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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I'm pretty sure every franchise will get at least one stage on each version of the game, regardless of their franchise of origin.

Yeah, that's true. And thankfully, this should help Ike's chances because his games are the last home console FEs to be released. Kauku Caves is my most wanted new FE stage. :D

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I should probably point out that the above picture is fake, just in case.

I wonder if the Wii U Kid Icarus stage is the kind of stage where you can walk off the level on both sides (like Onett) or if both sides are holes/bottomless pits (like Pokemon Stadium). It feels weird having a stage officially revealed (as in not revealed like the Mario Galaxy teaser screenshot with Kirby in it) and not having any idea what the stage or platform layout is like, since it only shows the stage's background details.

On another note, we're all thinking tomorrow's reveal will probably be the Ice Climbers, right? I mean, it is their game release's anniversary on that day, after all. Also, the "Warning! Challenger Approaching!" banner disappeared around one week ago (even though that doesn't 100% confirm an upcoming character reveal, it still correlates with one a good chunk of the time).

wait what? people actually want pauletina in smash bros? why!! have they even played her game? have they seen her dialogue and how much of a--

*looks at pauletina's official art*

...forget i asked :I

I'm partly against having Palutena playable in Smash Bros. as well (no offense to you Palutena supporters), since a retro series getting two characters seems rather unfair and weird. Yeah, I'm well aware of Kid Icarus Uprising and it being "Sakurai's baby," as many people like calling it. Still, for Smash 64 and Melee, Sakurai intentionally avoided putting any playable Kirby characters in other than Kirby to avoid people seeing him as biased towards his own series/creations, so that might apply here as well. And regarding Uprising, that came out over 20 years after the last Kid Icarus game (and there's only two Kid Icarus games before Uprising, and the second game was hardly well known), so I still personally consider it a retro series, much in the same way that people think Little Mac will be the "retro character" of SSB4 despite having a new Punch Out released for Wii in 2008.

I hope saying that won't start any arguments...

Though if Palutena does turn out to be playable, I definitely won't be disappointed or anything like that. Well, except maybe towards the people that'll do questionable things regarding Snapshots and camera angles in Pause Mode (plus, her outfit makes that sort of thing a lot easier than with Peach or Zelda). Though I wonder what Palutena's playing style would be like and what sort of unique attribute Sakurai would give her to make her really unique from other Smash characters (I mean, most of the newcomers revealed so far have a playing style that's heavily unique, at least when compared to existing veteran characters).

Edited by Randoman
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If Palutena is going to be playable, I kinda wondered that Palutena might still appear in Pit's Final Smash when she is summoned by Pit for his help if she appeared in the battle field as a Playable Character?

And also, what does the Beetle do anyway, I haven't finished Skyward Sword (I'm still in the Grass area) yet?

Edited by King Marth 64
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Yeah, that's true. And thankfully, this should help Ike's chances because his games are the last home console FEs to be released. Kauku Caves is my most wanted new FE stage. :D

I always felt that Castle Sieges bottom floor was a reference to that, and the Gorgon chapter in Sacred Stones.

I would like Castle Crimea, or the Bridge between Crimea and Daein as a stage personally.

Maybe even the Greil Base camp or something just plainly speaking of PoR and RD.

Others would be the Dragons Gate, Bahara, Bern Keep, Manster, Sacae, among many other possiblities.

Speaking of stages, what stages from Brawl will return? Tis tradition for stages from the previous smash to reappear

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I was personally hoping to have a proper Akanea Fire Emblem stage (Castle Siege doesn't count since it was a representation of all FEs and not a specific one in particular) in Smash Bros., since it's weird that Marth has been in 3 Smash Bros. games and he's never had the chance to be able to fight on his home contintent in Smash Bros. Though if Gerudo Valley for the 3DS is any indication, the Akanea levels would probably be for the 3DS version, which I sadly won't be getting due to my paranoia of handheld consoles breaking on me. I'm hoping the Wii U FE stage won't be Tellius based (since Brawl was insanely biased towards Tellius as it was regarding music, trophies, and such) and that the other console FEs will get more spotlight regarding the stage choice. Then again, the Pilotwings stage for Wii U represented Pilotwings Resort even though it was a game for a handheld console. I have no idea what Sakurai's planning for the Wii U FE stage.

As for retro stages (if they are returning), the Halberd would probably be one in addition to Castle Siege, since it's not like there's any other Brawl specific Kirby or Fire Emblem stages. By that logic, Port Town Aero Dive (one of my personal favourite Smash Bros. stages of all time), Lylat Cruise, New Pork City, and Brawl Yoshi's Island will probably also be retro stages. I can't really say much about the others, besides the Pirate Ship being more likely than The Bridge of Eldin due to Wind Waker HD.

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I don't think we'll be seeing Ice Climbers tomorrow. There has yet to be a solid trend indicating that anniversaries will be acknowledged by a character announcement. I think we'll be seeing Diddy Kong next when Tropical Freeze gets released on February 13, unless there is a Nintendo Direct before then, in which case we'll get either Snake or a newcomer.

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I don't think we'll be seeing Ice Climbers tomorrow. There has yet to be a solid trend indicating that anniversaries will be acknowledged by a character announcement. I think we'll be seeing Diddy Kong next when Tropical Freeze gets released on February 13, unless there is a Nintendo Direct before then, in which case we'll get either Snake or a newcomer.

Ah yes Mr. Snake has yet to reappear. But if my thoughts about Sakurai in terms of roster are correct your hypothesis is accurate.

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I can do do you one better:


I'm partly against having Palutena playable in Smash Bros. as well (no offense to you Palutena supporters), since a retro series getting two characters seems rather unfair and weird. Yeah, I'm well aware of Kid Icarus Uprising and it being "Sakurai's baby," as many people like calling it. Still, for Smash 64 and Melee, Sakurai intentionally avoided putting any playable Kirby characters in other than Kirby to avoid people seeing him as biased towards his own series/creations, so that might apply here as well. And regarding Uprising, that came out over 20 years after the last Kid Icarus game (and there's only two Kid Icarus games before Uprising, and the second game was hardly well known), so I still personally consider it a retro series, much in the same way that people think Little Mac will be the "retro character" of SSB4 despite having a new Punch Out released for Wii in 2008.

I don't really consider Kid Icarus as "retro" any more(plus, Pit was included because he was popular, not to fill some sort of "retro" quota), so I don't see that as a problem. As far as "Sakurai's modesty," I think the fact that Palutena wasn't created by him might put him at ease about being perceived as "un-modest."(for lack of a better word)

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That Alfonzo statue looks badass. Oh, er, so does the Palutena one! :P Those wings! It's funny (and sad, as usual with Miiverse) reading the comments on that pic... Ranging from "Rosalina confirmed!" to "Sorry guys Palutena deconfirmed she can't coexist with a statue of her".

The only thing this really confirms is that Sakurai is a master troll. I still think this is a good sign for that leak being real though.

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If Palutena is going to be playable, I kinda wondered that Palutena might still appear in Pit's Final Smash when she is summoned by Pit for his help if she appeared in the battle field as a Playable Character?

And also, what does the Beetle do anyway, I haven't finished Skyward Sword (I'm still in the Grass area) yet?

Well, Sakurai changed Pit's move set for Smash 4 so he could change his final smash as well. After all in Uprising he gets the http://kidicarus.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Sacred_Treasure'>Great Sacred Treasure or possibly just the Three Sacred Treasures

Basically the Beetle is a mobile controllable item that you can use to grab distant items, cut ropes too far to reach, or deliver bombs to remote locations in dungeons. You get that in the Skyview Temple.

For stages well I suppose Pokémon will take something from Battle Revolution of Colosseum.

Edited by Naui
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The Three Treasures, sound very likely.

The Villager will probably get Bees, Megaman will most likely get the Rush Adaptor, Rosalina.. erm Luma changing into a planet.. or something?

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Oh gods, Sakurai is now the biggest NIntendo troll ever. xP

As for FE stages, I only want Riven Bridge if Eldin Bridge from Zelda is cut. Otherwise, since the two have a lot of similarities, I see no point in having both.

I'm aware that Brawl has two Pokemon Stadium stages, but I thought that was dumb too.

Basically the Beetle is a mobile controllable item that you can use to grab distant items, cut ropes too far to reach, or deliver bombs to remote locations in dungeons. You get that in the Skyview Temple.
This is true, however, the Beetle can't gain the ability to carry bombs and such until Link gets it upgraded to the Hook Beetle in Lanayru Desert.
Edited by Anacybele
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Oh gods, Sakurai is now the biggest NIntendo troll ever. xP

As for FE stages, I only want Riven Bridge if Eldin Bridge from Zelda is cut. Otherwise, since the two have a lot of similarities, I see no point in having both.

I'm aware that Brawl has two Pokemon Stadium stages, but I thought that was dumb too.

This is true, however, the Beetle can't gain the ability to carry bombs and such until Link gets it upgraded to the Hook Beetle in Lanayru Desert.

Implying he had any competition!

Actually, I'm now wondering what sort of Fire Emblem stages Sakurai has planned, ESPECIALLY for the Wii.

Edited by Vashiane
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The Three Treasures, sound very likely.

The Villager will probably get Bees, Megaman will most likely get the Rush Adaptor, Rosalina.. erm Luma changing into a planet.. or something?

What about the Great Sacred Treasure for Pit?

Because giant mechs are the answer to everything

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The Villager will probably get Bees,


Megaman will most likely get the Rush Adaptor,

Assuming you mean the super adapter, that would be cool. Though we might get stuck with Hyper Megaman again.

Rosalina.. erm Luma changing into a planet.. or something?

Sounds about right. Though maybe she could summon a black hole or something? I haven't played Galaxy in a while...

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I'm pretty sure one of his abilities is already confirmed to be Top Spin, so that wouldn't actually make much sense.

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Speaking of, what do you think we might see in the way of Megaman AT's or items? Personally I think Beat might be a good candidate for an item of some sort.

Protoman, Bass, Roll, Beat, Auto ,s ound like likely possible assists, Sonic and Snake didn't get items but they may now and if they do. An E Tank?

Mega Man's final smash needs to be Top Spin.

Make it so, Sakurai. Troll the masses. :D

As Refa said Top Spin is already a move of his
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Nintendo had a meeting with their investors today. One of things brought up at the meeting were the release dates of Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2 and, more importantly, Smash Bros Wii U. All are slated for a Q2-Q3 release (April, May, June, July, August and September). Mario Kart 8 is slated for May. I would personally expect Smash 4 to come out towards the end of summer so that it doesn't kill Mario Kart 8.

Like Pokemon X/Y, Mario Kart 8 is having a global release date. It seems quite possible that the same could happen with Smash Bros. too.

No Ice Climbers for the pic of the day.


The last part of the update makes me wonder if he's talking about a new mechanic. Attack priority is a thing, but this seems like he's either explaining attack priority or it's something new.

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Maybe it's somehow taken into account that Link's physically stronger than Pit, so his arrow pushes Pit's back before clinking

I haven't heard in awhile whether in most previous cases, "attack priority" hasn't just been "how big the hitboxes (hurtboxes?) of the opposing attacks are, how fast they come out, whether either has invincibility, and where the hurtboxes (hitboxes?) of the characters are at the time"

If they actually make all disjointeds cleave straight through direct attacks or something, somebody's going to wake up to a flaming bag on their doorstep

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Just me or is Sakurai purposely showing Link as an example of having priority over people to show he isn't as poor as in Brawl I mean he was super low in Brawls tiers. And decent in Melee.

If Link is more like Project M/Melee I'd consider him for my main considering he fits my style of play alot. I've been using him since 64 because of that but he never soared to the top of my list. Until Project M, now if Sakurai has truly improved on him like he is showing. It just may be here too

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