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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Could Jigglypuff perhaps get anything interesting out of the new fairy type? That's the only thing I can think of that she might have going for her, even though I'm personally fond of her for nostalgia reasons.

She could have a new fairy type move but as we saw in Melee when designed well her current move set is devastating as is.

Maybe Moonblast as her new FS? It'd certainly be way better than Puff Up. :/

Puff Ups effectness depends on the stage its used on.

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She could have a new fairy type move but as we saw in Melee when designed well her current move set is devastating as is.

Puff Ups effectness depends on the stage its used on.

Yeah, too bad he nerfed her every move in Brawl.

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Maybe Moonblast as her new FS? It'd certainly be way better than Puff Up. :/

But she doesn't learn Moonblast. Not even Wigglytuff does. Her only fairy moves is Dazzling Gleam and Disarming Voice.

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But she doesn't learn Moonblast. Not even Wigglytuff does. Her only fairy moves is Dazzling Gleam and Disarming Voice.

Ness and Lucas never learn PK Starstorm yet its their FS's lol. Just saying.

Edited by Jedisupersorry
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And Pikachu has five moves, including his FS, even though Pokemon can only learn four. xP

pikachu's dash attack is headbutt

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Pikachu's Neutral B move, Thunder Jolt, is actually not from the Pokemon games.

i always interpreted it as thundershock whose name was messed up from translating

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Fine fine, you guys made your point. But every Pokémon has used moves that they can legitimately use in games if they exist:

Pikachu: Quick Attack and Thunder are learned naturally. Skull Bash is a TM move in Gen I. Volt Tackle is its signature move

Jigglypuff: All 4 moves are learned naturally

Mewtwo: Shadow Ball via TM starting from Gen II. Teleport via TM in Gen I. Confusion and Disable are learned naturally

Lucario: Extreme Speed, Aura Sphere, and Force Palm are learned naturally. Double Team via TM

Squirtle: Water Gun and Withdraw learned naturally. Waterfall via HM

Charizard: Flamethrower learned naturally. Rock Smash and Fly via HM

Ivysaur: Vine Whip and Razor Leaf learned naturally. Bullet Seed via TM

Not saying Moonblast wouldn't be cool to see, but if anything Jigglypuff should retain moves that she can actually learn.

edit: Also Thunder Jolt is not Thunder Shock technically. Thunder Shock is でんきショックin Pokémon while Thunder Jolt is でんげき in smash.

Edited by Naui
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edit: Also Thunder Jolt is not Thunder Shock technically. Thunder Shock is でんきショックin Pokémon while Thunder Jolt is でんげき in smash.

ok, thanks. i have to wonder where it comes from, though...

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I always thought Thunder Jolt was meant to be Thunderbolt...

Nope, Thunderbolt is 10まんボルト, which in my opinion sounds cooler. 100,000 volts. Kinda illustrates how devastating this attack is.

edit: well it could technically still be a ref to Thunder Shock and perhaps Sakurai mistakingly shortened it originally?

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One thing I do hope is they remove the restriction on the replay system. The 3 min limit was awful and it was kind of dumb considering how you can save to your SD card and they don't take up much space. I know mods let you remove it but I would rather have an official support.

Although it would be neat for spectate mode to come back. I remember a guy spectated in online mode and he saw 4 snakes that were in shadow moses island and all they did was blow up the right side of the breakable wall and all 4 of them just constantly ran the right side and suicided. He betted 100 coins too. I can't find the video of it though but it was the best spectate mode video at the time.

Edited by kingddd
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Hopefully someone gets added today

edit: Nope. It's just a screen shot of Pikachu and Olimar fighting between Lumiose City's tower.

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Whoof, lotta replies happened while I was gone. Guess that's what happens when I'm at Legoland all day ~3~

@ Randoman: I think Takamaru would make a great character, and I'm sure he still has a decent shot of getting in.

I don't think Balloon Fighter HAD to be relegated to references though, y'know? Balloon Fighter is probably more prominently known than Ice Climber is anyway, but maybe that's just me. Either way, crying over spilt milk and all that, no point, BF will almost certainly not be playable. *shrug* Oh well!

Um...sorry, but I'm not really into all that futuristic space stuff. Same reason I don't play Metroid.

(first of all I was joking but I'll assume you knew that lol I actually haven't played much Star Fox myself TBH)


It's not about the 'space stuff', it's about the gameplay and the atmosphere! (...the aesthetic kind, not the space kind)

Jigglypuff gained a total of one move from 64 to Melee. I still don't see clone.

Have you played Smash 64? Because if you have, (or if you remember it), I have a feeling we wouldn't be having this disagreement right now.

Whether or not the moves were similar between games, it's pretty blatant that Jiggs was a Kirby clone in the OG SSB; practically all of its non-special moves were very similar if not outright the same, and between 64 and Melee, Kirby is actually the one who had more of his moves changed to be different from Jigglypuff, whose overall feel was changed to the more floaty style we know now to differentiate it. This is all IIRC of course, but if I might be so bold, it seems as though I'm recalling more of it than you if you're really not noticing these differences between the two games. o___o

_ _ _ _ _ _

I agree with KingDD's suggestions as well, they're pretty solid ideas.

Regarding Pikachu's Thunder Jolt, I believe it's actually a reference to the original Pikachu Pokemon card from waaayyyyy back in the day. Those of you that also collected the cards may recall that Pikachu's attack on the card was Thunder Jolt. As far as in-game attacks go, its next closest analogue is probably indeed Thundershock.

We HAVE seen that the playable Pokemon characters tend to have more than 4 standard attacks though, of course. Headbutt was already mentioned for Pikachu, and then there's attacks like the various electric-melee moves it uses, which I suppose could be interpreted as Thundershock or maybe variations on Wild Charge or something. Similarly, Charizard has Wing Attack for its up-tilt/up-smash, probably Earthquake as its D-smash, and Bite for its D-tilt, while Ivysaur's Dash attack looks like Take Down/Tackle/etc, and its U-smash/U-air/D-air resemble what I can only imagine must be Seed Bomb. So yeah, the Pokemon having more than 4 moves is nothing new/not much of a surprise.

It's funny how eager you guys are for a new character reveal LOL. I'm sure there'll be another one soon, just be patient eh?

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I've been playing Smash since 64 man. Jigglypuff was floaty from the beginning. Your arrogance is starting to really tick me off.

You seem to forget that Kirby only gained two moves between 64 and Melee, his dash attack and forward b which forward B wasn't a thing in smash 64

Kirby and Jigglypuff share only one smash attack that being their forward smash.

Down smash, Kirby sweeps his legs around, Jiggly does the splits

Up smash, Kirby does a somersault, Jigglypuff a headbutt

Their grabs are extremely different

Aerial moves that may be a tad similar but Kirby does more spinning while Jiggly just relies on punches and kicks,

Upward air - Kirby does another somersault, Jigglypuff waves her hand upward.

Neutral air - Kirby spins like a star, Jiggly Kicks

Back air - Kirby extends his legs back to kick, Jiggly roundhouses etc etc

Edited by Jedisupersorry
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God damn it, now I can't even make replies on Fire Fox anymore (the reply box won't function and I have to use shitty IE now).

Welp, Sunday night is the last day of March so there's one last chance I suppose.

I doubt it. Sakurai doesn't post pictures on the weekends. But there's a first time for everything, I guess.

(first of all I was joking but I'll assume you knew that lol I actually haven't played much Star Fox myself TBH)


It's not about the 'space stuff', it's about the gameplay and the atmosphere! (...the aesthetic kind, not the space kind)

I. Don't. Care. I'm NOT interested in either series. So stop bothering me.

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Also something to think about possible Nintendo direct with Golden Sun getting ported to the Wii U next month. I cross my fingers for the possibility.

Then again it may just be Snake or Palutena

Edited by Jedisupersorry
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Holy waffles people, calm down and chill out a bit. Why's it always gotta be tension central around here... >_<

Hopefully we get a new reveal soon (especially Palutena), but I've been thinking that maybe Sakurai might have let one too many out in the previous month, so now he's scaling it back in March to make up for it. Kinda makes you wonder how many reveals we have left if he's trying to balance them out until release; IIRC, I think it's coming late summer or early fall? Hmm, lots of possibilities between now and then...

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Holy waffles people, calm down and chill out a bit. Why's it always gotta be tension central around here... >_<

Hopefully we get a new reveal soon (especially Palutena), but I've been thinking that maybe Sakurai might have let one too many out in the previous month, so now he's scaling it back in March to make up for it. Kinda makes you wonder how many reveals we have left if he's trying to balance them out until release; IIRC, I think it's coming late summer or early fall? Hmm, lots of possibilities between now and then...

Sorry I tend to get heated when it comes to the word "clone" and calling Jigglypuff one wasn't going to slide.

Hopefully with the new direct, and I heard there is some kind of event next week.

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So Lumiose City is actually a Rumble Falls clone.


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So Lumiose City is actually a Rumble Falls clone.


Stage hazards alone dont make a stage unviable for competition. You have to take into account there could be a new DDD chaingrab across the stage, walkoffs, etc. If the stage has walkoff, it wont be viable :/

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