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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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...Well geez, sorry for being SO hyped that my favorite FE character, whom I'd been waiting to see in Smash again for a few years, got revealed when there was an unfortunate possibility that he wouldn't return.

EDIT: Thank you, RFoF, that's exactly what I was trying to get at.

Edited by Anacybele
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So what characters are you guys wanting to get announced at E3?

Lucas. So badly. I already got 3/4 of my mains confirmed, just waiting on one more (the others are in my sig).

I don't necessarily want this particular bird to be in SSB4, but I'm expecting Falco to be revealed at E3. It just seems really obvious to me. He's the second Starfox character, and he's been since Melee. They could add Krystal or whatever (that I'd like to see), but Falco just seems like the choice.

And Mewtwo. I'd like for him to come back, but it's not the end of the world if he doesn't.

Edited by Carter
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I've said my piece already. Mother.

Bring in Mother. MOTHEEEEER. D:


Mother 1, 2, 3 Major Spoilers

Mother is the evilist series and it all connects into one story. Mother 1 tells on how Giygas was created by Maria who also created Magicant which was a figment of her imagination that has made his timely escape to contine his bidding in another era. Mother 2 continue Giygas' story that allows a deranged boy to follow whatever Giygas commands. Mother 3 continues the deranged boy's story who was under Giygas' control that went to another era 100 years later.

Mother/FE>>>>Everything else

Actually technically,

Maria didn't create Giygas, she was just his Earth mother after he landed on Earth because she cared for him.

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Mother 1 George and Maria

Actually technically,

Maria didn't create Giygas, she was just his Earth mother after he landed on Earth because she cared for him.


But...to where Maria came from even though she was George's wife who both were probably the essences to giving life...nobody knows. But Ninten's father did make a machine (Which it has a recognition code that only reacts to Ninten's presence) for his sons safety which served it's purpose after the guardian to Giygas' lair felled to his explosion. It's also a mystery as to where Giygas actually came from, but he could be Satan to giving life on Earth a negative reaction. But...Maria and George was Ninten's great grandparents which perfectly explained on how he got his Psychic power from which George was the first to discover this power which he studied upon himself and kept it a secret from the public.

Maria was a great artist which stunned George into marriage for her beauty, care for the city folk and for her excellent skills in painting. Why none of her paintings were ever shown in her dream on Magicant, nobody knows. But...he would get abducted if Giygas found out about his study of PSI. It also explains why that Giygas wanted Ninten to come with him. It's also weird as to how that EVE was created when George had no knowledge in college about technology about it...? Even with two years of experience in the underwater lab doesn't seem sufficient enough to create a machine like that. The machine was imputted into EVE from George to have it activate with Ninten's presence as well because he sensed some troubles within Giygas with all of the time that he and his wife spent with him. Two years. At the beginning, it was no poltergeist that made the house and equipment go haywire, it was Ninten himself who couldn't control his psychic power at the time!

Anyone that Giygas has Abducted were given Psychic Power upon which George has stolen and worked it through his EVE project which explains why only those gifted people could operate and control the machine. Now I'm quite interested in getting a copy of Saori Kumi's MOTHER novel, in case she has anything to add on the tale of George and Maria. It's supposed to be despearately rare, though... but eBay has worked wonders for me before, so why not now! It doesn't really tell anything much about them but to two stinking paragraphs. So, here's a little more of their detailed story to add on to more interest of the series...


The story of George and Maria
When the 1900's began, something happened in this town of Mothersday that has since all but disappeared from people's memory.
In this town lived a certain married couple who were on good terms with the people. The husband, George, was employed as editor-in-chief for the town's daily newspaper, The Mothersday Times, and as such gained people's trust so much that he was called "The Conscience of this Town". The wife, Maria, was a bright working man's housewife, befitting her lineage of generations of devout Protestants living in this town. To start off, the way these two met began with a single carnation.
At a young age, George lost his parents, and from the day he graduated from high school he began a job as a letter-boy for a famous newspaper publisher in a big city. Before long, he moved on to try his hand as a skilled reporter.
Having never gone to college, he made the ranking of newspaper reporter his own. You might say his biggest reason by far was his curiosity. He made many scoops his own. In one scoop, he exposed the dark past of the President at that time, which made him excessively famous.
However, surrounding the handling of this incident, he directly opposed the Editing Officer, and wound up leaving the newspaper publisher on his own initiative.
The next year, relying upon a help-wanted advertisement for the Mothersday local newspaper publisher, he arrived at this town. The first to welcome him was the beautiful Maria, who had been sketching a bed of carnations on the town outskirts. For some time George was fascinated, spellbound by this sketched picture.
The same day, George was singled out for editor-in-chief for "The Mothersday Times", and as a new project for the newspaper, began work on the authoring of a serialized novel on the establishment of the town up until the present day, made into one story.
Its very first illustration was decorated by a single carnation, and the hand that drew it was that of the nameless, young Maria as the artist.
Coupled with the raging interest toward the sharp-shooting incidents in the newspaper articles that George wrote, this serialization was full of enjoyment where the townsfolk, one-by-one, would become the heroes of the novel, and you could laugh and cry about it at the same time. It offered plenty of breakfast conversation at home.
Of course, it goes without saying that before long, the two received the blessing of marriage from the people at the town's church.
From an early point, it became an undying custom in their home where Maria, who had been getting accustomed to song and piano, after dinner and after cleaning up, would hold a mini-concert, with her husband George and the children as the audience.
In the house's warm garden in the afternoon sun, adoring Maria's personality, the town's housewives would gather together and slave over an enormous patchwork. This was also one of the town's long-lived traditions.
The completed bedcovers and tablecloths were given to the needy at [Maria's] husband's newspaper company bazaar, and the profits were donated to the town church, so it was a town suitable of a mother's warm love, living up to its name.
In such a peaceful town, ominous incidents broke out when a shadow like a black cloud fell upon the summit of faraway Holy Loly Mountain.
Suddenly room ornaments started flying around, and a person who had abruptly gone missing returned home the next morning with no recollection [of what had happened].
A group of the town's elementary school students who had gone hiking near the mountain vanished without a trace, and though that night the town was in an uproar, the next day all of them [the students] returned to their homes smiling as if nothing had happened. Such were the incomprehensible incidents that just kept coming.
George, who had an active curiosity from the outset, began to carefully investigate these incidents.
However, he was unable to get enough information for any use from the people involved in these incidents. They all had utterly lost their memories of the incident itself.
On the evening of the day an article of George's was published in the newspaper, in which he reported in the middle of these incidents, George and Maria vanished from the town.
The shock and sorrow of the townsfolk was immeasurably deep. The fact alone that they prayed to God earnestly was a testament of the townsfolk's trust in the couple.
Whether or not their wishes reached [the heavens], about two years later, unexpectedly, George returned to his house alone. As though he was a completely different person, his hair had turned white, and he clamped his mouth closed like a seashell and shut himself up in his house.
Even when his close friends came to visit, George would not tell anyone where he had gone or what he had been up to. Not to mention that when they'd ask about Maria, his countenance would fall and, like a bitter old man, he'd morosely chase the people back home.
And so, without coming back to the newspaper publisher, all he did was shut himself in his house, and he became immersed in researching psychic powers.
When the people saw George like this, various rumors began to fly around.
However, before they knew it, time passed, and the rumors coming out of people's mouths stopped climbing. Only, one thing that the people never forgot was that in the end, [George's] wife Maria never did return home......
The years went by, and as if to wipe out the ominous incidents, Maria and George's home was rebuilt, and now there's a boy who, you guessed it, is his great-grandson; his mother, and his twin sisters, carrying on their peaceful lives as Mothersday once did before.
The patchwork, even now, was inherited by [the boy's] mother, and the carnation bed that Maria had held so dear proudly blooms bright green in the background.
However, in 1988, the ominous black cloud that had vanished from everyone's memories has once more settled atop the summit of Holy Loly.
The peaceful town has undergone a drastic change.
In every home in Mothersday, the flowerpots and electric stands have started moving around with a clatter within the rooms.
Before his panicking mother and his two little sisters, the boy takes a pledge in his heart: "I will ascertain the cause of these strange occurences, and protect my mother and sisters!"
In this manner now begins the boy's adventurous journey.
Okay, so.... thoughts. First off, I should explain that by "patchwork" they mean a patchwork quilt, and "Electric Stand" is the Japanese term for a lampstand (like the first enemy you fight in the game - although in EB Zero it's just known as "Lamp", in Mother it's called the "Electric Stand").
However, I have a question for you guys: What's wrong with this story?
Give up?
It didn't say very much at all about George and Maria's kids. What happened to them? Why weren't THEY abducted along with George and Maria? Were they old enough at that time to be away at college, etc.? All we got was a single sentence saying how Maria would play music for them, and after that, the children are never heard of again. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't be complaining - after all, in some cases I like it better when they leave it to my imagination. It lets my creativity flow, and... uh.... a-hem.
Anyway, moving on, I have to say that I had a little discussion with Artemis back in... April I think... where we were talking about WHAT exactly was the information that George stole from Gyiyg's people. Everyone else settled on psychic powers and technology, and I went with the song (because though the psychic powers and technology help Ninten and the gang through their journey, in the end both are useless against Gyiyg, and
Reveal Spoiler. However, it looks like I've been proven wrong. D'oh. Oh well, it doesn't make the story any less exciting, now does it? Smile
So what do y'all think about this extended story? Would you consider it official enough? It's from an official book, but then again is this the story for the otherwise shrouded-in-dark couple that Shigesato Itoi and the game developers intended?
Edited by Barbie
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Oh yeah, I don't deny that people can like Roy more than Ike. I'm saying that I don't get how Roy is better as a Smash character. He could have been really neat to play as, imo, but he was just a Marth clone with fire.

And I guess I'm just sad to see so much Ike hate... I thought most people loved him except in Japan. Or maybe it's just the Ike haters being more vocal?

Normally I would agree with something like this, but my biggest problem with your posts is that you hate people not caring about Ike, yet you're very vocal yourself about characters you don't like. I remember when Peach was revealed your reaction basically was "Ew, Peach!?", then Marth was revealed and you went all "What? No Ike?" on him. Then I've seen you make comments like "Stupid Greninja" or "ROB is a waste of a slot" (when one could argue he deserves to be in more than Ike), or trying to nitpick to look for reasons why certain characters shouldn't be in (Pac-Man is owned by Disney). Not to mention what you said about Wii Fit players.

You see, it's not the fact that you defend Ike so much or the fact that you like him a lot. It's the fact that you're very vocal about the things you hate but at the same time you hate it when others say they don't like things you like. Of course this is Smash Bros. where there will be lots of differing opinions, but this is all about being empathic. Before saying something about a character, think how would you feel if someone would say that about Ike (or any other character you like, really). If you don't like how it sounds, it's probably a good idea not to say it.

And I'll be honest, I'm getting a bit tired of the Ike talk myself. It's not just in this thread, but there are also two additional Ike threads in the main page. It's cool and all that he's back (even if he wasn't one of my mains), but it certainly feels we've talked more about him in comparison to other characters when they were revealed.

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Normally I would agree with something like this, but my biggest problem with your posts is that you hate people not caring about Ike, yet you're very vocal yourself about characters you don't like. I remember when Peach was revealed your reaction basically was "Ew, Peach!?", then Marth was revealed and you went all "What? No Ike?" on him. Then I've seen you make comments like "Stupid Greninja" or "ROB is a waste of a slot" (when one could argue he deserves to be in more than Ike), or trying to nitpick to look for reasons why certain characters shouldn't be in (Pac-Man is owned by Disney). Not to mention what you said about Wii Fit players.

You see, it's not the fact that you defend Ike so much or the fact that you like him a lot. It's the fact that you're very vocal about the things you hate but at the same time you hate it when others say they don't like things you like. Of course this is Smash Bros. where there will be lots of differing opinions, but this is all about being empathic. Before saying something about a character, think how would you feel if someone would say that about Ike (or any other character you like, really). If you don't like how it sounds, it's probably a good idea not to say it.

And I'll be honest, I'm getting a bit tired of the Ike talk myself. It's not just in this thread, but there are also two additional Ike threads in the main page. It's cool and all that he's back (even if he wasn't one of my mains), but it certainly feels we've talked more about him in comparison to other characters when they were revealed.

This is a Fire Emblem community...what do you expect?

Just like serebii.net talks alot about the Pokemon being in the game.

Even though we don't get enough talk about Pokemon(elsewhere) and Mother.

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This is a Fire Emblem community...what do you expect?

Just like serebii.net talks alot about the Pokemon being in the game.

Even though we don't get enough talk about Pokemon(elsewhere) and Mother.

I can understand that, but at the same time this is a general Smash Bros Wii U/3DS thread on a Smash Bros sub-forum. I'm fine with having a couple of Ike threads, but I feel it's getting brought up too much in the general thread. Not even Marth got this much discussion.

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And I'll be honest, I'm getting a bit tired of the Ike talk myself. It's not just in this thread, but there are also two additional Ike threads in the main page. It's cool and all that he's back (even if he wasn't one of my mains), but it certainly feels we've talked more about him in comparison to other characters when they were revealed.

I can understand that, but at the same time this is a general Smash Bros Wii U/3DS thread on a Smash Bros sub-forum. I'm fine with having a couple of Ike threads, but I feel it's getting brought up too much in the general thread. Not even Marth got this much discussion.

I was expecting the Ike talk, really.

Marth is like "we expected it, no big deal".

While people ACTUALLY feared the possibility that Ike was getting cut.

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Am I the only one on this forum who doesn't give two shits about the roster?

I want an official 3DS release date already >_>


Besides, after people actually get the game, people give less crap about who's in, rather than who's top tier.

...and slower characters always get the shaft. Ike's sure to get a few buffs, but that's not going to help his position all that much in favor of speedier spacing characters.

Gimping over "SEND THEM FLYING" after all.

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I never gave a rat's ass about tiers. Tiers are for queers. xP

(sorry, I just had to use the famous phrase, couldn't resist. lol)

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Patience is the key.

Until it's out, the smashboards, here, everywhere else can flood the SSBB topic with this game. Of course after it's out, going to comment on their tiers thereafter. -.-

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One thing I definitely agree with Ana on is how annoying all the people who want Roy back are. It makes it pretty clear that these people don't actually play Fire Emblem at all, because most who play FE don't want Roy back over another FE rep. They just chant "ROY'S OUR BOY" like they actually care about the character beyond him having appeared in Melee and not even knowing anything he's saying. He's not even good competitively, so it's not like top players have any special place for him like they might Sheik, Marth, and Ice Climbers.

objection: i'd absolutely love to see roy back and i fucking helped translate his game. obviously the same doesn't go for most roy fans, but at the same time it seems really dumb to tar all roy fans as having no knowledge of fe, or all fe fans as having no interest in roy or fe6. same goes for not knowing what roy is even saying in melee, especially given that frankly, donkey kong's generic monkey howls make for more interesting dialogue. (on the other hand, i can get behind roy being my boy)

also, using competitive status as a barometer of a character's worth or sentimental value is a flawed measure, even if you get past the fact that we're talking about a piddling minority of ssb players here. mewtwo is significantly worse competitively, having literally been the bottom of the tier list in the past, but despite this competitive unpopularity, as far as worthiness to be in ssb goes, a majority in that environment seem to agree mewtwo is very unique and important to the pokémon mythos and thus his brawl cut was unjustified. of course, as a clone roy isn't in quite the same boat, but the point stands in that competitive players do not hinge their appreciation of a character solely on whether or not they're fox or falco or whatever

(also ike himself is low-tier in brawl so WHY WOULD WE WANT HIM BACK :OOOOOOOOO)

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RFoF said MOST people, not everyone. xP

Also, Ike is actually mid-tier. Someone on here told me that he got bumped up because he totally dominated low-tier tournaments.

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I was using Ike and managed to beat a few other plays who were using higher-tiered characters(And rather well, I'll add. I mean, they're far from tournament players, but they're not button-mashing scrubs.)

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let's take a look at that again

how annoying all the people who want Roy back are. It makes it pretty clear that these people don't actually play Fire Emblem at all

of course i know i'm splitting hairs here i mean the chances of him actually meaning it in quite that way are slim and all, and whether or not all was actually intended to mean "all" here would be pretty narrow-sighted. the real important part here is dismissing pro-roy sentiment as being founded on a lack of fe knowledge. it'd be kinda like if i wrote off all support for ike as the product of dangerously obsessive fangirls

and let's face it ranking 23 of 38 really isn't anything i'd be rushing to write home about as far as hailing the relevance of tiers for a character's quality goes. the tier's called the D tier for a reason

Edited by bookofholsety
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One thing I definitely agree with Ana on is how annoying all the people who want Roy back are

I get that, RFoF. Which cements my stance that fanpeople of any kind are obnoxious and annoying.

The people going BRING BACK ROY are as bad as those going shitnuts over Ike. We get it, he's back.

I doubt people want me to go bitching about Sigurd. I don't. You know why? Because I know that'll piss people off if I go on and on and on.

But I digress. I'd get just as annoyed if it wasn't Ike, so I don't want people thinking just because I despise Ike is the reason I went off on Ana.

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I'm pretty sure Ike never had to face this sort of reception back in 1953, maybe... sure is the sign of tougher times...

Anyway... man, how I'd wish I could have the chance to try the demo. Too bad even if I had one of the places nearby enough, I have no passport, heh.

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objection: i'd absolutely love to see roy back and i fucking helped translate his game. obviously the same doesn't go for most roy fans, but at the same time it seems really dumb to tar all roy fans as having no knowledge of fe, or all fe fans as having no interest in roy or fe6. same goes for not knowing what roy is even saying in melee, especially given that frankly, donkey kong's generic monkey howls make for more interesting dialogue. (on the other hand, i can get behind roy being my boy)

RFoF said MOST people, not everyone. xP

Thank you, Ana.

Seriously, it's like everyone on the internet sees the word "most" and reads "all." It's not news that Binding Blade isn't as well-liked among the fandom nor that Roy is much sooner someone's least-liked Lord than favorite.

The point with Roy speaking Japanese is that this is all many people know of him. Donkey Kong has multiple other games.

also, using competitive status as a barometer of a character's worth or sentimental value is a flawed measure, even if you get past the fact that we're talking about a piddling minority of ssb players here. mewtwo is significantly worse competitively, having literally been the bottom of the tier list in the past, but despite this competitive unpopularity, as far as worthiness to be in ssb goes, a majority in that environment seem to agree mewtwo is very unique and important to the pokémon mythos and thus his brawl cut was unjustified. of course, as a clone roy isn't in quite the same boat, but the point stands in that competitive players do not hinge their appreciation of a character solely on whether or not they're fox or falco or whatever

You completely misunderstood me. I did not say it gave them more worth at all. The fact is, competitive players play the game much more than casual players, especially for Melee (since the game is more than a decade old now), often using the same character, so it's more likely that these players are going to have special attachments to the characters they use despite possibly not knowing anything about them beyond this one party game. These players also tend to be vocal, what with tier lists in general creating such controversy. Roy does not have this.

And your Mewtwo point is meaningless because I very clearly showed that I find importance to their series to be an important factor for characters, with the competitive side being more of an afterthought. Fans wanting Mewtwo back for SSB4 is much more justified than Roy.

of course i know i'm splitting hairs here i mean the chances of him actually meaning it in quite that way are slim and all, and whether or not all was actually intended to mean "all" here would be pretty narrow-sighted. the real important part here is dismissing pro-roy sentiment as being founded on a lack of fe knowledge. it'd be kinda like if i wrote off all support for ike as the product of dangerously obsessive fangirls

When I made that original post, I went back to make the statement less all-inclusive, but I will admit I do seem to have missed that first "all." At the same time, that part was supposed to be referencing Ana's mention of people wanting Roy back in general, not just around here (that's why I later brought up people who play FE at all; wouldn't need to if I was already talking about SF), and I'd wager that a good 99% of them have not played Roy's game in any form.

I get that, RFoF. Which cements my stance that fanpeople of any kind are obnoxious and annoying.

The people going BRING BACK ROY are as bad as those going shitnuts over Ike. We get it, he's back.

I doubt people want me to go bitching about Sigurd. I don't. You know why? Because I know that'll piss people off if I go on and on and on.

But I digress. I'd get just as annoyed if it wasn't Ike, so I don't want people thinking just because I despise Ike is the reason I went off on Ana.

I don't know why you made this post, considering I never said anything about anyone going off on Ana; I merely stated that I agreed with her on something. But, okay.

For the record, I do think the Ike talk can start to lay low or at least be kept in his own threads by now, but I didn't feel the need to tell Ana that personally.

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Nice one as Sakurai himself has a match with some people at the E3.






Hee hee...

Already some impatient people. XD

Even though I got a good laugh of it especially that it is not official.


Lynwood. 17mile drive. I'll see if I can make it...

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I do agree that since there's an Ike thread, I should be keeping a majority of the Ike talk there. I just haven't been thinking as clearly as usual because the excitement has been scrambling my brain like eggs. xP I couldn't even drive right last Friday after I saw the reveal. I definitely need more practice before I take my test. xP

But anyway yeah. New characters I hope are shown at E3: Dixie Kong, Zelda newcomer (Vaati or Ghirahim would be my pick!), FE newcomer that isn't Chrom or Lucina.

Veterans: Falco, more about Ike

Stages: Tellius stage (my pick would be either the Kauku Caves or Riven Bridge! Or maybe even both? ^^), Treacherous Mansion from Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

Features: STAGE BUILDER. Why you no talk about this yet, Sakurai? D: Brawl stages to be available (CASTLE SIEGE PLZ :D) Also event matches, music, images of the selection screens, and pretty much anything else Sakurai has!

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