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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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It looks like Randoman didn't link the other 2 pictures. Second and third phases, respectively



So the walkoffs are Halberd/Delfino/Castle Siege situations, just one phase among others

If the platforms are the type that can't be grabbed, I'd imagine the stage would be a pain in the ass for certain tether recovery characters and the like, but unless the latter phases take up only 10 seconds each of every 3 minutes or something, I don't immediately see anything about the stage that screams "kill all tournaments" to me

(unless you're in Japan, whose smash scene I heard banned literally every stage but battlefield and final destination or something) (in brawl)

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I doubt it. Sakurai doesn't post pictures on the weekends. But there's a first time for everything, I guess.

Sunday night as in "very early monday". There's only one update left this month.

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It looks like Randoman didn't link the other 2 pictures. Second and third phases, respectively



So the walkoffs are Halberd/Delfino/Castle Siege situations, just one phase among others

If the platforms are the type that can't be grabbed, I'd imagine the stage would be a pain in the ass for certain tether recovery characters and the like, but unless the latter phases take up only 10 seconds each of every 3 minutes or something, I don't immediately see anything about the stage that screams "kill all tournaments" to me

(unless you're in Japan, whose smash scene I heard banned literally every stage but battlefield and final destination or something) (in brawl)

That's true. Looks good enough (and very pretty) to me. The ledges look grab-able to me. Also, am I the only one that has noticed that Olimar has never been shown with a lot of pikmin? Wonder if he got nerfed?

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That's true. Looks good enough (and very pretty) to me. The ledges look grab-able to me. Also, am I the only one that has noticed that Olimar has never been shown with a lot of pikmin? Wonder if he got nerfed?

I already stated this back all the way when he was revealed. But he seems to only have three pikmin at a time in any pictures

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Welp, Sunday night is the last day of March so there's one last chance I suppose.

You mean Monday, right? Sunday is the 30th and March lasts for 31 days...

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I honestly am not sure, since I don't think Sakurai has been following past game release dates lately (which seemed to be the pattern before), but I kinda hope we get another FE rep now that April is rolling in (wasn't there some special date for FE involving April?). I still really want him to confirm whether Palutena is in or not; my hype keeps building every day that passes, and if she's not in I'd rather him kill the hype now than string me along for months...

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I personally think Palutena is legit in.

I also want to hold onto my old release date theory one last time due to Golden Sun being ported to the Wii U. I want Issac and have since Brawl, maybe Snake will be revealed to return in April. Would make my Dad happy for sure, due to him liking a military dude being in Smash at last. Along with the Metal Gear fans that enjoyed his inclusion.

And a Mario, Sonic, Megaman and Snake FFA sounds awesome just in concept.

Not to mention just Samus vs Megaman or the revamp of the Archie Sonic and Megaman crossover

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Looks interesting.

Also just repeating Golden Sun, and Advanced Wars both show up on the Wii U next month

As I'm generally curious, has Sakurai ever done a reveal or picture of the day related to GBA (or the like) games being put on the Wii U?

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As I'm generally curious, has Sakurai ever done a reveal or picture of the day related to GBA (or the like) games being put on the Wii U?

Megaman VC releases happened the very day smash 4 was revealed and showed Megaman. Main example

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Everyone here is too caught up in 'anniversaries' and 'gimmicks.' Stop trying to find ulterior motives in everything!

Perhaps these characters are just revealed when they're revealed because they're done!

Stop being logical. Clearly everything happens for a reason FUCK I KNOW I WAS QUOTING A MOVIE AND I DON'T REMEMBER WHICH ONE

This will haunt me forever.

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Everyone here is too caught up in 'anniversaries' and 'gimmicks.' Stop trying to find ulterior motives in everything!

Perhaps these characters are just revealed when they're revealed because they're done!

But the thing is, we've found a connection for the release date for a vast majority of the veteran's reveals.

Olimar, Luigi, Toon Link, Zelda, Dedede, and Diddy Kong were revealed in line with the Japanese release of a game from their series like Pikmin 3 for Olimar or Kirby Triple Deluxe for Dedede. Marth, Peach, Sonic, and Lucario are the only ones not to receive this treatment. The latter four can certainly qualify for the "they're done" theory, but for the former 6, it seems like they were done early and Sakurai just waited for the right time to reveal them like the release date for a game in their series in Japan.

But hey, it's just a theory. A Game Theory!

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I honestly am not sure, since I don't think Sakurai has been following past game release dates lately (which seemed to be the pattern before), but I kinda hope we get another FE rep now that April is rolling in (wasn't there some special date for FE involving April?).

April has the Japanese anniversaries for both Path of Radiance and Awakening, so Sakurai is going to give us either Ike or Chrom, or even better, both. But hopefully at least Ike. <3

I might not like Chrom, but I do like his fighting style, or what we've seen of it in Awakening cutscenes, so I think I may try him out if he's playable. It'd be kind of like another Marth case for me. Where I use a character I'm not fond of. :P

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April has the Japanese anniversaries for both Path of Radiance and Awakening, so Sakurai is going to give us either Ike or Chrom, or even better, both. But hopefully at least Ike. <3

I might not like Chrom, but I do like his fighting style, or what we've seen of it in Awakening cutscenes, so I think I may try him out if he's playable. It'd be kind of like another Marth case for me. Where I use a character I'm not fond of. :P

I doubt we'd be getting two reps of the same series in one month. It'd also take the fun out of things, since there's been a ridiculous amount of speculation with the FE reps.
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But the thing is, we've found a connection for the release date for a vast majority of the veteran's reveals.

Olimar, Luigi, Toon Link, Zelda, Dedede, and Diddy Kong were revealed in line with the Japanese release of a game from their series like Pikmin 3 for Olimar or Kirby Triple Deluxe for Dedede. Marth, Peach, Sonic, and Lucario are the only ones not to receive this treatment. The latter four can certainly qualify for the "they're done" theory, but for the former 6, it seems like they were done early and Sakurai just waited for the right time to reveal them like the release date for a game in their series in Japan.

But hey, it's just a theory. A Game Theory!

I love that, btw.

Now watch we get Ridley/Palutena info on April Fool's Day.

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But the thing is, we've found a connection for the release date for a vast majority of the veteran's reveals.

Olimar, Luigi, Toon Link, Zelda, Dedede, and Diddy Kong were revealed in line with the Japanese release of a game from their series like Pikmin 3 for Olimar or Kirby Triple Deluxe for Dedede. Marth, Peach, Sonic, and Lucario are the only ones not to receive this treatment. The latter four can certainly qualify for the "they're done" theory, but for the former 6, it seems like they were done early and Sakurai just waited for the right time to reveal them like the release date for a game in their series in Japan.

But hey, it's just a theory. A Game Theory!

Um dude Sonic was revealed near Lost Worlds release date and Peach was revealed on the date the original Mario Bros came out. So its actually just Marth and Lucario

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I doubt we'd be getting two reps of the same series in one month. It'd also take the fun out of things, since there's been a ridiculous amount of speculation with the FE reps.

Can you name a more reasonable time to reveal Ike or Chrom? xP

Besides, if everyone doubts that both of them will show up, it'll only surprise us if they actually do, no?

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Can you name a more reasonable time to reveal Ike or Chrom? xP

Besides, if everyone doubts that both of them will show up, it'll only surprise us if they actually do, no?

I'd rather they aren't revealed and we find out at the games release. Especially in regards to the newcomer, it's more exciting that way. But my train of thought could be related to the fact I'm betting for no Fire Emblem newcomer.

Similarly, Issac, Paultena, Krystal and heck, even Dixie (who I'm hoping not for) offer all these possibilities with their play styles which isn't the case for Chrom or Lucina, to whichever (or neither) wins this 'war'.

But hey, it's just a theory. A Game Theory!

I don't think the quote works, your post actually seems plausible and is well-structured. Unlike any of their theories since ever.

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