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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Except you're incorrect. See shinpichu's link. Also, Chrom was designed to be able to wield it with one hand. Falchion (awakening) is still classified as a two-handed sword. Lucina does swing it with two hands on occasion anyway. Ike always swings his Ragnell with one hand except for that instance where he did an aether in an intro.

Just so you know, you are arguing with your own logic, if you are going to say it is incorrect, you are proving my point that your logic is flawed.

As for mega evolution, i know it IS in the game and i know what you meant. However, that does no change the fact that your statement was technically false, your statement specifically says that transformation is eliminated. The fact that mega evolution exists disproves that statement entirely. ME, in ssb4 is present, so there is a transformation of sorts in the game, therefore your statement that transformation have been eliminated is false.

Sigh. Why do I even bother? You're obviously not going to get my point.

Anyway, I also think we're going to get three FE characters this time, especially considering that Sakurai had been planning on this for Brawl. And I don't see him making the same mistake of running out of time twice, especially given that he has help from another company this time (Namco). And I predict the three will be Marth, Ike, and Chrom.

So far, I correctly predicted Rosalina, Greninja (of all things. >.>), Luigi's reveal, and some more minor things. I'd say there's a decent chance I'm right again.

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The one character I predicted without any doubts was Little Mac. Mega Man I had doubts on, but he got in. Villager and WFT were more surprising, especially the latter. I didn't think Rosalina would get in, but I was wrong. I never heard or seen of Greninja until the direct, due to my lack of knowledge with recent Pokemon games (And only recently have I played Pokemon Emerald)

As much as I would love Lucina to be in the game, I putting my money towards Chrom.

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I would take all these "leaked predictions" or whatever with a grain of salt as they can just predict a bunch of characters and then say they were correct even though its just a small fraction of all the characters they predicted.

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GUYS. COME ON. Enough with getting mired in pointless technicalities, seriously.

It's speculation. If we're speculating, we're going to examine possibilities based on things that work and things that don't work. If Ike and Chrom both end up in, then yes, they'll be different, but we can speculate that they might not be due to the likelihood that they would theoretically be too similar.

I don't think Class Change was ever going to be a part of Chrom's moveset. Neither would Pair Up honestly.

The likelihood is lower with the reveal of Sheik and ZSS having their own slots, but I thought a Chrom + Lucina pair up was something that could happen, sort of like a cross between Ice Climbers and Zelda/Sheik. I still think it's possible, though I don't find it likely.

It's the only way I'd be fine with Chrom being in the game.

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So far, I correctly predicted Rosalina, Greninja (of all things. >.>), Luigi's reveal, and some more minor things. I'd say there's a decent chance I'm right again.

This, is IIRC, the Gambler's Fallacy.

I honestly don't get why people get off on "I'm right before, so that means I'm most likely right again."

Unless you're working for Nintendo, your voice is just as loud as everyone else's.

Especially when it's something as meaningless as character rosters before the release of the game.

...Who's going to care if you predicted it before the game came out when we get our hands on it?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Objectively, who's more likely out of Chrom or Lucina in smash 4? I have no doubt now that one of them will make it in. But will it be the main character of the game? Or will it be the poster-gal?

Late reply but I think its a 50/50 split they both have their "Would make people play smash" factor that Sakurai looks for among his 4 crtieria . Their style is different enough from our past fe fighters, along with the possibility they could actually maybe use some class change stuff or just lances in some attacks.

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So far, I correctly predicted Rosalina, Greninja (of all things. >.>), Luigi's reveal, and some more minor things. I'd say there's a decent chance I'm right again.

Mmm, sadly, I don't think probability works that way. I could flip a coin ten times in a row, guess that it would land heads every time, and have it be right every time. That doesn't mean when I flip the coin an eleventh time and guess that it'll hand heads again that I have a decent chance of being right, I'll always have a 50-50 chance.

Anyway, all of these newcomers sound pretty interesting. I'm still rooting really hard for Shulk, though, whether he makes it or not is another story.

On Chrom and Lucina, I feel that Chrom should get in over Lucina. He feels more as the protagonist of FE13 than Lucina to me. I would prefer the avatar over both, though, because the avatar uses magic and doesn't have blue hair in the default appearance. (FE14 should get a magic using non-blue haired lord and we can put that into the next SSB instead of blue haired sword users.)

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Both could appear. Though Lucina would be a skin swap for Marth in my opinion. Chrom will be a standalone hopefully if he make it in.

Little Mac got his Arcade Wire Skin, Wii Fit Trainer got both genders, and of course Wario, whenever he's confirmed, will have his classic and ware skin. Pretty sure the Villager will have both genders too.

But I hope there is more costume swaps for other characters. What costume swaps do you guys want to see?

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Hm, dry bowser, marth (brawl and melee), Ike (fe10), the star fox characters get the costumes not used in brawl (sorry not a star fox fan).

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I think that if Wii Fit Trainer can be male or female and Wario can get a different costume and Little Mac can have that wirey design, Ike should be able to have his various outfits. He's worn five different outfits and has like the largest wardrobe of any FE character. Which is kind of ironic given his messy appearance. lol

Marth should be able to change clothes too, he's had a few different garbs.

Luigi should get his Mr. L costume from Super Paper Mario. :D

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Objectively, who's more likely out of Chrom or Lucina in smash 4? I have no doubt now that one of them will make it in. But will it be the main character of the game? Or will it be the poster-gal?

Both in a Marvel vs Capcom style with Chrom as the main character and Lucina as the assist.

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I'm sorry, I don't see at all Lucina, Chrom or Avatar (why is the latter even included? His fan base is much more inferior to the other two and though unique, is basically a self-insert character) replacing Ike. Ike offers a lot more than Chrom or Lucina EVER could to the Smash series, which as Sakurai said, is a factor he considers. The fact that neither offer anything unique to their fighting styles or heck, even their weapons is just painful. Both are pretty uninspired lords, with Lucina's biggest appeal being a light female sword user (something not playable in Smash Bros) but really, even then it's just not enough. Eirika, one of the least original lords fighting style wise could pull that off in a way more unique way than Lucina, using a jumpy, quick fencing style.

One could argue that since Ike was only chosen since he was the most recent lord in the Fire Emblem series, it's reasonable to think the same will happen to Chrom/Lucina and that is... completely true. I am fine with them having the new spot (hopefully not permanently), but replacing Ike? Yeah, sorry. I don't even like Ike and I don't think that's even a possibility.

Ha ha ha ha...

Well...just have to see.

You know, that actually makes me feel a lot better, SlipperySlippy. You're totally right. :)

And I'm well aware that the Tellius games aren't the only home console FE games, but they're the most notable ones because they made it out west unlike the NES and SNES titles.

It was the days that the series was retconned to use until they've decided to release the series after SSBM's existence.

I hope to hell Sakurai doesn't consider Owain.


obligatory chime into the "a Battle of Belhalla stage on Wii U would be REALLY GREAT" chorus

because it would holy fuck it would this is basically all i want out of the damn game

FE isn't exactly known for having a diverse range of iconic setpieces which lend themselves to a good stage. after all, does Jugdral have anything even vaguely feasible other than the Battle of Belhalla?


Pic of the day IS back. :P I saw it this morning. It's of the Samuses.

Thank you for that confirmation. It wasn't there when i first looked


Silly Sakurai, ZSS was already much much better than Samus.

Hee hee...

The Tellius games are also the worst selling games in the series, only outselling Thracia which was a rather strange release that also happened in freaking 1999, way past the life of the SNES.

Nintendo could have put it on the 64.
One was actually attempted to be made, but didn't ever finished getting developed.

Speaking of music, if Ike is to stay in the roster, then this song must stay with him, naturally. :3

Not to mention it seems to be one of the most popular Tellius pieces!





In the ideal world, we'd all like to believe that the quality of the game is the only factor.

But please recall what companies are making games for, exactly?

It is not THE factor, but popularity is one of many determining factors in Smash Bros representation.

I think I know you mean well, but you need to work on your blatant statements.

Schadenfreude is strong with us.

I mean being indifferent to FE character representation in general.

But damn it'd put a giant smile on my face from the fanbase's reaction, especially from some members on this site, 'if' he does get replaced.

And you need to work on not acting like an asshat all the time.

Sales. Mean. Nothing. Sakurai didn't care that Ike's games didn't sell well when he put Ike and a bunch of Tellius content into Brawl and I don't think he'll start caring now. Which FE games got the most trophies? The Tellius series. Which got the most music? The Tellius series. Which got the most stickers? The Tellius series.

Also, you're missing my point entirely. Sales do not equal popularity. The Tellius series is liked far more than their sales suggest. And Thracia didn't sell well, but it's apparently loved.


The way I see it, the reason why Tellius got so much attention was because Brawl was on the same system as FE10, and since that was the most recent FE at the time, there were a lot of Tellius representation.

Now, I believe Chrom will be the new Ike, since we're currently in the 3DS/Wii U era, with FE13 being on the 3DS. Because of that, we're gonna see a lot of Ylisse representation.


Except a lot of the Tellius content that Sakurai added was from PoR, which came out five years prior to Brawl and for the GC. The only RD-exclusive content we got was one song and a trophy in Sothe.

We may get Micaiah this time in the new game.
Please...no DLC art of her.

To be fair, SoC's always being rather condescending toward Ana, though.

Since we've always had two FE characters?

Melee: Marth and Roy

Brawl: Marth and Ike

SSB4: Marth and ?

FE doesn't even get as much attention as some series like Pokemon or Mario, anyway, so...

I see where you're getting at, but I think it's unlikely.

Pokemon and Mario always have been the highest selling franchises. So...they should get the most characters in the SSB games.

...And SSB4's will be either be Chrom or Lucina.

If you think I'm just throwing crap about that part of FE because I dislike it, I'm one of the people here who could have EASILY pirated both games. But no, I went and bought it to support IS.

We could have with lol Dolphin.
But...I bought them too to support IS.

I haven't posted in here ever since the Direct, due to my reaction list taking a while to compile. Anyways:

- I'm glad to see Yoshi back. I know he wasn't going anywhere, but I didn't like how he was the only one of the original 8 who wasn't shown at E3. I'm looking forward to seeing how they strengthened Yoshi.

- Regarding Zero Suit Samus and Sheik being separate now, I guess I'm okay with that. I'm glad they prettied up Samus' face quite a lot, since I felt she looked too constipated and angry in Brawl.

- At first I didn't like how Charizard was confirmed as a separate character and it seemed like that whole trailer was confirming him as a newcomer when he technically wasn't, but after I saw that Greninja was playable, I felt it was okay and balanced things out a bit (though we'd technically need a grass final evolution to be truly balanced in terms of starters if Squirtle and Ivysaur are cut, though I don't think Sakurai will give us a fully evolved grass starter )

- Speaking of Greninja, at first I was all "kind of a weird choice, but alright" but now he's starting to grow on me. He's quite awesome in terms of looks and fighting style, and I'd be interested in trying him out. Who knows? He might be my SSB4 R.O.B. equivalent (a character I didn't expect or want, but really grew on me and became my best newcomer in that game)

- I'm really glad they're moderating Smash matches online. The amount of players that'd always run away or do taunt matches got quite frustrating, and I'm glad Sakurai is implementing measures that'll heavily discourage that. Though I wonder who they'll consider more at fault if there's one person who keeps beating on another person for running away from the battle...

Anyways, major questions that come to mind right now for me:

- Are Squirtle and Ivysaur going to be cut?

- Is the rumour about Mii, Pac-Man, Shulk, Palutena, Chrom, and the Chorus Men being playable going to happen? And if so, how many more playable characters will show up that weren't listed in the rumour? (in the same way that Rosalina was confirmed but not part of the rumour)

- Are Little Mac and Palutena (if she is actually playable) the retro characters Sakurai were talking about in that one interview? I mean, they both got new games in their series rather recently, so I wouldn't really count them as retro.

I would add "does Greninja's shurikens reduce Takamaru's chances of being playable?" but with all the sword users in Smash Bros. (and how Sakurai doesn't discriminate against a playable character's chances just for using a similar weapon type), I doubt that'd be the case. Plus, Takamaru still has the flaming wand and clay bombs as unique weapons, though I'm starting to doubt his chances of being in. Well, I got Rosalina as a newcomer I wanted and I thought she was a long shot, so it's not all bad.

They have made Zero Suit Samus, Greninja, Zelda and Link's designs alot better. Greninjaaaaaaaaaaaa. <3333

Ugh, Mii and Pac-man would be wasting slots. The former makes no sense to me and the latter isn't even Nintendo. :/

They already side tracked that long ago with Capcom being on it's last legs and Sega already dead.
Look at Sonic. He made it from a dead company.

I agree on Mii, but Sonic, Snake, and Mega Man aren't Nintendo, and that didn't stop them.

Wondering why that is...?
Maybe Rey might know.

I meant that Pac-man doesn't even have games on Nintendo consoles and doesn't originate as a game console character. He's an arcade character. The characters you mentioned got at least a couple of their titles on Nintendo consoles. I've yet to see Pac-man on any Nintendo console. Though since I never saw a lot of the NES library, I could be wrong.

Snake doesn't count though as some call him a non Nintendo character as he was originally a Nintendo character before hitting in Koonami's shelves as he was on the NES twice before that occurrence.


pac man has plenty of games outside of arcade, and plenty exclusively on nintendo consoles.

got a wii u game last fall

...And even if he makes it, will he be just like another Kirby?

Fire: Charizard GEN 1

Water: Greninja GEN 6

Grass: Secptile? GEN 3

Grass should be Lilligant, or Bulbasaur.

By playing one so you can form an opinion?

I would love Pac-Man to be in. I don't think the nostalgia gamer in me would be able to handle it.

Should make his fighting style like Kirby's NES like if they do.

I'm surprised Nintendo bothered to include Steel Diver. Even as an item.

I approve of having the Yogurt, or Magic Pudding for a recovery item. (Mother 3)

Why are people complaining about Samus being too hot?

They have done this on purpose to make her appealing to get more people to buy her games...if they haven't already.

...Too hot? Really? I'd have thought people would be drooling all over themselves at her. I do think Sakurai made her boobs ridiculously huge though.


Probably were lazy, or to do this on purpose to make her more appealing.

Man, with Samus's tracts of land and heels and WFT's rump....if Snake comes back, this will be the hottest Smash Bros. yet. :p

Never heard of Batman and Robin have you


I just have a problem with Samus's breast size, is all. Wii Fit Trainer's boobs look normal and natural, so why can't hers? Samus looks like she got a badly done boob job.

So do I...-.-

It's for Fanservice. Unfortunately.

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I know that this has been said before but, I think Marth will have "Masked Marth" as an alternative costume.

I personally think they'll go for pants-less marth meself

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...I think I'm gonna go ahead and take my own advice this time regarding certain discussion points and just not respond to them.

@ ShadowofChaos: I don't think the Gambler's Fallacy completely applies in an instance where we're talking about prediction instead of guessing. If an individual can successfully predict several members of the roster, then I think it's safe to say that that person has a pretty good feel for the types of characters that can or won't be included. (I generally considered this to be true for myself but this game is throwing me lots of curveballs lol. And I am absolutely okay with that)

As for mega evolution, it IS in the game and you knew what I meant. Mega evolution doesn't change anything about the Pokemon except their strength. Their moves remain the same. Class changing Chrom would give him a different weapon or a horse, thus forcing alterations to his moveset. Sakurai wants everyone to be able to stick with one moveset the whole match.

I would just like to say this is a pretty sound point.

In the same vein, I think there is no reason to assume that other characters will have certain costumes (IE, Mr. L for Luigi / different costumes for Ike / Masked 'Marth') just because WFT and presumably Wario have their two sets of costumes. With the sole exceptions of Pikachu and Jigglypuff with their various hats, NONE of the other characters in Brawl had costumes in which the character models were modified-- only the textures. Mr. L, most Ike variants, and Lucinamarth all have extra... bits that would need to be added to the models. It's not impossible (Pikachu and Jiggs are an example of that I suppose), but I think it's pretty unlikely.

Also, I'm not sure that Villager WILL have a female version... Wouldn't they have announced it by now if he did, like they did with WFT?

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Because we live in the era where everyone bitches about everything.

Everytime a woman looks remotely sexy, or heck, just attractive, you bet there will be hundreds of Social Justice Warriors complaining about it.

I was more bothered by the vacuum sealed tits tbh. Boobs just don't work that way ~o3o~

Especially on an E rated game.
Should rate this Teen because of that.

What killed Ridley? THE ICE AGE!


That and...
*flips hair*
Short circuiting.

EDIT: Oh yeah Greninja was a thing too huh lol (fun fact: I actually literally screamed with delight)

I can't even hold all these mains gack

I reacted the same way. XD

Samus' new heels aren't just for the sex appeal thing. geez

I see them more as Chell's shock absorbers from Portal. Only they are jets and help her kick harder.

Which will hurt.

you have no idea how difficult it is to walk in heels, much less perform complex aerial acrobatics and fighting in them.

It's pretty much a sex appeal thing. But at least it looks cool, eh. Laser kicks are nothing to sneeze at in the style department.


Like um... Is anybody NOT excited for Greninja, for instance?

I am.
I am.
I am.

EDIT: By the way, for those thinking the Ridley on Pyrosphere could be Meta Ridley-- it definitely is not. If you pause the video on the right frame, Other M Ridley's bone-colored blade tail can clearly be seen. Here's proof.


Then a spear suddenly flies past all three as they leap out of the way to avoid it. They look around to see who threw it, and Chrom jumps out of his hiding spot, his Falchion in hand. :3

That would be so *blush*

I think Chrom will likely be in as well, rather than Lucina. I mean, he is the main character of FE13 and Lucina has a lot less importance than Chrom. Besides, Lucina looks way too similar to Marth (especially since Lucina's dressed up as Marth) and even with the "more female representation" argument, we've already got Rosalina, Wii Fit Trainer (whose female form is shown off a lot more than the male form), and potentially Palutena if that relatively accurate leaker is right again.

Erm... also, I'm sorry to break this to you Ridley fans, but it turns out Sakurai is sticking with a different Metroid newcomer rather than Ridley. Why? Well, although Samus and Ridley have a big rivalry and a long history, Sakurai felt that this character was an even bigger threat to Samus, since Samus can't even hurt this boss or even cause it to flinch. He also must've wanted a Metroid Other M representative so the newer Metroid games are represented as well as the older ones (Samus representing the old and the whole series, Zero Suit representing the mid and a bit of the newer Metroid games, and this boss representing Other M).

Anyways, here's footage of the Metroid boss that Sakurai will likely be putting in as a newcomer in SSB4 (check the video before seeing my impressions in the spoilers).

Got you, huh? Please don't take it personally, since ever since I first saw that video, I found it so funny and I've been wanting to come up with a SSB related joke with it.

They never could get harmed like the Nintendog couldn't. =P

Chrom is the main character by technicality only. He's just there for events to happen through. Lucina is much more important to Awakening's plot than he is, as she actually makes some things happen. I don't know if this matters to Sakurai, but it's part of the reason Chrom is the last FE representative I'd like to see in the game. Honestly, I'd rather have Marth running solo to rep FE than to see Chrom in.

Chrom and Lucina can definitely be trophies if they don't make it.

Um, Chrom would not be an Ike clone, whether Ike is in or not. Chrom uses lances, Ike does not. Ike uses axes, Chrom does not. Chrom has a different sword style and Ike wields an entirely different type of sword all together. Not to mention that Chrom's Aether isn't even nearly the same. They have the same effects, but not animation, and Ike's Aether animation is what his Smash Bros. Aether is. Chrom's Aether animation is closer to Ike's Quick Draw than anything.

But I REALLY hope that Sakurai doesn't decide to slap Ike's Aether onto Chrom. Aether was one of the main things that made Ike unique compared to Marth, and it should stay that way in comparision to Chrom too, imo. Besides, Ike is the first and original Aether master. Leaving it as his alone in Smash Bros would reflect that.

...And I still can't shut up about anything Ike related. *facepalms*

Who couldn't?
*Brushes hair away from face*
Chrom should tomahawk his lance for his taunt saying "This is where it ends".

Yes, that could happen.

My own speculation is just that: my own.

But my other reason for not wanting to see Chrom, especially if Ike returns (which I would be happy with), is how that would represent FE: three blue-haired, sword-wielding dudes. At least Lucina is female...


I thought if chrom would be in shouldn't it be Class Change as his final smash considering that's much more important to the series than Aether anyways?

We should make his final Smash Luna if Ike makes his cameo apperance too.
The Luna animation should be that he raises his sword high in the air and do a dolphin-like strike(Like Marth SSBM) to his opponent.

Although, if that weren't an issue I'd be all for her being the Awakening representative. Smash could always use more lady fighters.

We don't get enough female fighters. Lucina's hair should blow in the breeze if she stands there in Fox's Corneria stage.


The reforged Falchion is big enough to qualify as a broadsword.

Oh and I'm pretty sure that Lucina holds her Falchion with two hands in her battle animations, but it's been a while since I played the game so I might be wrong.

If Lucina makes it too, we should get Astra or Ignis for her final smash. Her fighting style should be much like Roy's. Only with blue flames and not red.

Ignis should be a sword swing with blue flames sending the opponent flying.
Astra should be like the combo that Marth does with his sword except the strikes should be ultra fast and near impossible to counter, or dodge.

GUYS. COME ON. Enough with getting mired in pointless technicalities, seriously.

I'd love to. I'll stop talking about "pointless technicalities" when people start bringing them up.

But we can dream, can't we?

How many FE characters do you think we'll get? I'd say three. it might be Marth, Chrom and Ike. speaking of abilities, any chance they might add an rng based move to a character? like how criticals worked( Game and Watch's 9 judgement)

Should get 4 since the series isn't dead, yet.

To clarify, yes, ragnell is a two-handed sword. You csn even tell ftom his official render in Brawl and by looking at yhe handle itself. The reason Ike wields it with one hand is cause he's just that strong

His friends move him that way.

So far, I correctly predicted Rosalina, Greninja (of all things. >.>), Luigi's reveal, and some more minor things. I'd say there's a decent chance I'm right again.

Greninja had to have made it.
His sexiness is through the roof.

It's speculation. If we're speculating, we're going to examine possibilities based on things that work and things that don't work. If Ike and Chrom both end up in, then yes, they'll be different, but we can speculate that they might not be due to the likelihood that they would theoretically be too similar.

The likelihood is lower with the reveal of Sheik and ZSS having their own slots, but I thought a Chrom + Lucina pair up was something that could happen, sort of like a cross between Ice Climbers and Zelda/Sheik. I still think it's possible, though I don't find it likely.

It's the only way I'd be fine with Chrom being in the game.

...Or giving him Luna for his final smash to make it different.

1. Both could appear. Though Lucina would be a skin swap for Marth in my opinion. Chrom will be a standalone hopefully if he make it in.

Little Mac got his Arcade Wire Skin, Wii Fit Trainer got both genders, and of course Wario, whenever he's confirmed, will have his classic and ware skin. Pretty sure the Villager will have both genders too.

2. But I hope there is more costume swaps for other characters. What costume swaps do you guys want to see?

1. That can be possible.

2. Little Mac wearing his jogging outfit. :D

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So, I realized something! I have a birthday coming up in less than a month, so if Sakurai were to reveal Ike towards the end of the month, the beginning of May, or even right ON my birthday (it's on a Monday this year), that'd be the best birthday present I could ask for. :D

On a related note, wouldn't it be cool if Sakurai did similar to what he did with Charizard and Greninja and did a trailer where Ike appears first, then Chrom shows up a little bit later? It could be Marth and Link sparring, then suddenly Ike Aethers into the action and interrupts. Then a spear suddenly flies past all three as they leap out of the way to avoid it. They look around to see who threw it, and Chrom jumps out of his hiding spot, his Falchion in hand. :3

chrom was hiding? THAT COWARD

You really think FE deserves four spots? I know it's getting more popular but it seems a bit much.

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Sorry, but I'm hardly a Greninja fan (I think it's ugly and gross, sorry). I wanted Sylveon if an X/Y Pokemon was playable. :(

Comet: Four spots? I count Marth, Ike, and Chrom as three. xP But if we do happen to get four, Ephraim for fourth rep plz. :D

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Sorry, but I'm hardly a Greninja fan (I think it's ugly and gross, sorry). I wanted Sylveon if an X/Y Pokemon was playable. :(

Comet: Four spots? I count Marth, Ike, and Chrom as three. xP But if we do happen to get four, Ephraim for fourth rep plz. :D

sorry, I was responding to Dark, I should have worded it better. If FE does get four spots, I'd like to see Marth, Ike, Chrom/Lucina, and Roy/Ephraim. Lucina possibly because...iunno. I just have this weird feeling that she could get in. And she's a girl, and could have a moveset with using both arms for her sword, since she does that in game a lot. Roy has FLAMES. Ephraim has lances.
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