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What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Those are both pretty good. I'm sure it wasn't malicious on his part though, there's a lot of shit from the Fire Emblem series, and he basically has to leave most of it out since FE historically isn't super popular.

I wouldn't actually expect to see anything too recent in the next Smash, though, since it's already the better part of the way through its development, you know? At this point in time all the assets of the game are probably ready on a basic level, and Sakurai is just letting the info slowly trickle out. Because of how long the development process takes, I wouldn't expect to see stuff from any games that also came out around the time that Smash 3U comes out.

Still, as long as they don't remix it, I suppose just adding music tracks in isn't so difficult.

Edited by BANRYU
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Music wise I want Paper Mario music among Sonic vocal tunes getting their full versions and not half cuts.

Along with a multitude of tracks I could name from every single series I want that would make this post way too freaking long

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Don't get too upset yet.

The caption could reveal something potentially interesting if it has anything to do with the celebration of Uprising's two year anniversary.

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Also Here's today's photo. She's a regular trophy on the Wii U version.

Don't get too upset yet.

The caption could reveal something potentially interesting if it has anything to do with the celebration of Uprising's two year anniversary.

I'm not upset. I just really want to see another character. After all, there still is one last week remaining, but Sakurai has at least revealed one vet each month since E3 last year.

Perhaps Phosphora is gonna foreshadow a Kid Icarus newcomer or something. Who knows.

Edited by Naui
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- Kirby 64 Boss theme (SO much better than 0^2)

Though I like that song, I think that most regular Kirby boss themes are way too short and monotonous for Smash. The boss theme medley already was a great way to implement all these songs.

(And Zero Two's theme isn't bad, they just totally and utterly destroyed everything good about it with the remix in Brawl. >.>)

For the Kirby franchise, I really want them to include most of the final boss tracks. We've got Zero Two and Marx already, but we also need Drawcia Sorceress, Drawcia Soul, Yin-Yarn's theme and of course C-R-O-W-N-E-D.

And could we please have someone else pick the Donkey Kong tracks for the next game? Seriously.

Jungle Groove is a given. But why two versions of it?

Then a lot of tracks from spin-off titles. And the awful arcade music.

It's like they don't even know what beauty lies in the soundtrack of the DKC games. So many awesome songs they didn't use.

And not a single song from Donkey Kong 64.

About the only thing they did right was making the best remix of Stickerbrush Symphony there is.

But oh well. Nothing of all that matters unless we get some Donkey Kong stages that are actually fun to fight on. I wouldn't even associate Rumble Falls with Donkey Kong if nobody told me it was a DK stage.

How about giving us a stage based on K.Rools pirate ships? Or a Hornet Hole stage with sticky floors and Zingers flying around as a stage hazard. Or a Bramble Blast stage full of thorns and vines. And if you have to make an upwards-scrolling stage, at least have it resemble Castle Crush or Toxic Tower.[/rant]

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So, who is this new trophy? I don't recognize her at all and don't think I've even seen her before. O.o

Phospora from Kid Icarus: Uprising. Right hand woman from the goddess Viridi. So she is effectively Viridi's Pit.

Edited by BrightBow
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Oh, I see. I never did know much about Kid Icarus.

To be fair, Phosphora is a new character along with everyone from Viridi's army. Of the first 6 bosses, 5 are bosses from the original Kid Icarus: Thanatos, Hewdraw, Pandora, Twinbellows, and Medusa. And she's a one time boss and makes a smaller appearance in a later level.

Hopefully we see Hades or Magnus as assist trophies. And of course have Palutena as playable.

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Cool Phosphora, shame she isn't an assist or something. Her stage theme in Uprising is my favorite in the game, plus she was a fun boss to fight and a fun character.

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I just woke up not too long ago with some music I hadn't heard in years stuck in my head and had a thought; what if they put in Pokemon Snap music? I'd definitely like to fight with The Valley music playing.

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Though I like that song, I think that most regular Kirby boss themes are way too short and monotonous for Smash. The boss theme medley already was a great way to implement all these songs.

(And Zero Two's theme isn't bad, they just totally and utterly destroyed everything good about it with the remix in Brawl. >.>)

For the Kirby franchise, I really want them to include most of the final boss tracks. We've got Zero Two and Marx already, but we also need Drawcia Sorceress, Drawcia Soul, Yin-Yarn's theme and of course C-R-O-W-N-E-D.

Meh, it never much seemed like the right type of song for Smash to me. The K64 boss theme was so energetic and intense that I feel it works way better than a lot of those 'final boss' themes... I didn't like Marx either TBH, but Drawcia would be a good one. In any case, I was personally sad not to hear K64 Boss theme in Brawl's Boss Theme Medley, but I think it also has enough length to it that it could be its own song as well. *shrug* Oh well, either way.

PS I think Sakurai picked a crappy song from Kirby 64 because he didn't work on that one lol.... ~___~;

Ooh, another really good final boss theme I like is Nightmare's Theme from Kirby's Dreamland/Nightmare in Dreamland. Give it some kind of techno or orchestral mix, and it'd be bloody fantastic.

And could we please have someone else pick the Donkey Kong tracks for the next game? Seriously.

*cue rant*

I agree with you, but I haven't played many DK games so I don't know any, if at all, of the good tracks from it.... .w.' Except the DK Rap of course~

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I can't manage to load Sakurai's comment on today's picture, is it really just saying that Phosphora is a trophy and nothing else?

yes. Other than a comment about the scarf it's just to show off her HD trophy model.

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I can't manage to load Sakurai's comment on today's picture, is it really just saying that Phosphora is a trophy and nothing else?

More so it says for the Pic of the Day: "The most powerful commander of the Forces of Nature, Lighting Flash Phosphora!!"

in the comment section, Sakurai added: "…is a Trophy. The detail in her scarf is amazing."

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I-i-it took him an hour and a half to write less than 30 words. >_>

And here I was convinced he was going to talk about Phosphora as a celebration of Uprising's Two Year Anniversary

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A Smash Bros. deviantart group is speculating that this Phosphora might actually be in the roster, and that Sakurai is just trying to throw us off. The main reason is that this screenshot is from the Wii U version, yet Phosphora is from a handheld game. And Sakurai said that handheld game trophies would only be in the 3DS version. Only playable characters would have trophies in both versions.

This is a fair point, but I doubt she's playable. Why would Sakurai choose her over Palutena? I know little about Kid Icarus, but even I have seen that she's way more important and major in the series and I don't think the series is important enough to have three reps.

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