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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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And Aether has two hits, right? Yet in Smash, its only one. Meta Knight's Mach Tornado covered the entire screen with an all destroying tornado in the kirby games, yet is merely him spinning across the stage in Smash. Hurricane spin can be altered, just as Aether and Mach Tornado were to remain balanced.

Minor point: the screen filling Mach Tornado first appeared in KSSU, AFTER Brawl came out. MK's Tornado is based on a combination of the Tornado ability and an attack he does in his fight in Super Star.

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Made up FSes can't be helped

Minor point: the screen filling Mach Tornado first appeared in KSSU, AFTER Brawl came out. MK's Tornado is based on a combination of the Tornado ability and an attack he does in his fight in Super Star.

Welp.... I learned something today.

Despite this blow, my statement still stands

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I'd would complain about DK's Final Smash not being changed (I envisioned DK riding Rambi around the stage and owning everyone), but I not going to, since it means that all the time spent in Brawl's training mode practicing my rhythm skills have not gone to waste. :awesome:

Besides, I don't need a Final Smash to wreck everyone, anyway. :lol:

Oh, and I am so going to make an assortment of Ace Attorney Mii's, just so that I can say that Phoenix Wright is in a Smash Bros. game.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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What I've heard so far through second-hand sources:

1. Grabs have huge lag on the end, making it difficult for almost any character to combo anything off of them except for Rosalina. They also knock back pretty far even at low %s.

2. The game isn't THAT slow. Slower than Melee/Project M for the most part, but definitely faster than Brawl. Characters like Kirby and Mario currently feel "good". Fox and Marth both got toned down. ZSS right now is ridiculous and will probably be one of the characters being tweaked before the final launch. So is Samus, just like Sakurai had said. Apparently her up-smash actually has KO power now!

3. Major rework to the edge game. Edge-guarding just got a lot more difficult but apparently you can still edgeguard against someone who is in the helpless state (ie burning their third jump). Some people are mad about the change, but the majority of people see this as a positive and I agree.

4. A lot of techs are absent but there are also some new ones observed. For the people who are mad that dash dancing is impossible/nearly impossible, apparently there's a new pivot that will probably be a part of the new meta.

5. Aerials have a lot of end lag now. I kinda hope this gets changed because this probably accounts for the "slow" feeling that some players have been ranting about. This is one of the most noticeable parts about Marth that got nerfed, actually, as he can't double fair in a short hop anymore, but generally cancelling landing lag is difficult for most characters. Fox also suffers landing lag from short hop lasers. Kirby with Link's arrows is a notable exception, and I presume Link himself can do it to with his neutral B.

6. "Stale moves" lose power a lot slower. I think?

7. The 3DS version apparently has a bug or *something* that causes your character to jump if standing near an edge *edit: while pressing down on the control pad. This might just be a bug in the demo though.

8. Speaking of bugs in the demo, Sonic's FS apparently doesn't work either. Obviously this isn't going to be the case in the full game.

9. The usefulness of FSes is still all over the place. Rosalina has the FS of minor annoyance, DK's FS is still the bongos and marginally improved.

10. Two characters who have some exceptional reworking are Yoshi and Bowser, and the changes are mostly positive. Yoshi can finally jump out of his shield!

There's a lot I'm likely missing but I think there's a lot of positive changes coming through. Most of the positive feedback I've heard are for Olimar, Mario, Kirby, Yoshi, and Greninja as far as character balance is concerned. Little Mac is kind of mixed because of the focus on FFA matches thus far. Some characters are very techy like Rosalina and WFT so it's hard to come to a consensus just yet. I just hope grabs will be tweaked so chain grabs remained nerfed but have some way to lead it into other options.

Ha ha...
Apparently, it has been proven after the Wii-U froze when I went there yesterday. The demo games are quite unstable. -.-

Greninja hype

I'm playing it this weekend! And with my cousins, too

I'm not excited for Mii or Pac Man, but Palutena is pretty awesome

I think Mii was stupid and I'll never use it, but I guess if you like that sorta thing, go for it

...And all of the victories that he had in the video that I've made yesterday. -.-
Greninja is now getting the love that he deserves. :3

Lol, DKs FS is still the bongos LAME :facepalm:

Also, I'm excited on trying Little Mac, he seems really strong and deals effective KOs even when below 80%s ~. Actually I don't know with whom start playing. My interests are:


Rosalina & Luma

Zero Suit Samus

Little Mac

Wii Fit Trainer



Mii Fighters

The majority of my interests are female characters, my avatar has a female character, my signature has a female character, my badge has a female character, SAKURAI PLZ A FEMALE SSB

Where to begin? Q.Q


Girls just wanna have fun, sweetie.

Oh, and I am so going to make an assortment of Ace Attorney Mii's, just so that I can say that Phoenix Wright is in a Smash Bros. game.

We get no Ace Attorney love.

Wait, wow.

Smash Bros. 3DS Japanese release is in September 13?

...I can get an early copy. Hahaha.


Edited by Bimbo
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Godammit SoC

Okay but can I request that you like either make your own thread for that and clearly mark it with spoilers or something of the like? Some of us are trying to avoid some spoilers. I know it's picky of me but like I'm basically learning everything I can from the press releases but once the game comes out I don't want to know ANYTHING lol.

EDIT: You guys know Phoenix Wright is Capcom, right? I sincerely doubt we'll see another Capcombro this time around.

But hey, Professor Layton is a possibility, right?

Edited by BANRYU
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EDIT: You guys know Phoenix Wright is Capcom, right? I sincerely doubt we'll see another Capcombro this time around.

But hey, Professor Layton is a possibility, right?

Considering Nintendo doesn't own the IP I don't see it happening at all. Level 5 publishes Professor Layton themselves in Japan and Nintendo only helps publish and localize the Professor Layton series in NA and Europe. But the disclaimer states that Level 5 owns the IP.

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I have a feeling avoiding spoilers after the Japanese release is going to be extremely difficult considering the weeks until the next release, even if we do our best to avoid them.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Haven't we discussed Layton already? :0 I don't quite remember the details, but I thought it was something along the lines of Level 5 being under the Nintendo umbrella, same as Gamefreak and Retro Studios. I might be wrong on that of course, but I thought someone mentioned already that that was the case. *shrug*

If I have to, I'll just give up the internet after the Japanese release. That shouldn't be too hard, right? ...*twitch*

Edited by BANRYU
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Haven't we discussed Layton already? :0 I don't quite remember the details, but I thought it was something along the lines of Level 5 being under the Nintendo umbrella, same as Gamefreak and Retro Studios. I might be wrong on that of course, but I thought someone mentioned already that that was the case. *shrug*

If I have to, I'll just give up the internet after the Japanese release. That shouldn't be too hard, right? ...*twitch*

No Level 5 is not owned by Nintendo. If it was, they wouldn't be self-publishing in Japan.

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I have a feeling avoiding spoilers after the Japanese release is going to be extremely difficult considering the weeks until the next release, even if we do our best to avoid them.

Reason enough for some to be away from the thread after it comes out!

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Haven't we discussed Layton already? :0 I don't quite remember the details, but I thought it was something along the lines of Level 5 being under the Nintendo umbrella, same as Gamefreak and Retro Studios. I might be wrong on that of course, but I thought someone mentioned already that that was the case. *shrug*

Not true at all. Level-5 is completely 3rd Party and publishes most of its own games. They also release games on Sony systems (like Ni No Kuni).

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Do you mean in Smash Bros or in general? Because Ace Attorney gets a lot of love as a series from both fans and Capcom...


Why invite Mega Man and not Phoenix?

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Ace Attorney in Smash Bros would be all the yes.

It wouldn't be possible to object to it.

(as long as Wright got in after Mega Man)

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New Pic of the Day:

Mario and the three 3rd Party fighters in one screenshot.


And also, I don't think anyone answered the question (Nether had any Replies also) but, what stage was this from that was showning from Pac-Man's trailer and his page from the Official Website? (I presumably think this might be from a Namco game since Pac-Man can use other Namco Arcade characters and objects in his special moves)


Haven't we discussed Layton already? :0 I don't quite remember the details, but I thought it was something along the lines of Level 5 being under the Nintendo umbrella, same as Gamefreak and Retro Studios. I might be wrong on that of course, but I thought someone mentioned already that that was the case. *shrug*

Actually, the Professor Layton games weren't published by Nintendo in Japan, but his games were published by Nintendo outside of Japan.

Edited by King Marth 64
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Character models and character moves are two different things. Ridley is apparently just too big

I do hope you are joking. Considering no one in smash is on a consistent size basis. Ridley not being in smash has nothing to do with his size

(Did you know Olimar is two inches tall? He's obviously too small to be in smash)

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I think Ridley is even bigger than Bowser normally, but I agree size shouldn't be a problem if Sakurai didn't mind sizing up Olimar and sizing down Bowser.

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I do hope you are joking. Considering no one in smash is on a consistent size basis. Ridley not being in smash has nothing to do with his size

(Did you know Olimar is two inches tall? He's obviously too small to be in smash)

To be honest, that was my own surmise, due to hearing some time ago in this thread that modeling Ridley was proving to be difficult to scale, or something of that degree. I could be wrong about that

But I didn't know that about Olimar. However, in a world where just about everything is larger than life, I don't see Olimar as viable example, when compared to the many creatures and objects in his environment. The people within Pikmin are about the same size as him, yes?

My only question is, how would one scale Ridley without it looking to be unnatural for him? He's probably known for how large he is and is about the size of three Samuses (I use this comparison loosely.) and might have been made to be larger than life size

Course, I could be wrong about this, but that's what I honestly think about Ridley. Interpret that as you will. I don't judge

EDIT: another fun fact. Kirby is 8 inches tall. But the point that I'm trying to get across is that size is a matter of perspective. In my opinion, from the in game perspective, Ridley is larger than life

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Ridley size arguments? Blegh.

There's nothing wrong with resizing Ridley. If Bowser and Ganondorf can be shrunk to be playable, so can Ridley.

Ridley's size isn't really an important aspect of him. He's not Kraid. Heck, in most of the games he's in he's usually one of the smaller/mid-sized Metroid bosses.

But I didn't know that about Olimar. However, in a world where just about everything is larger than life, I don't see Olimar as viable example, when compared to the many creatures and objects in his environment. The people within Pikmin are about the same size as him, yes?

Actually, in Pikmin 2, one of the treasures is ROB's head. Plimar can fit inside his eye socket.

comparison loosely.) and might have been made to be larger than life size

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