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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Anyway, seeing as FE's anniversary is Easter this year, aka a Sunday, here's hoping we see Ike/Chrom/new stages/something big FE related Friday. :D

I hope....I just want him and Snake confirmed soon....

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So this RosalinaX claims four cuts. If this guy/girl is right, I'm guessing Ivysaur, Squirtle, Wolf (because of Star Fox's deadness), and either ROB or Snake (sorry, shinpichu. >_<). Sakurai considers form changes/PT's Pokemon as separate characters, so he would count Ivysaur and Squirtle as two cuts.

Edited by Anacybele
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I could see Wolf/Falco, Lucas, Snake, or (sadly) Ike being cut if push comes to shove.

I mean, none of them should be cut and I don't really want any of them to be cut, but....

Edit: And yes, Ivysaur/Squirtle would count as cuts and I don't see them returning as very likely(though I'm hopeful they will come back!)

Edited by shinpichu
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Falco's been in two games already and I think he's a major character in the Star Fox series, so I don't see him going anywhere. Ike is the second most important FE character after Marth, he has a nice fanbase, and he brought a unique playstyle to the table, there is absolutely no reason for him to go. Lucas was a default character in the roster, which have never been removed entirely and still haven't (because Charizard was part of PT's team, his team hasn't been removed completely), so I wouldn't be so sure about him.

Snake I agree on though, he felt more like a guest character than anything, even if he did recently get a 3DS game.

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I agree with BANRYU on the subject. If both versions were released on the same day or the Wii U version came first, the Wii U version would probably outsell the 3DS. This is because most prefer fighting games on consoles and the big screen. Also the HD graphics add to it.

Precisely. This release strategy is all about getting the 3DS version to sell.

Well, if you guys say so. I wanted the Wii U version first because I'd be playing it more, but I guess I'll have to settle for the 3DS one. I'll won't be as in practice as everyone else if I don't. :P

That's exactly the kind of mindset this strategy is trying to reinforce :D

I know some people have contacted the news reporter who received the info asking about it, and the reporter, while skeptical about Wii Fit Trainer and confused about the vagueness of "X/Y Pokemon", sees no reason to doubt the info like he did initially after E3.

Yeah, I heard about that, but who is the individual who GAVE this reporter the info to begin with? Is (s)he an actual, identifiable person? That's where my skepticism comes in.

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Falco's been in two games already and I think he's a major character in the Star Fox series, so I don't see him going anywhere.

And yet he's far more similar to Fox than Wolf is.

Ike is the second most important FE character after Marth, he has a nice fanbase, and he brought a unique playstyle to the table, there is absolutely no reason for him to go.

I agree, and yet, there's this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that:

a) Sakurai might think that Ike and Chrom are too similar to coexist, and

b) That he'd prioritize Chrom over Ike because of recency/success.

Again, I don't want this to happen. I like Ike, but there's just this nagging feeling I can't drop that Sakurai might not see him as important enough to keep around.

Lucas was a default character in the roster, which have never been removed entirely and still haven't (because Charizard was part of PT's team, his team hasn't been removed completely), so I wouldn't be so sure about him.

Just because something has never happened before doesn't mean it can't. Keep in mind we're working from a sample space of 3 games, 2 of which didn't even have cuts, so who is "safe" and who isn't is still kind of unsure.

Anyway, Lucas I could see being cut due to being from a very niche series that Sakurai may decide doesn't "deserve"/"need" a second rep. Plus he's quite similar in playstyle to Ness from what I understand?

Snake I agree on though, he felt more like a guest character than anything, even if he did recently get a 3DS game.

*grumble, grumble*

Edited by shinpichu
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And yet he's far more similar to Fox than Wolf is.

I suppose, but maybe there's a way to differentiate Falco more, I dunno. I've never played Star Fox, so...

I agree, and yet, there's this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that:

a) Sakurai might think that Ike and Chrom are too similar to coexist, and

b) That he'd prioritize Chrom over Ike because of recency/success.

Again, I don't want this to happen. I like Ike, but there's just this nagging feeling I can't drop that Sakurai might not see him as important enough to keep around.

Chrom can be different enough from Ike. I think he'd be in the middleweight class rather than heavyweight, and Chrom can use a javelin or spear for his standard B, and his Aether isn't even the same. Ike's Aether in Brawl uses the animation rather than the effects (as it doesn't heal Ike), which Chrom's is different. Hell, Chrom might not even need his Aether. His up B could easily be that flipping thing he did against Lucina in the one Awakening cutscene or his leaping critical animation. There are options for Chrom.

Sakurai likes FE, so I'm sure he can see how important Ike is. He liked Ike enough to put him in Brawl and make him the default FE rep rather than Marth despite the poor sales of PoR and RD, so yeah. Don't lose hope, man. We need to pick a god and pray like I keep saying.

Just because something has never happened before doesn't mean it can't. Keep in mind we're working from a sample space of 3 games, 2 of which didn't even have cuts, so who is "safe" and who isn't is still kind of unsure.

But the fact that the only cuts from Brawl were unlockable characters could indicate that Sakurai prioritizes the default characters first. You're right that there's a first time for everything though.

Anyway, Lucas I could see being cut due to being from a very niche series that Sakurai may decide doesn't "deserve"/"need" a second rep. Plus he's quite similar in playstyle to Ness from what I understand?

Lucas is a bit similar, yeah. But he uses PK Freeze while Ness has PK Flash. I think they have a couple of other different moves too.

Edited by Anacybele
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Sakurai likes FE, so I'm sure he can see how important Ike is. He liked Ike enough to put him in Brawl despite the poor sales of PoR and RD, so yeah. Don't lose hope, man. We need to pick a god and pray like I keep saying.

Well, he only picked Ike after IS suggested him. So maybe he doesn't see Ike as so important? Though that was before RD and Awakening...

IDK. Like I said, it's just a nagging feeling that I can't seem to drop.

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Yeah, IS SUGGESTED Ike. They didn't order Sakurai to choose him or anything. Remember one of the reasons Sakurai decided on Roy over Leif for Melee? He liked Roy's design. Sakurai probably took a look at Ike and decided that he's cool and he's important because he got main roles in two games. And how about the fact that Sakurai made Ike the default rep instead of Marth while Marth is clearly the FE mascot? Not to mention all the Tellius-related content compared to content of other FE games.

I think Sakurai likes Ike more than some might think.

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Marth has also always been an unlockable, well in Melee and Brawl anyways, and IIRC most of the Brawl defaults were newcomers like the Pokémon Trainer, Lucas,Wario, Olimar, etc. So Ike being default and Marth being unlockable isn't really all that significant IMO.

Ness is also the Earthbound mascot and yet he was unlockable and Lucas was default, so your argument is kind of weak ~o3o~

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I'm taking that RosalinaX post with a grain of salt, but if there were to be 4 cuts, I'd put my money on Squirtle, Ivysaur, Lucas, and Wolf. Squirtle and Ivysaur I think are obvious at this point. Lucas, despite not really being a clone, does still feel redundant with Ness in there, so I find there's little reason for him to stay. Wolf doesn't seem important enough to justify a third slot for a dead series, and Falco isn't going to be the Star Fox character that gets cut.

If any of them get confirmed as returning, my next guesses would be Snake and Ike. Snake for the same reasons as everyone else, but due to the history of him getting into Brawl in the first place and almost being in Melee, I think he stands a better chance of returning. I feel like Ike represents a different era of Fire Emblem than Marth or anyone else they would add from the series and so could stay based on that and the fact that the series is (hopefully) currently on the rise with Awakening's success.

I don't think ROB is getting the cut. He represents a different part of Nintendo entirely. With characters like Mr. Game & Watch and Wii Fit Trainer in, I doubt ROB would be seeing the cut.

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Yeah, IS SUGGESTED Ike. They didn't order Sakurai to choose him or anything. Remember one of the reasons Sakurai decided on Roy over Leif for Melee? He liked Roy's design. Sakurai probably took a look at Ike and decided that he's cool and he's important because he got main roles in two games. And how about the fact that Sakurai made Ike the default rep instead of Marth while Marth is clearly the FE mascot? Not to mention all the Tellius-related content compared to content of other FE games.

I think Sakurai likes Ike more than some might think.

That might only be because Ike was actually localized, while Marth wasn't.
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R.O.B is the retro category along with Ice Climbers, and Mr. Game and Watch. Also I think Ike needs a break. Two wars and Smash can make anybody tired. Chrom on the other hand still needs to dry the wetness in his Smash ears.

Edited by AllAroundGamer9
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That might only be because Ike was actually localized, while Marth wasn't.

Neither Roy nor Marth were during Melee's release, yet they were kept in the game anyway.

I also agree with RFoF that Ike represents a separate era of FE from Marth, namely the 3D era since he's the first 3D lord. Chrom just continues the whole 3D thing. Ike is first in a lot of things if you think about it. The first 3D lord, the first non-noble/royal lord, the first Aether user, the first lord not to be able to get married during or at the end of the game, etc.

Edited by Anacybele
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Neither Roy nor Marth were during Melee's release, yet they were kept in the game anyway.

That's not the point. Marth and Roy were unlockable in Melee due to having never appearing outside of Japan. When years passed and there still isn't one for them, it'd only make sense for Marth to still be unlockable, since there's still nothing for him to go with on an international viewpoint besides Melee, despite being the face of the franchise. As for Ike, he was one of the lords whose games were localized, was chosen as the next FE character and also happens to be the lord with the most appearances internationally at the time.

Naturally, he'd be the genuine choice for a default character

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Interestingly enough, he still has the most international appearances besides Marth. He has two games plus Brawl, Marth has one game plus Brawl and Melee, Chrom has only Awakening.

Edited by Anacybele
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I edited my post to mention Melee. Read it again. xP

And yeah, we were talking from an international viewpoint. But even then, Ike still has the most appearances behind Marth.

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Still hoping for Isaac and Shulk. Along with Palutena.

Seeing as none of the three were shown as assists I'm a little happy about that.

In terms of FE it would be so refreshing if it weren't a lord but I feel the only two non lords with even a ghost of a chance are Tiki and Anna due to a lot of appearances

I approve of Anna making it.
Her quotes should be....
-"Violence is on sale today" everytime she throws a spell book at you.
-Her Final Smash should be that she sends you into the outrealm and does a Lethality strike instantly koing you.
-Her Taunt should be "Another Satisfied customer". Especially good timing with this after knocking your opponent out making this Taunt a knockout and to further infuriate your opponent. xP

I think the Black Knight as a playable character would be AWESOME, considering he's one of the few villains that would be in the game, with Bowser, Ganondorf, Wolf, and Ridley only. (Apologies if I missed anyone.) Too many heroes. Also, imagine a trailere for him that has him fighting Ike, announcing both of them at once. (Ana's gonna love that.)

I would seriously have a knockout if he makes it.

Stop Ana, youre making me want to replay the Tellius games! :P Black Knight would be great in Smash. Sadly the moment for that to happen was Brawl and it didnt. Here's to hoping though. I think Palutena would be quite unique actually, Banryu. She has a shield and a lance/staff I think. The game needs lances.

...And more women.
We need more women and kids.

Yeah but that's what I'm saying-- there's no way Fire Emblem will get four roster spots. =w=;; If it was, Lyn would doubtlessly be considered since she's been an Assist Trophy already (and if Mac is any indication, that seems to give characters a bit of a better chance). But anyway, that's just more fruitless speculation.

Yeah it IS fun to imagine things like that I admit, even though I tend to refute them the majority of the time lol...

I had a dream once where Latios and Latias were DLC characters in Brawl, and they seemed super fun to play. Even though they'd never get in (there are just too many other Pokemon for them to compete with), it's still fun to imagine.... *___*

@ Sety, Ike had the enemy character palette in Brawl and it's likely that Marth and the Awakening representative will have that too. That not good enough for you?

We should make them along with BK DLC only to be playable.

if he was removed, it would be neat if an Advance/Battalion Wars character to replaced him for the moveset.


Should put in Max/Sonja.

On other stuff, I have this feeling that the guys that think mewtwo isnt in due to greninja are in for a surprise. ;) He isnt an assist nor a pokeball pokemon as of now.

Make him DLC only if they are to improve his Special Moves.

I figured this would be a good thing to post here for anyone interested in the game's physics compared to Melee and Brawl.


To the left is Brawl. Smash Bros. Wii U is in the middle, then Melee on the right. As you can see, Smash Bros. Wii U is floatier than Melee but not as floaty as Brawl.

Game physics play a huge role in determining the viability of some characters (it can be credited for most of the nerfs of Ganondorf, C. Falcon and Jigglypuff).

In case you can't see them totally in sync, here's frame data:

Total frames (brackets indicate amount of frames right before landing animation):
Brawl = 53 (50)
Smash 4 = 45 (43)
Melee = 39 (37)

Frame that second jump starts:
Brawl = 16
Smash 4 = 16
Melee = 13

Another thing to note. They all start falling at the 23rd/24th frame (Melee seems more like 22nd/23rd frame).

All 0.03 seconds per frame (30ms/frame)

Awesome! :D

Of course Sakurai keeps his promises! He's a great guy like that. I never expected any less of him. :)

I know I was still disappointed in that direct, but nobody's perfect, not even him. He's not always gonna do something I like. I just gotta roll with it. Who knows, I may even like playing Greninja if I have to use him in an event match or some such. And I definitely would like to take a crack at Mega Zard X. :3

Battling a black drgn will always be an awe inspiring moment.

Not looking forward to the Yellow Devil though as he was the hardest boss in Megaman's 1&3. -.-

Ehhhh.... as someone who uses him frequently, I'd say Mewtwo is PRETTY bad... Very few of his moves (N-air, F-air, Teleport) are particularly useful (though they are quite good), with the vast majority of his skill set being pretty weak, slow, or too clunky to effectively use. It doesn't mean you can't perform well with him in a competitive environment; Taj certainly proves that.

I'm a little reluctant to get into specifics for the true viability of characters in Melee VS Brawl since my knowledge on the precise technicalities is pretty lacking... I dunno, the characters in Brawl just feel more fun to play (with a few exceptions like Captain Falcon whose speed went sadly down the chute). Characters like Bowser, Ganondorf and again Kirby feel way better to use in Brawl. I guess that's what I mean.... *shrug*

I suppose it's possible (seeing as Luigi, Toon Link, and Lucario-- presumably all unlockable characters like previously-- were announced), I doubt it. 1. I don't think Sakurai would announce EVERYone before the game is released, otherwise, what kind of secrets would we have to look forward to, y'know? The unlockables are always an element of enticement to the series, and I think telling us who they all are from the get go could damage that.

Then again, I might be wrong... It certainly didn't diminish the enthusiasm for Snake and Sonic in Brawl when they were unlockables.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to factor in the separate release dates. Well heck... In that light, all the newcomers will almost certainly be released before the WiiU version is out.

I guess I missed these. Well, that's good to know at least! =D

1. Yes. We do need some surprises after all.


Also hoping that the youtubers don't be impatient and leak spoiling it for all of us. -.-

Their gonna do it anyway, but I won't watch until I've unlocked every character in the game!

Harmonie, don't forget any new titles that Ninty can announce at E3. Smash Bros. would be competing for time with them too. And there will obviously be brand new games shown. This is E3 we're talking about here. But I do agree that by the time E3 is done, we might know pretty much all of the SSB4 case, save for maybe a few unlockable characters. Especially considering that the 3DS version's release won't be far away.

But I still can't believe that THAT one is coming out first. Of all the stupid decisions, Nintendo, seriously? Hardly anyone's going to buy the Wii U version now, especially if they don't even have a Wii U! If you want the Wii U to pick up sales, this is not the way to do it.

Oh hey, my Firefox is letting me post again. It's a start on fixing the damn thing, I suppose.

Didn't they say that the 3ds version would come out first in the summer?

1. Falco's been in two games already and I think he's a major character in the Star Fox series, so I don't see him going anywhere. Ike is the second most important FE character after Marth, he has a nice fanbase, and he brought a unique playstyle to the table, there is absolutely no reason for him to go. 2. Lucas was a default character in the roster, which have never been removed entirely and still haven't (because Charizard was part of PT's team, his team hasn't been removed completely), so I wouldn't be so sure about him.

Snake I agree on though, he felt more like a guest character than anything, even if he did recently get a 3DS game.

1. Certainly. He's most loved in the Starfox series wondering why Slippy never made it. I've always liked him too.

2. Which gave the Mother series alot more love and attention as it incredibly deserves.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Anna has more games than any FE character. Anna confirmed for SSB4.

I've got a feeling this is a good possibility at this point, if Sakurai really is a big FE fan, I'm sure he's at least considered it. Anna could have a different fighting style; a more underhanded fighting style with quick sword strikes or something similar. I'm lost with what he could do for final smashes and stuff, but I'd totally play as Anna on the side. Also alternate costumes from previous games could work

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