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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Yeah, new stage looks great. Part of me wishes they would have gone with the Chapter 5 Coliseum from FE5, but this is pretty good nonetheless. It may be a partly generic stage, but at least it's modeled after an specific game in the series.

I hope we still get another FE stage, though.

(Also WTF with all the Tactician character discussion? Do I need to remind everyone all the reasons why the Tactician won't be playable again?)

The Tactician is a perfectly valid possibility so I see no problem with discussing him. One can make arguments for either side of the debate, but him being a playable character or not cannot be asserted in any way.

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The Tactician is a perfectly valid possibility so I see no problem with discussing him. One can make arguments for either side of the debate, but him being a playable character or not cannot be asserted in any way.

This 100%.

I still hope for a Tellius stage too, but the chances don't seem so high anymore...

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I love the look of this stage, good work Sakurai. Encompassing Fe is hard so why not one of the more tradional things from the franchise that started all the way back in fe4.

Maybe this means some Judgral tracks this time

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What makes you think this is going back to FE4 or traditional sources? I don't see anything that could have led to that view.

The arena system started in fe4. That's why

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The arena system started in fe4. That's why

Thought there were arenas in FE1?

EDIT: There are.

Edited by Knight
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Thought there were arenas in FE1?

From what I recall arenas in Marths games didn't exist till fe11 then again it has been ages since I played 1 so I may have mispoke.

Edit: Apparently I did. Apologies for that

Edited by Jedisupersonic
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The Tactician is a perfectly valid possibility so I see no problem with discussing him. One can make arguments for either side of the debate, but him being a playable character or not cannot be asserted in any way.

This 100%.

I guess I can't definitively give reasons why (s)he won't be in, but it still seems like a pretty obvious non-possibility to me due to the Tactician's pretty solidly-established status as a self-insert and lack of canonical appearance. I guess Sakurai could always prove me wrong with such an unprecedented conclusion, but based on what we know about the series (that it's for iconic Nintendo characters), it still seems like a really unrealistic expectation to me.

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Not including a character because it's a self-insert is not a valid argument because the Villager exists in Smash, and Robin is actually LESS of a self-insert than Villager.

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I quite enjoyed Castle Siege too. Why the hate D:

Presumably because it's a generic stage rather than a specific location from FE.

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I actually really liked Castle Siege too. Generic or not, I don't get what everyone's problem was with it... It was pretty cool to me.

Anyway whether this is true or not, I always considered it to be in Tellius. Something about that throne room always felt very Tellius-y.

Not including a character because it's a self-insert is not a valid argument because the Villager exists in Smash, and Robin is actually LESS of a self-insert than Villager.

That's your opinion. :0

In my mind, the Villager is more analogous to the Pokemon Trainer than a character like the Tactician, but regardless of how much of a self-insert you think either of them are, it's still a completely different situation. The Villager is the best and only candidate to represent the Animal Crossing series, but in Fire Emblem-- even if we ignore all the other Lords in the series and just look at Awakening-- Chrom and Lucina share the spotlight with the Tactician character and actually have a canon appearance.

The only reason I can think of for the Tactician to be in is for like a Pokemon Trainer-style character for the FE series, but that still wouldn't make much sense, because throughout the entirety of the series the player's role as tactician is to give the orders, not do the fighting (until FE12-13 came along and changed that of course, but unless that's like a new permanent direction that IS is taking the series, I doubt that'd be represented in SSB).


Okay to change the topic slightly; is anyone else going to the Best Buy Invitational demos that they're gonna have up? o3o I'm fortunate enough to have a Best Buy hosting it nearby me, and though E3 is during finals week for me I at least don't have any finals I'll need to be at on Wednesday owo So I'm planning to go to both if possible

Edited by BANRYU
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I don't think I'm going to either. It just wouldn't be worth it between the hour-long drive and none of my most used characters being available.

Also, I loved Castle Siege, it was my favorite stage in Brawl! I didn't mind that it was generic, it still reminded me a lot of Tellius and was awesome with its changing backgrounds. ^^

But I really really want a Tellius stage, specifically either the Greil Mercenaries' Fort (yeah, I started really liking the idea when I thought of it lol), Kauku Caves, or Tower of Guidance.

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I kind of feel like the reveal of the arena stage (which looks cool) is partly getting the relevant Fire Emblem things out of the way before revealing Chrom.

Oh, and it will be Chrom. Sakurai didn't have a problem with three space animals, I doubt he'll have a problem with three blue-haired sword dudes.

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^to be sure, at most it's "could well be Chrom." we're not on the dev team (and when people talk like they are, it rubs people the wrong way)

I like the appearance well enough, and I think an arena is kinda spot-on for smash bros, though I do think they could've come up with a more interesting concept from somewhere in fire emblem. More concerned about how it plays- wondering if the first phase is a walkoff.

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I kind of feel like the reveal of the arena stage (which looks cool) is partly getting the relevant Fire Emblem things out of the way before revealing Chrom.

Oh, and it will be Chrom. Sakurai didn't have a problem with three space animals, I doubt he'll have a problem with three blue-haired sword dudes.

Except those three space animals aren't all the SAME animal. We have a fox, a bird, and a wolf. Three blue-haired swordsmen is not as different.

I'm not saying Chrom isn't likely, I'm saying that he isn't definite and I feel his chances are the same as Avatar's.

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