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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Well according to Ike, Awkward Zombie!Marth never had a chance to get any descendants.

The comic itself states he was making stuff up, I'm pretty sure there's another comic with Lucina explaining she's his descendant.

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The comic itself states he was making stuff up, I'm pretty sure there's another comic with Lucina explaining she's his descendant.

I know. I was just looking for an excuse to post another one. Speaking of,


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Doesn't Ike eventually find that the two goddesses in his land were actually just one that split apart? :P

I probably shouldn't be as overobsessive over unimportant minutiae in my comics as I am, but I actually try really hard to be accurate to the source, which sometimes includes reading through text transcripts or rewatching scenes on YouTube or even firing up a game and replaying a part to get the details I want. It usually doesn't really add anything to the joke or the comic experience as a whole, but being overobsessive is as being overobsessive does.

ON THE OTHER HAND, sometimes I end up bending the source a little bit to help poke the joke in the right direction, and I guess I'm not the only person who pays attention to that stuff because people are always super eager to call me out on it! As a person who tells jokes I shouldn't care as long as it's funnier, but as a stubborn fanatic there's always a part of me that wants to tell you "I totally already know, I did it on purpose and YOU GOTTA BELIEVE MEEE"

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It has a nose. You just can't see it very well from the front. :P

Luigi looks amazing. I can't wait to get him! :D

EDIT: Kon: Oh, I see. Thanks for showing me that. That explains a lot.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd like to imagine Marth as the racist grandpa of the Fire Emblem characters.

Theres so much going on in this comic that i love. Like Zelda saying she has proof, and Fox's expression. Especially Fox's expression. Pikachu there, getting involved in the argument just really seals it. However, i really want a follow up of this featuring Rosalina.

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Smash Tour is a downright terrible mode. The mode makes little to no sense due to all of the rules and mechanics that plague it. It's as if Sakurai thought Smash Bros. wasn't chaotic enough and turned it up several notches. In my opinion, this mode is honestly unplayable.

...which is why I'm so glad it exists and I'm not being sarcastic.

You can literally leave the game alone in a Smash Tour and it will unlock stuff. A 15 minute round will complete on autopilot in about 20 minutes. Just be sure to check it once in a while if the game is waiting for you in Home Run Contest or Target Blast.

You'll get around 18 items in that 20 minutes for essentially doing next to nothing.

The mode is still one of the worst game modes I've seen in a game in recent memory. But at least it's useful for something.

Omg I love you that is a great find though I'm pissed I didn't know until now. Sakurai, I want my hour back for playing your crappy mode to unlock PAC land.

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It keeps bringing my Crazy Order passes. I think I've gotten like seven from it over five games.

And new 16 custom moves over five games. In total I've probably got about 70 custom parts, including repeats and equipment.

You could probably get a decent engine going here. Relax in Smash Tour to get Crazy Order passes and then spend those passes to get even more dough. When you run out, go back to Smash Tour and farm some more.

This could be the start of a beautiful, yet highly abusive, relationship.

Edited by Starbound
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For crazy orders, I'd recommend using a home run bat badge and a quick batter badge. It makes the fights so much easier. I've gotten up to 32 tickets without dying, and I usually get more gold than I use to enter.

Edited by Tsunami922
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I spent 8 hours playing Smash U today...

I find it incredibly ironic that I have more time to play Smash during finals than during the regular school year, lol.

I am really close to doing this

I could probably get away with it, too, but I will ABSTAIN with all my willpower

also your avatar is perf for that comment


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For anyone curious about the lazy Smash Tour method, here are my results from today.

I played the mode 7 times today and received 25 new custom moves alongside 8 Crazy Order tickets. Also received a ton of trophies and even more equipment but they aren't important to me so I didn't record them.

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For anyone curious about the lazy Smash Tour method, here are my results from today.

I played the mode 7 times today and received 25 new custom moves alongside 8 Crazy Order tickets. Also received a ton of trophies and even more equipment but they aren't important to me so I didn't record them.

It seems to be very inconsistent for me. On one run, I get like 4 new custom moves and on the next I get no new custom moves. Do you know if the size of the map or number of turns affects the number of prizes at the end?

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It seems to be very inconsistent for me. On one run, I get like 4 new custom moves and on the next I get no new custom moves. Do you know if the size of the map or number of turns affects the number of prizes at the end?

Neither does.

Normal appears to be the best as the CPU AI tends to avoid each other the most there. Turn count has no effect on your prizes.

It is rather inconsistent but so is every mode for collecting stuff. I've done multiple 20 ticket runs of Crazy Orders and never saw a custom move in there and that really makes me feel like I've wasted my pass / 5000g.

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I'm honestly not going to try and get every custom move for this game. I've already wasted more than enough time on it on the 3DS version. I can import any set up I want anyway. If there's a challenge for getting them all then I'll just use a hammer.

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