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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Hehe yeah I was being dumb and was so sure once I saw the round-ended fingers that it was Mewtwo; even though his attack was OBVIOUSLY water-based and the shuriken could clearly be seen, I had it in my head that it was Mewtwo and that his new Shadow Ball equivalent just looked weird or something. My much-sharper-than-me GF figured it out almost immediately haha.

Like what do you mean, Ein? I don't think those characters are assist trophies... it seems like Sakurai just wanted to show them off, like how he did with Phosphora on the daily screenshots or whatever. What could they be hinting toward?

Like I said, the Ridley thing is the only thing I find to be particularly fishy... ...but I hear someone's already talked about that.

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There's no way he would reveal them as trophies before revealing them as playable characters. I talked about this earlier in the thread; Sakurai's trying to keep us as in the dark about this stuff as possible so that people react strongly to it when it finally IS announced. This is true of literally every newcomer we've had so far-- none of them were hinted at in any way outside of fan speculation prior to their announcement.

No, if he's revealing them as trophies, I feel pretty confident in saying that they're going to be nothing more than trophies.

And again, I'm okay with that. Not everyone can have the supreme honor of being playable, after all; for some, an Assist Trophy or even normal trophy cameo is nice.

I'm sure we'll have Chrom/Lucina revealed one of these days, though. Arena Ferox is the FE 3DS stage, it's practically self-evident.

...Say though, have you guys wondered at all what the stages on the OTHER console will be for some franchises...? Like for Fire Emblem, well... we'll probably only get the Arena Ferox, but isn't it possible that we'll have at least one stage per console version per franchise? We already know we have Zelda's Skyloft on WiiU and Spirit Train / Gerudo Valley on 3DS, plus Pokemon's Prism Tower 3DS and Kalos Pokemon League on WiiU.

Do you guys think each franchise will have its own stage in both versions (with the exception of franchises without a character representative, like Balloon Fight)?

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...Didn't I...? ...Oh yeah, that was one of the things I wrote before I accidentally clicked away and deleted everything I wrote. :O

Yeah, the Tiki trophy made me happy. :D

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Yeah, I saw that. Pretty standard City Trial fare.

Did anyone ELSE ever play Kirby Air Ride / City Trial? o3o Because I did, I'm already pretty familiar with how Smash Run will work haha. I'm wondering how it looks to all you guys.

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Oh yes. Kirby Air Ride was agreat portion of my childhood, so I was able to recognize it right away.

Like, right when I was watching it, I was like "Huh, this is almost like Kirby Air Ride". Then Sakurai actually confirmed it.


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Hehe yeah me too. It was like Sakurai was all, 'Yeah yeah, I hear you KAR fans saying this is just like City Trial fine I'll fess up to copying it lol'.

Nah but in all seriousness, I think it's a great idea. the actual Smash Run part looks like a lot of fun, and the post-run gametypes look a lot like the kinds of silly party gametypes I would design for me and my friends anyway!

- Rumble Falls

- Heavy / Metal / Bunny Brawl

- item switch: Springs & Screw attacks

- survive!

That was always a fun one.

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The only nerf I can think of that the Ice Climbers would need is for chaingrabbing nonsense. Other than that, it's not like they're terribly broken or anything.

Yeah, the Olimar thing is really interesting, though. I remember hearing that Olimar had a great ground game in competitive Brawl, and I'm curious to see how the Pikmin changes will affect that. I do like that they got rid of most of the tether recoveries; they were fun, but mostly pretty unreliable.

Actually though I'm really sad that gliding isn't a thing anymore. q - p I don't really see the problem with it... It was basically just a fun gimmick, but unlike the tether stuff I didn't thing it really detracted from anything.

Yeah, I think a solution to ice climber 0 to deaths are to make nana unable to grab, period. If he does and they end up unable to chaingrab, he should buff their other stuff to compensate or they will suck massively. As for Olimar, yeah, he had a really good grab game, a really good usmash, he could spam his pikmin throw and his whistle had super armor frames (he couldnt get hit out of it if you timed it right as an attack hit him in those frames). The nerf means he wont be able to just throw Pikmin all dai long. In exchange, he got ordered pikmin, which would be abusable to get 3 purples, but that would take too long to accomplish since he has to pluck, throw the pikmin out, pluck again, etc. Everytime he gets a purple, he can also only throw away 1-2 of the pikmin, so the cycle will be even slower. Plus, I imagine purples weigh more, so his recovery would suffer for having 3 unless he throws them away.

And im glad gliding is out. There was something called scrooging in Brawl, where Metakngiht would stand on smashville's moving platform as it was about to start moving, then he glided under the stage and back to the platform, to camp and try to run out the clock. And in general it was a bad mechanic because it made the characters that had them pretty much ignore the recovery aspect of Smash.

EDIT: worded super armor poorly. He gets hit and still takes damage, but no knockback.

Edited by PKL
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Air ride is super fun I had a blast with it and City Trial and it even started Sakurais Checklist achievements.

Also on no gliding it was a bit unfair and Pit doesn't even really have the means considering without Palutenas power of flight (which is shown by his wings having a glow) he can't even use his wings

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Ehh.... In Meta Knight's case I get the gliding thing, but like Pit and even Charizard didn't really benefit THAT much from it to my knowledge... (especially Zard who had a super slow and clunky glide on top of heavy jumps). But... If it ultimately benefits the game... *shrug*

Knowing other people played Air Ride makes me happy. <3

Also, I'm gonna go ahead and bump this question again.

Say though, have you guys wondered at all what the stages on the OTHER console will be for some franchises...? Like for Fire Emblem, well... we'll probably only get the Arena Ferox, but isn't it possible that we'll have at least one stage per console version per franchise? We already know we have Zelda's Skyloft on WiiU and Spirit Train / Gerudo Valley on 3DS, plus Pokemon's Prism Tower 3DS and Kalos Pokemon League on WiiU.

Do you guys think each franchise will have its own stage in both versions (with the exception of franchises without a character representative, like Balloon Fight)?

...Er but um if this has already been talked about a lot I can try to dig through the thread to find it .__. (was already planning to do that about the Ridley discussion at some point...)

EDIT: By the way, for those thinking the Ridley on Pyrosphere could be Meta Ridley-- it definitely is not. If you pause the video on the right frame, Other M Ridley's bone-colored blade tail can clearly be seen. Here's proof.

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Late response: People would be mad about Samus being that kind of fanservice no matter what exactly they did, because a lot of her appeal used to be that she was one of the few video game female leads who was never fanservice midgame, whose identity wasn't linked to her sex/gender at all. Before Brawl, "of course Samus is gonna be fanservice" would've been responded to with something approximating "fool are you outta your damn mind?! Her whole thing is that she's NOT fanservice!"

A possibility that is becoming more likely is that Nintendo doesn't, and maybe never did, get that people thought that about her, though. And even if they don't, at least power suit Samus is still around and still pretty close to the same old image of her.

Again, if they give us Snake with strategic butt-enhancing harness placement, skintight suit and sculpted buns, (and you better believe people did pay attention to that in Brawl,) I'll call it even. It won't be, all things considered, but it'll be something.

Also where are you guys reading that people are so upset about it, is tumblr or twitter lit up or something? I haven't checked in a bit

On a more fun topic, I wonder how safe on block Mac is gonna be. I hope you can't just shield grab everything he does, or that he at least has a grab game that'll make people think twice about it

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So, I realized something! I have a birthday coming up in less than a month, so if Sakurai were to reveal Ike towards the end of the month, the beginning of May, or even right ON my birthday (it's on a Monday this year), that'd be the best birthday present I could ask for. :D

On a related note, wouldn't it be cool if Sakurai did similar to what he did with Charizard and Greninja and did a trailer where Ike appears first, then Chrom shows up a little bit later? It could be Marth and Link sparring, then suddenly Ike Aethers into the action and interrupts. Then a spear suddenly flies past all three as they leap out of the way to avoid it. They look around to see who threw it, and Chrom jumps out of his hiding spot, his Falchion in hand. :3

Edited by Anacybele
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So, I realized something! I have a birthday coming up in less than a month, so if Sakurai were to reveal Ike towards the end of the month, the beginning of May, or even right ON my birthday (it's on a Monday this year), that'd be the best birthday present I could ask for. :D

On a related note, wouldn't it be cool if Sakurai did similar to what he did with Charizard and Greninja and did a trailer where Ike appears first, then Chrom shows up a little bit later? It could be Marth and Link sparring, then suddenly Ike Aethers into the action and interrupts. Then a spear suddenly flies past all three as they leap out of the way to avoid it. They look around to see who threw it, and Chrom jumps out of his hiding spot, his Falchion in hand. :3


Look, I'll admit that I've brought Ike up a little too much and I apologize that I did. I can definitely see how that's annoying and I really want to stop talking about him already myself. And I'm aware that I keep saying that, but I still can't seem to shut up about him for very long. I guarantee you I will when/if he's shown, but before that happens, doing so is just proving to be difficult for a number of reasons. Basically, either someone else brings him up first, or I just can't find anything else to talk about despite that I still want to be a part of the discussion and speculation.

could you stop.

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Objectively, who's more likely out of Chrom or Lucina in smash 4? I have no doubt now that one of them will make it in. But will it be the main character of the game? Or will it be the poster-gal?

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Objectively, who's more likely out of Chrom or Lucina in smash 4? I have no doubt now that one of them will make it in. But will it be the main character of the game? Or will it be the poster-gal?

Kellam will get in

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Chrom, since he's actually the game's main character. Lucina is only important when she's pretending to be Marth, and after that, she pretty much drops off the face of everything. She doesn't even give a game over if she's killed.

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I think Chrom will likely be in as well, rather than Lucina. I mean, he is the main character of FE13 and Lucina has a lot less importance than Chrom. Besides, Lucina looks way too similar to Marth (especially since Lucina's dressed up as Marth) and even with the "more female representation" argument, we've already got Rosalina, Wii Fit Trainer (whose female form is shown off a lot more than the male form), and potentially Palutena if that relatively accurate leaker is right again.

Erm... also, I'm sorry to break this to you Ridley fans, but it turns out Sakurai is sticking with a different Metroid newcomer rather than Ridley. Why? Well, although Samus and Ridley have a big rivalry and a long history, Sakurai felt that this character was an even bigger threat to Samus, since Samus can't even hurt this boss or even cause it to flinch. He also must've wanted a Metroid Other M representative so the newer Metroid games are represented as well as the older ones (Samus representing the old and the whole series, Zero Suit representing the mid and a bit of the newer Metroid games, and this boss representing Other M).

Anyways, here's footage of the Metroid boss that Sakurai will likely be putting in as a newcomer in SSB4 (check the video before seeing my impressions in the spoilers).

Got you, huh? Please don't take it personally, since ever since I first saw that video, I found it so funny and I've been wanting to come up with a SSB related joke with it.

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That's true I suppose. Chrom is more likely after all. As for Ridley, theres definetely something fishy going on. I dont think we can rule out Ridley as playable yet. Being a boss in a stage might not neccesarily mean he cant be playable either. For all we know, when you use Ridley, Sakurai could make it so he doesnt appear/it could be another Ridley. Being too big isnt an issue and theres some very clear teasing going on from Sakurai. I dont particularly care if he makes it in for myself, but I want the Ridley supporters to finally get their thing, you know? And I feel hed be a very interesting addition. Anyway, I dont think he should be ruled out yet.

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Yeah, Ridley could be getting the same treatment Toon Link got. Everyone thought TL was gone when we saw him in the Spirit Tracks stage, but he's still around and Alfonzo drives the train when the player uses TL on it. Another boss could take Ridley's place in that Metroid stage whenever a player is using Ridley in it.

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On a related note, wouldn't it be cool if Sakurai did similar to what he did with Charizard and Greninja and did a trailer where Ike appears first, then Chrom shows up a little bit later? It could be Marth and Link sparring, then suddenly Ike Aethers into the action and interrupts. Then a spear suddenly flies past all three as they leap out of the way to avoid it. They look around to see who threw it, and Chrom jumps out of his hiding spot, his Falchion in hand. :3

That would be pretty cool - so long as Chrom isn't the revealed character.

Objectively, who's more likely out of Chrom or Lucina in smash 4? I have no doubt now that one of them will make it in. But will it be the main character of the game? Or will it be the poster-gal?

Does no one think Robin has a chance? Robin is co-protagonist and it would be much easier to make a unique moveset for Robin than for Chrom or Lucina.

But if it's between Chrom or Lucina, I think it's hard to say which stands the better chance objectively. Chrom is the main character, but I'm pretty sure Lucina has the popularity edge.

Ya know, I'd love to see Ike revealed as a returning character. Chrom would basically need to replace Ike to get in and not be a clone, so if Ike returns, the chance of Chrom being added drops. Unfortunately, Lucina still has the problem of being a potential clone of Marth.

Chrom, since he's actually the game's main character. Lucina is only important when she's pretending to be Marth, and after that, she pretty much drops off the face of everything. She doesn't even give a game over if she's killed.

Chrom is the main character by technicality only. He's just there for events to happen through. Lucina is much more important to Awakening's plot than he is, as she actually makes some things happen. I don't know if this matters to Sakurai, but it's part of the reason Chrom is the last FE representative I'd like to see in the game. Honestly, I'd rather have Marth running solo to rep FE than to see Chrom in.

and potentially Palutena if that relatively accurate leaker is right again.

If you're talking about what I think you're talking about (don't want to find the quote), I wouldn't take that leak seriously. If it's actually a reputable news site, ignore me, but it's a place I've never heard of and it was after the reveal that they mention they had allegedly been leaked Villager, Mega Man, and Wii Fit Trainer beforehand, as well as Little Mac, Pacman, and Mii. Little Mac was not a tough guess to make at all, and those other two haven't been added still. I really doubt the addition of Pacman of all things.

Nonetheless, I do think Palutena has a good chance of getting in, but that just falls in the realm of "easy prediction to make."

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