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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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And the shockwave thing. Ike was originally actually going to throw Ragnell not use its shockwaves as fitting as it would be. But Sakurai decided on Eruption instead

THROW Ragnell? Where the hell did he ever get that stupid idea? I also wonder why IS made this happen in Awakening as well. Ragnell wasn't crafted to be a throwing knife, it's a freaking TWO-HANDED SWORD THAT ALREADY HAD A DIFFERENT RANGED ATTACK. :/

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A Smash Bros. deviantart group is speculating that this Phosphora might actually be in the roster, and that Sakurai is just trying to throw us off. The main reason is that this screenshot is from the Wii U version, yet Phosphora is from a handheld game. And Sakurai said that handheld game trophies would only be in the 3DS version. Only playable characters would have trophies in both versions.

This is a fair point, but I doubt she's playable. Why would Sakurai choose her over Palutena? I know little about Kid Icarus, but even I have seen that she's way more important and major in the series and I don't think the series is important enough to have three reps.

He said with the Skull Kid reveal that characters who get a section on the website are the playable characters.

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He said with the Skull Kid reveal that characters who get a section on the website are the playable characters.

Yep yep. Plus the update said trophy.

*ahem* So um. I'm really digging Bowser's new moveset. Looking forward to using the new and improved Bow-bow.

You sure like changing the subject a lot. But yeah Bowser has more wrestler like moves now and his running now doesn't look like he is driving an invisible car.

THROW Ragnell? Where the hell did he ever get that stupid idea? I also wonder why IS made this happen in Awakening as well. Ragnell wasn't crafted to be a throwing knife, it's a freaking TWO-HANDED SWORD THAT ALREADY HAD A DIFFERENT RANGED ATTACK. :/

-shrugs- maybe it would have had more range that way. A shockwave in smash most likely would have only traveled on the ground.
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You sure like changing the subject a lot. But yeah Bowser has more wrestler like moves now and his running now doesn't look like he is driving an invisible car.

As hilarious as the invisible car thing was, heh.

Yeah, I may or may not be trying to avoid the nitpicky movepool discussion ~3~ I see little point in discussing, much less arguing, things like the boomerang issue (any further than I already have, anyway). Although I guess it's not my place to try to steer the discussion away from it if that's what people want to discuss. Sorry.

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-shrugs- maybe it would have had more range that way. A shockwave in smash most likely would have only traveled on the ground.

Yeah, that could be true, I suppose. But I still really liked those shockwaves. :(

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As hilarious as the invisible car thing was, heh.

Yeah, I may or may not be trying to avoid the nitpicky movepool discussion ~3~ I see little point in discussing, much less arguing, things like the boomerang issue (any further than I already have, anyway). Although I guess it's not my place to try to steer the discussion away from it if that's what people want to discuss. Sorry.

Its fine lol, sometimes discussions like this are nice though, two different sides etc etc

Yeah, that could be true, I suppose. But I still really liked those shockwaves. :(

Maybe even IS suggested it, we really don't know. The shockwaves would look cool but hey I'm still unsatsfyied with Sonic's near entire moveset but hey I still use him

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Yeah, I still used Ike to death too, simply because I love him to pieces, but I'm really really hoping Sakurai gives him the shockwaves and makes RD Ike a possible costume. :D

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Yeah, I still used Ike to death too, simply because I love him to pieces, but I'm really really hoping Sakurai gives him the shockwaves and makes RD Ike a possible costume. :D

I'd rather his Lord look from PoR personally but the RD look would be cool too.

Ike is one of the few heavy characters in a fighter I've ever used alot

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I prefer RD Ike's design, but I'd like all of his outfits to be available! He's had more than any other character, I think, even Marth. Ranger Ike, Lord Ike, Hero Ike, Vanguard Ike, Awakening Ike. That's five different outfits! Enough for him to have a complete set of Smash costumes.

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I prefer RD Ike's design, but I'd like all of his outfits to be available! He's had more than any other character, I think, even Marth. Ranger Ike, Lord Ike, Hero Ike, Vanguard Ike, Awakening Ike. That's five different outfits! Enough for him to have a complete set of Smash costumes.

5 outfits is a bit much for a lesser known series in Smash [people other then Wario haven't

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TBH Ike's outfits are all so similar that I can't really imagine that they'd do more than one. Personally I'd like to see RD Ike, since that was his most recent incarnation (no, I don't count Awakening) of relevance.

However, I do like the idea of other characters getting extra outfits like Wario had. I actually mentioned an idea like that a few pages back when I was talking about DLC, saying that I'd like to see that with Fusion Suit Samus, Dr. Mario, etc.

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However, I do like the idea of other characters getting extra outfits like Wario had. I actually mentioned an idea like that a few pages back when I was talking about DLC, saying that I'd like to see that with Fusion Suit Samus, Dr. Mario, etc.

Technically, Dr. Mario is a separate veteran fighter from Mario in Melee (he has Mega Vitamins instead of Fireballs in his Normal Smash B and uses Lab Coat in his Side Smash B attack).

Edited by King Marth 64
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TBH Ike's outfits are all so similar that I can't really imagine that they'd do more than one. Personally I'd like to see RD Ike, since that was his most recent incarnation (no, I don't count Awakening) of relevance.

I agree there's a little similarity between Ranger Ike and Hero Ike, but other than that, I don't see much resemblance... :/

Sure, Ike has a headband and cape in all his outfits, but he wouldn't be Ike without those sexy things!

Edited by Anacybele
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Hey King Marth. Did you know? The sky is blue.

See, I can spout obvious things too.

EDIT: Okay I'm not going to delete this and pretend like I didn't say it, but I will retract it and say that I'm sorry; it wasn't necessary to be that rude about it, and I apologize.

Sakurai already talked about eliminating clone characters that were too similar to their base character's movesets. There's no reason that Dr. Mario should be brought back as a separate character considering Dr. Mario and Mario are the same person, so it makes more sense to implement Dr. Mario as a Biker-Wario-esque outfit change. Let him shoot fireballs instead of pills; as much fun as those were, they don't bring anything significantly different to his moveset on any level except aesthetic. Or hell, I'm sure it would be just as easy to reskin the cape and fireballs to look like the sheet and megavites. (or not, actually, who knows)

EDIT @ Ana: I suppose you've got a point. Admittedly, it would be pretty neat to be able to choose between Ranger Ike and Vanguard Ike if such a thing were implemented (which honestly I doubt, but it would still be cool; I guess that's just the fun of speculating).

Edited by BANRYU
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Banryu, that was a little rude. :/

Oh, I'd LOVE to be able to choose between all of Ike's looks! I love them all, but my favorites are definitely RD Ike's outfits, both Hero AND Vanguard. That armor man, that ARMOR. <3

Plus, as stated before, RD Ike makes more sense with the heavy slow style.

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I wish I could say I was sorry for that, but frankly, I fail to see the point he was trying to make by bringing that up...? Doing so as though it would change anything I was saying, or as if I hadn't played Melee to know that Dr. Mario was a separate roster member...? I just didn't see the point of bringing that up.

EDIT: You know what, though, I guess you're right, it was a little excessively rude on my part. Sorry for not responding more... shall we say, diplomatically, Marth64.

Anyway yeah. Ike's Vanguard armor is really cool. I wish we could expect to see it, but we probably won't; its seems like most of the Lords are typically presented in their base class Lord outfit. 'Cause like, Great Lord Chrom would be pretty cool too.

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Hah. That's a fair point. =w=

Yeah the 'blue sky' comment was really jackassishly unnecessary, I apologize for that. =___=;

EDIT: D; Already approaching similar levels of sorryness... ; - ;

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I can prett much guarantee the ranger ike and hero ike incarnations will not both be there, simply because ike's entire body proportions would change, altering his hitboxes and stuff, making it not an alternate costume, but a modified character. He could get a pallette swap to make one outfit look like ranger and the other like hero, but that is unlikely since their colourscheme is so similar.

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What's wrong with simply making it look like Ike changed clothes? I've seen people fake screenshots that have that effect. Sakurai already had Ike wield Ragnell while in his Ranger clothes, which isn't actually possible in PoR. xP

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What's wrong with simply making it look like Ike changed clothes? I've seen people fake screenshots that have that effect. Sakurai already had Ike wield Ragnell while in his Ranger clothes, which isn't actually possible in PoR. xP

His hero look in RD looks close enough to his ranger look and he uses Ragnell with that.

Also I certainly hope next weeks updates are better then the last. There was like literally nothing interesting last week

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It's still not the same outfit. Plus, they're not THAT similar. The only similarity is the colors used. Ike's tunic is much different, he has more armor, though it uses the same blue as his Ranger tunic, he has different boots, etc.

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