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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Oh, well, if that's the case, I could still start with my favorite hero again after all. ^^

I'm also buying the Ike Amiibo figure as soon as it comes out! I mean, of course he's gonna get one since he's in the game! I'll finally have some official Ike merchandise! x3

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No Ness, R.O.B., or FE Newcomer is disappointing but w/e.

I guess we can expect Chrom, Chorus Men, Shulk, and Pac-Man now though. Gematsu is now 7 for 7.

I'll bet there will be more later however.

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I kinda find it strange that the 3DS art has more characters on it than the Wii U art despite the latter being bigger, but it's all cool anyway! lol

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I really hope Amiibos aren't required for CPUs, under none in that screenshot it says "please place an amiibo on the gamepad" and that kinda scares me.

Boxart is cool as always, like how the color schemes match the box.

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Jhooly shit Palutena has some big-looking attacks (although what I'm slackjawed at might just be some kind of trailer wizardry)

I get that a literal god ought to be capable of pretty impressive stuff, but it looks almost like she takes "zoning" and bumps it up to "turning 1/4th of the stage at any given into Fuckworld"

also game in development etc I know but still, whoa. gonna be interested in seeing how she compares/stacks up to Zelda in the final product

Edited by Rehab
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I was always sure that Palutena would make it. I thought "She'll be pretty cool". Now it seems like "cool" is an understatement. She looks so awesome.

I guess that the black hole thing will be the final smash, that would explain the massive range. But this heavenly light attack looks like it takes up far too much space for a mere special.

Well, I'm ready for some divine intervention.

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I was always sure that Palutena would make it. I thought "She'll be pretty cool". Now it seems like "cool" is an understatement. She looks so awesome.

I guess that the black hole thing will be the final smash, that would explain the massive range. But this heavenly light attack looks like it takes up far too much space for a mere special.

Well, I'm ready for some divine intervention.

I think the Heavenly Light will be a part of the final smash though since it's a lot larger than it normally is. The Black Hole and Laser are

There's a bunch of attacks that may be her specials though I'd say that her Counter, Auto-Reticle, Explosive Flare, and Warp are her specials. Though maybe she has stances instead so who knows?

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I don't have the nerve to fully analyze the video, but it really does seem like she's got too many attacks that would qualify as specials.

Wasn't there something about customizable attacks for the characters in the big Smash Direct back then?

I'm not so sure about the heavenly light. The black hole and the laser really seem to be enough for a Final Smash. They surely do look impressive already.

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If we're talking about the Find Mii stage, I'd say this is not a rumor and is accurate.

If we're talking playable characters, I'd say this isn't Mario Kart 8 we're talking about here.


*gathers up all words about FE13 Tactician being impossible bcuz self-insert*

*crumples into ball*

*chucks out window*

Edited by BANRYU
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What about Pitoo (Dark Pit) in the trailer? Alternate costume for Pit?

I was just about to ask the same. I hope he's not a standalone character. Didn't play KI:U, but as far as I know, they have enough other worthy characters that are much more unique.

Would Sakurai actually give KI three representatives? Hard to say. That's bias vs. reason.

(Would love Medusa, personally. Her new design is awesome.)

*gathers up all words about FE13 Tactician being impossible bcuz self-insert*

*crumples into ball*

*chucks out window*

Probably the best thing about the Mii in Smash. Oh dear Naga, please give us the tactician. x3

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