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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Not to be rude Kingddd, but you have absolutey no idea and you probably have never ever played Smash Bros competitevely if you really think that ...

And its not just the fact that Game Cube Controller is like DESIGNED perfect for smash only (As it has been stated by all kind of profesional players) is that the controller itself is very good and very appreciated, even considered among the bests, if not the best, controller ever done for most kind of games. But definetely it is the best option BY FAR for playing all the smash games

Did I even say anything about Smash Bros in there? I'm saying a lot of other controllers just feels great and even more comfortable than Gamecube controller.

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So...tell me, am I the only person who wants Bandana Dee and Robin in? I feel like Chrom would just be more of the same, and that Smash needs a spear-user.

...Don't kill me.

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So...tell me, am I the only person who wants Bandana Dee and Robin in? I feel like Chrom would just be more of the same, and that Smash needs a spear-user.

...Don't kill me.

No, I dont want Chrom at all, besides he isnt even the main character of the game (Yeah, dont kill me now ;D). Avatar is way more original than Chrom, moveset wise without a doubt. Chrom would be just another clone or pseudo clon or mix from the 2 characters that are already in the smash series, so I want everything for Avatar.

Oh and "btw" this isnt really a topic appreciated in the post, because it always starts in war between Chrom lovers and haters plus Avatar bla bla bla etc , but just for you to know; you arent the only person who thinks Chrom would be a poor choice for the smash game and also not the only one who thinks Avatar would fit more.

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I dno Volug I think your posts have had the most reasons for flame wars of late because you call out other opinions as sucking

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Does anyone else thinks Paluenta is going to be the next Meta Knight?

Not really, if anyone is it'll be the Miis

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She looks a little more overpowered, in fact. She's basically Meta Goddess.

Can't really make that call without actually playing.

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Palutena seemed OP because they showed off all 12 of her specials at once. She's only going to be able to use four of them at once and even then she won't be able to mix and match fully. She's still going to have to have a recovery as her up B be in the warp, jump or glide. She also seems pretty big as a character and not especially heavy which is a bad combination.

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Does anyone else thinks Paluenta is going to be the next Meta Knight?

What Jedi said but I don't see her as fast and trolling as MK.

edit: I see her as a faster or better Zelda, though. Any opinion right now lacks solid foundation since trailers are quite meaningless and vague when showing every aspect of a character.

Edited by Quintessence
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Palutena seems op for the following reasons:

Its Sakurais game --> Yes, this is definetely a reason to initially believe such. Considering Dreamland characters (Another saga created by Sakurai) followed this one. In 64 Kirby was one of the best characters, in Melee it became the worst but suprisingly enough Sakurai thought he was indeed good due the moveset, but in Brawl we got this: MK is the most OP thing ever featured in a smash bros game, and imnot going to explain all the details why (You probably already know as well and it may be too long to explain) he is basicaly broken op shit xD. This doesnt help much considering King Dedede is also one of the top tiers and Kirby also reached a high spot in the game. Sakurai develops some "preference" in his own characters?, that may be unintentional or natural, depending on the opinion of the person, but they are good in smash, thats a fact. Pit initially spotted this to me being the new MK, but now Palutena seems to taking the spotlight but I will still believe both will get high spots.

Unique features --> Its not just that she is "Sakurai´s character" (Yeah I know the game is a remake from the original and bla, you got the idea) but she also got something nobody else but her and the mii figthers got. 12 specials, regardless she can only use 4 of them in a match it makes her harder to counter, more diversity and more mechanics in her. The more detailled a character gets, the more chances of it to being better than the others because new techniques and combinations can be performed.

Her moveset itself seems good. In the vid you could see some kind of insane range in all directions (Man a special was a beam with INFINITE vertical range and without lag unlike Pikachu´s Thunder), good recovery and powerful harass/camping, along (what it seemed) strong knockback in all her attacks along good mobility. Of course its just a trailer video and we dont see any kind of numbers, current situation or whatever, plus the game isnt even finished and things can change; but initially she really seemed pretty strong

Another fun fact is that the best character in every smash has been an starter character; Pikachu in 64, Fox in Melee and Meta Knight in Brawl. This "coincidence" was also one of the reasons to believe Pit would be the new Meta Knight. Palutena doesnt seem to be one of the starters but this is just another fun fact to keep in mind

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Palutena seems op for the following reasons:

Its Sakurais game --> Yes, this is definetely a reason to initially believe such. Considering Dreamland characters (Another saga created by Sakurai) followed this one. In 64 Kirby was one of the best characters, in Melee it became the worst but suprisingly enough Sakurai thought he was indeed good due the moveset, but in Brawl we got this: MK is the most OP thing ever featured in a smash bros game, and imnot going to explain all the details why (You probably already know as well and it may be too long to explain) he is basicaly broken op shit xD. This doesnt help much considering King Dedede is also one of the top tiers and Kirby also reached a high spot in the game. Sakurai develops some "preference" in his own characters?, that may be unintentional or natural, depending on the opinion of the person, but they are good in smash, thats a fact. Pit initially spotted this to me being the new MK, but now Palutena seems to taking the spotlight but I will still believe both will get high spots.

Unique features --> Its not just that she is "Sakurai´s character" (Yeah I know the game is a remake from the original and bla, you got the idea) but she also got something nobody else but her and the mii figthers got. 12 specials, regardless she can only use 4 of them in a match it makes her harder to counter, more diversity and more mechanics in her. The more detailled a character gets, the more chances of it to being better than the others because new techniques and combinations can be performed.

Her moveset itself seems good. In the vid you could see some kind of insane range in all directions (Man a special was a beam with INFINITE vertical range and without lag unlike Pikachu´s Thunder), good recovery and powerful harass/camping, along (what it seemed) strong knockback in all her attacks along good mobility. Of course its just a trailer video and we dont see any kind of numbers, current situation or whatever, plus the game isnt even finished and things can change; but initially she really seemed pretty strong

Another fun fact is that the best character in every smash has been an starter character; Pikachu in 64, Fox in Melee and Meta Knight in Brawl. This "coincidence" was also one of the reasons to believe Pit would be the new Meta Knight. Palutena doesnt seem to be one of the starters but this is just another fun fact to keep in mind

DDD isn't top tier, and neither is Kirby in Brawl.

While Palutena's trailer looks promising with the variety of moves at her disposal, we don't know how powerful they are, or even how effective each one could be. Looking at Rosalina's trailer, I had assumed she would, given how she can fight from 2 fronts. But that's not the case,

Also, mere coincidence isn't enough to make such a conjecture. Keep in mind that out of everyone in Smash history, no one was as OP as Meta Knight was. With his immense focus on balance this time around, there may not even be another Meta Knight.

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I also don't think Palutena will be unique in that regard. I think it likely she will have the most diveristy in moves out of the playable characters we've seen so far but I think the yet to be revealed characters could also have 12 special moves. Particularly character like Shulk, should he get in, would have a large pool of potential moves to pull from. And while it has been said other characters will get "variations" of their special moves, so far these variations have been minor, like Mario's, to extremly different, like Donkey Kong's tornado punch which will have to work extremly different to his giant punch to the point that the only thing similar is the fact that it's a punch. Other characters have special moves that simply wouldn't make any sense to have variations of. Like Olimar's whistle. What could it possibly do differently that would need two more variations of? Order the pikmin differently?That's something it could already do in Brawl and would be pretty pointless since there's only three pikin at a time now. Plus we totally need Rock Pikmin to be one of his Down Specials.

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Do you know how much has changed the Brawl tier xDDD? Sure, if you just look at it by now it looks like that, check the previous ones during years and you will see how DDD and Kirby have always been in high places. In fact tiers change according to tournaments results, and until Wobblez came out the ice climber were in the deepest oblivion. Snake was also ultra high tier, so were Wario and Falco and others were far lower like ZSS or Olimar.

Unlike Melee tier who has been stablished in a more solid way even tho you sometiems find suprises like Amsa´s Yoshi. But regardless the thing is that DDD and Kirby have been in high spots in the tier for ages, and Meta Knight has always been senseless op.

And the customization moveset looks "too good" for me. Like there doesnt seem to be any reason or flaw to use one of them instead of the regular one, at least in the cases we have seen. But of course this needs to be tested and see the final result, but my "foresight" tells me they will be banned or they will be used in some other kind of metagame xDD who knows.

Edited by Volug Vanguard
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Do you know how much has changed the Brawl tier xDDD? Sure, if you just look at it by now it looks like that, check the previous ones during years and you will see how DDD and Kirby have always been in high places. In fact tiers change according to tournaments results, and until Wobblez came out the ice climber were in the deepest oblivion. Snake was also ultra high tier, so were Wario and Falco and others were far lower like ZSS or Olimar.

Unlike Melee tier who has been stablished in a more solid way even tho you sometiems find suprises like Amsa´s Yoshi. But regardless the thing is that DDD and Kirby have been in high spots in the tier for ages, and Meta Knight has always been senseless op.

And the customization moveset looks "too good" for me. Like there doesnt seem to be any reason or flaw to use one of them instead of the regular one, at least in the cases we have seen. But of course this needs to be tested and see the final result, but my "foresight" tells me they will be banned or they will be used in some other kind of metagame xDD who knows.

no. It the reasons WHY they won the tournaments that the tier lists change. And no, meta knight was thought be bad at first.
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Palutena seems op for the following reasons:

Its Sakurais game --> Yes, this is definetely a reason to initially believe such.

One problem: Sakurai only personally balanced Melee. A team of four did the balancing for Brawl, so blame them for Meta Knight. A team of 12 is balancing SSB4.

Funny how your argument is "Sakurai makes his own characters OP" when in the game he actually balanced himself (Melee), Kirby was not only bad, but a candidate for the absolute worst.

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One problem: Sakurai only personally balanced Melee. A team of four did the balancing for Brawl, so blame them for Meta Knight. A team of 12 is balancing SSB4.

Funny how your argument is "Sakurai makes his own characters OP" when in the game he actually balanced himself (Melee), Kirby was not only bad, but a candidate for the absolute worst.

I do find this absolutely hilarious and its the perfect counter argument to any "Sakurai bias" comment.

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Kirby is the actual worst. One of his best options most of the time is rolling, and that speaks for itself. Pichu isn't that bad, dammit.

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Kirby is the actual worst. One of his best options most of the time is rolling, and that speaks for itself. Pichu isn't that bad, dammit.

Of course, the guy with a combined 6 Pichus in his avatar and sig would say that :P.
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So...tell me, am I the only person who wants Bandana Dee and Robin in? I feel like Chrom would just be more of the same, and that Smash needs a spear-user.

I'll skip the Robin-part, we're all tired of that discussion.

I really think that Bandanna Dee would be a really cool and unique character. My personal bias wants him in the game. But on the other hand, there is no need to. The Kirby-roster in Smash is perfect. The size is appropriate and includes all important characters to represent the series (I think the same about Zelda as well).

Let's just hope for a little more Kirby-bias from Sakurais side. :D

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