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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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And the one where one of the most common complaints is about the Bat-nipples and Bat-butts in Batman's costume.

Don't forget the endless, endless ice puns that have a fun rating of absolute zero and left audiences stone cold. Okay I'll stop. There is snow way I'll forget that. I deserve death.

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Oh come on, guys. Are we seriously hijacking this thread with lame ice puns? Icey nothing good coming out of this.

It's appropriate your location is Chile.

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Oh come on, guys. Are we seriously hijacking this thread with lame ice puns? Icey nothing good coming out of this.

We're just having some fun. I think you need to chill out.

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Godammit. I just typed a f#$%ton of stuff after finally getting unbanned for the two days since the NDD came out... sigh... time to retype some shit...

Allright f#$% the trivial reaction stuff I was doing; I loved everything, end of story. Moving on.

((also WTF how did you guys get so off-topic is this really what two days does to y'all?))

- I don't remember who it was that called the 3-Pikmin thing for Olimar, but I remembered instantly that someone on SF called it when I watched the Direct. Great call, whoever that was.

- Anacybele, condolences on Keldeo being a Pokeballmon. At least he looks pretty cool, right....?

- I notice that the Steel Diver item and Sheik's Clay Bomb attack seem to highly resemble Snake's Nikita missile (albeit without homing) and Grenade attacks respectively. Is this a hint that Snake might not be coming back...? I suspected it a bit before, but now my suspicions are back in full.

- Did anyone catch the spiny blue koopa shell in one of the shots with Mario and Sonic fighting on the Halberd? I noticed that wasn't mentioned when Sakurai went over items, thought that might be interesting to note. Should be an interesting item.

- A lot of people are saying Mega Lucario won't be Luke's final smash because he's never glowing at any point when he's shown onscreen... I don't think this is the case; Wario-man and Giga Bowser never glowed post-transformation, so he's probably sill the FS. Also, his texture looks pretty unpolished, so Mega Lucario is probably still in the works as far as graphics go.

- Custom Movesets: First of all super cool. This has probably been pointed out already, but did anyone notice that only Special moves seem to be modifiable with this feature? That seems like a good balancing feature even if it's not allowed online. It's good to keep it in reasonable boundaries, eh. Can't wait to mess around with that feature.

- Smash Run looks insanely fun. I loved City Trial in Kirby's Air Ride so I'm totally down wit dat

And lastly, the subject of my greatest interest: Ridley. I don't know if you guys know this, but I'm actually a huge Ridley fan and was infamous for it on AllisBrawl.com for a while during the height of that site's popularity. Mostly I've been shutting up about it because of him being a stage hazard (which we knew already), but... there are some odd developments surrounding him that continue to baffle me. I detailed my theories and observations on this post on my tumblr. Easily the weirdest thing about what we're seeing about Ridley is the fact that Sakurai continues to dance around the obvious. Why? What's he trying to hide? Obviously it IS Ridley, there's no one else it could be-- you can even freeze the video at a certain point to see almost the full length of his Other M blade-tail in the shot. Is he just trying to keep people that don't know Metroid in the dark...? It's very strange.


That is all

EDIT: Oh yeah Greninja was a thing too huh lol (fun fact: I actually literally screamed with delight)

I can't even hold all these mains gack

Edited by BANRYU
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Samus' new heels aren't just for the sex appeal thing. geez

I see them more as Chell's shock absorbers from Portal. Only they are jets and help her kick harder.

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It's okay that you're a dude and you have no idea how difficult it is to walk in heels, much less perform complex aerial acrobatics and fighting in them.

It's pretty much a sex appeal thing. But at least it looks cool, eh. Laser kicks are nothing to sneeze at in the style department.

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I think the big backlash against Samus's new heels is that it completely contradicts her character model sheet from Metroid Fusion which explicitly states NO HEELS. Also, Samus is way shorter than she should be now, when it was generally accepted that she was 6'3" before. Her vacuum sealed boobs also are comically large by this point. Okay yeah, there's a lot to fuss about here. On the other hand, I like her new face model and updated hair, so it's not that awful yellow anymore, but I never hear anything about the improvements, only the regressive parts.

Personally I don't like the heels because they're in the wrong place. Her feet look really weird and she walks even weirder... it just doesn't jive with me on a mechanics level. They could have just given her regular boots and I'd be fine with it.

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ZSS' updated design is obviously really sexualized and stuff, but I don't really care...? I think it looks pretty cool at least, the laser heels/wrist wrings give a nice extra design element to her look. Mainly I was commenting on the laser heels because I thought it was funny.

...it's weird that that's all you guys had to take away from the tl;dr wall of text I posted. I guess everything else I mentioned has been said so far, huh.

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The only nerf I can think of that the Ice Climbers would need is for chaingrabbing nonsense. Other than that, it's not like they're terribly broken or anything.

Yeah, the Olimar thing is really interesting, though. I remember hearing that Olimar had a great ground game in competitive Brawl, and I'm curious to see how the Pikmin changes will affect that. I do like that they got rid of most of the tether recoveries; they were fun, but mostly pretty unreliable.

Actually though I'm really sad that gliding isn't a thing anymore. q - p I don't really see the problem with it... It was basically just a fun gimmick, but unlike the tether stuff I didn't thing it really detracted from anything.

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Back in Echoes, I didn't mind the suit because it made a certain kind of sense for her to wear such a suit under her armor.

But if Nintendo throws any kind of logic out of the window by giving her high heels, there is no longer any excuse for the fact that Samus is wearing little more then body paint.

Edited by BrightBow
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Honestly I think it's a little funny that everyone is so up in arms over ZSS's new design. I mean... what did you guys expect? Did you think the Zerosuit wasn't going to return? (I actually did lol... and then Sakurai faked the @#%$ out of me. That troll) If you thought it WAS going to return, did you think it'd be exactly the same without like Samus' butt or boobs getting bigger or something? Nah man, Samus is leading the single-woman charge for sex appeal in this game. I don't really care because like, at least it's not like DoA / Soul Caliber Ivy bounce physics levels of fanservice or anything, and at least she's completely covered up. So who cares?

I swear some people can get offended over anything... Tiki being fanservice... sheesh

...Seriously though, did you guys REALLY exhaust all the good conversation topics during the two days I was gone? :0 There's gotta be some more interesting discussions we can have than the fanservice of ZSS' look. Like um... Is anybody NOT excited for Greninja, for instance?

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iunno Not too big on Charizard being its own character now and no info on more FE characters other than Lyn being an Assist Trophy.

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I dunnno, Charizard seems like a natural choice to me. :0 He's already a huge fan-favorite, and that was only furthered by all the publicity he got with X and Y and all the Megavolution business. Pokemon Trainer was actually one of my mains in Brawl, and while I like using all three of the Pokemon, I often wished for a system like Sheik/Zelda and Samus/ZSS had where you could choose to remain as one of them at a time. I really like Ivysaur and Squirtle, but I don't mind that they're not returning, I get why that decision was made.

So um. Did anyone else see Greninja and think he was Mewtwo at first lol?

I got duped like a million times in that video. The best one was probably the fake Palutena hehehehehe that one got me good.

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I didn't think it was Mewtwo due to the way he was moving his hand. Once I saw the shuriken form I knew exactly who it was.

I'm wondering if the trophies they showed are hinting towards something.

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