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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Seriously...I just said why that is not relevant at all. That isn't even THE Toon Link. That's the Spirit Tracks Link. Also known as train conductor Link. Also known as Toon's descendant. It means jack shit.

@ Breezy- I wouldn't mind it as long as he's not unusably bad like what they did with regular Link and Ganon in brawl.

Toon Link, Adult Link, Skyward Link, can't keep track of all them Links.

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Yeah, the whole Cranky Kong was DK from the older games isn't really all that well know. Possible if Toon Link was playable and you picked him on that stage, the rider would be replace with someone else.

I don't really see how it would matter really. Sorry if I kinda snapped at you I'm just uppity at the moment.

Seriously...I just said why that is not relevant at all. That isn't even THE Toon Link. That's the Spirit Tracks Link. Also known as train conductor Link. Also known as Toon's descendant. It means jack shit.

This yeah, also there have been multiple links in existence at once before even. Four Swords :P

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Btw, does anyone here think Lucario might stay? Because I sure don't.

He's still pretty popular so he might have a chance of staying. He also has a unique move set. If he doesn't I could see someone from GEN 5 or 6 replacing him.

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Btw, does anyone here think Lucario might stay? Because I sure don't.

Depends really. I like his Aura gimmick its pretty unique. Sakurai tends to go off the anime/movies for pokemon choices and Game Freak nudges him for certain ones, so I see it being 50/50 Lucario is still pretty popular.

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I can see Mewtwo returning before Lucario returning. I do remember something alone the lines of Sakurai wanting his inclusion or something like that but I dont know which article it was.

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I can see Mewtwo returning before Lucario returning. I do remember something alone the lines of Sakurai wanting his inclusion or something like that but I dont know which article it was.

You know the concept of both of them being in would make more then 1 fanboys/girls dreams come true haha. It's doubtful but yeah, imagine the build up.

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Depends on how many Pokemon characters make it into the game and how much time is left. I don't see Lucario being a high priority character when compared to Pikachu, Mewtwo or Pokemon Trainer, so it depends on if he's able to beat out Jigglypuff (which I honestly doubt), or any other possible Pokemon candidates (Zoroark, Genesect or Sylveon).

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Depends on how many Pokemon characters make it into the game and how much time is left. I don't see Lucario being a high priority character when compared to Pikachu, Mewtwo or Pokemon Trainer, so it depends on if he's able to beat out Jigglypuff (which I honestly doubt), or any other possible Pokemon candidates (Zoroark, Genesect or Sylveon).

The pokemon race is a bit heated that's for sure, we'll see in time. Probably the next reveal for them will be the new one if there is one, or Trainer to make people know he's staying.

the aura is not with SSB4 either, book it

But Nintendo doesn't do hotels anymore!

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I'd pay money to see Aura in SSB4 too!

Could you imagine how awesome having the central AI of the world kicking ass?!

Not quite the aura I was talking about but ok that works :P

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Dude you should know I exist to do stuff like that :p

How true :P.

So who are you most excited to see in Smash 4? I don't think I've asked you

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How true :P.

So who are you most excited to see in Smash 4? I don't think I've asked you

Uhhhh no one thus far.

I mean WFT and MM are like great but no one has caught my eye in terms of newcomers

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Uhhhh no one thus far.

I mean WFT and MM are like great but no one has caught my eye in terms of newcomers

Oh I see, well I guess we'll have to wait and see who catches your eye later ^^.

I'm pretty hyped for Megaman even if I'm more of a Megaman X player then a classic series player I still enjoy the classics, plus X already had Project X Zone :P. WFT and Villager were pleasant surprises.

Oddly enough I'm most excited for the revamped Pit so far.

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Wii Fit Trainer has a 100-0 matchup on Wario

hoping for Palutena to be playable

Palutena would be grand [not even saying that just because of the whole LOLSMASHBROSNEEDSMORECHICKS], I have yet to pick up Uprising but from all the clips Doofina keeps showing me, I think she'd fit in great. Gonna try to get Uprising sometime soon along with PXZ.

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No, seriously, Sakurai has said before that Smash needs 2 Link reps at this point due to the vastly different styles. And Toon Link is way too relevant and will get new games soon.

Sakurai also said that a playable character from Animal Crossing wasn't really a good idea due to the nature of the series, yet he added Villager and later on changed "Animal Crossing wasn't suited to having a playable character" to "We tried to implement the Villager in Brawl, but it didn't really work out." He may have said that having two Links was important back in Melee and Brawl, but now that his mantra for SSB4 is "making sure all characters are unique and have something to add that other characters don't" I'm quite sure that even if Toon Link is being planned right now, he's likely to be one of the first expendable characters for SSB4 if they run out of time, since at least Ike and Lucario are more unique compared to Toon Link (with Ike having really strong and slow swordplay and Lucario having Aura power him up with the damage taken and Aura extending the reach of practically all of his moves).

Argue with me if you want (I won't be able to argue back since I'll be gone on vacation), but at the very least, I hope you won't let yourself get too disappointed and hurt if Toon Link is cut from SSB4. Same with any of you who are hoping for Snake and/or Sonic to return. Even if they are really popular, they're still guests and hardly the main priority of the game, so I really hope you won't get excessively hurt and angry if they don't return somehow.

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hoping for Palutena to be playable


Yeah, I don't even care who else gets in the game except for Palutena. It could have like Metal Mega Poison Spicy Super Tall Professor Young Toon Classic All-Star Link Trainer and I'd still buy it for Palutena.

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Argue with me if you want (I won't be able to argue back since I'll be gone on vacation), but at the very least, I hope you won't let yourself get too disappointed and hurt if Toon Link is cut from SSB4. Same with any of you who are hoping for Snake and/or Sonic to return. Even if they are really popular, they're still guests and hardly the main priority of the game, so I really hope you won't get excessively hurt and angry if they don't return somehow.

-Shrugs- I'll be happy with whomever is in. In the end of it all, I just have some hopes. You just seem overly bitter about anyone who wants Toon Link, Sonic or Snake to come back like they personally offended you or something.

Edit: After all our bickering we made up, so I apologize for dragging the thread with arguments at times, I just get a bit uptight. Have a good vacation Randoman

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[8/7/13 2:18:57 AM] Jedi: would anyone want to post that to the thread for me please

[8/7/13 2:19:01 AM] Jedi: considering I can't double post



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