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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Huh, so we did get a new stage. And sorta a new mechanic? I guess some stages have special bosses and others just have special features. I wonder if there will be an item similar to the metal box, but a gold box. Pretty much the same metal form, but with increased attack power. Looks pretty cool regardless.

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Are people really expecting so many new characters to be revealed before SSB4 is released?

Keep in mind the 3DS version is going to be released much sooner than the WiiU version, and both games have the same roster as far as I'm aware. They can't really release the game then continue to "reveal" new characters since the game will technically be out already, albeit only on 3DS.

I'm hoping this Nintendo E3 will reveal everything that is left to be revealed.

Edited by Raven
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Probably what you said and an Awakening rep. I'm not sold on Chrom though, I'm still guessing either him or Avatar. :P

But that's a sweet stage mechanic, wowz! ^^ And looks like I did get something I was hoping for last night lol. The shot has Luigi in it. XD

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I do wonder if some characters will have unique transformations in that stage, like, Luigi should be Silver Luigi. And Pink Gold Peach, as mentioned.

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In NSMB2, Mario used the Gold Flower which will turn him gold (which is what the gold transformation in this stage is based on) and allow him to shoot golden fireballs that turn blocks and enemies into coins. When Luigi used that same power-up, it would turn him Silver, although the effect of it was the same.

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If someone gets revealed, who do you guys think it'll be? I'm putting my predictions on Palutena, Pacman, and Chrom.

I predict no newcomer characters revealed.

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I predict no newcomer characters revealed.

That would be incredibly awful and disappointing. This is the first E3 Nintendo has been to in about 3 years, needs to have a bit of a bang

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Sakurai's been attempting to sledgehammer everyone from Brawl into 4 [console], judging on what's been unveiled. Of course, we all know that they're still gonna put in Palutena, and that there's a 50/50 chance that Ridley might get in, though I still say he's just gonna be an event like Yellow Devil.

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Yet the writing is on the wall. Palutena is getting in. Everyone who played KI:U, even just the demo at E3, will know who she is; Sakurai has an unnatural bias for Kid Icarus, and if Lucina won't be getting in over Ike or Chrom, you might as well put in SOMEONE who can be fetishized besides April Fools Trainer, since they're going out of their way to fetishize and Japanify everything, up to and including making Bowser and Yoshi stand upright.

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I predict no newcomer characters revealed.

And you sir have no idea xDDD

100% There will be characters revealed, we have more than 6 hours of gameplay/tournament/news, seriously, what do you think they are going to show us? Of course they will show more characters and more stages, easy.

If you ask me?

-Palutena --> Kid Icarus is Sakurai new weed

-Meta Knight --> Dreamland is Sakurai´s franchise, and he was the op one in Brawl bla bla 100% he comes back and now

-Ridley --> He will either confirm us his trolling, Ridley being stage hazzard or being the character most of people (Including myself) want it to be

-Avatar --> Yup, Chrom stays out of the way and Avatar joins in representing FE13

-Mewtwo --> Despite "casual" people believe he is out of the game, Im pretty sure he will come back, specially since Sakurai stated one year ago pokemon in smash move according to popularity, and Mewtwo got 3 movies and 2 megaevolutions = Joins

Anyways have in mind that none a single smash bros game had 100% roster revealed before it actually came out, so regardless they dont show the full roster here, it doesnt mean anything.

Edited by Volug Vanguard
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Yet the writing is on the wall. Palutena is getting in. Everyone who played KI:U, even just the demo at E3, will know who she is; Sakurai has an unnatural bias for Kid Icarus, and if Lucina won't be getting in over Ike or Chrom, you might as well put in SOMEONE who can be fetishized besides April Fools Trainer, since they're going out of their way to fetishize and Japanify everything, up to and including making Bowser and Yoshi stand upright.

How is Wii Fit Trainer or Bowser and Yoshi standing upright fetishizing or Japanifying anything?

Did you not hear Yoshi kinda was made to stand that way to be more consistent with his more recent models. Bowser was to give him the impression of more speed and power

Wii Fit Trainer was added because no one could predict it and the fact that Wii Fit sold like hotcakes.

The Palutena leak may not have been proven wrong but she won't be getting in due to any of the factors you mentioned. It will be because she is an Nintendo all star and part of history.

Edit: Brawl had its full roster shown before it came out at the post above me

Edited by Jedisupersonic
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I agree Sakurai has a little bias, but I wouldn't say it's unnatural. I don't see why at least ONE of the Kirby characters couldn't be unlockable though.

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No Jedi, Brawl roster wasnt 100% revealed till the game came out ._. Despite the Smash Dojo, it wasnt 100% revealed. In fact many people even though Ness was out of the way, along Game and Watch and Young Link, and in the end only Young Link got kicked (But was replaced with "the same" with Toon Link).They thought the same about the Ice Climbers and they made their way to Brawl as well. And that also happened in Melee if I amnot mistaken.

1 hour and 40 minutes for the hype train!

Edited by Volug Vanguard
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No Jedi, Brawl roster wasnt 100% revealed till the game came out ._. Despite the Smash Dojo, it wasnt 100% revealed. In fact many people even though Ness was out of the way, along Game and Watch and Young Link, and in the end only Young Link got kicked (But was replaced with "the same" with Toon Link).They thought the same about the Ice Climbers and they made their way to Brawl as well. And that also happened in Melee if I amnot mistaken.

1 hour and 40 minutes for the hype train!

The entire roster was on the dojo, the last few weeks before release we had a bunch of ???'s showing the remaining characters like Marth, Ness, Luigi, Ganondorf, Toon Link, Wolf etc

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The entire roster was on the dojo, the last few weeks before release we had a bunch of ???'s showing the remaining characters like Marth, Ness, Luigi, Ganondorf, Toon Link, Wolf etc

thats for the NA release. Brawl was released in Japan months before NA and EU did.

1 hour and 40 minutes for the hype train!


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70bBn.pngALL ABOARD!

Imnot even seeking the competitive scene yet, I just want more characters, stages and some GAMEPLAY! After Brawl huge competitive fail I want this, the game that its supposed to be a mix between Melee and Brawl according to Sakurai, to revive my competitive presence!

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I'm honestly expecting everyone to be shown. I'll probably be disappointed somehow, but it makes no sense to keep revealing characters so slowly with the 3DS release nearby

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