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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Yes, and what does SSB function on? Pallettes, meaning colours get taken over. Changing colours is easy, changing the proportions (added armour, bigger boots, muscles) alters the character in a drastic way. It changes hitboxes, and thus makes the versions behave very differently. Big Ike will get hit more easily while small ike will dodge the same attack. That's why only palettes were/are changed. It create diversity without changing how the character functions.

And as you said, the only similarity is the colour scheme, which makes a second palette redundant, since it would have basically the same colours.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Did I say anything about changing proportions or muscularity? Just clothes, nothing else, a la Wario. A fake screenshot I saw awhile back had Ike's Brawl model in the Vanguard outfit and it looked really cool.

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Did I say anything about changing proportions or muscularity? Just clothes, nothing else, a la Wario. A fake screenshot I saw awhile back had Ike's Brawl model in the Vanguard outfit and it looked really cool.

Adding armour, bigger boots, and of course his RD looks mean he'll be buffed, since he got those muscles, you can't add muscles without adding actual mass to a character.

Also, the mod you saw is indeed an Ike where his model has been changed, so his hitboxes are altered as well. I've got the same one on my wii.

To take an extreme example, take bowser, but give him the properties of pikachu (big unit, small hitboxes), everything would play of key, you could smack bowsers head, or chest, and it would miss because pikachu's hitboxes are way smaller.

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This is totally unrelated to anything at hand, but I just remembered another song I'd really like to see in SSB: Bowser's Theme from Paper Mario. It's hands-down one of the best tracks to represent Bowser.

EDIT: Vicious Sal, you're right that changing a character's clothes takes more work than it does to simply change the palettes, but it's completely ridiculous to try to argue that a character's appearance in an alternate costume should affect how they play. Cosmetic changes can remain simply that. That's exactly what I'm hoping for with Fusion Suit Samus and Doctor Mario. COULD these in reality play differently than the original versions? Sure, but it'd be unnecessarily complicated to implement, so I'd be happy with just the costume changes.

Edited by BANRYU
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Side note: Considering Sakurai is revealing characters that were unlockables in previous games, and has already revealed more characters than the previous game had starters, I wonder if all characters will be available from the start, and the unlockables will be alternate costumes and skins (the Male Wii Fit Trainer is probably a preview of this).

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Yeah, if you can choose the male Wii Fit Trainer instead of the female, I see no reason why both PoR Ike AND RD Ike can't be available in some form. Changing to the male trainer would be adding muscle and mass.

Edited by Anacybele
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yay this topic devolved into an Ike train again just like it always does.

Anyway, Phosphera looks great. Honestly, it makes me want another Kid Icarus. Of course, Sakurai is sort of, kind of busy, and he'll take like a 3 year break after Smash 4. Maybe someone else can make a new one.

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How about we talk about ROY instead of Ike, since we've had next to no Roy speculation from what I recall. For starters, if he were to make it into the game, I'd like his Usmash to be that of the animation when his sword is flaming from the ranged oh crap i forget the name of his pwn sword sword.

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No one is talking about Roy because he has little chance of being in except as a trophy. XP

Ike has a high probability of sticking around.

Cuccos as an item oh wow. XD

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No one is talking about Roy because he has little chance of being in except as a trophy. XP

Ike has a high probability of sticking around.

Cuccos as an item oh wow. XD

and who predicted wii fit trainer
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I'm fine whether Ike stays or goes, but Ana, you sure are making it difficult for me to want Ike back.

If Roy was brought back, I'd want him to have his Project M moveset, because that's a fine moveset he's got.

Yes, I know he's not the most likely character, but I still want him back.

Edited by Threedede
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Wii Fit Trainer isn't from a series that already had two other, more significant reps in Brawl.

How isn't Roy significant considering he helped FE get localized? And that he still has a strong fan base among smashers and a good chunk of Japanese fans?

Cucco as an item/assist is funny. Maybe you can pick em up to fly unless you piss em off

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I never said Roy didn't have ANY significance whatsoever. He did help get FE localized, but so did Marth. As for his popularity, that alone doesn't get characters into the roster. I would have thought everyone knew that by now.

Ike has gotten two games, both with starring roles, as well as playable in Brawl. And a nice chunk of references in Awakening.

And I apologize, I just thought there was no point in bringing up Roy.

Edited by Anacybele
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I never said Roy didn't have ANY significance whatsoever. He did help get FE localized, but so did Marth. As for his popularity, that alone doesn't get characters into the roster. I would have thought everyone knew that by now.

Ike has gotten two games, both with starring roles, as well as playable in Brawl. And a nice chunk of references in Awakening.

And I apologize, I just thought there was no point in bringing up Roy.

Popularity isn't everything but it still plays its part, yes Ike has two starring roles. That much is pretty significant in FE.

But do remember a lot of us fondly remember Roy from Melee and were bitter with his removal in Brawl due to time constraints.

I like both Roy and Ike they are among my favorite Lords and happen to star in my favorite Fe's (6 and 9). This constant argument between Roy and Ike and whether or not Ike is returning (I think he is) is getting old super fast. I know we are a fire emblem forum but smash brothers isn't just fire emblem

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Yeah, you're right. Ike's been talked about to death anyway and I think most of us agree that he's probably staying.

So on a new subject, Sakurai better reveal a character this week or I'm gonna be kind of upset. Because so far, he's revealed at least one character every month.

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I think we'll get someone this week or the next but then again I am no Sakurai, we may be waiting for a small bit. But it amuses me that a Cucco is in smash now. Surprised it didn't happen sooner honestly, Zelda seems to be getting a lot of item/assist love

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Ah, darnit, when I saw Toon Link I thought he would announce some kind of buff or new move...still nothing I see. :/

Obviously his new taunt is to summon chickens or pigs at will

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Ah, darnit, when I saw Toon Link I thought he would announce some kind of buff or new move...still nothing I see. :/

he'll get lucario's L cancels from PM

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