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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I wonder if Toonie would be revealed with Wind Waker HD. I doubt it since he would likely be an unlockable if he stays (which is like 80% chance imo).

Also, Jedi, check the PMs :/


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4 Days till dream team hits the americas [the rest of the world has it already] and we got Luigi, Doofina's and my theory about release dates may actually be valid. It was an inbetweener of sorts this time but it still works.

Inb4 they're only revealing characters around game announcements, so no Captain Falcon

...Actually that would be the worst thing ever, why did I even joke about that...?

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Inb4 they're only revealing characters around game announcements, so no Captain Falcon

...Actually that would be the worst thing ever, why did I even joke about that...?

Falcon will be there of course :P. But yeah, for the others I'd keep an eye on the release dates. Others that don't have games coming out? Sakurai will reveal when we least expect it.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Or perhaps not reveal them at all, and we'll find out once we unlock them within the game. Did any of the previous games had their full rosters revealed before the actual release?

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Or perhaps not reveal them at all, and we'll find out once we unlock them within the game. Did any of the previous games had their full rosters revealed before the actual release?

Brawl did. Granted Sakurai spoiler-ed them on the site but you could still check them.

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Sakurai gets his kicks seeing people trying to predict the outcomes.

Well prediction is alot of fun when smash brothers is involved! We all kinda get a kick from it I think :P

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I don't think there's a VG series out there that generates more speculation than Smash Bros.

Closest thing I could think of was Dissidia 012 alot of people were wondering which Final Fantasies would get new characters, but that still wasn't close to smash in terms of hype really [which is saying a fair bit]. But its the nearest example I can think of haha.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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But Smash Bros. cheats by accruing the fanbases of about a dozen different franchises. :dry:

How true! But remember Final Fantasy fans other then the ones like myself who like them all are almost all their own fanbases :P

But yea Smash has that huge advantage.

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Im going to predict Hito Shura for Smash Bros

Because I can!

Sure why not.

New pic of today is some Wii Fit stuff on the Wii Fit Stage! I wonder if it will work like the Warioware stage minigames? Or is that a taunt from Miss Fit? I have no idea.


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I have a theory, if Lucario and Mewtwo have new forms maybe it means something for SSB?

I love how casual they were with Luigi, not even trying to make him seem special.

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I have a theory, if Lucario and Mewtwo have new forms maybe it means something for SSB?

I love how casual they were with Luigi, not even trying to make him seem special.

Darn it Shin don't ninja my theory!

We got some corocoro here, if legit. It could give Lucario more of a fighting chance.


Well Shin, true it was casual but it IS the year of Luigi :P.

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Actually it's the year of the SNAKE. I wonder what that could mean!

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuun.

I don't see a 4th Evolution coming

Let alone guessing that it is only a bunch of silly hair + Black stripes >_>

Trollfreak gonna troll

Well with Fairy type revealed and such I wouldn't put anything down yet until GF says anything themselves. Remember how many people were saying Fairy was all fake? Jokes on them

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Dun dun duuuuuuuuuun.

Kept you waiting, huh?

I think that may be an alternate form, it looks too much like Blaziken.

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Darn it Shin don't ninja my theory!

We got some corocoro here, if legit. It could give Lucario more of a fighting chance.


Well Shin, true it was casual but it IS the year of Luigi :P.

And Mewtwo has a new form.

So there

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