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What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

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Main reason I don't want avatar is that it could collide with my Isaac wants despite their two types of magic being very different.

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I hope they have future Avatar style characters. I always kinda wished the Tactician in FE 7 was playable. I think the Avatar would be a good representation of Fire Emblem. Plus they have a ton of ideas/skills to draw from for a moveset. And they don't have to have blue hair :p I actually think Anna could be kinda interesting too.

But if/when FE gets a third rep, I'll probably be happy no matter who it is.

EDIT: My Avatar theoretical moveset ideas-

Grab-Attempts to catch them in a small whirlwind. Has farther reach than most grabs, but shorter than a tether grab. (Like hookshot or grapple beam.)

This fits because FE characters seem to have long reach for their grabs.

Each directional throw is some variation of wind magic tossing them whichever way.

For their pummel they would smack them repeatedly with their tome.

Up B- Galeforce

A short hop with a sword attack. Can control its direction. If it hits, you can do it again, like Capt. Falcon's Up B.



A simple teleport. Much like Mewtwo's Up B.

Side B- Astra

Avatar dashes forward and strikes with sword in front of them. If this first strike hits another player/their shield, the avatar preforms 4 more lightning fast strikes. If the attack misses, there is a pause after the strike, leaving the Avatar open for punishment.

Neutral B- Thunder

Chargeable special attack. Starts out as a simple ball of lightning, then a thin lightning bolt, and finally a thick lightning bolt like Thoron. Can stop charge mid-way.

Down B- Counter

Blocks an attack with their sword and counters with a burst of fire. Hits from underneath target and knocks them up and away.

Final Smash-

Expiration: Grima comes onto the field and creates a blast of spikes on the stage. Or smashes around. The important part is that Grima is there to destroy.


Pair Up: Morgan jumps in behind the avatar and copies their movements, enhances their attacks, and even blocking damage for them. A short duration transformation basically.

Edited by Kyea
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Why should Avatar have Counter? Ike and Marth already have it, and if we're going for uniqueness, having ALL the FE reps use Counter is just dumb, imo.

I'd be fine with the rest of what you have though, even though I prefer what I came up with. :P

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Why should Avatar have Counter? Ike and Marth already have it, and if we're going for uniqueness, having ALL the FE reps use Counter is just dumb, imo.

Dunno, "tradition"? *shrugs*

I mean, since all of them had it, it would make sense for them to continue having Counter.

Like, it's not even that bad. I rather like Counter.

And besides, they're all different. :P

Ike's Counter is stronger, but you have to be more accurate with timing.

Marth's is weaker, but gives you more leeway with timing.

Can't really speak for Roy since I didn't play Melee much.

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Why should Avatar have Counter? Ike and Marth already have it, and if we're going for uniqueness, having ALL the FE reps use Counter is just dumb, imo.

I'd be fine with the rest of what you have though, even though I prefer what I came up with. :P

Because counter attacking is a huge, basic element of FE? I also was trying to incorporate all the magic types. I guess fire could be down smash too, but that's a lot like Mega Man.

Actually I just put it in there because I thought that he would probably have it. I would be totally fine if it was something completely different and original. And having one move that works similarly doesn't mean the characters aren't unique. Perhaps their counter could do something entirely unique? There's lots of options out there whether it's a counter or not. Anyway, I don't really care if it is or isn't; I simply thought it was likely.

There are a lot of variations of counters already out now though. Even in non-FE characters.

Semi-counters or situational counters:

Ness/Lucas block and absorb energy. Fox/Falco/Wolf deflect projectiles. Rosalina's gravitational pull.

True Counter:

Little Mac, Marth, Ike, Lucario, Greninja.

EDIT: There I fixed Mike just for you Anacybele :)

Edited by Kyea
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Neutral B for Avatar should be a chargeable Thunder projectile. Fully charged shots produce a Thoron Laser.

Side B would be Arcfire. It would work like Bowser's fire. Longer range but burns out faster.

Up B is Rexcalibur. The Avatar uses the tornado to boost himself/herself upwards.

Down B is Counter. The Avatar counters with Nosferatu.

Leave the sword attacks for jabs and tilts.

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Firstly, it seems you haven't noticed that we can type Ike's name properly again. lol

Second, Counter is a notable skill in FE, but I still think we have too many variations of it as it is. Just my opinion.

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There are a lot of variations of counters already out now though. Even in non-FE characters.

Semi-counters or situational counters:

Ness/Lucas block and absorb energy. Fox/Falco/Wolf deflect projectiles. Rosalina's gravitational pull.

True Counter:

Little Mac, Marth, I'ke, Lucario, Greninja.

Completely forgot Peach's Toad.

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Yeah, see, like I said, too many Counters. xP

But whatevs, I'd still play Avatar. Cause she's an interesting character to me (yes, I mean I'd pick the female too, if she's available. Which I don't see why she wouldn't be) despite the Mary Sue traits.

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Neutral B for Avatar should be a chargeable Thunder projectile. Fully charged shots produce a Thoron Laser.

Side B would be Arcfire. It would work like Bowser's fire. Longer range but burns out faster.

Let's make it happen, Sakurai! I love these ideas. Not sure about Rexcalibur, though. I doesn't bother me, but I wouldn't mind if it were replaced with a different move.

Yes, I know others have stated these before, but I only had the urge now to say something.

Down B is Counter. The Avatar counters with Nosferatu.

Would Nosferatu heal us? If yes, I don't think that would be such a great idea. I like Counter though.

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Firstly, it seems you haven't noticed that we can type Ike's name properly again. lol

Second, Counter is a notable skill in FE, but I still think we have too many variations of it as it is. Just my opinion.

Doh! Silly me! Thanks for pointing it out to me. Anyway, I meant not necessarily the skill, but the fact that units attack back when attacked. Thus a counter is a true core part of the game. Anyway, like I said before I don't care much either way. However, I would be interested to see how they would make it unique.

Completely forgot Peach's Toad.

Yeah I was only thinking of Down B specials, but you're totally right my bad.

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Wow, the arena looks REALLY awesome. I'm glad they went for it, considering how well it represents the whole series (minus Tellius, but we already have Ike).

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Sweet, I was wondering when they'd announce the WiiU Fire Emblem stage.

Is it just me, or are those totally Earth Dragon statues in the background?

(Also WTF with all the Tactician character discussion? Do I need to remind everyone all the reasons why the Tactician won't be playable again?)

Edited by BANRYU
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They look more like Akanenia's dragons than any other dragon, so perhaps its FE11/12 based.

Nothing points to it being from the SNES or GBA games either.

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Wow, a great choice. Though, it would have been a nice opportuntiy for a few cameos by decorating the arena with the corpses of a few unlucky PCs. Oh well, it looks good enough as it is.

Edited by BrightBow
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oh great, another fucking castle siege situation. that's exactly what ssb needed! the fact that it's pretty much exactly the same concept as the arena ferox does not help in the slightest

this is probably the only time i have actually been legitimately disappointed in anything that's come up so far, but hey, why did i expect any better from fire emblem content in ssb?

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Yeah, Sakurai mentions the 'original game' in reference to the stage, so I was assuming that Archanea had some kind of influence on it. I've never played FE1 or FE11 though so that's just conjecture on my end; really, I don't know what he could mean by the Coliseum being a place of 'hope and despair', I'm assuming that's some kind of reference to the general nature of the Arena? (or was the Coliseum different than the westernized Arena? *shrug*)

Either way, I'm very happy with this stage. It looks friggin' sweet.

EDIT jeez negative nancy much @ BoH

Edited by BANRYU
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oh great, another fucking castle siege situation. that's exactly what ssb needed! the fact that it's pretty much exactly the same concept as the arena ferox does not help in the slightest

this is probably the only time i have actually been legitimately disappointed in anything that's come up so far, but hey, why did i expect any better from fire emblem content in ssb?

Castle Siege was an incredibly generic approximation of a bunch of Fire Emblem-y locations that referenced nothing in particular, but it's clear that the two arenas are specific locations this time. Arena Ferox is... well, Arena Ferox, and this Arena is the one present in Archanea, with the bonus of the design in general being much like the ones used in the GBA games as a backdrop (Greco-Roman Coliseum). Also, who cares if the stages end up functioning the same? They're on two different systems, which means you just have the option of playing the "same" stage in both games, and I see absolutely no problem with that. This is my personal opinion, but I'd be more disappointed if there was a stage I really liked on one system but I couldn't play an analogue of it on the other system.

No need to be so dramatic with the hate.

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I admit that having two arenas is more than a little disappointing, maybe because I was expecting a chapter specific stage, but I can't say I hate the stage itself.

I do kind of dislike the Areba Ferox stage though, but that's just me.

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I really love that this is styled like an ancient Roman Colosseum. I like the Ancient Roman look of the first game the most. Makes me wish Marth would get his old Roman look of FE1 as an alternate costume to go along with it. But I guess with the bright blue colours of his, he would end up looking out of place either way.


Man, I really want to see this thing in HD resolution. :(:

Edited by BrightBow
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I admit that having two arenas is more than a little disappointing, maybe because I was expecting a chapter specific stage, but I can't say I hate the stage itself.

I do kind of dislike the Areba Ferox stage though, but that's just me.

This basically, though I like the Arena Ferox stage.

I guess I had my hopes too high for a Tellius location, is why I'm a bit disappointed... Don't get me wrong, this stage DOES look awesome. And I can go to the main site and see Ike's handsome face for the whole weekend. ^^

I might change my avatar to this, actually. Hey, if a better Ike shot comes up, why not? :3

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