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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Also, relevant to the thread:


Just...LOL. XD

It would have been funnier if the character on the end was Roy, instead of... whoever it's supposed to be.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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It would have been funnier if the character on the end was Roy, instead of... whoever it's supposed to be.

I believe it's meant to be Micaiah.

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I couldn't tell, it's so horribly drawn...

Well, to be fair, it's just something for laughs.

...though I will say that making it a slightly better quality will give it more "oomph" in hilarity.

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Jeepers you guys have been busy in here

I don't remember who said it, but whoever was saying Wolf should be gone, I disagree. Wolf is probably like the least clonified clone of all the clone characters; he's practically not a clone at all since the only thing he shares with Fox/Falco is his specials, and even THEY'RE so different that they completely change the way he plays from the other two (I'd even venture to say he was one of the most interesting and subtly-creative characters in the roster). There's nothing wrong with Wolf, he's just fine to return as far as I'm concerned.

Well, the Mario series is expansive enough that I personally consider Wario to have been the new Mario rep in Brawl. Yeah, he's got his own series and all, but he was created as a Mario character, is still in every party game, and...well, just look at his freaking name.

I don't think every franchise needs a new rep each game, either, but since Zelda hasn't gotten a true new rep since Melee, I just think it's time the series got one (though since Melee alone got 3 new reps + a clone, maybe that argument doesn't hold a ton of water).

Yeah, it looks like Banryu might not have been counting Yoshi as a Mario rep, which he definitely should be considered as.

For 64 through Brawl I am counting anyone under the same logo as a rep for that franchise, whatever you consider them to be.

Also Melee kinda got 2 clones .3. Young Link and Ganon both, so really Zelda and Sheik were the only true newcomers if you're discounting clones

You know, Ban, I'm starting to think you're a good luck charm. If you say a character won't be in, then that character WILL be in! XD

Wait... Banryu also mentioned that Geno wouldn't be in. That means:

1. Squeenix randomly became less overprotective of their IPs.

2. They contacted Sakurai and, rather than asking him to put in someone instantly recognizable (like Cloud) or recent (like Lightning or the Final Fantasy XV Protagonist), they asked him to put in a side character who only had an important supporting role in one game that came out nearly 20 years ago (and a small cameo in another game which also came out pretty long ago).

3. Sakurai agreed to this.

Please let Banryu have magical "being wrong" powers, because otherwise that chain of events makes no sense.

Pac-Man was an obvious choice (despite what BANRYU made you believe), with Namco developing the game.

*shrugs sheepishly* .3.

I actually think most people didn't believe me about Pac-man lol. At least I was right about Anna... =w=

Now excuse my while I continue to adamantly refuse any possibility of Ridley being in .w.

Honestly when it comes to unpredictability... just looking back from this thread's early stages...



All hail king and director of unpredictability.


At announcement I thought I had old Sakurai pegged. I was horribly, horribly mistaken. Well played, senpai.

Lucina being a clone (or semi-clone...whatever) makes me less excited for her...makes me kinda think "Why not give that slot to someone else, then? Lyn? Ephraim? Chrom? Anyone else who wouldn't be a clone?" I'm still gonna use her and am still sorta glad she's in...but now less-so.

The thing is, Lucina has her own animations to draw from. Marth's were drawn from SNES swordmasters. Lucina had a base they could from. This is lazy design. Come on, now. I mean for goodness sake why does she even have Marth's stance when she has her own sword wielding stance? This smells fishier than a seafood market. As much as I wanted Chrom, I definitely wouldn't have minded Lucina if they actually made her.... Lucina. If she had a few similarities to Marth then fine, but the whole moveset?

Why is any criticism of Smash instantly written off as butthurt? :MarcusYoung:

I've never understood the clone hate. And I think I never will...

Even though I was hoping for Lucina too, and as much as I hate to say it, I kind of agree with FEF regarding the whole 'replace clonecina with someone with an original moveset, sadly.

I'm not terribly opposed to clones when it seems appropriate; Falco and Luigi, for instance. And yeah, for Lucina it KINDA makes sense, but I'm with Ownagepuffs on this one. There IS material to draw from for her, so it's slightly disappointing that we're not seeing more of that... yet, at least. But while I agree with this, I WILL defend the decision just because I can only imagine that her being such a clone is the result of time constraints or some such. The reason for so many clones in Melee was the incredibly short period of development between its release and Smash 64's, and they crammed an incredible amount of content into that game for the time. Now we're looking to have around 50 playable characters as well as who-knows-how-many unrevealed features, so I have no problem feeling lenient toward the fact that Lucina is a clone.

Another important thing to remember is that we haven't seen everything yet, either. And it could very well be the whole Melee-Falco principle, where the slight difference in their attributes and abilities leads to a totally different playstyle. Personally, I hope it's more in the Lucas/Brawl-Falco end of the clone spectrum, but I'll be okay with the other end of it too.

So, I'm surprised that no one has mentioned that Robin totally broke the fourth wall in the trailer. Male Robin said "Smash has many powerful foes, Lucina." lol

And speaking of Robin, Nosferatu seems to heal damage. If that's the case, there's no reason now that Ike's Aether shouldn't do the same. While Nosferatu can't be used indefinitely since Robin can only use her/his tomes a certain number of times, Aether can just heal less damage and only be able to heal if Ike lands the downward blow.

Well it's not exactly new for people to do that. Snake did it first back when he was announced, and lots of characters since have sort of acknowledged the SSB universe as its own thing. It IS weird to hear him use such a slangy name for the series, though.

Chrom is cool as shit. He was bro enough to let his daughter and best friend take his place.

Hell yes! Chrom is not at all the kind of guy to be bitter about this.

He's probably more like superhappyprouddad that his liddle girl is out there with the other Ninty allstars.


Edited by BANRYU
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Cue Lucina being embarrassed that her dad is acting like a fanboy. lol

I'd expect Frederick to do something like this for his kid more than Chrom though. XD

Also, Ban, we're posting so much because we're HYPED!! I mean ROBIN AND FOUR FE REPS. ^^

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I hope in the end, they bring more changes to Lucina's moveset.

...Just the tipper? I mean, I hated Lucina in Awakening. But I absolutely adore her in Smash. She deserves more than to be a clone of Marth. And especially the idle pose! It's literally the exact same thing as Marth! [/end of complaining]

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On the Lucina discussion: I'm perfectly okay with her being a Melee-esque clone. My example is that in Melee, I didn't enjoy playing as Fox very much but Falco was my main. If she's anything like that I'll be happy.

I would've preferred she got her own style entirely, but I don't think this is a case of Lucina (clone) or a different Fire Emblem character entirely. I think it was Lucina or nothing. The more characters the merrier, and Lucina was one of the ones I wanted most, so I'm cool with it. Having said that, if the only difference is the tipper mechanic I'll be a bit disappointed, but I'm reserving judgement until we see more + her custom moves.

I can see why people don't like clones if they think they take roster spots...but I think the whole idea of there being a set number of roster spots is faulty.

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I can see why people don't like clones if they think they take roster spots...but I think the whole idea of there being a set number of roster spots is faulty.

This. People need to realize that there's absolutely no evidence to suggest that Lucina's presence means someone with a more unique moveset didn't make it in as a result.
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Lyn was already confirmed to be an Assist Trophy ages ago. Also, I'm pretty sure Chrom would've have been a Marth clone (except heavier/slower) if he had been revealed.

I'm very well aware that Lyn was confirmed as an Assist Trophy ages ago. Just because I thought "Why not give the slot to someone else?" doesn't mean I'm unaware of that fact. I stand by that thought, though, if they were just going to make Lucina a clone...why not upgrade Lyn from an AT to playable? Or bring in a different character? I also disagree about Chrom, I don't think he would have been a clone, at least not nearly as much as Lucina is appearing to be.

EDIT: I am also very well aware that there's no evidence to suggest that Lucina's presence means someone with a more unique moveset didn't make it in as a result. It still just seems sort of...I dunno, I guess "lazy" to me.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Posted · Hidden by Florete, July 16, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, July 16, 2014 - No reason given

Lyn was already confirmed to be an Assist Trophy ages ago. Also, I'm pretty sure Chrom would've have been a Marth clone (except heavier/slower) if he had been revealed.

I'm very well aware that Lyn was confirmed as an Assist Trophy ages ago. Just because I thought "Why not give the slot to someone else?" doesn't mean I'm unaware of that fact. I stand by that thought, though, if they were just going to make Lucina a clone...why not upgrade Lyn from an AT to playable? Or bring in a different character? I also disagree about Chrom, I don't think he would have been a clone, at least not nearly as much as Lucina is appearing to be.

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