Bros. game.

As for Nintendo characters I don't want, Bowser Jr. is definitely one for me. I really hate him, his character design, and especially the voice. There's no reason he should be in over Toad, especially when Toad has seniority and much more prevalence in the entire span of the Mario series.

Apart from being playable in Super Mario Bros. 2, Toad hasn't done much of note in the main Mario series (the Toads in NSMBWii/NSMBU don't count as they are generic Toads and not "The" Toad).

Bowser Jr. on the other hand, was practically the main antagonist in Sunshine, and was a major antagonist in the Galaxy games.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I agree on Bowser Jr. being more important than Toad. He was also a major antagonist in NSMBWii. He kept taking Peach to each world and making the guys chase after him.

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I think the number of Pokemon (including Pokemon Trainer) is a good number and they shouldn't take up any more roster slots. I wouldn't mind if Lucario and Pokemon Trainer's mons were shuffled around, though. I just don't want to see it become Pokemon: The Fighting Game. The Pokeballs are already a way to stick a large number of Pokemon into the game.

Bowser Jr (or any Jr for that matter) is also a nope for me. So are "X character but profession Y!" like Dr. Mario. The Mushroom Kingdom roster is pretty saturated too.

Any other Kong other than adding Dixie. Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie would be a perfect trio but unless King K. Rool comes back (and I don't think he will) I can't think of any other characters from that universe that I honestly want to see.

Metal Gear stuff. Snake was a weird choice for Brawl and Konami has never made Nintendo consoles the premier MGS experience. Plus he was OP.

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I don't want any third-party characters. No Sonic, no Mega Man, no Pac-Man, no third-party period.

No characters that originated outside of a video game. It's already been said that those characters have zero chance, and I'm glad for that.

As for Nintendo characters? Well, I don't want Toad or Birdo, but I doubt they'd get in anyway. I don't really want Hades, I think there are at least three other Kid Icarus characters who would be better. I don't want Lucina, I'd rather have Chrom, Lyn, Ephraim, and even Eirika before I'd take Lucina. No Krystal, honestly the only Star Fox characters I'd want are Fox, Falco, Wolf, and Leon. I don't want a bunch of different versions of Link unless they can be different (same applies to all characters). As for Pokemon? I like who we have now, and I like Mewtwo, otherwise I'm pretty indifferent, although I have to say there are a couple I personally would like added.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Don't want Ridley, but I think his chances are pretty good because Internet. Though I'd love to see the internet the day he's confirmed as NPC again. :P

Don't really want any Third Parties, though I think it may be likely that we get some.

Lucario get get himself out of Smash Bros if I was makin' it.

No Roy please. Or Ike for that matter. Or Falco while I'm ranting. and Krystal.

Any WarioWare character can go jump off a cliff that I will conveniently make in front of them. Same with Kamek. But he'll get crushed by a rock slide instead.

No Miis at all. This is the one I never want to touch my Smash Bros.

I wouldn't mind Zoroark, but I don't think he should be seen on the Smash Roster.

Really any Fire Emblem character other than Chrom (though I want Lucina because bias, I doubt it'll happen).

Dark Samus. Dark Pit. Dark Link. These guys can't be made cool like Toon Link can.

Dr. Mario also shouldn't be in because Paper Mario gets that better side of multiple Marios.

Also no Waluigi. Like anything, but Mii, instead of Waluigi.

Edited by Dinfinitysignfina
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The only way I would want to see Lucina on SSB4, is if her character was her + Chrom with the pair up gimmick. Think Ice climbers but with swords and a bit different. Maybe have Lucina use Lances?

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Outside of "masked Marth" Lucina isn't gonna be in SSB4. Come on, her very existence is a spoiler. So I don't want to see her in.

Isn't Ridley some big dragon? I don't see how it could be playable..

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Outside of "masked Marth" Lucina isn't gonna be in SSB4. Come on, her very existence is a spoiler. So I don't want to see her in.

Isn't Ridley some big dragon? I don't see how it could be playable..

Spoilers did not stop Sheik or Lucas [who's trophy and stage spoiled much of Mother 3] from being characters

Also Bowser is a pretty big turtle dragon. Varies on size depending on the game. Should he not be viable then?

Edited by Jedi
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Outside of "masked Marth" Lucina isn't gonna be in SSB4. Come on, her very existence is a spoiler. So I don't want to see her in.

Isn't Ridley some big dragon? I don't see how it could be playable..

Bowser is massive in the majority of the main 3D Mario platformer games. Olimar and Kirby are only the size of like a coin. Size is definitely not an issue. The only issue would be his shape, he looks like he'd be awkward to program into the game as playable. But I wouldn't mind him, it'd be pretty cool and Metroid needs more representation.

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Apart from third parties and non-game characters, popular characters I don't think will/should be in...

Toad - mainly because he's pretty generic, even if I always play as him in Mario multiplayers. There are better options if Mario really needs more representation (doubtful) before we start adding generics. Same goes for Waddle Dee from Kirby, whom I've seen in a few wishlists.

Paper Mario - I admit he would be unique, but just as I dislike generics I dislike "alternate versions" of characters because in my eyes they take up a spot that a totally different character could use. Ditto Toon/Young Link and Toon Zelda, though I expect Toon Link will be back, hopefully de-cloned.

Chrom...yeah I said it. We don't need a third blue haired swordsman representing FE, and I do believe Marth and Ike are staying. I would prefer Lucina if only because she would be a blue haired female sword user, but I'm hopeful we'll see someone more unique, like Tharja (popularity), Anna (mascot status), or maybe even Tiki (ditto)?

Dixie Kong - I'd rather K Rool gets added to the DK family (doubt we'd get more than one newcomer), although it would be interesting if she was put in as a partner for Diddy...

Zoroark - the way I see it, the Pokémon roster makes most sense if it's Pika, Jiggs (all vets must survive!), Newtwo, and a new Trainer with either the last gen's starters or the new gen's starters. Doesn't really need to be bigger.

For the Wario franchise... No one from Warioware needs to be added, imo. And Waluigi definitely needs to never become playable, just because I really hate him.


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starfox characters.

They're pretty much the same, with slightly altered move variations and specs.

They seem the same, but they all require a different playstyle.

As for characters I don't want, no more Sonic characters, I doubt there will be any more third party members anyway. I'd also be okay with a Pokemon being took out for another metroid member. I also don't want Lucina in, make her an assist trophy or an alternate costume, unless she's a different form of chrom, such as sheik is with zelda.

Edited by Sol Man
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Outside of "masked Marth" Lucina isn't gonna be in SSB4. Come on, her very existence is a spoiler. So I don't want to see her in.

Isn't Ridley some big dragon? I don't see how it could be playable..

Charizard was playable, and Ridley is much more than just "some big dragon." Ridley is arguably Metroid's main antagonist, since he's the villain that appears in the most games (apart from Metroids themselves, which are just mindless parasites,) murderer of Samus's parents, and one of the biggest leaders of the space pirates. Ganon, Dedede, Bowser, are all in, we need Ridley. Also, you can technically count Ganon's Twilight Princess appearance in Brawl as a spoiler, since most of TP centers around Zant as the main antagonist, so I don't see why Lucina can't get in.

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